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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 55: April 3, 1869

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AE"D BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IIL No; 3.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1869. [Whole No. 55. FïJI.Ïi Ï.Ï1VE OF FSJKMITUME AT PORTINGTON BROTHERS'. RATES REDUCED THIRTY PER CENT. ALL OUU FUENITUP.E JVAREANTED. No. 542 HUDSON STREET, NEW YOEK. EIOHTH AVENUE CAKS l'ASS THE DOOR. PLUMBING. J AîklES McLAUGnLESr & C0.> PliUMBERS Se GAS FITTSIRS, 125TH STREET & STH i_VENUE. Stores and Dwellings in City and. Country fitted np wUh ail the modem improvements. «Ias.,____________IIuGn McCormiok. KARIQWESS boyd; 95 ORa:N^D street, NEW YORK, STEAM ÀND GAS FITTER. WM. C. LESTER, " Bet. 3-lth and .'^.'ith sts., N. Y. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FIT'l'KR. J jLESTEE'S PREMIUM FIRE-PLACE HE.\TEES. Agent for the most approved KITCHEN RANGE, AND HOT-AIR FURNACES. Jobbing Work promptly attended to, and ail work war- rantod._____________________________________ JO H N TRAGESER, MANUFACTURER OF PLÏÏMBERS' COPPER MATERIALS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COPPER-WORK OF ANY DESCRIPTION M.iDE TO OEDEE, Nos.'447, 449, 451 and 453 West Twenty-sixth Steeet, Between Ninth and Tenth Avenues. "WILLIAM J. HOSFORD, (Lato Thob. Reid & Co.) PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM PITTER, 85 FULTON" AVENUE, Between Bridge and Lawrence (new number 509), BROOKLYN. Repairs pimotually attended to. Also, Connections mado with Sewers. ^yiLLIAM S. CARR & CO., MANUFACTUEEES OF Patent Water Closèts PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, 106,108, & 110. Centre street, cor. of Franklin street. Works at Mott Haven, N. Y. Hanson's Self-Acting Pressure FOR RAISING WATER TO THE UPPER BTORIES OF BUILDINGS WHERE THE CITY PRESSURE IS NOT SUFFICIENT. THOMAS HANSON, 291 PEARL STREET, NEAR BEEKMAN, N. T. jrOHN HOîtTON & co., GAS FIXTVRB MAMrFACTURCRS, NOS. 28S & 285 CANAL STREET, OprosiTE TO Eaele's Hotkl, New York. . ,—— ^■^■^lll yil ■!! iri ■miWII..IBBIIIWBl^Bn^.^^.» BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Marble; îiANTELS at $16, at the BROOKLYN,. . .. STEAM .SIARBLE-ANI? 8LATE WORKS. Bulldersahd'othérSarô'invitedto call and examine onr stock of ' ' ' ■ •■.-■•-■ ■' ■ . , MARBLE AND MARBLEIZED MANTELS, , as they are, without doubt, the best and cheapest to be had either in New York or BroOklvn. THOMAS CARSON & CO., 7 & 9 East Warren st., near Court st. MAÎtBIiE MANTE1.S. FOR THE CIIIAPEST AND BEST GO TO 'Wm. F.- c. ©ENIKE'S MA5ÊÎÎ1.E WORKS, Corner of De Kalb and Nostrand Avenues, BROOKLYN. ^^ Jobbing promptly attended to. WILLIAM J. & J. S. PECK, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP MASONS" BUILDING MATERIALS,; LIME, LATH, BRICK, CEMENT. PLASTER, HAIR, &o. Foot of Thietietji Strbet, North Eivee, Foot of Spring Street, N. R., Foot of Forty-ninth Street, E. R., and Mechanics' AND Tkaderb' Excuange, No. 61 Liuertv St., Box 8S, NEW YORK. I7\ISIIEE & BIRD, STEAM ÎIARBLE . WORKS. 97, 99,101,1U2,103, & 104 East Houston Street, New York. Importers, Dealers, and Manufac¬ turers of Foreign and American Marblos. Ecclesiological Decorator.s, and AYorkers in Granité, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stone, and Scotch Granité. Mantels, Monument», Cemetery Vaults, Church Altars, Fonts, Tablets, Com¬ munion Tables and Marble Counters. Marblo Floor-Til- ing. Estimâtes and Drawings upon application. BOnERT o. FISHKR. CLINTON S. BIBD. ALL BUILDERS .««pe^^; lyn, should examine the beautiful and sélect stock of MAEBLE IttANTEIB " Of Eveet Description, Now on Exhibition at 168 FLATnusn Av., cor. of Atlantic Av., and 639 Fxci' no St., Brooklyn. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. THB BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, MiNERs, Manufacturées and Wholesale Deaxebs nr NORTH RIVER BIiVE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 PINE ST., N. T. Flagging, Curbing, Gutters, Sllls, Lintels, lllhig, etc., shipped tu ail parts ofthe United States & South America, LATEST DESIGNS, IN GREAT VARIETIES, At Tcry loiv Price». ILMIBLE WORKS, 52 First Avenue, near Third Street. Houses and Lots taken as poyment. ROOFIKG, &c. Warren's ORAVEIi ROOFIIVG. ABBOTT & CO., Propriotora for Long Island. Stable Floors made Water- Tight. Tin Roofs Coated with Elastic Cément. Office, No. 9 Court street, Room 11. Brooklyn. Orders also received at tha Warren Roofing Co.'a office, 112 John street, New York. JOHN FYPE, PRACTICAL SLATE AND METAL EOOFER,' 225 West 19th Steeet, between 7th and Sth Avenues, New Yoek. Slate and Métal Roofing donc In any part of the U. S. JOHN GALT, WHOLESALE SLATE DEALER. EED, GREEN, PURPLE, BLACK, AND YAP.IE-1 GATED ROOJING SLATES From ail the best quarries in Vermont k Pknnbyltania. Genebal Office, 21 & 28 Tentu Avekue, New Y'obk. Send for Circuhir. mW YORK PtOOFI^^a COMPMY. GRAVEt. KOOFÏ^G. OFFICE—No. 205 Broadwav. WAREHOUSE—East !;3d Street, cor. Avenue A. BRANCH OFFICE—Room No. 4 .Mechanics' B'k Bnlld- irg, cor. Court and Montaguo Streets, Brooklyn. " " Quiiy St., near Franklin, Greenp''t " " ]So. 2S First àt., Hoboken, N. J. G. L. SCHUYLER & CO,, dealers in JLVMBER AiVO TIIUBER, FOOT OF SSth STREET, E. R.