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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 9, no. 219: May 25, 1872

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. V0L.1X. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1872. No. 219. PETER A. HEGEP [Son of the Late PETER A. HEGBIAN.] Eeal Mats Broker, street, NEW YORK. ------------<-♦-»------------- Agent for the SALE, BUBCHASE, EX¬ CHANGING, LEASING, and BENTING of BEAL ESTATE. Special attention given to the general care and management of Estates. Bents CoUected. Loans Negotiated and Investments Made. SAFETY HOISTING MACKmERY. OTIS BEOTHERS & CO., PATENTEES AWD SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 348 BEOADWAT, New York. BASSBWGBB BBBVATOBS FOR HOTELS, OPPICE BUILDINGS, STORES, APARTilENTS, .tVND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only Machine va. use combining perfect safety with smoothness, noiselessness, rapidity of movement, aud the greatest economy in the use of fiiel. Safety Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freight, for Stores, Manuiactories, Furnaces and Mines, S,00© now in use. GOOUlll^IiV Sl brew, Office and Yard, No. 108 WEST 25th ST,, ' Near Sixth Avenue, New York. Residence, No. 110 WEST 2.5Tn ST., near Sixth Avenue. Buildings of all descriptions lliiised. Lowered, Moved, and Shored Up ; Wood and Iron Wedges for .sale. Screws and Derricks to let Gilman Good-win. John H. Diiew. HAUUFACTUaERS' AlfD BUILDERS' FIRE INSURAlfCE GO. CASH CAPITAL, . . . $300,000. Principal Office, No. 207 BRO.VDWAY. Branch Offices, No. 880 Thu-d Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. Tth St. Insures against loss or damage by fire on the most reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, PresideiU. J. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. QEO. E. FHELAIf, Manufacturer of AND APBUBTENANCES. WareroomSj Mo. 7 Barclay Street. p. O. Box 1776. NEW YORK. Clark, little & co., LUMBEIR & TIMBER MSRCHANTS, SIXTY-FIRST. & SIXTY-SECOND STEEETS, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK. AT WHOLESALE, ALSO, LA^G^E^MlNITEACTimERS. . Orders filled direct .frpm Canada,; Michigan, Chicago, and Oswego, Bia v/ater or rail." PLAIN AND ENGAUSTIC, F or Public Buildins,-s and SJwelllugs, AS LAID BY US IN The Capito! at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DWTSLL- INGS in every part of the. country. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, Sic, and for EXXEIUIOIS. I>JEC- ©SaA'ffSON. 279. PEAKIi ST,, New Iforlc. jr A C O ® § M I T M J AMERICAN METALLIC LAVA CEMEI^T FOR COATIKO ROOFS. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. OiHce, 309 West Slst Street. W:^.WMAW E. MONTTMOSS, Painters' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 1368 BKOABIStay, Between 37th and SSth Streets. R.. W. FOf^BES. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAII/. CORNER OF WEST 29th STREET & llni AVENUE. 33o-VSTaa. =»-to>-^TST-aa. C>:^aco, . 14 SOUTH WIT.LIAM- STREETi FIRST PREMIUM At tlie Exhibition of the American Institute^ 1869, AWABDED TO THE New York Stone Works, C. J. BANDMAN. L.- JAFFE. ITEanut'actnrei-s of Artificial Stone. Office, 1193 BEOADWAY, Apollo Bniling, New YorL cssdrTo ^^"^ PHELAN & COLLENDER. H.W.COLLENDER' '738 BROADWAT, N- X, Illustrated price list sent-by maiL J.B.WHITE&BI10THEES' OeleTDrated (London) Portland Gement I FOB SALE, ^^0 IN STOIIE and TO ARIirVE. S. L. MEECHANT & CO., 76 South St., Corner Maiben Lank.. ., New Xork. % OU; TILES, PLAIN, ENGAUST-v'%\fD MAJOLICA, For Entrance HaUs, Corridors, Conservatories, Churchea, Cemeterie.MAK»§, 214 PEARL STREET. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ARTIFICIAL STONE AND _______ SIDEWALKS.__________________ BIOI.MES BROTHEBS,- 46 EAST 23d STREET, NEW YOBK. PROPERTT FOR SALE OR TO LET RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ^¥Ai.TER m. ^VOO© & CO., Quarrymen and Wholesale Dealers in o'ssxo :eui£3>is9'c& sTosars AND GBINDSTONES, From the Berea and Amherst Quarries. OFFICE, Nos. 283 & 285 PBONT STREET Walter E. Woo j, 1- Near Roosevelt Street, " - -...... [./ Chas. P. Williams. NEW TORK. SKIiABEIt & COS., MAltBtE TTORKS, . 217, 219, 221, and 223 WEST 51sT STREET," betweeri- Broadway and 8th Avenue.—^Slarble and 2£arb!ei/.ed Man¬ tels, Monuments, Hciidstones of superior workmanship,' cheapest in the city. Second Moiltgages t&keh. , Desirable Mamifact'driiig Property TO LET OR LEASE; Nos. 116 and 118 WEST 25th STJIEET. Double building, five stories and basement, well lighted, with Engine, Boiler, and Machinery. Apply on. Premises. GOLD'S NEW SANITARY HEATER? (Patented. Aug. 1st, 1871.) It gives apure, healthful atmosphere, equal in mildness to any S'TEAM HEAT at less tban one-Iialf tlie cost. NO CViiiS-MEATCEBJ SUJaFACES. No loss of heat up chimney. N'O DAMPERS. ' MMEE IROM POISQHQUS GASIS. Has Automatic Regulator controlling the Draft, economizing Fuel, and preventing all DANGER EBOIH OVER-HE ATEt»- PIPES. Simple in constniction, easiest managed. Best in Use. NOT A HOT-AIR FURNACE; NOT A STEAM'APPARATUS. Call and-see it, or send for Circular. THE COLD HEATING Cq„ ; 165 Beekniaq Street, ??ew Yor]^,