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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 4, no. 102: February 26, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IV. No. 24.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1870. [Whole No. 102. r.i. ; •> ■ MORRIS WILKINS, Auctioneer. By JB. St. liUdlow &: Co., No. 3 Pine street, first floor. Edward H. Lxtdlow, Morris Wilkins. Reai, Estate at PanLio and Private Sale. Sales of Stooks, Mondats or Tuiirsdays. Notice to pcucirASEr.s and sellers.—As we announc¬ ed LAST YEAR, WE DECLINE TAKINO ANY SALE AT AUCTION OP I'ROPERTY TIIAT IS TO HE UN'nERniD, AND IK I.I.MITED BUCII LIMIT MUST «E ANNOUNCED AT THE SALE, AS WE WISH TO PROTECT nOTir BUYpit AND SELLER. No COMMISSION (the expenses ONLY) WILL BE CII.1RGED for putting up property u.vlkss sold. Commissions on sales of stocks the as cuaroed by stock-brokers. wmi tiie exception tiiat stocks bold BELOW par will BE CHARGED A Cl»M.MISSION ONLY ON ACTUAL SALES. J. Johnson. Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. EP~ City and Country Real Estato at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage .negotiated......... Auction Salei of Furnituro. Stocks, Merchandisa, &c. TUESDAY, March 1, At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, important auction sale. taluable glass house propebty, situated near public docks; wallabout i.mpbove.ments; appleton's and •all tiie williamsburg ferries ;• on the southeast CORNER OF KENT AVENUE AND TAYLOR. STEEET, IOtII WARD, BROOKLYN. The property consists of si.T valuable lots, on which are most substantial brick improvements, one of which is two stories, 60.y90, 12 and 16 Inch walls, the other four stories, 40.x70. The buildings are admirably adapted for any kind of manufacturing purposes, but more particularly for Malt House or Brewery, Iron Foundry, or Machine Shop, OU Factory, Turning, Moulding; or Saw-Mill. Also, , At tho same time and place, VALUABLE 19tH WARD (BROOKLYN) LOTS. THURSDAY. March 3, At 12 o'clock. At Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, 100 BROOKLYN LOTS. T^rms easy. Maps at olfice of auctioneers. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED TO PURCHASE OR RENT— A Frame Cottage House, with from six to ten rooms, in one of the Or.inges, between -East and South Orange, N. J.; Bergen Point or elsewhere, near New York; price not to exceed §.3,000 to $5,000, or $350 to §450 rent; owners only, willing to sell on frms. Address, with as full particulars as possible, G., box 4,S'2S New York Fost-oflice._____________________________ FACTORY WANTED —ON THE WEST sido. in exchange for good paying Tenement Pro¬ perty in West Twenty-sixth street; must bo a strong nulldinir, with cella'r: not loss than two lota. Send full particulars, price and location, or call on J. BOWMAN, 108 Charles street. HI. A. J. liYlVCH, REAL ESTATE BEOKER, NO. 12 CEDAK STREET, NEW YORK, bet. Broadway and Nassau Street. HOUSE WANTED-BETAVEEN FOURTH and' Forty-second streets; west sido preferred; price not to exceed §13 000; §8,o0O cash. Address H. G. 11., box 1,082 Post-office. J. H. 1IAVEj¥S, Lumber and Timlier DEALER, Kllth Av., cor. 47th St., New York. . J. R. HAMIL.TO]¥, ^H OHITE O T 1267 Broadway, near. 32d Street,- INEW YORK. WM. & E. A. CRUIKSHANK, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Offices: Nos. 55 & 1302 Broadw.iy, No. 505 Sixth Avenue, New York. General- management of Estates a specialty. Houses, Stores, Offices, Piers, etc., rented, and all business con¬ nected with Real Estate and Insurance promptly at¬ tended to. Money to loan on bond and mortgages. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." WfiPAHPMDUsiSiSa aiiiiMrisumass Being con.strncted with regard to scientific accuracy, are used in all tests of skill by the best i)layers in tho country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent hy Mail. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. tCEJNffitK LEANDER STONE, Dealer in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, and other Hard Woods, Cor. 54th St. and First Ave., NewTork. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of and Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all slzci con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to the trade in quantities to suit. In lengths, or put together. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 2.'Jth, 18G9, for their im¬ provement in tho fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and buildors Intending to mako good work. Apply .to our Patent Attornay, T. D. Stbtson, 5 Tryon Row, Naw York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned Is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best mannsr and at the shortcut notice. Hat a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Ai)ply at the Foundry, oorn«r of Quay and Washington ttreets, Greenpoint. .TOHN ALEXANDER. John H Austbn, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 Broadway, NewYork. WUl sell at' auction, at the Rejil Estato Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of REAL ESTATE, CITY" AND COUNTRY. New York Opkice, 110 Broadwat; Bostok Offiok, Boston Post BinLDiNO; Nkwpout, Bbi.lbvdk Avenuk. JOHN iioKTonr, GAS fixture: mAMUFACTURER, NOS. 288 & 285 CANAL STREET, Opposite to Eaele's Hotel, New Yoex. THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANT. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, MlSfEBS, MANUFACTUKEKg AND WnOLSSALS DSALXBB IM NORTH RIVER BI,1JE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 PINE ST., W. T. FUgging, Curbing, Gutters, Sills, Lintelt, Tiling, et«. shipped to all parte of tho United SUtes Jk Sovth Aiaericai. AliEX. McOREOOR, Practical Mason and Plasterer, OFFICE, 124 WEST 24TIX ST., (Bet. Si.Tth and Seventh Avenues), NEW YORK. Being long estiblished and favorably known in the dty, he takes this method of Informing owners of property, builders, and others wanting repairs done or alterations made, that they will Hnd It to. their advantage to send by mail or leave their orders with him, as he makes jobbing % specialty. All work done in the best and most economical manner possible, thereby saving a large percentage to partiet patronizing him. Jobbing work of every description promptly done. All orders by mail (from responsible parties only) should be sent from one to three days ahead. Estimates promptly furnished, or work don« on small percentage. A. ROUX & SON, 827 and 829 BROADWAY, FACTORY: 161, 163, and 165 West ISth St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. Designs nnd estimates furnished.