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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 10, no. 230: August 10, 1872

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REAL ESTATE RECORD 51 Dekalb av., s. s., 136.7 e. Marcy av., 19x100. R. Merchant to Joseph Waters, of New York. (Foreclos.)'...............................3,850 Dekalb av., s. s., 60.7 e. Marcy av., 19x60. W. De Vigne to James A. OlweU, of New York. (Foreclos.)...............................1,300 Hudson av., 75 e. of, and Dekalb av., 87.4 s. of (rear), 25x25.5. H. B. Davison to Sarah -wife of John McConnochie.......................100 MOBSE av., e. a, 175 n. Liberty av., 37.6x100, h. ife 1. C Wilcox to Jesse R. Irwin, of New Or¬ leans ........,............... .exchange and 1,000 Tompkins av., e. s., 33 n. Decatur st., 26.5x90. A. O. MUlard to John D. SulUvan.........6,000 Union av., e. s., 50 s. Meserole st., 25x100. H. Licht to Elizabeth wife of John MuUon... .3,400 Vanderbilt av., w. s., 327.8 n. Park av., 25x 100. Mary A. O'She^iKiO Prank W. Bauer.8,500 Vermont av., w. s., 95.f ri. Erookl5ni and Jamai- cc B. R., 2gxl00. F. H Toppf to Peter Bo- senzweig..............................___2,00Q Willoughby av., n. s., 100 w. Throop av., lOOx '' 100. J. Hoffman to George Seinsoth. (B. & S.).........................................500 Same property. G. Seinsoth to Fredericka wife of John Hoffman. (B. ife S.)................500 3d av., s. e..s., 20 s. w. 10th st., 17.9x70. B. Rafe to Ferd. Pabrius, of Southfield, Rich¬ mond Co................................12,700 Jamaica turnpike, a. s., 141 s. e. Macdougal st., 1619x833x1350. R. C. McCormick to Andrew S. Wheeler. (Q. C.)......................3,000 Lots 227 and 228, W. Elder property. C. C. Brady to Frank Crook. (Partition.)......nom. First av., w. s. (5To. 401). Muttjal Lepe Ins. i.^Co. agt. Zelia Altenkirch et al................ August 1 Ponrr-roTTBTH st., .s. s., cost. 375 w. 6th av., running 20, The TJ.' S. Life Ins. Co. agt. Carolme A. Vultee et al.................... August 1 ' TwEN-rr-FiBST ST., n. s., com. 258 w. 3d av., running 20.8. Thoinas E. Arnold agt. Sarah E. Howe etal...;........................... Augusts Tenth st., s. s., bet. Avs. B and C. James G-. J-I.-imili agt. Henry Ringslianser et al...... August 3 "Washington and Hohatio sts., s. e. cob. Elias G. Brown agt. C. A. Buddensick et al., August 3 One Hundked and Twenty-fourth st., n. s., com. 227 w. 2(1 av.. running 20. Ger¬ mania Life Ins. Co. agt, Hanford -N". Hayes.. August 3 Madison st., s. s., com. 192.11 e. Scammei. St., running 23.0. Anna J. Sclmiid agt. Ber¬ tha Jacoby et al............................. August 3 One Huniibed and Thirtx-etfth: st., s. s., com. 200 w. 6th av., running 25. Joseph Mon- yea et al. agt. Frederick Bogelman et al. ___ August 5 Sixtv-ninth ST., s. s., com. -150 w. 4th av., J running 25. Alphonso L. Fanchere et al. agt. Sarah E. SI an son........................... August 5 TnutTjf-FotTRTH ST., s. s., COM. 7S E. IOth av., running 21.6. Theodore ShifE agt. Adela Co¬ hen et al............... ................... August 5 Eighty-eighth st., n. e., com. 200 E. 10thav., running 150. Catherine M. Flint agt. Simeon E. Church................................. August 6 Eighty-ftfth ST., N. s., COM. 127.9^ w. 3d av., running 76.8. Lambert Suydam agt. Hector, &c. of St. Paul's Church..................... Aug-ust 7 T-wenty-second ST., s. s., com. 85.8 4-7 w. 9xH av., running 14.3 3-7. Gireenwich Savings Bank agt. John P. B. "W'^ells et al............. Angii-st 7 PROJECTED BUILDIHGS. Avenue C (No. 155), one five-stoky BniCK tenement, 23x70; owner and architect, J. G. Da- •VENPOKT ; builder, L. K. Osbobnb. Delancey st. (No. 257), one oke-story ekick storehouse, 12x30; _owner, GEORGE Herdtfel¬ der. - Fifteenth st., s. s., 150 e. Av. B, one two- story" brick stable, 12.8x103; owner, JOUN Mc- GuiKE; buUders, Oskey & Browning. One Hundred and Tenth st., n. s., 45 e. 3d av.j two three-story brick dweUings, 23x2.5, and one-story stable, 24x25; owner, Louis Piefer ; architect, Mr. McIntyre. Ridge;!ST., E. s., 100 n. Grand st., one ffve- story brick tenement, 25x51.6; owner, S. A. Mid¬ dlebrook ; architect, W. H. Gaylor ; buUders, W. & T. L.'mB. Sixty-second st., n. s., 100 e. 3d av., seven three-story brown-stone first-class dwellings, 18.6x 50; owner, Thomas Kilpatrick ; architect,iM. C Merritt ; builders, Breen & Nason. Twenty-fourth st., n. s., 60 w. 3d at., one two-story brick stable, 10x15 ; owner, D. Weiiren- BERG; builder, D. Boahen. Twenty-seventh st. (Nos. 163 & 164), one five-story brick factory, 48x86 ; owner, Edward C. Robinson ; architects, D. & J. Jardine ; builders, Doerfel &, Scholz. ALTERATIONS IN BUILDINGS. Pifty-seeond st., n. s., 150 w. 6th av., roof al¬ tered, partitions inside, &c.; cost, $1,000 ; owner, Solon "Winterbottom; buUder, Louis Tazer. Fifty-third-St., n. s., 375 w. 6th av., raised to three etories, interiorgimprpvenients|; cost, ^550; owner, N. Gourdier. Madison Bt. (No. 230),5twojand a halfgstoxies raised to four, front altered; cost, $1,500 ; o-wner, Peter E. Pitzpatrick. Nassau st. (No. 118), front opened and improved ; cost, §3,000; owner, Espenscheid; architect, Carl Pfeiffer; bmlder, R. L. Darragh. Sixth av. (No. 326), extension 15x15, rear wall altered; cost, #750; ovmer, Astor Estate; archi¬ tect, Charles Leinkan; buUder, M. J. Boylan. Twenty-ninth st. (No. 50 W.), roof raised four feet, interior alterations, &c.; cost, $2,250; o-wner, B. P. JosUn; architects, Vance & Withers; bnUder, C. WaUer. ;: unsafe. - ■ Twenty-eigtth. st. (No. 335), unsafe stone stoop and platform; owner, D. McLain. Broome st. (No, 162), chimneys unsafe; owner, Eugene Kettellas, Broome st. (No. 164), chimneys unsafe ; owner, Eugene Ketteltas. Broome st. (No. 166), chimneys unsafe, also weatherboarding; owner, Eugene Ketteltas. East Broadway (No. 142), east wall insecure; owner, Howard Crosby. ADVERTISED LEGAL SALES. POR THE COMING WEEK. Notice.—^Thc list of property given below is compiled from advertisements published in-diiferent new.spapers, of auction sales to be held under direction of the Referee ap¬ pointed. It may not be absolutely perfect but is as near so as we can make it. Beferee"'s Saies to be held at the Exchange Sales- EOOM, 111 Broadway. 83d St.. n. s., 175 e. 9th av,, 10.8x102.2, by Benj. P. Faircbild................................ Aug. 14 83a St., n. .=.. 191.8 e. 9tli av., 16.8x102.2, by Benj. P. Faircliild..................'.............. Aug. 14 8.3d St., n. s.. 208.4e. 9th av., lC.8-xl02.2, by Benj. P. Faircbild................................ Ang. 14 83d."st.,n. s., 225 e. 9th av., 18.9x102.2, by Benj. P. Faircliild................................ Aug. 14 83d St., n. s., 243.9 e. 9th av., 18.9x102.2, by Benj. P. Faircbild............................... Aug. 14 83d St., n. s., 262.6 e. 9th av., 18.9x102.2, by Benj. P. Fail-child................................ Aug. 14 83d St., n. s., 281.3 e. 9th av., 18.9.':102.2, by Benj. P. F.iu-chM................................ Aug. 14 83d St., n. s., 300 e. 9th av., 18.9x102.2, by Benj. P. Fairchilfl................................. Ang. 14 83d St., n. s., 31S.9 e. 9th av., 20x102.2, by Benj, P. Faurchild....................■............. Aug. 14 SSd St., n. s., 338.9 e. 9tli av., 20x102.2, by Benj. P. Faircbild................................. Aug. 14 83d St., n. s.,-358.9 e. 9th av., 20x102.2, by Benj, P. Fairchild................................. Aug. 14 SSd St., n. s., 378.0 e. Oth av., 20.^102.2, by Benj. «5fP. Faurchild................................. Aug. 14 83d St., n. s.. 398.0 e. 9th av., 20.3x102.2, by Benj. P. Fairchild................................ Aug. 14 Mercer St., e. s., 25-_s. Bleecker st., 25x100, by A. J. Bleecker, Son';'&; Co....................... Ang. 17 Mercer St., e. s,, 50 s. Bleecker st., 80.x85, by A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co....................... Aug. 17 112th St., n. s., 475 e. 6th av., 100x100, by A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co.......................... Aug. 10 16th St., s. s.. 238 w. Av. C, lOOxlOO.-S, by A. J. 5Sf.Bleecker, Son & Co.......................... Aug. 17 •3d av., e. s., 106.2 s. 108th st., 17.8x100, by A. J. Bleecker, Sori & Co...................-___ Aug. 17 3d'av., e. s., 88.6 s. 108th et., 17.SxlC0, by A. J. Bleecker, Son & Co.......................... Aug. 17 Gouvemenr st.. No. 58, 25s—, by Benj. P. Fair- child ........................................ Aug. 16 4th av., n. w. cor. 120th st. (indft.), by James M. Miller....................................... Aug. 13 Syst- ^o:iS::::: [^yJ-esM. Miner.. Aug. 13 Lexington av., s. w. cor. SOth st., 102.2x19.2, by James M. Miller............................. Aug. IC 123d St., n. s., 220.3 w. 1st av., 29.9x100.11, by Joseph McGuire............................ Aug. 14 JXfKEGLOSl^ EtUEiiEiH ST., s. s., com. 202.6.W. Lexington ti:av., running 18.4.- George "W. McCullum agt. ' Orlando S.'WilliamBet al.................... August 1 Eightieth st., s. s.,-com. 239.S Wi Lexengton . av., rnnning 18.4. Same agt. the same...;.. August 1 PEOOEEDINGS OF THE COMMON C0T7NCIL AFFECTING EEAL ESTATE. I* under the different headings indicates that a resolution has been introdiKed, and laid over for further action. t indicates that the resolntion has been passed by one Board and sent to the other for concurrence. % indicates that the resolution passed both Boards, and has been sent to the Mayor for approval.] IN BOAED OF ALDEKMEIJ", ) Monday, August 5,1872. i BELGIAN PA-VEMIHT. 74th St., from 3d to Sth ay.* Christopher st., from Greenwich to Hudson.* 53d St., from Sth to 10th av.* Clarkson St., from Hudson lo "West st.* ^ ' 26th St., from 3d to Lex. av.?'' ' , : • " Sth St., from Bowery to Av.-B.* ...... *- . 3d St., from Bowery to East Elver.* . 2d a-v., from 6.3d to 66th St.* Isfc Bt., from Boweryto Houston;* . ... Oth st, from 3d av. to Av. B,* 7f)th St., from 2d to 3d av.* 5.3d St., from Sth to 1 Oth av. * Oth St., from 1st av. to Av. A.t SOth St., from 5th to Sth av.* 30th St., from Oth to 10th av,* FANCT PAVEMENTS. 70th St., from 4th to 5th av.t 72d St., from Sth av. to North river, Telford macadamized pavement.* 77th St., fi-om Sd to 5th av., Ziegler's block pavement.* CTTRBS AND GUIXEBS. lOGth St., from 3d to 5th av.* 55th St., from 7th av. to Broadway.* 99th St., from 4th to oth av.* 5th av., from 90th to 120th st.* Ofith St., from Sth av. to Boulevard.* 49th St., from Madison to 5th av.t SE-WEES AND BASIXS. 67th St., from Boulevard to lOtb av.* Water st., s. w. cor. Corlears st."-'' "Water st., from Corlears to East st.* Av. A, from 120th st. lo Harlem river.* Madison st., from point of disconnection ^ Pike st.t SIDEWAIiES wrOKNED. 86th St., both sides, from Boulevard to Eiver Drive.* STREETS EXTENDED. Hudson St., southerly to intersection o£ Church at Fulton St.* STKEET REPAIRS. 19th St., from 1st av. to Av. A.* GAS MAINS. Lexington av., from 79th to 96th St.* 86th St., from Av. A to 92d St.