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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 10, no. 232: August 24, 1872

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AND BUILDERS" GUIDE, Vol. X. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1872. No. 233. Published Weekly by TlIS REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TBllMS. One year, in advance......................§6 00 All coninmnications should be addressed to C TV. SWKET, 7 AND 9 WARUKN STRKI'TT. No receipt for money due the RRAL ESTATK RECOau will be acknoiviedije.l unless signed by one of our regular coUector.s. I-lHNniY D. S.MiTri or TtroMAs F. Cummings. All biUs for collection wUl be sent from the office ou a regu¬ larly printed form. MEOHANIOS' LIENS. NEIV YORK. Aug. 21 Av. A, N. w. COK. 117th st., 32x118. James Hamel agt. Mary Eliz. Way- deU..............................$3,134 00 21 Amitv ST., N. s. (No. 123). Fuank Clemens agt. G. M. Mettnacht. ^Continued to 1873.)............. 174 90 15 Cherry st. (No. 17), bet. Dovkr and Roosevelt sts. McGregor & Himter agt. J. C. Ashley......... 26 00 17 Cannon st., e. s. (Nos. 92, 94, 96, 98, 100), bet. Rivington & Stanton sts. Dav. E. Hawkms and P. Kiel- bach agt. Chas. Kinzie............ 2,293 58 2Q Crosby st., n. e. cor. Howard st., 87.6x25. ArchitecturallronWorks agt. Mary Frazier................. 17,000 00 15 Division ST., s. s. (No. 187), 75 from Jefferson st., 26.2.K—. John Mee¬ han agt. Jacob Bennett........... 42 40 17 East Broadway, s. s. (No. 183), bet; Rutgers and Jefferson sts. Fe¬ lix Sinith agt. Mr. Rooney (Con¬ tractor)...........;.-----......... 13 80 20 Eighth av., s. w. cor. 27th st., 25x 75. Robt. C. McLane agt. J. Gal- langer........................... 28 82 14 PORTT-NTNTH ST., N. S. (NOS. 67, 69, 71), 329.6 e. 6th av., 60x—. Richd. J. Pullam and Wm. Powers agt. Wm. C. Lester................... 200 00 15 POKTT-FIFTH ST., N. S., 260 VT. 8tH av., 20x—i. John H. Edelmeyer agt. Frederick KoUe.............. 3,000 00 17 PORTT-SEGONDST.,S.S. (NOS.153aND 154), bet. Lexington and 3d avs. Dav. B. Hawkins and P. Keilbach agt. Wm. Laimbeer............,.. 299 80 19 Forty-ninth st;, n. s. (No. 67 W.), bet. 5th and Oth avs. Charles Har¬ rington agt. Wm. C. Lester........ 42 00 20 Forty-seventh st., s. s., 100 e. Lexington a,v., 233x— (12 houses). Austin Gibbins agt. Timothy. G. Chnichin........................ 940 00 20 Fifth av., n. e. cor. 84th st., 100 xlOO. Arnold & Co. agt. Mrs. H. N. Trask. (Continuationto 1873.)- 4,498 87 21 Forty-sixth st., s. s., 175 w. Broadway, SOx—. John Moran agt.—......................... 800 00 21 Fourth av., n.w. cor. 59th st. (17 houses on street). John Moran agt. Martinet & Co. \& Fernando Wood. 7,260 00 19 Grand st., n. s. (No. 412), bet. At- torney and Clinton sts. Daniel Carroll & Henry Howard agt.------. 198 50 15 Horatio st., n. s. (Nos. 85 and 87). Amet-Seaman agt. M. Sehmale-... 350 94 17 Henry ST., s.; s. (No. 60). David E^ Hawkins and P. Keilbock agt. Immen & Stemnie................ 52344 20 Lexington av., s. w. cor. 74th"j st. (13 houses on st.)............y Lexington av., w. s., bet. 73d & j 74th sts. (2 houses)...___».....J James Johnson agt. Chas. H. Be¬ man.............................. 800 00 17 Monroe st., n. s. (No. 63), bet. Market and Pike sts. Philip Kane agt. David W. Orpheus........... 656 81 19 Madison av., s. w. cor. 53d st., 100 feet on square. Thomas Mc¬ Laughlin agt. Presbyterian Mem. Church.......................... 425 00 21 Madison av., w. s. (No. 232), bet. 36th and 37th sts. Samuel Buck¬ ley agt. Catharine Mears.......... 44 75 21 Ninth av., e. s. (No. 778). W.m. McKinley and Robert Smack agt. John Messer. (Gonthiuation to 1873.)............................ 5.55 00 21 Same property. Same agt. same. (Continuation to 1873.)........... 53 25 17 Oak st. (No. 37), bet. James and New Chambers sts. David E. Hawkins and P. Keilbach agt. —. Frost............................ 469 10 19 One Hundred and Twelfth st., n. s., 1.50 w. Lexington av., 40x— (2 houses). Daniel Carroll and Henry Howard agt. Jas. S. Dale.. 98 28 21 One Hundred and Twentieth st., a. s., 100 e. 2d av. (9 houses). David S. Reid agt. Mr. Landon, Mr. Ship- man, Mr. Corr and John Doe...... 454 20 16 Seventh av., s. w. cor. 18th st.,54 x40. Samuel Thomson agt. James E. WeUs and Jonathan H. Board.. 5,478 77 16 Sixtieth st., s. s., 115 w. 2d. av. (3 houses). Arnold, Martin & Co. agt. John A. Lyons............... 752 60 17 Seventy-eighth st., s. s. (No. 240), bet. 2d and 3d avs. John Walther agt. Maria A. Jahn............... 12,000 00 19 Second av, e. s., .50 s. 64th st., 25 x—. John Opfer agt. Mr. Gal¬ lagher............................ 75 00 19 Seventy-sixth st., n. s., abt. 60 w. 3d av. (3 houses). Daniel CarroU and Henry Howard agt. Jeremiah Leamy........................... 59 28 21 Seventy-fifth st., s. s. (Nos. 228, 330, 233, 234 E.), 200 w. 2dav., SOx —. Michael (joode agt. Patrick Smith............................ ■ 894 60 19 Third av., s. w. cor. 104th st., 100 xlOO (4 houses). Daniel CarroU and Henry Howard agt. James S. Dale. 305 04 19 Third av., n. w. cor. 116th st., 100 xlOO (4 houses). Daniel CarroU and Henry Howard agt. James S. Dale. 388 37 19 Thirty-seventh st., n, s., 150 w. 1 llth av., 75x—..................1 Thirty-eighth st., s. s., 150 w. i 11th av., 7.5x—.................j CarroU & Howard agt. Grahamite Asphalt Pavement Co............ 340 76 20 Thirty-fourth st. and North Rivsr, extending the Bulkhead fronting on river to 35th st. Thomas P. Richardson agt. Courtlandt & Palmer..."........................ 2,234 50 KINGS COUNTY. Aug. 17 Sixth st., n. s., 307.19. w. 7th av., 20x100. WiUiam O'Keiffe agt. Geo. B. Alard......................... 21 Delaplaine house and grounds on Gowanns Bay. Hobby, Leeds & Co. agt. Ulrich Mathey, Jacob Kleeder, Ormond GauteUon and J. S. and WUiam Brown................... 15 Willoughby aVm n. e. cor. Stuy- vesant av., 100x75. David Mangin agt. Harvey B. Dennis and Freder¬ ick Harr......................... #64 00 467 50 141 81 1.5 MAGJifOLIA ST., N. S., 350 W. CEStUAL av., 55.4x140, irreg. Hawldns ife Henken agt. Emory O. HaU....... 096 50 15 Park av., n. s., 315 b. Yates av., 180x100 (10 houses). W. E. Chap- man agt. S. W. Cronk and N. G. Kortright........................ S7 20 21 Yates av, s. w. cok. Willoughby av., 117x80. Frederick Schwartz agt. Sebastian MUler and John R. MuUison........................... 4(K) 00 21 Eleventh st., n. s. (No. 105), bet. 3d and 4th avs. Wm Bloonier agt. Robt. Taylor and Andrew Murphy 70 00 17 Atlantic av., s. v/. cor. Vandek- bilt av., 80x20. Peter Lynan agt. John Van Pelt, Joseph Pecaro and Henry Neiland................... 258-34 20 Atlantic av., s. vv. cob. Vander- bilt av., 100x30. Peter Lynan agt. same parties................. 258 34 15 Garden st., n. e. s., 20.5.10 s. e. Flushing av., 20x106.11. Marvin ► Cross, Sherlock Austin, and John H. Ireland agt. Cath. and Fred¬ erick Oetgen..................... .500 00 20 Monroe st., n. s., 125 w. Ralph av., . 75x100. Stanton & Keyes agt. H'y E. Remsen and John Raynor...... 156 75 31 First st., n. s., 250 e. 6TnAV., lOOx 200 (10 houses). James Phelan agt, James Irwin and H'y S. Rapalye.. 131-00 17 Sixth ST., n. s., 137 w. 7th av., 200x 100. Hobby, Leeds & Co. agt. Daniel Doody and L. F. and F. M. Wheeler.......................... 301 54 21 Fourth pl., n. s., 175 e. Henry st., 60x100. John Morton and Albert Mahon agt. Thomas H. Robbins andD. D.Whitney............... 350 00 JUDG-MENTS. NEW YORK. In these lists of judgments the names alphabe.ticaily arranged, and xohich ui-e first on eacli. line, are those of the judgment debtor. Aug. 17 Anderson,'Jehn—A. G. Dearing..... $48 21 30 the saine---------N. G. Dunn..... 541 97 20 Armstrong, A. G.—W. C. Rhine¬ lander ...;....................... 699 05 15 Blaney, John—J. S. Peck........... 654 40 15 Bacon, Wm. J.—J. E. Risley....... 468 10 15 Black, Thos. A.—J. S. Martin...... 3,4-39 20 15 Brown, 0. E. & John—J. K. Myers. 447 07 15 Barry, Andrew P.—W.L. AUeson.. ' 468 88 15 Barrett, E. S.—W. C. Budlong..... 140 23 15 Brower, JohnM:—J: B. Adriance... 204 69 16 BeU, John—T. J. