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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 130: September 10, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. V. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1870. No. 130. WM. O. LESTER, 1979 BROABW^AY, BcL .3-lth and 35th sts., N. Y.j PEACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS AKD STEAlil FITTER. LESTER'S PREMIUM FIRE-PLACE HEATERS. Agent for tlie most approved KITCHEN RANGI3, AND HOT-AIR FURNACES. Johbing work, promptly attended to, and all work war- rautcd. THE BUTLER LIFT EXERCISE: BRIEF, THOROUGH, HARMONIOUS Substitute for Gymnastics, Horsobiick, Sic. Independent of weather, requiring no change of dress, graduated in its application. It invites and obtivina a habit of daily e.ver- bise of the whole body, that accomplishes cures not before expected by such means, and where medu ines have failed. Rheumatism, Neutnlgiii, Hc-idachc, Sleeplessness, Indi¬ gestion, Cold Feat, Weak Back, are uniformly benefited. • Rooms, 113 Broadway, ond 20 E. 24th St. J. W. liEAVITT. BEADLEY & CURRIER, "Wh-olesale Dealers in. ; DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDIN.GS, WINDOW GLASS, :]q::-a. i^ 33'w-A. It ES, &C,, [&C. " Office, "No.] 44; iWarehouses, 38, 44,48, 50 & 52 DEY STREET, nSTo-w "STorlE. Seiid'^^fdr Montlily jPrice ■■ Current. B. A.'^'BRADLEY. - ,. / a.'„C. .CTIREIER. COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Real Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near Uth STREET. C. VREELAND, PLAIN AND ORNAIIENT.1VL IRON WORKS, RAILINGS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, GRATINGS, And Builders' Iron Work in general. No. 1.35G BROADWAY, (Bot. 36th and 37th Sts.) D. VUKELAND, Superintendent. NEW YORK. WOOD MOULDINGS TRIMMINGS FOR BUILDINGS. Reduced Prices. A LARGE AWDJSUPERIOR ASSORTMENT. New and Elegant Designs. ANY DESIRED PATTERN WORKED AT SHORT NOTICE. 346 Third avenue, cor. 27th st. SQUIER BROS., MOULDING, PLANING, TURNING, AND SAWING MILL, 61st St., near 1st Ave, New Tork City. Manufacturers of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Show-Windows, Sky-Lights, Window-Frames, and Panel Work of all de¬ scriptions. Circular and Elliptic Mouldings. Turning in all its branches. Van note <& son, Grate, Fender, and FIre-PIace Heater MAN UFACTUREE8. 4Sl Canal Steebx, neae Vabiok, New Toek. W. M. Van Notk. A. B. Van Note. ESTABIilSHE© 1843. Salesrooms 30 i and 30G Fourtli Ave, New York (Young lien's Christian Association Building). Cor. Fonrtli Ave. and Tivcnty-tlilrd St. A LEXANDER DAVIS, MODERN ^STAIR Jt\. Builder. Shop. 2.5S and 260 East Fifty-sixth street, hetween Second .lUd Third avenues. City and Country work respectfully solicited. A variety of Hand-Rails, Balusters, and Newels on hand. - GEOBGE A HA60EETY, BELL HANGER, 803 THIRD AVENTJE (EAST SIDE), Bet. 49th and SOth St«., NEW YORK. ALL KINDS OF BRASS AND COMPOSITION CAST. INGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORT¬ EST NOTICE. A. ROUX & SONy 827 and 829 BROADWAY. FACTORY: 161, 163, and 1G5 West IStti St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. Designs and estimates furnished. ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPKRTY FOK 8ALK AND TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 25 PINE STKEET, NEW Y"ORK. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of and Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREETj NEW YORE. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes co«- stantly on hand, and for sals to tho trade in quantities t* suit, in lengths, or put together. ^sa::E:AM^^H>E;A^:ER^^ FOK "\VAK.M1NG PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Preasura St