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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 2, no. 32: October 24, 1868

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. Tl] NEW. YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1868. [No. 32. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. JOHNSON &. MLLER, AUCTIONEERS, AND REAL ESTATE BROKEIiS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. ja9~ City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortg.ige negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture. Stocks, Merchandise, i&c. POSITIVE SALE OF A SPLENDID BROADWAY STORK—ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE PIECES OF PROPEUTY ON uROADWAY, N. Y. No. 294 BROADWAY, BETWEEN READE AND DUANE STS.,N. Y.—A very substantially-built 5-story and basement brick' STORE, with' handsome brown-stone front' The walls and-timbers aro" extra heavy; and- the whole structure is built in the best manner. The build¬ ing covers the entire lot It has. a front on Broadway of 23 feet 4 inches, and in the rear of 24 feet It is 180 feet 5 inehes in depth, and runsthnmgh to Republican alley. This valuable property is very desirable for business purposes of any kind, while it is admirably adapted for Oflices, being finely situated in close proximity to the City Hall, Court House, New Post Office, &c. The build¬ ing could bo easily convcrtcdirito otiices, for which pur¬ pose it will shortly bo required, and, when thus altered, would readily rent for a very large siiin of money. TEItMS.—TWO-THIRDS of the purchase money may feiimin'on BOND and MORTGAGE for a term of years. For maps and-particulars, apply to JOHNSON & MIL¬ LER, No. 25 N.iSsau St., N. Y., arid No. 457 Montague st, Brooklyn. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom, No. Ul Broad- . way, N. Y. GREAT SALE OF JAMAICA PROPERTY; LARGE HOUSE, ARN, and 150 LOTS OP GROUND, FINELY LOCATED IN THE VILLAGE OF JAMAICA, L. 1. (only45minutei5 fnim Now York), on CHURCH. PRO¬ SPECT, CAIHERINE and SOUTH THIRD STS., and SU 1,1 IIKN' PL,\CE, The House contains 10 rooms and a fine cellar.. Barn is large and commodious. The whole property is within three minutes' walk of Southside and Long Island Railroad-depots, and five minutes from churches and schools, The| sale will be absolute. Every lot otfered will.b'e.sold .regardless of price. Maps at . offices of Auctioneers, No 25 Nassau st, N. Y., and No. 157 'Montague_st.,'Brboklyn. ip H, LUDLOW & CO,, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS; Establislied in 1836. Attention given to sales at Auction of Real Estate, Stocks. Bonds, and Furniture whenever required. Houses, Stores, Lots, &c., sold at Private Sale. Lists of all our property can be had on application at the OFFICE, NO. 8 PINE STREET. A P. SMITH & BRO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE, 1304 Broadway, running through to i)99 Sixth Avenue, near 85th street. New York. A. P. S.M1TII, Notary I'ulilic. H. B. Smith, Com. of Deeds. CL, MEAD, REAL ESTATE AND IN- ;• SURANCE. AGENT. Ui;nts Collected i 20'|I0 Third Avenue, Harlem, bet. 128th and 129th sts. & M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE street, near Court street, Brooklyn, Brokers in ReAl Estate and Loans "W e have for sale and to rent desirable buildings and build- ing| sites in all sectiohs'of Brooklyn.'. rvUNIQN & CO., 956 BROADWAY, NEAR JU/ Twenty-third street New York, • /.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET I in New York and Brooklyn. ! COUNTRY RESIDENCES. FARMS, ETC. * J LOANS NEGOTIATED. FOR SALE a:ND TO LET, Jjlesirable property in New York and on Brooklyn / Heights. J- EDGAR TUCKEE, \\- , No. 9 Pine Street. JOHN MCCLAVE, rej^l estate. No. 44 PINE STREET, :.-..:„ NEW YORK. A conrect Record of all Sales, and a perfect Map of aU Improvements to be made on this island, always open for inspection to Bona Fide Dealers, OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON THE CENTRAL AVENUE GRAND DRIVE AND ITS VICENITY, SOUTH OF JEROME PARK, CAN FIND PURCHASERS AT THIS OFFICE. Being employed by Capitalists to purcJiase property, t7ie sellers vM riot be charged Gommimcma. 