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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 117: June 11, 1870

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ftRr AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1870. No. 117. PETER VAN IDEPvSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING MILL, Manufacttircr of PINE and HARDV.'OOD 33^ OXJXjiDDX3NrC3rSS, ^ OF EVERY DESCRirTION. PL.A-NING, SCROLL AND RESAWING, TUR.NIXCr, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOICEN. GAiiUET S. WOOii, of the Old Firm, ) . „ .„ _„-p__,„ , WM. II. nAUiii.S0N, ' ^ Arc m my Employ. vr. vr. LEK holds power of Attorney. Order.s from p.irtics in New York City per.sonally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. 0. Bo.x-128, Hoboken. M. A. J. REAL ESTATE BEOKER, NO. 72 CEDAU STREET, bet. Broadway and Nassau Street. FOR WAR.MINO PIUVATE HOUSES, STORES, ANI> PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ansurpassed for safety, simplicity, cconomj', durability, and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Prcssure Steam Gen¬ erator, with wroii-^lit-iroii tubes for Radiators, and can be made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smallest dwelling or the largest iiublic edifice. Owners; Architects, and Iluilders are referred to many hnndred buildings wanned bv us during tho past t%vouty years. SliK COMPLlirE WOliKING APl'ARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTOUY ANo STOKE, Nos. 199 AND 201 CKNTIJh; STUEEI", NKW VOUK. &I t:l:.ISicj&E0yGLH:E;G AN L. C. SANDFORD, Real Estate Agent, 153 BOWERY, NEW YOEK. Estates t.iken charge of, and prompt returns made. Unexceptionable references given. THE EMPIRE, PENNSYLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. Yard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled in country or city. Roofing repaired. SQUIER BROS., MOULDING, PLANING. TDTINING, AND SAWING MILL, 61st St., near 1st Ave, Ncav York City. Manufucturers of Sash, lilinds. Doors, Show-Windows, Sky-Lights, Window-irrames. and Panel Work of all de¬ scriptions. Circular and Elliptic Mouldings. Turning in all its branches. "THE BEST iS THE CHEAPEST. Being constructed with reg.'ird to scientific accnracy, nre used in all tests of skill by the b^st plavers in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Uhisli-ated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mail. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. COURTLA]\TDT PALMER & SON, Real Estate Agents, 85S BROADWxVY, ne.vr I'Ith STREET. WALTER R. WOOD & CO., MINUnS, AN'D WHOtESALE nEALEItS IN OMo Building Stone and Grind- - stones, FROM THE BEREA AND AMHERST QUARRIES. Oflice, Nos. 283 i§43. Salesrooms M and 30G Fourth Arc, New York (Young Jlens' Clirirtian Association Building). Cor. Fourtli Aa'c. and Twenty-tUird St. MACEBY & SON,-^ St.ATE AK© METAL. ROOFERS, NO. 147 ^yBST 2STII STREET, Between Cth and 7tli Avenues, ] [NEW YORK. JJ, Jobbing promptly attended to. ■ METAL CORNICES AND GTTTTEHS. woinc HONE IX Aiiii vAKva OF Trre xraiTEh states. HEATING APPARATUS. S. FARRER & CO., E3IKT cs-X KT ES E3 It S, 212 Grand St., Kew York. ^Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAIM-IIE ATING APPARATUS, For wai-ming and ventilating Hotels, Private Besidences, CJmrches, Schools, Stores, Factories, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTINGT, PLUMBING AND GAS. FITTING. *'Send for Illustrated Catalogue." HEATERS AND RANGES; SANFOED'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATEES Set ik Bhick oe Portable. THE IMPROVED NEW YOEK FIRE-PLACE HEATEE, BEACON LIGHT BASE-BURNER, CHALLENGE KITCHEN RANGES. NATIONAIi STOVE WORKS, 239 Si 241 WATER STREET, N. T. ABAM MAMFTOJ^, Manufactuueu of GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOB HEATERS, 3Sro. GO GOLD STKEET, (Bet. Fulton and Beekman Sts.) New Yokk. Established, 182G. TDARBT & LANE, FUENAOES AND RANGES, METAL CORNICES AND ROOFING, Cor. 59th Street and 8d Avenue, New Yoek. Van note & son, Grate, Feuder, and Flre-PIaco Heater MANUFACTURERS. 434 Canai. Stbef.t, neae Vaeiok, New Yobk. W. M. Van Note. A. 8. Van Noti. RICHARDSOIV, BOYNTON & CO., JIANUFACTUnEnS ANU DKALERS IN BOTNTON'S PUPvNACES, RANGES, BALTmOEE FIRE-PLACE HEATEES, School, Hall, Parlor, Oflice, Cooking-Stoves, Ac, No. 2.34 WATER STREET, Fourth door north of Beekman. New York.