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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 78: September 11, 1869

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, Voi. III. No. 26.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IL '869. [Whole No. 78. O. H. PiKRSON, Auctioneer. BY A. D, IVIELLICK, Jn,, & BRO,, Auc¬ tioneers and; Dealers in Now Jersey Real Estato, No, 26 Pine street, New York, BY ORDER OF JAMES A, WILLIAMSON, Esq., of 160 BUILDING LOTS, AT BERGEN POINT, N, J., ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, nt 1 o'clock, P.M,, on the premises, Theso Lots aro well located, flvo minutes' walk from the station, on Avenues Uand V, and South and Fifth streets, and in the midst of improvements, Terms unusually easy, 10 per cent, on tho day of sale, nnd $10 a month ^thereîifter, or $25 a quarter, with inter¬ est on dcferred payments, Bergen Point is but 25 minutes from the New York side of the river, by tho Central Railroad of New Jersey, with si.xty trains daily, running at ail hours of tho day and night. Sale absolute, Every man can save §10 a month from his wages, or salary, and own a désirable lot in a good location. No better savings bank can be found lor the poor man. Spécial train from the foot of Liberty street, at 12,15 r..M. Maps and passes will be in readiness at the office of the Auctioneers, seven days before the sale. A. D. MELLICK, Jn,, .fc BRO,, No, 20 Pine streot, New York, .T JOHNSON, JR., AUCTIONEER. By JOHNSON «fc MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 25 Nassau St,, cor, Cedab St„ New York, City Résidences, Stores, Lots, Country Seats, and Farms bought, sold, rented, exchanged, Loans negotiated, Auc¬ tion sales of Furniture, «fcc, TUESDAY, Sept, 14, At 12 o'clock, on tho premiscs, SHIPPAN POINT, STAMFORD, CONN. Positive snle of tho MAGNIFICENT ESTATE Of the loto MOSES ROGERS, Consisting of 800 acres sf ground, sub-dlvlded Into 100 VILLA PLOTS, Of about 8 ocres each. ___ Tho fast and commodious steamer THOS. COLLYER, which has been charterod oxcluslvely to convey invited guests to the ground, will leave Hartford and New Haven steamboat pier, Peck Slip, N. Y., at 9.80 o'clock, and foot of Thlrty-seventh st., East River, ot 9.40 o'clock, on the morning of sàlo. Grafulla's unrivalled] Seventh Régiment Band wlll fur¬ nish tho music, Tho collation will be under the direction of Wm, H, Weeks Esq., the accomplished caterer. Carnages wlll be in readiness to convey invited guests to any part of the grounds on the arrivai of the steamboat. Cards of invitation will be mailed to persons well known to thë owner and auctioneers. Should the weather be un¬ favorable, the sale will take place on the first fnir day. For Pamphlets ond Maps, apply to JOHNSON & MIL¬ LER, 25 Nassau st., or G. SPAULDIMG, Esq,, at tho De¬ pot, Stamford, Conn, O. H, Pierson, Auctioneer, BY A, D. MELLICK, Jr,, &.BRO,, Aùc- tloncors and dealers in New Jersey Eeal Estate, No. 20 Pine street, Now York, TUESDAY, SEPT, 14, at 12,80 p,m,, on the promises, ABSOLUTK SALE, V, Without reserve, of ' 350 VILLA PLOTS. * At AYENEL, N, J., one milo from RAHWAY, and one hour from NEW YORK. Thèse lots are beautifully situated, near tho station, on elevated ground, and command extended views of Staten Island and tho Orange Mountains, The property asccnds gradually nnd regiiiarlv from the railroad, until at tho centre it is AS HIGH' AS THE CHURCH STEEPLES IN RAHWAY. NOTE THE PAYMENTS—$20 a lot and the auction fées on the day of salo, und $10 a month thereafter. No buying in on account of the owner: every lot offered will be sold. Spécial train will leave the foot of Courtlandt street at 11 A,M. COLLATION ON THE ARlilVAL OF THE TRAIN. Efficient détectives will eject all boys ond suspicions charaoters, Maps ond free passes at the office of J, S, Taylor, No, 01 Montgomery street. Jersey Citv, ond at the office of A. D, Mellick, jb,, «& bro. JOHN H, AUSTEN, Auctioneer, HAZAlilO, APTHORP & CO., {REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, 110 BIlOA»AVAY, NEIV ITORK. Will sell at auction, at tho Real Estatn Salesroom, 111 Broadw.ay, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND.COUNTRY. New York Ofkice, 110 Broadwat; Boston OrncE, Boston Post BuiLniNo; Newport, Bellevue Avenue, THB UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1S69, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and buildèrs intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Row, New York, JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan In the best manner and at the shortest notice, Has a stock of patterns and machinery for flnishing, Apply ot the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint, JOHN ALEXANDEE. EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. J, Johnson, Jr,, Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York, ^~ City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Salo, Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Anction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, «fcc 'SAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. . CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET. MORTGAGES PROCURED. 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25 EACH, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES—TITLK PERFECT. Thèse Lots are situated in the beautiful village of Islip, opposite Firo Island Inlet, and bounded by Long Island and South Sido Railroads, IX hours from New York ond Brooklyn by eithor road. Apply to M, H, KEITH, 96 Wall Street, Lumber Merchants' Exchange D& M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • street, near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Roal Estate and Loans. We have for sale and to rent désirable buildings and bnild- ing sites in all sections of Brooklyn. HOMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No, 2 Pine Streot, New York, Attention given to Real Estate at private Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 125th Btreot), New York. THOMAS CRIMMINS & SON, CONTRAC¬ TORS, Office, 302 East 60th street, New Tork. Box 142 Mechanics and Traders^ Exchange. Base and Building Stone fnrnished. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & C0„ AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 7 Pino street, New York. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BEOKEE, 1374 Thibd Atznub, Cobneb Eioinr-Sixxn Steket, NEW TOEK. JOHN F. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1888 Thibd Avbkui! Neab S7tu Stbeet. Property uf every description bonght, sold and exchang¬ ed. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the dty JOHI MCLAVE, REAL ESTATE, •v / ./ / No. 44' Pine Street, KEW YOBK. & ILBERT «fe CO., REAL ESTATE AND mSUBANOE BROKERS «fc AUCTIONEEES, Beekuan Hill Beal Estate Exckange, 963 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-first Street, wlll take eharge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents. Insnrance effected in all first-class companies st ths lowest rates. Charles d. mott, . GENEI\^AL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER, Fourtli. avc, near 125tli «t., and 25 Pine st. BOeU 4, FBOU TWELVX TO TIIBEB. LOANS NEGOTIATED. CETT and COUNTRT FROPBBTT rOB SALE AND TO UCA8E