* 66th St., from 2d to 3d av.t 52d St., from 4th to Sth av.t G8th St., from 4th to Sth av.t ■ Av, A, from 122d and 123d sts., also Croton mains.t 55th St., from 9th to 10th av.t 61st St., from 4th to Madison av.t 61st St., from Oth av. to Boulevard, also Croton mains.t 65th St., from 3d to Lex. av.t ASSESSMENT EOLL. AXNEXED is ti list of improvements for which the a?-- sessments have been confirmed, and are now due. Property holders in the vicinity of any of them vnH do weU to in¬ form themselves as to their liability. It had been our in¬ tention to publish a list of the property actuaUy affected by improvements, and we had so aimounced on the assur¬ ance of Mr. Starkweather, the late collector, that the privilege to cuU from his books should be freely given. However, that gentleman resigned his position, and the new incumbent refuses to permit the much-needed informa¬ tion to be published, so property owners must call in per¬ son at his office to get the information we are compelled to forego giving them. TITLE. Fifth avenue, sewer, between Eightj'-ninth and One Hundred and Eighth streets. Sixty sixth street, outlet sewer to Tenth avenue, to Sixty- fifth street, to Broadway, to Siity-second »treet, to Eighth avenue, with branches in Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth ave¬ nues, and in Sixtieth, Sixty-first, Sixty-second, Sixty-third, and Sixty-fourth streets. Eighty-sixth street, curb, gutter and flagging, regulating and grading, from First avenue to East river. Fifty-seventh street, paving, with Stafford pavement, between Lexington and Sixth avenues. One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street and Sixth avenue, basin, Eouthaast corner. One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street and Sixth avenue, basin, northeast comer. Front and Wliitehall streets, basin, northeait comer. Watgr and Whitehall streets, basin, southeast comer. Fourth avenue and Fifty-ninth street, basin, northeast corner. Third avenue and Forty-fifth street, basin, southeast corner. Fourth avenue and Thirty-first street, basin, northwest corner. Seventh avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, basin, northeast comer. Fourth avenue and Fifty-ninth street, basin, southeast corner. Corlears street, sewer extension, between Monroe and Grand streets. Fiftieth street, sewer, between Broadway and Eighth avenue. Nineteenth street,' se-.ver, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Avenue D, sewer, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Thirty-sixth street, sever, betwcen,Third .and Lexing¬ ton avenues. . '' - Second avenue, sewer, between One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and Harlem river. Eighty-first street, between Third and Fourth avenues. Fifth avenue, sewer, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty- fifth streets. Avenue D, sewer, between Third and Fourth streets. Thirty-fifth street, regulating, -grading, curbing, gutter¬ ing and flagging, Elerenth to Twelfth avenues. South street, crosswalk to Pier 25, East river. Charlton-street, cmrbing, guttering, flagging, between Hudson and Green-wich streets. ..........' - Chatham. Square, , curbing, guttering . and flaggujg, between Mulberry and Worth streets, west side. . Gouverneur andHeniy streets, flagging, southeiist comer. King street, flagging in front of Nos, 64 and 66. Thii-ty-fourth. efa-ecfc, north - side, flagging in front of Nos. 431 to 439. - Fourteenth street, east side, flagging in front of Nos. 200, 202 and 204, .^ - ------ -................ Fifth .avenue,' extension outlet sewer, between One Hundred and TMrty-sixth-and-OneHundred. and,;Thirty- seventh streets.;,, i. _ „ .. ,. ,..,......; .^ ..-; Forty-fifth- street, 'stone-block- paving, between Fourth and Fifth avenues. .