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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 4, no. 104: March 12, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. IV. No. 26.] NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1870. [WuoleNo. 104, .MORRIS WILKINS, Auctioneer.. By E. H. tudlow & Co., No. 3 Pine street, first floor. Edwakd H. Ltrntow, Mokeis Wilkins. Rbal Estate at Publio anu Private Sale. Sales of Stocks, MoxnAVS or Tiiijiisdays. Notice to runciiASEns and sellers.—As we ED LAST YEAK, W^E DECLINE TAKINO ANY SALE AT AUCTION OF PttOPEttTY THAT IS TO «B aNDEllltlU, AND IP LI.\HTFD SUCH ANNOUNCED AT THE SALE, AS WE WISH TO PUOTECT BOTH BUYER AND SELLER. No CO.M.MI83ION (the E.KPENSES ONLY) WILL BE GIIACUED FOB PtTTTINO UP PROPEUTY UNLBSS SOLD. COM.MISSIONS ON SALES OF STOCKS THE S.VME AS CHARGED BY STOCK-BROKERS, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT STOCKS BOLD BELOW PAR WILL BE CHARCEU A COMMISSION ONLY ON ACTU.VL SALES. J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSOJf «fc .: MILLEE, AUCTIONEEES AND REALESTATE BROKERS', No. S.n Nassau Stnjcl, corner of Cediir," New York. ■ psy~ City and Country.Real Estato at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale.'.,.!.' Loan's on Mortg^e negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. TUESDAY, March 15, At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom, 111. Broadway, •^ ....."" ■' ■.......New York. ABSOLUTE SALE.. WITHOUT RESER^^;. SPLENDID ISTir WARD BROOKLYN PROPERTY. > ■ '■ .' FOli RESIDENCES OR STORES. -• . Myrtle. Avenue,. corner on two Railroads.. •l^Iyrtle avenue. and Chestnut street (Railroad on each), S.E. corner.—Splendid business lot. Chestnut street (De Kalb Avenue Raliroiid), S.E. side, 75 ft 4 in. S,W. of Myrtle avenue—Nino splendid lots. Central avenue, s. s., entire front bet. Chestnut and Stockholm streets—Nine lots. ■ Stockholm.,street, N.^y.&., 95 ft. S.W. of Central .ave¬ nue—^Nine lots. Note.—The above property is most eligibly situated in the most growing"part of tlie city. The surroundings are excellent. Its geographical ]iosition will insure a future value that'can now scarcely'be estimated. ALSO, AT SAME TIME AND PLACE, Central avenue and .lacob stieet, S.W. cor.—Five lots. Evergreen,avenue and Ivy street, N.E. cor.—Five lots. Terms eas.v- Maps at auctioneer's ollice, 25 Nassau st., N.Y., and 15"7 Montagne st., Brooklyu. M. A. J. I.XMCM, REAL ESTATE BSOKER, NO. 12 CEDAR STREET, NEW TORK, bet. Bro.adwaj- and Nassau Street. s TANLEY DAY, AUCTIONEER. Ofiices 111 Broadway, Trinity Building. Willsellat Auction, on Monday. March 14, 1370, at Ex¬ change Salesrooms, at 12 .v., lllth street, south side, 120 'feet east of Ith avenue, S- story French roof frame house, with brick basomunt, barn on rear of lot; house contains gas and water; lot, 10.8.Y 100.10. §2,500 can remain on bond and mortgage. Avenue A, east side—50 feet south of 122d st, 2-story and basement, high stoop frame, 8 rooms; lot 24 ft. 10 in. front, 24 ft. IM iu. rear, US feet deep. Avenue A, east side—75 ft. 1 iu. south of 122d, 2-story and basement, high stoop frame, S rooms; lot 2.5.10.x98 ft. §3,290 can remain on each until December 1, lS7iJ, and are rented to May 1,1870, at .tSOO each. L. C. SANDFORD, Real Estate Agent, 15.3 BOWERY, NEW YORK. Estates taken charge of, and prompt returns made. Unexceptionable references given. WM. & E. A. ORUIKSHANK, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Ollices: Nos. 55 & 1302 Broadwiiy, No. 595 Sixth Avenue, New York. General management of Estates a specialty. Houses, Stoi-es, Oilices. Piers, etc., rented, and all business con¬ nected with Real Estate and Insurance promptly at¬ tended to. Monev to loan on bond and mortgages. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. f^i£i.iimmmmi^ Being constructed with regard to sciontific accuracy, are used'inall ti-st.sol' .skill liy tlio best plnytrs in tho country, and in all flrst-clas.s chili.s and hotels. Ilhistnited cata¬ logues of everytliii]); relating ty IJillianls seat l>y M.-iil. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. LEAi^DER STONE, Dealer in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, and other ILard Woods, Oor. 54th St. and First Ave., NewTork. ACKERMAri & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STRSETj NEW YORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to the trade in quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. ''pHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED JL letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1S69, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant license.s to founders aud builders intending to make good work...' Apply to our Patent Attornej'-, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Row, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER. NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of p.atterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, coruer of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDER. THE EMPIRE, PENNSYLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS. OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. Yard, Third street, near Bond, Sonth Brooklyn. Orders filled in country or'city. Roofing repaired. STANLEY DAY HAS REMOVED TO 111 Broadway, Trinity Building, basement, ofiices A and B. For Real Estate Circular apply4>er8onally, or mailed upon receipt of stamp. J. K. HAMII.T©]¥, 1267 Broadway, near 32d Street, NEIV ¥ORK. JOIl!V HOUTON, GAS FIXTURE MANUFACTURER, NOS. 238 & 235 CANAL STREET. Opposite to Eaklf.'b Hotei., New York. Practical Mason and Plasterer, OFFICE, 124 WEST 24TH ST., (Bet. Si.xth and Seventh Avenues), NEW YORK. Being long established and favorably known in the city, he takes this method of informing owners of property, builders, and others wanting repairs done or alteration* made, that they ^vill find it to their advantage to send by mail or leave their orders with him, as ho makes jobbing a specialty. AU work done in the best and most economical manner possible, thereby saving a large percentage to parties patronizing him. Jobbing work of every description promptly done. All orders by mall (from responsible parties only) should be sent from one to three days ahead. Estimates promptly furnished, or work done on small percentage. A. ROUX & SON, 827 and 829 BROADWAY. FACTORY: 161, 163, and 165 WcHt 18tli St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. NINE LOTS AT THE EOOT OF WBST Twenty-ninth street. North river, to let for a term of years; with use of pier and bulkheaa; suitable'for Brick,rCoal, or Lumber Yard. Apply to ■ ^ H. A. CRANE. Foot West SOth at. Designs and estimates furnished. J. M. MAVEiVS, LUMBER A^^D TIMBER DEALER. llth Av., cor. 47th St., New York. An assortment of Pine, Spruco, and Hemlock Lnmber well-seasoned and planed, and kept under cover. Also Shingles, Posts, Pickets, and Lath.