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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 2, no. 44: January 16, 1869

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. II.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1869. [No. 44. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ADRLANH. MULLER, P. R. WlLiUNS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No. 7 Pine street. New York. ADRIAN H. MDXLER, Auctioneer. PEREMPTORY CASH SALE OF CHOICE LOTS ON TUB RIYER SIDE_ ATENUE. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WiLKiNS & Co. Will SELL at AUCTION, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 26x11, at 12 O'CLOCK, at the EXCHANGE BALES EOOM, 111 BEOADAVAY, FOUR CHOICE LOTS COMMANDING VIEWS OF GEEAT BEAUTY. These LOTS are ordered to be sold entirely FOE CASH because the owner is arranging for a co-partnership which will require all his resources. Maps, &c., at their Oflice. AsBiAN H. Muller, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OP 64: MLUABLE BUILDING LOTS. > COMPRISING TIIE ENTIRE BLOCIC BOirNDED BY ■ Oth. and IOth. Avenues, 57tli and 58th Streets, TO CLOSE AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST. Adrian H. Muller, Auctioneer. PEREMPTORY ^SALE OP Part of the Morris-Stebbins Tract, ADEIAN H. MULLER, P. E. WILKINS & Co. WILL SELL AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1869, at 12 o'clock M., at the Exchange Salesroom, No. Ul Broadway, New York, , 400 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, SITUATE ON TIIE CfJi^and Ceiatral Avemiie, a continuation of the Seventh and Eighth ave. Boulevards about three-fourths of a mile from Harlem Bridge, in Westchester County, on a line with One Hundred and Seventy-fifth st, and about 1,200 feet from the Morrlsania and Melrose Stations of the Harlem Railroad, one-fourth of a mile from Fordham Horse Cars, making the property accessible at all hours of day or night It is now proposed to place this portion of Westchester County vmder the charge of the Central Park Commissioners. TMs property, thus situated, ofifers unusual inducements eithtjr as an investment or for tho purpose of erecting BubuJbsn residences, combining the advantages of city andfeountry. Mjips at the office of the Auctioneers, No. 7 Pine-st, Ne\f York. I SHER & BIRD, STEAM MARBLE WOEKS, 97, 99,101,102,103, & 104 East Houston STriEET, New York. Importers, Dealers, and Manufac- turiM-s of Foreign and American Marbles. Ecclesiological DcBirators, and Workers in Granite, Bro\vn, Nova Scotia, Stone, and Scotch Granite. Mantles, Monuments, tery Vaults, Church Altars, Fonts, Tablets, Com- [on Tables and Marble Counters. Marble Floor-Til- Estlmates and Dra"wlngs upon application. [3EKT 0. riSHEK. CLINTON G. BIRD. ; 1 E. H. LUDLOW & CO. EEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, Establis7ied in 1636. MoBcis Wilkins, Aactloneer. OFFICE, No.8 PINE STEEET. ,. ADRIAN H. IHULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO. will Sell at Auction on \nEI>]VESH>AY, JAIV. 20, 1869, AT 12 O'CLOCK, AT THE EXCHANGE SALESHOOM, 111. Broadway, Trinity Bnilding, NEW YORK, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, VIZ '. 