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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 1, no. 18: July 18, 1868

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. I.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1868. [No. IS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS, AND EEAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, Ncav York. ^T" City and Country Eeal Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandiso, &c. ABSOLUTE ADJOURNED SALE OF 250 A^VLUABLE LOTS IN THE VlLLxVGE OF JAMAICA. L. I. Being that part not ofiered at sale of Juno 30th. JOHNSON & MILLEE, Will positively sell at Auction, on TUESDAY, JULY 21st, 1868, At one o'clock, at EEMSEN'S HOTEL, JAMAICA, Tho desirable property adjoining the Village on the north, nnd located on Fulton, Grand, Liberty, North First, Orchard, Henry and Emma streets, and on AVar- Avlck, Dugan, Shelton and Ackroyd avenues. These lots are all avcU located, only 1 hour from Noav York city by TWO LINES OP STEAM CAE8, The pljice is perfectly healthy and has many natural ad- vantiiges Avhich are just beginning to-be appreciated. It is one of the most thriving villages on Long Island, and besides the steam communication, it also has the advan¬ tage of Horse Cars direct from the city. The sale is Absolute and Avithout reserve. It A\'ill afford a good opportunity to purchasers, as every lot offered will Iioaltively be tmld. TEEMS—Fifty per cent, may remain on Mortgage for a term of years. For Jlaps and full p.irtlculars apply to JOHNSON &; MILLEE, 25 Nas.sau street. New York, or 157 Montague street, Brooklyn. ■pOR SALE.—A TWO STORY AND BASE- -*- ment frame-house, Avith 20 lots of ground, situated on Monroe street, between Ealph and Patchen aA-enues, Brooklyn. The neigliborhood around is groAving rapidly, and property appreciating in value CA-ery day. The hous<> Is Avithiu easy distance of two lines of city cars. For particulars apply to AV. O. KAIN, 11 Wall street, Eoom 16. A FINE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE FOR SALE; situated in Olst street, third house west of Third Avenue; house large and commodious; stands on four lots of ground, lOO.vlOO, which contain fruit trees and flowers in variety. A good stable belonging to the pre¬ mises. Apply to FEEDEEICK CEEIGHTON, World Oflice; or, Eoom B World Buildings. npiGHT LOTS ON NINTH AVENUE, ^■--' betAvcen lOGth and 105th streets, overlooking the Avhole surrounding country; Central Park and the Bay in the distance; one of the most eUgible building sites west of Central Park. AVill be sold at a great bargain if applied for immediately. Terms to suit. W. JENNINGS DEMOEEST, 473 BroadAvay TpOR SALE—MARINE HOSPITAL -*- GP'^UNDS, Staten Island!—By an act of the last Legislature, the Board of Commissioners, constituted by Chapter 751 of the LaAvs of 1SC6, Ave are now authorized to Bcll the aboA-e mentioned grounds in parcels at private sale, on or before July 18,1868, at prices to be approved by the Governor, Controller, and Secretary of State. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, .No. 38 Pine St., New York. HENEY W. JOHNSON, June 20,1868. Counsel to the Board. HOUSES, LOyS, ETC., FOR SALE.—A PEINTED LIST con be had on application at my "oflice, or Avill be mall^ free. EDMUND H. AIAETINE, Sixth avenue, corner Thirty-second street. FKAIVCIS XOiAIG!$, Jr. S. HASTinieS CiRAWT. REAL ESTATE BROKERS MD AGENTS EOR ESTATES. Special attention given to Eenting Houses, Furnished and Unfurnl.shed; Stores, Oflicca, etc. Houses, Lots, and Business Property on Private Sale. Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. ^ Office, No. 194 Broadway {opposite Dey St.). HOMER MORGAN. REAL ESTATE AND GENE UAL BEOKEE, No. 2 Pino Street, New York. Attention given to Eeal Estate at private Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and^Mortgage. • OR SALE.—AN ELEGANT COUNTRY seatatSing-Sing-on-the-Hudson. five minutes' walk from depot. Marble mansion, Avith six ceres. Carriage house and other outbuildings—.all handsomely shaded. Fine view of the river. In every respect a first-class resi¬ dence. Will be-sold much below its value, or exchanged for first-class city property. Apply to HOMEE MOEGAN, 2 Pine street.' -f 7 A LOTS IN THE 18TH WARD, BROOK- X I aJ LYN, in one plot, are offered at $200 per lot. For particulars apply to M. A. Euland, 5 Beekman at., N. Y. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, AUCTIONEER. —By Anthony J. Bleecker, Son & Co., No. 77 Cedar street. Auctioneers and Eeal Estate Brokers. Sales a;: Auction of Ee^d Estate, Stocks, Bonds; sales of Furniture at oAvners'residences; private sales of Houses, Ijtnds, Leases, Farms, Ssc, &c.; Houses and Stores rented. E. HA. READ & CO., DEALERS IN RE^ • ESTATE, 24 Pine street. Second Mortgages Negotiated. ^Houses, Stores, and Lands let, and Eents collected. H. LUDLOW & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Establis7ie.d in 1836. Attention given to sales at Auction of Eeal Estate, Stocks, Bonds, and Furniture whenever required. Houses, Stores, Lots, &c.. Soy at Private Sale.. Lists of all our property can be hod on application a the OFFICE, NO. S PINE STEEET. A P. SMITH & BRO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSUEANCE, 1304 Broadway, running through to 599 Sixth Avenue, near 85th street, 44 Pine street, from 12 to 2 p.m.. New York. A. P. Smitu, Notary Public. II. B. Smith, Com. of Deeds. DRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS~& CO., AUCTIONEEES AND EEAL ESTATE BEOKEES No. 7 Pine strest. New York. . BF. McCAHILL, ATTORNEY AND • COUNSELLOE-AT-LAW AND COM.MISSIONEE OF DEEDS, 692 Third Avenue and 4M Sixth Avenue.- Titles carefully examined, and Law business in general attended to. Loans negotiated, and Mortgages bought. c. C. WAYLAND, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE BEOKEE, 103 Fulton stret, Ncav York. CL. IVEEAD, REAL ESTATE AND IN- • SUEANCE AGENT. Eents Collected. 2,000 Third Avenue, Harlem, bet. 12Sth and 129th Bts. D& M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • street, near Court street, Brooklyn, Brokers In Eeal Eatate and Loans. Desirable buildings and building sites in all sections of Brooklyn. LOCK & CAFFERTY, REAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No. 1275 Broadway, near 31th street, New York. City and Country Property to Eent and for Sale. . Eents collected. Loans negotiated. DUNKIN & CO., 956 BROADWAY, NEAB TAventy-third street. New York, EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES FOB SALE AND TO LET in New York and Brooklyn. COUNTEY EESIDENCES. FAEMS, ETC. . LOANS NEGOTIATED. WC. KIDNEY & CO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSUEANCE BEOKEES, 620 Thfard Avenue, corner 87th street, Ncav York. ANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTA^ AND INSUEANCE, 1951 third Avenne (near 125th street). New York. AD. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., No. 26 • Pine St., offer for sale at GEEEN VILLE. BFJJ- GEN POINTatOSELLE AVESTFIELD. PLAINFIELD, SOMEEVILLE, WHITEHOUSE, and all points on the line of the CENTEAL EAILEOAD OF NEW JEESEY, houses, lots, country seats, and farms. We offer no prop¬ erty that Ave have not thoroughly examined. Descriptive lists inst issued, complete Avith time-tables, maps, and de¬ tailed descriptions of the towns and villages, and the prop¬ erty we are ottering for sale. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSUE.VNCE BEOKEE, NOTAEY PUBLIC, AND AUCTIONEEE, 3d Avenue and 116th Bt. (Eesldence: 120th St., bet. 2d and 3d Avenne.) Attention given to renting property. All business intrusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. GEOEGif C. FUEMAN, Attorney-at-Law, will attend to drawing legal papers, examining titles, and other law quslness. ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER, CITY AND COUNTEY PEOPEETY FOE SALE AND TO LET, MOETGAGES PEOCUEED. - 25 PINE STEEET, NEW A'OEK JESSE S. CARMAN, REAL ESTATE AND 1N6UE.\NCE AGENT, 153 Montague street, near Court street, Brooklyn. Fire and Life Insu'rance effected. Loans procured on Bond and Mortgage, Stocks, Sec. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BEOKEE, 1374 Third Aa-e.vue, Cokner Eightv-Sixtii Street, NEW YOEK. McCAHILL & CO.'S REAL ESTATE EX¬ CHANGE, 451 Sixth Avenue, bet. 27th and 28th streets, and 692 Third Avenue, corner 4Tth street. City and Country Property ISought, Sold, and Eented. Money Loaned on Mort(;age. Mortgages Bought. Firo and Life Insurance effected. LUMBER. ^^ &. W. CHAPm &. BRO., DEALERS IN L u m: B E R, Foot <»p West Twentv-Thirw Street, Nehv Toek. ------------------o-----------------■ ■ PINE, SPEUCE, WHITE WOOD, B.\SSWOOD, BLACK ' AVALNUT, ASH, CHEEEY, OAK, MAPLE, BEECH, BUTTEENUT, CHESTNUT. BELL BROTHERS, DEALERS IN TIMBEB, foot of 22d and 23d BtreeU (North Elver)! New York. TuoMAS Bell. Jno. P. Bell. Wm. B. Bell.