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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 9, no. 206: February 24, 1872

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1872. jSTo. 206. SAFETY HOISTING MACHmERY. OTIS BROTHERS & CO., PATENTEES AND SOLE MANOFAOTURERS, 848 BROADWAY, New Yokk. I'ASSBWGBn BBBVATOBS FOB. rfdlELS, OFFICE ETflLDINGS, STORES, APARTMENTS, AND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only Machine in use combining perfect safety with smoothness, noiselessness, rapidity of moiiement, and the greatest economy in the use of fuel. Safety Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freight, for Stores, Manuiactories, Furnaces and Mines. 3,0 no\r in use. STAI R A i L e i\a G s A SPECIALTY. GEO. H. FIEI.i>, 15 IsTe-w Ch-Tireli Street, ISTeAv Yorlc (Late with Bbadlei & Cuhreeb). BRACKETS AND SCROLLS. HARD-WOOD MANTELS TO ORDER. SLADE & STAFFORD, REAL ESTATE BROEEES, 23 Union. TSquare. Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron. Not an accident in 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. B. Brown's "Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale and retaiL MARTIN WELLS & CO., General Agents, 55 Dey St., Hew York) or 36 Elison St., Paterson, N.J. NEWMAN E. MONTROSS, Painters' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 1368 BROASlxrAY, Between 37th and 38th Streets. SKIiABEia & CO., MARBIiX: WORKS, . 217, 219, 221, and 22.3 WEST 51sT STIIEET, between Broadway and Sth Avenue.—Marble and Marbloi/.ed Man¬ tels, Moniunents, Headstones of superior workmanship, cheapest in the city. Second Mortgages taken. liUiWBER.—^Wanted, an active man of integrity and good habits, thoroughly acquainted with the Lumber trade in New York City and Vicinity, and capable in iiU respects of taking the management of a yard as salesman. Apply, with reference and terms, to LUMBER, Albany. N. T Feb. 10, 1872. M. A. WILDER, SON &. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND MAXUKACTURKRS OB- Southern Pine, Eastern Spruce, White Pine. Oak, &e. /SS Water St., cor. Tine, JVetf Tork. M. A. WIU>KB. V. A. WILDKB. CANADA LUMBER. LTTMBER GOMMISSIOlf MERCHAITTS, 299 COMMISSIONBKS STREET, MONTREAL; Also at QUBBEQ..OHA-MBEES,-10 ST. PETER'S Orders soHcited for Wae, Spruce, ic, Boards, Lath, Scantling,, Joist,;Pavirig Stuff, Timber, &;c., &c., . promptly and carefully executed. • -j^^^^'^T^-^^ sale and purchase of Mill Property oad ."Tiinb9rLiHuts.injCanada.3V. ' . ^ y. . PAINTING & DECORATING, 487 BnOADWAT, cor. Broome St. Established 1853. PAPER-HANGING, GILDING, &,c. L:on Store Fronts painted in the most approved manner. MIUTOFS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAirSTIC, F or Public Buildings and Bvvelllnss, AS LAID BT US IN The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DWELL¬ INGS in every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &c., and for SXTISRIOR DEC¬ ORATION. MSLLER & COATES, 2T9 PEARIi ST., New York. THE AYES immi ARE MADE Eff EVERY CONCEIVABLE FOEM, AND OP THE MOST EFFECTUAL CONSTSUOTIOK Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. GEO. HAYES, 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. E. DUNCAN SNIFFEN, REAL ESTATE and MOETGAGE COMMISSIONER. Insiu-ances effected at very low rates, in the best of Companies. 8 PrVE STREET, NEW TOEK. FRANK a & DAVISON BROWN, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 90 BROADWAY, Refer to Messrs. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., and WM. E. DODGE, Esq. Prize Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling. The undersigned begs to call attention to the TUes manu¬ factured by T. ict5L, CORNER OF WEST 29th STREET & llTH AYENUE. I>o"^TBT"aa.■• •*o"XT^rax C>£B.oe^ 14 SOUTH WILUAM STREET. J. romaime: biiowi(v~, REAL ESTATE, 1280 BROAD^V^TAY, . S. E. porne^ 38d Street, , NEW YORK, XfOaRs n^Roti^te^, Hoqaes let, a}i4 Rents collected.