67th STRF^t_82 Lots on north side of 57th street comprising the entire front between Oth and 10th aves. 5ST1I STREET—24 Lots on south side of 58th street, comprising the entire front between 9th and 10th aves. 9tu AVENUE—4 Lots on southwest corner of 9th ave¬ nuo and 58th street Oth avenue is paved with Belgian pavement. ^^ IOtii avenue—4 Lots on southeast comer of 10th ave¬ nue and SSth street. The above described Lots being in the immediate vicin¬ ity of the Central Park, and of first-class improvements, are rapidly enhancing in value, and very desirable 'as an investment; and' to those wishing to purchase with a view to the erection of private residences, the Lots on 57th street offer unusual inducements, the street being 100 feet wide, paved -with Belgian pavement, on high command¬ ing ground, and very near the Central Park. TERMS OF SALE UNUSUALLY LIBER AL, viz.: 70 per cent, may remain on bond and mortgage, with privi¬ lege of paying at any time by giving thirty days' notice. Maps at the ofiiue of the Auctioneers, No. 7 Pine street. New York. -j- J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. BY JOHNSON & MILLER, Auctioneers AND Real Estate Brokers, No. 25 NASSAU ST., cor. Cedab St., New York. City Residences, Stores, Lots, Country Seats, and Farms Bought Sold, Rented, Exchanged. Loans Nego¬ tiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, etc. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, At 12 o'clock, at E.Ychange Sales Room, No. Ill Broadway, Now York, OHOIOE LOTS EAST AND WEST OF PROSPECT PARK. SEVENTH AVE. and MACOMB ST., one choice Lot on s. w. corner. SEVENTH AVE., one choice Lot, n. w. side, 45 ft. s. w. of Macomb street. PRESIDENT ST., BOULEVARD, s. s., 200 ft west of Franklin ave., 7 Lots; also 7 Gores in the rear. DEAN ST., s. s., 300 it. w. of Classon ave., 2 Lots. BERGEN ST., n. s., 275 ft. w. of Classon ave., 1 Lot. CARROLL ST., s. s., 261.4 ft. e. of Eighth av., 1 narrow Gore. WARREN ST., n. s., 225 ft. w. of Franklin ave., 1 Lot. Terms liberal. Maps at No. 25 Nassau st.. New York; and No. 157 Montague St., Brooklyn. EXECUTOR'S SAIiE OP 98 YALTJABLE LOTS ON Madison, Lexington, 1st and 4th Aves., Ave. .4,, 42d, 43d, 44t7i, 43t7i, 40th, and 56th Sts. JlL/. H. LUDLOW & CO. -will SeU at Auction on TUESDAY, January 19.1869. at TWELVE o'clock, at the EXCHANGE SALESROOM, No. Ill Broadway (Trinity Building), by order of Edward PearsaU and Phebe Pearsall, Executors of Estate of Frances Fearsall, deceased: 1st Av.—Southeast comer 56th street, 5 Lots, each 20x90.6. Avenue A—Southwest comer 56th street, 5 Lots, each 20x90.6. East 56th St.—21 Lots, entire front, south side, be¬ tween 1st Avenue and Avenne A, each 20x100.5. Lexington Ave.—Northwest corner 44th street, 5Lots_, each 20.^5. —-"" EA8T44Tn St.-^ Lots, north side, 95 feet west of Lex¬ ington ave., adjoining the above, each 20x100.5. 82 Lots, comprising the entire Block bounded by Madi¬ son and 4th aves., 45th and 46th streets. Lexington Ave.—Entire front east side, between 42d and 43d streets, 10 Lots, each 20x100. East 43d and 43d Sts.—S Lots, adjoining the above, on the rear. 4tii Ave.-Northeast corner 46th street 6 Lots, comer Lot 30x100.5, balance 20x100.5. East 42d St.—South side, 125 feet west of Lexington ave., 2 Lots, each 25x100. Terms of Sale—75 per cent, can remain on bond and mortgage for 8 or 5 years at 7 percent., with the privilege of paying ofi' by giving sixty days' notice. Maps now ready at No. 8 Pine street. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. SENI> FOR CATAJLOGUE. CHARLES D. MOTT, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER. L.OAWS NEGOTIATE©. OITT and OOUWTRT PEOPERTT for SALE and to LEASE. Jacob bissinger, Py^EAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, No. 145 SECOND STREET, Cor. of Avenne A, NEW ITORK. Prlvote Eesidence, 630 Si.\th St., bet. Avs. A & B. HOUSES AND LOTS BOUGHT AND SOLD, RENTS COLLECTED, Etc. All Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to