0 C. WAYLAND, INSURANCE AND REAL • ESTATE BROKER, 108 Fulton street New York. M ACRES, IN ONE PLOT, HIGH GRADE, near cars, in the 18th Ward, Brooklyn, for sale. Price, $34,000. 8 acres outside the city limits, $1,800 per acre. 17 acres, $1,400 per acre. M. A. RULAND & CO., 5 Beekman st.; N. Y, ADRIAN H, MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 7 Pine street New York. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, AUCTIONEER, —By Anthony J. Bleecker, Son «& Co., No, 77 Cedar street. Auctioneers and Real Estaie Brokers. Sales at iiuction of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds; sales of Furniture at owners'" residences; private sales of Houses, Lands, Leases, Farms, &c., &c. Houses and Stores rented. DELISSER «& STOUTENBOROUGH, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 159 MONTAGUE STREET, Near Court St. Brooklyn, N. Y. WYCKOFF & LITTLE, Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 151 MONTAGUE STREET, Bbookito. J. N. Wyckoff, Jb. Wm. MAyo Little. ___________________________ FLOCK Sn CAFFERTY, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1275 Broadway, near 84th street. New York. City and Country Property to Rent and for Sale. Rents collected. Loans negotiated. GILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Beer-man Hill Real Estate Exoiiange, 9C3 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-first Street, -ivill take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents. '. Insurance effected in all first-class companics-at-the lowest rates. HA. READ «& CO., DEALERS IN REAL • ESTATE 24 Pine street Second Mortgages Negotiated. Houses, Stores, and Lands let and Rents collected. HOUSES, LOTS, ETC., FOR SALE.—A PRINTED LIST can be had on application at my otlice. or will be mailed free. EDMUND U. MARTINE, Sixth avenue, corner Thirty-second street. TSAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. JL CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET, MORTGAGES PROCURED. 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK AD. MELLICK, JR., &. BRO., • Auctioneers and Dealers in New Jcraey Eeal Es¬ tate, No. 26 Pine street. New York, Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complete with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of the towns and villages, and the property offered for sale. HOMER MORGAN. REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No, 2 Pine Street, New York. Attention given to Real Estate at private Sole. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage, OR SALE,—AT HARLEM, HOU^ Stable and Dock, with 17 Lots, at the foot of 121st and 122d streets; 8 of the lots fronting on Harlem river; this is a good location for business that requires the water front. Also double house and two lots on 128d street, be¬ tween Second and Third avenues; will sell this house and the two lots for $11,000 : good location; terms easy. In¬ quire of WILLIAM HARDENBROOK, 123d street, be¬ tween Second and Third avennes: d&K AAA A PARTNER WANTED. A YOUNG MAN PREFERRED, To engage in the Real Estate business with parties already conducting an established business. No one need apply who cannot furnish tho very highest reference. Address B. F., care Real Estate Record, 87 PARK. ROW, OH BOND AND MORTGAGE! - At 7 per cent for 8 or 5 years, on New York and Brook¬ lyn property, in sums over $3,000. CALLENDER, LAURENCE & C0-_ Real Estate Brokers, 80 Pearl street, N. Y. L P. ABRAMS & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Loans negotiated. NO. 5 PINE STREET, NEW YOEK. WATSON &L PITTINGER, Cor. Carroll and Nevins sts., Brooklyn. LUMBER AND TIMBER YARP. Shingles and all other kinds of Lumber at wholesale and retail. FKAMCIS TOMES, Jr. S. HASXIi\GS OUAWT, HEAL ESTATE BROKERS AND A(;ENTS EOR ESTATES. Special attention given to Renting Houses. Furnished and Unfurni.shcd; Stores, Oflices, etc. Houses, Lots, and Business Property on Private Sale. Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Office, Wo. 194 Broadway {opposite Bey St.).