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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 2, no. 42: January 2, 1869

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AND BUILDEBS' GUIDE. -' APTOr Vol. H.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1869. tteuttn-t -[No. 4: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1 Pine street. New York. Adrian H. Muller, Auctioneer. ^ PEREMP^TORY SALE iOF VALUABLE PROPERTY, NEAR THE CEIVTKAIL PARK, TO CLOSE AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST, ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILK[NS,& CO. wll SELL at AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, Janttabt 20, 1869, at 12 o'clock m.. at the EXCHANGE SALESROOM, No. Ill Broadway, SIXTY-FOUR L.OTS, Comprising tho ENTIRE BLOCK, bounded by Ninth and Tenth Avenues, Fifty-Seventh and Fifty-Eighth Streets. Seventy per Cent, of tho purchase-money may remain on Bond and Mortgage. Maps at the Office of tho Auctioneers, No. 7 Pine street. SUPERB RESIDENCE NEAR PROSPECT Park, Brooklyn. Large double house stinding alone, built of brick, brown-stone trimmings, containing seven¬ teen rooms, including billiard room, hot and cold water throughout, two furnace heaters. In short, strictly flrst- class. Splendid grounds attached, thirteen full lots, loca¬ tion on Macomb and Carroll streets, between Filth and Sixth avenues. Apply to WILLIAM B. COOPER, Jr. & CO., .^___________________________98 Pine Street, New York. ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25. EACH, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES—TITLE PERFECT. These Lots aro situated in the beautiful village of Islip, opposite Fire Island inlet, and bounded by Long Island and South Side Railroads, IX hours from New York and Brooklyn by either road. Apply to M. H. KEITH, 9S Wall Street, __________________________Lumber Merchants' Exchange. LAWRENCE, WRIGHT & STRATTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Auctioneers, 11 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. Private Sales of Houses, Lots, Leases, Farms, and Plan¬ tations. Houses and Stores Eented. Bales at Auction of Real Estate, Stocks. Bonds, and Merchandise. Sales of Furniture at Private Residence, when desired. Loans Negotiated. E. A. LA WRENCH. P. O. WRIGHT. B. PLATT STEATTOK. JOHNSOljr & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS, AJSatfEi,iiL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 25 Nassau V of Cedar, New York. Ind Country Real Estate at Public and Pri- ntfag^ negotiated. |if Fnrniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c CG^INNIS, ARCHITECT AND id 4'^mt.get «itiin«t«d for Iniursnce isl listite. [2 G\OUVEENEUE LANE. OBWELL & CO. G & IbETAIL dealebs IK L)umv AID lATH, " &iCEMENT. hand at the yards, cor. of 1180th Bts., Harlem Elver, JOHN B. CHURCH, No. 24 PINE STREET, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Loans procured on Bond and Mortgage. BUTE & CO, REAL ESTATE, LOAN, AND INSURANCE, 923 BROADWAY. Furnished and unfurnished houses for sale and to let. A descriptive list of desirablo city and county property for sale and to let, will be furnished free gratis on application by mall or otherwise. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, 18T4 TniBD AvkNUE, Corner Eiohtt-Sixth Stbeet, NEW YOEK. E. H. LUDLOW & CO. EEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, Establis7ied in 1836. OFFICE, No. 8 PINE STREET. Frank g. brown, '" I^^EAL ESTATE B:R0K:EI\^, ■-^" [68 BROADWAY, REFERS TO LEWIS B. BROWN. WESTCHESTER CO. EEAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. -iOO ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—A Moun- X. tain farm, 2)4 miles from Depot, on tho New Jersey Central R. R. 70 acres under cultivation, 30 wood land; good house, barn, and outbuildings. Price $6,000, terms easy. Apply to W. S. Stevens, Dunellen Depot, next station west of Plainfield. WC. EIDNEY & CO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE BROKERS, 520 Third Avenue, corner 87th street, New York. RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 1951 Third Avenuo (near 125th street), New York. McCAHILL & CO.'S REAL ESTATE EX¬ CHANGE, 454 Sixth Avenue, bet. 27th and 28th streets, and 692 Third Avenue, corner 47th street. City and Country Property Bought, Sold, and Rented. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Mortgsgei Bonght. Fire and Life Insurance effected. J, ROMAINE BROWN, RE AL ESTATE, 1279 BROADWAY, NEXT DOOE TO CORNER THIR¬ TY-FOURTH STREET, NEW YORK ^^~ Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC AND AUCTIONEEE, Sd Avenue and H6th st. (Residence: 120th St., bet. 2d and 8d Avenues;) Attention given to renting property. All business intrusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to. GEOEGE C. FURMAN, Attomey-at-Law, will attend to drawing legal papers, examining titlei, and other law businest. JOSEPH A. LEVY, AUCTIONEER, T?.TiAT. ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKER, 8 & 10 PINE STEEET, AND 1241 Broadway. Houses and Lots for sale and to leas*. Lira, accidental, tibb akd jcaxinb TKBITBANOS ETFXCTXD. Hortjrasrsa nsgotiated and Titles learehtd. JESSE S. CARMAN, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE AGENT, 168 Montteue •tr««t, now Court street, Brooklyn. "Iro and Life Insurance effected. 0. FERGUSON, R B AOL. E S T A T E , 111 BROADWAY, TRINITY BUILDING BASEMKirT. (Room E.) N.B.—Particular attention given to pegoti»tlng lo»iu o«. Bond and Mortgage. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, AUCTIONEEI —By Antiioxt J. Bleecker. Son k Co., No. 77 , Cedar street. Auctioneers and Real Est.iie ji|okers. S.ilcs at Auction of Real Estate, Stocks, Bads; salcs^ Furniture at owners'residences; private s^s of "" Lands, Leases, Farms, &c., &.c. llof rented. WM. C. LBSTEJ Bet. 34th and G.nth sts., N. "51 PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS & STEi FITTER. LESTER'S PREMIUM FIRE-PLACE HEATEES. Agent for the most approved KITCHEN RANGE, AND HO'Il-AIR FURNACES Jobbing Work promptly attended to, and all work warl ranted.j JaIVIES McLAUGnLIN & CO. PliUmBERS & GASFITTERS, 125TH STREET & STH AYENUE. Stores and Dwellings in City and Country flttad njj with all the modern Improvements. Jas. McLauohlin, Hugh McCoEinor. JOHN TRAGESER, manufactiteer op PLUMBERS' COPPER Mi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ANY DESCRIPTION MADE Nos. 447, 449, 451 and 453 West TwI Between Ninth and TentiI ^^5 ^iroig^Jfe. HARKNESS B< OllAIsTD STREET, __ pjyqraiBEj STBAM AND