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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 121: July 9, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. yol: v. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1870. No. 121. GEORGE A, HAGGERTY, BRASS FOUN DER AND FINISHRR, 803 THIRD AVENUE (EAST SIDE), Bet. 4nth and 50tli Sts., NEW YORK. ALL KINDS OP BRASS AND COMPOSITION CAST¬ INGS FURNISHED AT THE SHOIIT- EST NOTICE. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE MOVERS, No. 108 "W'EST 25th STREET, Near the Sbcth nvenuo, ' NEW YORK. FOB SALE, PIAN'O FOBTES AT 25 FEB cent less than any Manufacturer in the City. Also, Pianos and Melodeons to let. A. DAVIS, One Hundred and Sixteenth street, between Second and Third avenues. Fourth houso cast of Third avenuo. New York. COURTLAMT PALMEIUSON, Real Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near Uth STREET. M. A. J. IjYN€M, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 72 CEDAR STREET, NEAV YORK, bet. Broadway and Nassau Street. JOIIJV IIORTOW, CAS FIXTURE iriANUFACTURER, 630 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. V. FOR WARMING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, un.surpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. Tliis apparatus consists of a Low-Pressuro Steam Gen¬ erator, with wroiiglit-iroii tubes for Radiators, and can bo tnade to thoroughly and perfectly warm tho smallest dwelling or tho largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hundredbuildings warmed by us during tho past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTORY AND STORE, Nos. 199 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NKW YORK. GiLLISfeGEaGHEGAN FISHER & BIRD, Steam Marble Works 9T, 99, 101, 103, & 105 EAST HOUSTON ST., ' Vermont Mnrblc Yards, 260, 262, and 261: Elizabeth St., New York. Robert C. Fishbk. Clinton G. Bird. Z. LEMAIRE (Frenchman) & CO., Importers of Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling, FOR CHURCHES, ENTRANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, Ac, 156 EAST 44-m STEEET, NEW YORK, near Third avc. Orders for l.iying all kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention. Marble-dealers and tbe trade supplied. Importers, Dealers, and Manufacturers of Foreign and Aiuurican Marbles, Ecclesiological Decorators, and Workers in Granite, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stone, and Scotch Granite. Marble Mantels, Grates, and Fenders. Monuments, Cemetery Vaults. Church Altars, Fonts, T.ablets. Communion Tables, and Marble Counters. Mar¬ ble Floor Tiling. ES?~Estiinate8 and drawings upon application. THE MOEN ASPHAIiTIC CEOTENT COOTPANY, E. S. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 Maiokn Laxe. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms. ASPHALTIC-CEMENT applied to Wet Cellars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walla, Pack¬ ing House and Stable Floors, &c., &c. Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gravel Roofing Materials, Roman, Portland and Rosendale Cement. ROOFS put on in the best manner at reasonable rates, and guaranteed for a term of years. CANADA LUMBER. CARBRAY & ROVTH, LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 CUSTOM HOUSE SQU.UIE, MONTREAL. Orders solicited for Pine, Spruce, &c., Boards, Lath, Scantling, Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, &c.. Sic, Promptly and carefully executed. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT, On first-olnss improved and nnimproved property in Now York. and second mortgages promptly cashed. PRISCIP.VLS only dealt with. WOT. SINCIiAIR, JR., & CO.,. Room 1, No. Z Pin* Street. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING MILL, Manufacturer of PINE and HARDWOOD IMC O TJ 111 33 IM-<3-S , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLiVNING, SCROLL AND RESAWING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. OAURKT S. WOOD, of the Old Firm, ) . _. • „_ t,_,„,„„ WM. II. n.uin.soN, f ^"'" "^^ ^""P'^y- vr. vr. liEE holds power ot Attorney. Orders from parties in New York Cily personally attend¬ ed to hy nddroBslng P. O. Box 128, Hoboken. Charles o'connor, OTARBIiE WORKS, NOS. 61G AND SIS WEST TWENTIETH STREET NEAR TENTH AVE., NEW YORK.. Mantels, Monuments, etc. Orders pnnctua'.'y <^(t"i>^6dio> REAL ESTAtE AGENTS. D& IL CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • -street, near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Real Estate and Loans. We have fur sale and tu rent desirable buildings and bnild- ing sites in all sections of Brooklyn. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Reins' constructed with regard to scienliflc accnracy, are used in all tests of skill by the best playcr.s in tho country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mail. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. THE EMPIRE, PENNSYLVANIA & VEIt.MONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. ^ Tard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled In country or city. Roofing repaired. WM. -& E. A CRUIKSHANK, BEAt • ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Offices:"JTob; 55 tr. 1303 Broailway. No. 595 Sixth Avennc, NeW;Toi:k. General inanageinent of Estates a specialty. Ubn'ses,' Stores, Offices, Piers, eta, rented, and all busincM'cOn- nected with Real Estate and Insuranco promptly.ate tended to. ' ■'."" ' Money to loan on bond and mortgages. E. H. LUDLOW & CO., KEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEEES, Established in 1836. MoRBis Wn.Knra, Auctioneer. OFFICE, No. 8 PINE STEEET. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. "WILKINS. & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 7 Pine street. New York. Jonx II. AusTKN, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and J^nctioneers, 110 Broadway, NewlTork, Will sell at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of REAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTRT. Nkw Touk Offici, 110 Broadway; Bostok Omcz, Boston Post Buildino; Newport, Bellkvue Atemuk. ISAiO HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 25 PINE STEEET. NEW YORK. r\ ILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND VX INSURANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Bebkmak Hili. Real Estate ExonANOx, • 963 Second Avenuo» comer Flfly-flrst Street, will take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Benta. Insuranco effected in all first-class companies at tha lowest rates. JOHN F. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1524 Third Avehwe, Nkau SCth Stbef.t. ; • Property of every descriptlwi bought, sold, and excbang- "d. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of tbe dty. HOMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No. 2 Pino Street, H»w York. Attention given to Real Estato at privota Salo. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. , y •^■.