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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 9, no. 222: June 15, 1872

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YOliK, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1872. No. 222. PETER A, HECtpifiAfI, [Son of the Late PETER; A. KE&EMAN.] fflclEWEE & PUTNAM, 601 B'WftY. sal Estate Broker, 61 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. ■-------------------------*-*->------------------------• Agent, for the SALE, BUBCHASE, EX¬ CHANGING, LEASING, and BENTING of BEAL ESTATE. Sxiecial attention given to the general care and management of Estates. Bents Collected. Loans Negotiated and Investments Made. SAEETY HOISTING MACHINERY. OTIS BROTHERS & CO., PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTUREKS, 348 BROADWAT, New Yobk. BASSBWGBB BLBVATOBS FOE HOTELS, OFFICE BUILDINGS, STOEES, APAETMENTS, ANJJ PEIVATB HOUSES. The only Machina in use combining perfect safety with smoothness; Bipijelessne5s,-ra.pidity o£-moyementj and- the greatest economy in the use of fueL Safety Hoistiiig Machinei7 for Merchandise and Treight, for Stores, Manufactories, Furnaces and Mines. 2,0O0 notv in Mse. GOODM^IIV & BREW^, HOUSE MOVERS, Office and Yard, No. 108 WEST 25th ST., Near Sixth Avenue, New Tork. Eesidence, No. no WEST 2.oth ST., near Sixth Avenue. ■ Buildings of all descriptions Eaised, Lowered, Moved, and Shored Up; Wood and Iron Wedaes for sale. Screws and Derricks to let. Gilman Goodwin. John H. Drew. MANITFACTUREES' AND BUILDEaS' FIEE IJfSUEANCE CO. CASH CAPITAL, . . . $200,000. Principal Office, No. 207 BEOA-TiWAY. -Branch Offices, - No. 890 Thkd Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Insures against loss or damage by ^ire on the most reasonable terms. ED WAED V. LOEW, PresidetU. J. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. GEO. E. PHELAlSr, Manufacturer of AND APBUBTENANCES. Warerooms, No. 7 Barclay Street, p. O. Box 1776. NEW YORK. Clark, little S, . 214 PEABL STKEET. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE ARTIFICIAL STONB AND SIDEWALKS. WALiTMn. R. Tl^OOI) & CO., Quarrymen and Wholesale Dealers in AND GBINDSTONES, From the Berea and Amherst Quarries. OFFICE, Nos. 283 & 285 FRONT STBEET Salter E. Wood, "I Near Boosevelt Street, " Chas. P. ■Williams. ]■, NEW YORK. SKIiABER & CO., MA»BI.E TTOIjtKS, , 217, 219, 221, and 223 WEST 5l8T STUEET, between Broadway and Sth Avenne.—Marble and Marblei/ed Man¬ tels, Monuments, Headstones of superior wortananBhip, cheapest in the city. Second Mortgages taken. R. W. FORBES. LUMBER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, FOR SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC TJSE, AT WHOLESALE OB EETAIL. CORNER OP WEST 29Tn STREET & llTH AVENUE. ■ 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. FIKST PREMIUM At .the Exhibition of tke American Institute, 1869, AWABDED TO THE New York Stone Works, C. J. BANDMAN. . L. JAFFE. Manufacturers of Arttflclal Stone. Olce, 1193 BROADWAT, ApoUO Bilflillg, 58W YoS. HAVE 70U SEEN GOLD'S NEW SANITARY HEATER? . (Patented Aug. let, 1871.) It gives a,pure, healtliful atmosphere, gqual in mildness to any STEAM HEAT at less tlian one-half tlie cost. NO OVJKR-HEATEa) SUKFACES. No loss of heat up chimney. NO DAMPESS. NO DANGER FROM POISONOUS GASES. Has Automatic Eeptulatot controlling the Draft, economizing Fuel, and preventing aU ^ANG-ER FROM OVER-HE ATEB PIPES. Simple in construction, easiest managed. Best in Use. NOT A HOT-AIR FURNACE ; NOT- A STEAM APPARATUS.' CaU and see it, or send for Circular. THE GOLD HEATING CO., 106 Beekman Btreet, New Yotk,