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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 4, no. 95: January 8, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. ly. No. 17.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1870. [Whole No. 95. A WATER-CLOSET WORTHT OF THE NAME, ALFRED IVERS' PATENT ANTI-FREEZING, SELF- ACTING, INODOROUS WATER-CLOSET. Cannot freeze, leak, or become offensive. Requires no htinmn aid in its operation. Keeping perfectly clean with half tho water that must leak from all other Water- Olosets. ALFRED IVERS, Plumber, 310 Fourth Avenue. ACKERMAra & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORE. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for gale to the trade in quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. John II. Austen, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 BroadYvay, Ne^r Yorl£. Will sell at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, HI Broadway, every description of REAL ESTATE, OITY AND COXJNTKY. New York Office, 110 BnoAnwAv; Boston Offioe, Boston Post Boiluino; Newport, Bellrvoe Avenue. TPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED X. letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1869, for their itn- provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders aud builders intending to make good work. A|)|)ly to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow, NewYork. - JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCUELL. The prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a Block of patterns and.machinery for finishing. Apply at the'Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. ^ JOHN ALEXANDER. Citt of New York, Dbpabt.mbnt of Finance, BUREAn OF THE Rf.CKIVEB OF TAXEB, ; CoouT-IIonsE, Park, No. 32 Chambers street, November 5,1869. TO TAXPAYERS.—NOTICE IS HEREBY ffiven that one per cent, will be added to all taxes Unpaid on the Ist December; also, an additional one per cent, on December 15. On all taxes remaining unpaid on •January 1, interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per .an¬ num, calculated from the day the books,were received by the Ueceiver of Taxes to'the day of payment, will be added. No money will be received after two o'clock, p.m. Oflice hours from 8 to 2 p.m. ^j^ y^^ BERNARD SMYTHE, Receiver. HEALEY IROISr WORKS; Corner Nortli Fourtli and Fifth Streets, BROOKLYN, E. D. Manufactory of IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GIRDERS, AND EVERY STYLE OF RAILING. J. I. & J. F. HEALEY. TILE AGErdCY. ESTABLISHED 1841. DUN, BARLOW & CO. R. G. DUN & CO. The purpose of the Mercantile Agency is to procure and keep on record snch information as. will enalila parties %vho grant Credit to decide whom It is safe to trust, ond^vhom it is wise to avoid. It has sought to substitute for th« tardy and often insnflicient results of individual investigation, a system whereby the labor of vast numbers in gleaning information is centred, and made accessible to all who choose to avail themselves of It. It Is experiment, but by an existence of over a quarter of a century, during which timo it has had the support of two-thirds of the mercantile community in the centres of trade, it has demonstrated its usefulness and general reliability. If it had been an unsafe guide, if its influence bad been other than beneficial, it would long ago have ceased from want of support. To-day It la far more extensive, possesses better facilities, and is more complete in its arrangements than ever before. Every fact which is gleaned; every itetn tflat is recorded, adds value to the storo of information already nccnmnlated; while tha characters that men have made for themselves as time has passed are found faithfully daguerrotyped In onr records. There aro many persons who content themselves with a Book of Ratings, and from it too hastily conclude what the Agency can do for them. This isa great mistake. While the Reference Book issued by us is confidently offered to tha Public as the most complete, accurate, and useful aid of the kind ever published. It should be understood that wa do not by any means intend it as a substituto for tho detailed information on onr Oflice Records, whicli for minuteness, dli- criniination, and characterization afford an insight into the peculiarities of each case, which a classification or division into groups can never be made to reach. Indeed, the Reference Book bears much tho same relation to the recorded details that a photograph picture of an assembly of persona bears to portraits taken singly. In the one case tho personal identity is but faintly or with difficulty traced; in the other it is a portrait with all the lineaments and pqcnliarities of the subject, and it cannot be mistaken for any other person. "We invite the special attention ofall parties to whom this Circular is sent, to the scope, char.acler, and reliability of this information, conscious of its Intrinsic value and useful¬ ness to all who give credit. We are glad at all times to submit to any reasonable test as to the accuracy and fulness of our reports, by parties who contemplate subscribing. To that end we invite a call at our oflice as below. The Reference Book is issued twice a year—in January and July—and a weekly sheet of corrections sent to each holder of the Book. Six different editions of this work aro issued, viz.: Tho General Book, the Western, Eastern, Southern, Canadian, and a Book of Cities. Pocket Editions of various States, for the use of Commercial Travelleirs, ara also regularly issued. All subscribers to the Agency ara entitled to the Reference Book, unless otherwise specially arranged. Terms made known and specimen copies to be seen at any of our ofiices. DUN, BARLOW & CO., 335 Broadway, Netr ITorfe. Patented Septembei' 22d, 18G8. REVOLUTION IN THE SYSTEM OP ILLUMINATING OF- FICKS, BANKS, CHUROHES, RESTAURANTS. DWEL¬ LINGS. STEAMBOATS, AND RAILROAD CARS; ALSO FOR SIGNAL LIGHTS AND LANTERNS. INCREASED LIGHT OF EXQIHSITE SOFTNESS. i^ BEAUTIFUIi COMBINATION OF COtOKS. Augmented Translucency without Transparency. IF FRACTURED, CHEAPLY REPAIRED. See articles in "Scientific American," Oct. 16 and 23,1869. For fnrther particulars address VICTOR E. MAUGER, 110 Reade St., N. T. MACKEY & SON, ■ SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, 67 West Twenty-eiirhth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. New York. Jobbing promptly attended to. Metal cornices and gutters. ■? ' NINE LOTS AT THE FOOT OE "WEST ■ Twenty-ninth street, Nortli river; to let for a term of years, with-use of pier and bulkhead; suitable for Brick. Coal, or Lumber Yard. Apply to • H. A.^CRANE. , . ■- -.Foot West SOtb St. THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY. . A. B. ICELLOGG, AGENT, Miners, Manufacturers ano Wholebaxe Dealebs in NORTH RIVEK BI