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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 118: June 18, 1870

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nwiiwrgtnfff-" AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. ■'■a Ym'V^^ NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1870. No: 118, TO PARTIES ANTICIPATING BUILDING. THERE IS A GROWING UNEASINESS in the minds of a majority'of our citizens against using water drawn throngh LEAD l^IPES, many even causing such pipes to be removed, for cold water, nnd our pure and lie.ilthy TIN-LINED LEAD PIPE substituted. There are numbers who wonld be willing to pay an increased price for rent, or pur- ch.ise, provided the great blessing of Pure and Healthy water could also be securetl. To parties about building houses for sale or to rent, we wonld especially urge this consideration: The ad¬ ditional cost of introdnchig TIN-LINED LEAD PIPE for cold water alone, and this is all that is really essential, wonld be but a trifle. Who would not prefer to have the water used for cooking or drinking purposes contained and passed through pure block tin, instead of poisonous lead t There is a large quantity of onr Patent TIN-LINED LEAD PIPE in constant use to the extent of over one tliojisiind tons, some of which was introduced as early as 1803, and doing good service to the present time. The large quantity in use and the many years it has been on trial has fully es¬ tablished its reputation, not only as a pure and safe water pipe, but also a serviceable one. We take pleasure in referring parties to Plumbers who are of the highest reputation and who have successfully in¬ troduced large quantities of our Patent TIN-LINED LEAD PIPE. NATIONAIi PARK BANK, Nkw York, May 19,1870. To the ColweUs, Shaw & WiUard M'f g Co., Dear Sirs— Our Bank building having been plumbed throughout with your Tin-Lined Lead Pipe, wo take pleasure in stating that it has worked to our entire satisfaction. No repairs have been made hpto the present time. ■ Yours respectfully, J. L. WORTH, Cashier. " I am of the opinion that your Tin-Lined Lead Pipe\vill, in a sanitary point uf view, be of infinite good to bur citi¬ zens. " WILLAED PAHKER, M.D." Circulars and sample of pipe sent by mail free. Address THE COLWELLS, SHAW & WILLARD M'F'G CO., 213 Centre et. (bet. Canal and Grand sts.). New York. Z. LEMAIRE (Frenchman) & CO., Importers of Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling, KOE . • - CHUECHES, ENTEANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, &o., 156 EAST 4lTu STEEET, NEW YORK, near Third ave. Orders for l.iying all kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention. Marble-dealers and tho trade supplied. WANTED, Any^vhero on Manhattan Island, a house and lot, price not-to exceed;$7,B00.- Address, with particulars, •' ■ . i ijj, PREDERICK CREIGHTON, . - " BEAL ESTATE RECORD OFFICE, '• ■ ■ 106 BROAD\\rAY. CANADA LUMBER. CARBRAY & ISOUTH, LtnOER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ... 7 CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL. Orders solicited for Pine, Spnice, &c.. Boards, Lath, . ' Scantling, Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, &c., &c.. Promptly and carefully executed. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT, On flrst-class improved and nnimproved property In Now York. First and second mortgages promptly cashed. PRINCIPALS only dealt with. . r WOT. SINCIiAIR, JR., ^k CO., Room i; No. 3 Pine streot. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING MILL. Manufacturer of PINE and HARDWOOD IWE OXTXaXJIlSrCS-S, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLANING, SCROLL AND RESA^VING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. G.AUIIET .S. WOOD, of the Old FuTO, ) . .„„ . ^„ T7„„,„„ TVii. H. ii.\uuiso.v, r ^^^ '" ™y Employ. vr. vr. LEE holds power of Attorney. Orders from parties in New York City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. 0. Box 128, Hoboken. M. A. J. liYMCH, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 72 CEDAU STREET, NEW XORK, bet. Broadwav and Nassau Street. 'mmmmmm/mmmm FOE WARMING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Pressure Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiators, and can be made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smallest dwelling or tho largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred ito many hundred buildings warmed by us during tho past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUE MANUFACTORY AND BTOEE, Nos. 109 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. QILLI5M3^EO0;HEGAN I.. C. SANDFORD, Real Estate Agent, 153 BOWEEY, NEW YOEK. Estates taken charge of,, and prompt returns made., Unexceptionable references given. THE EMPIEE, PENNSYLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. Yard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled in country or city. Eoofing repaired. SQUIER BROS., MOULDING, PLANING. TURNING, AND SAWING MILL, 61st St., near Ist Ave., New Xork City. Manufacturers of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Show-Windows, Sky-Lights, Window-Frames, and Panel Work of all de¬ scriptions. Circular and Elliptic Mouldings. Turning in all its branches. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Being constructed with regard to scientific accuracy, are used in all tests of skill by tho best players in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mail. PH}E^l^Nt«eO^I^LEN irtR 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Real Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near Uth STREET. WALTER R. WOOD & CO., .MINKRS, AND "ft'II0I.i:S.\.I,E DE.VLEUS IW Ohio Building Stone and G-rind- stones. FEOM TIIE BEREA AND AMHERST QUAEEIES, Office, Nos. 283 Sc 285 Front St., (Near Roosevelt Street), NEW-YOEK. SOLE AGENTS FOE SENECA BEOWN STONTi Walter E. Wood, Chas. P. Whuams, GAS FIXTURE MANUFACTURER, 630 BROADWAY, NEW YOEK, A. ROUX & SON, 827 and 829 BROADWAY. FACTORY: -'-J. 161, 1C3, and IG5 AVest 18tl» SU Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. Designs nnd estimates furnished. X:8TAlSIiI$M£D 1843. Salesrooms M and 300 Fourtli Ave., New York (Yonng Jlcns' Christwn Association Building). Cor. Fourtli Avc. and Tivcnty-tlilrd St. MACKEY & SON, SliATE AND METAL ROOFERS, NO. 14T ^\'EST SStii STREET, Between Cth nnd 7th Avenues, NEW YORK. Jobbing promptly attended to. METAL OORWICES AWD GUTTERS, WORK HOKE DT ALIj PAIITS OF TUB UNITED STATES, t .Ml