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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 149: January 21, 1871

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YII. NEW YOKK, SATUEBAY, JANUARY 21, 1871. No. 149. Published Weekly, by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance...................... $6 00 All epmmunlcations should be addressed to 106 Broauwat. cob. of Pink Street. Thb Record is regularly mailed to subscribers every Friday night at eleven o'clock, and should be deUvered by tho Post Office authorities on Saturday morning early. Any subscriber not receiving his paper in due season may rely upon it that the fault is entirely ■with the carrier, and a complaint lodged either ■with the Post Office authorities or mt the Record office -wUl remedy the irregularity. Any oaxrier deUvering the Rbcord later than Saturday morning is remiss in his duly. OTJE TBANSFESS OF EEAL ESTATE. The Record is now the only paper which publishes the conveyances of Real Estate made in New Xork City, as recorded at the Register's officA. The collection of these transfers from the 1st day of October, 1868, np to the 31st day of December, 1869, was a inbiidpoly in the hands of the Associated Press, with which Asso¬ ciation the Recobd had a-contract for the ex¬ clusive right of publishing the names of the grantor and grantee. The Associated Press, deeming the cost of collecting this information altogether dispro¬ portionate to the value, lately dissolved its con¬ tract with the Register, and thereupon the daily papers immediately ceased the publication of the transfers, and since that time no paper but the Record, upon which the whole expense has now fallen, has had any information in re¬ gard, to the recorded sales of real estate. The Record has now a contract with the Register by which it has the sole and exclusive right to publish the conveyances of real estate for this city, and hereafter there can be no other medium from which any information in regard to the value of property on this island can be determined. The auction sales are not to be relied upon, as there are so many bogus sales made, and of late there has sprung up a system of reporting sales made by certain real estate agents, the transfer of which never occurs. We- have frequently noticed little items in the daily papers in the following style :— Mr. -—'—— reports the sale of 2 lots on Fifty- seventh street, between Fifth and Sixth ave¬ nue^, for $60,000. The purchasers have since been offered and refused for the same lots $75,000. We understand that a certain real estate agent lately boasted that he had all the adver¬ tising he wanted from the daily papers from such reports, and, that it never cost a single cent. We trust that this style of doing business will not be continued, as it is bound to recoil in time upon parties reporting such sales. THE LEXINGTOIT AVENUE EXTENSION. At a meeting of residents of Gramercy Park, held at the Grramercy Park House on Monday evening, Mr. James W. Gerard was elected chairman, and "Mx. Dudley Field was chosen secretary. Mr. Ger.^d read the following communication from the Mayor: Mayor's Office, New York, 1871. To Residents upon, GramerGy Park : A bill -will be presented, to the Legislature for the connection of Lexington avenue and Irving place, a public improvement believed by the authorities to be rendered necessary in conse¬ quence of 1. The opening of Lexington avenue to the Harlem river. 2. Of its being a great thoroughfare, and likely to become more of a one from the building of the great depot; and, 3. Of the extension of Irving place to Fourth avenue. I deem it my duty to give you early infor¬ mation, and to add tiie hope that you wiU so far sacrifice yourpriva,te interests to what is be¬ lieved to be a great public improvement as to favor it. And I respectfully in-vite an expression of opinion from you as a resident of the neigh¬ borhood. Very truly yours, ■ A. Oakey Hall. The call for the meeting was also read, after which Mr.. C. W. Field read, a letter from Mr. Clarkson N. Potter, denouncing the project; and brief speeches were made by Messrs. Sam¬ uel J. Tilden, James W. Gerard, Charles P. Kirkland, Joseph B; Vamum, Dr; James R. Wood, George Palen, WiUiam F. Mott, and Dud¬ ley Field. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Besolved, That the owners of the sixty lots in Gramercy Park, assembled in public meeting at the Gramercy Park House on the 16th day of January, 1871, are decidedly and unanimously opposed to the proposed extension of Lexington avenue through Gramercy Park; that such a measure would destroy the Park and most ma¬ terially injure our property in the Park, while it is not in any degree or manner required for the public use or convenience. Besolved, That Messrs. Charles P. Earlrland, Clarkson N. Potter, Samuel J. Tilden, James W. Gerard and Dudley Fieldj be a committee to prepare a remonstrance to the Legislature on the subject and to supply proper persons to go to Albany to attend to our interest in the mat¬ ter. - Besolved, That the record of the proceedings of thismeetiag be respectfully transmitted to the Mayor of the City of New York, and be fur¬ nished to such newspapers as desire to publish it. - The roll of lots.was called, and out of the six¬ ty lots onthe Park forty-one were represented, several of the remaining nineteen being occupied by All-Souls' Chiirch, Colony Church, and the Jackson Meeting-house. The meeting then adjourned to meet again upon the call of the chairman. GOSSIP. NATiONAXi bank notes are largely in excess o£ the de¬ mand. They arc offered by the banks free of interest, one and two dollars, assorted, for fifteen days, five dollars and ten dollars for ten days, »nd larger denominations from five to eight days, to be repaid in greenbacks. Some of the banks are offering to sell one and two dollars national bank notes at J^ per cent, discount, five and ten dollars at ^, and. larger notes 1-10 per cent, discount. It is suggested in influential-quarters that the Treasury Department shall disburse greenbacks in exchange' for national bank notes. ___It has been suggested that, as the tax levy for 18,71 in¬ cludes no apppropriation for the celebration of Washing¬ ton's Burthday, the Department of Public Parks might take the matter in hand and pro-Tide a little extra entertainment in the way of music and fireworks in the different parks, as they did on the'Eourth of July last...'.The mammoth de¬ pot of the Harlem Railroad at Forty-second st. and Fourth av. is to be cpnipieted.'next month. Besides the usual restaurants and waiting-rooms, the depot-wUl contain shaving, bathing, and dressing-rooms, and other conven¬ iences for travellers not heretofore furnished in such build¬ ings ___A new ferry is proposed from the foot of East Sev¬ enteenth st. to Greenpoint and Williamsburg....The fol¬ lowing show- the additional number of cases of contagious diseases for^he weekending January 14: Typhus fever, 6; typhoid fever, 10; relapsing fever, 4; scarlet feveir, 96; diptheria, 15; small-pox (including varioloid),' 22; mea¬ sles, 137. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YOEK CITY. Jan. 13 Eighth av. and 143d st. , n. e. cor. Wm. Pymm agt. Mrs. Youngs..... $88 04 16 ElGHTT-THIRD ST., N. S., COMMENC'G 56.10 6. 3d av. Thos. J. Crombie agt. H. Zincke.................... 119 36 17 Eighth st., n. s. (Nos. 19 & 21 E.), between 2d & 3d avs. Jacob Flach agt. The Arion Vocal Society...... 38 63 17 Same PROPBRTT. John Stark agt. «ame........___.-.;.............. 10 00 17 Same pbopertt. Leofoi-d Ktjlt agt. same .,...................... 27 50 17 Same property. George Schroth agt. same......................... 9 00 18 Elizabeth st., e. s. (No. 130). Rus- . sell Johnson agt. The St. Matthew's Congregation..................... 492 76 18 Eleventh av. kkd 52d st., s. w. cor. James Barrett agt. —. Buxch- ill................................ 49 49 12 Fortieth st., s. s., 6 houses, com. 275 e. 10th av. Jeremiah Crow¬ ley agt. G. M. Miller et al....;.... 768 16 17 Fortt-bighthst., n. s. (No. 311 E.), bet. 1st and 2d avs. Charles Hipp agt. Charles Bordensack.......... 19 50 17 Same property. Philip Chelitis agt. same___...................... 19 50 17 Fifty-seventh ST., n. s., 3 hcdses, com. about .50 e. 11th av. Goulding, O'Reilly jStCo. agt. John Carlin... 91 00 18 Fortieth st., s. s. (Nos. 432, 434, 436, 438, 440 and 442W.). Wm. A. Ackerson agt. C. H. Beman etal.. 186 50 18 Same property. Abm. Ackerson agt. same.___.................... 2,880 00 19 Fortieth st., s. s., 6 houses bet. 9th and 10th avs. Charles P. Rand agt. G. H. Beman................. 1,47S 00 12 Lexington av.,.w.. s., 80 s. 79th st. P. H. Rice agt. J. McQuade...... 1,256 68 13 Lexington av., w. s. (No. 824). Henry Berger agt. Abraham Ban- man ..______.................... 120 CO 17 Ludlow st., e. s. (Nos. 16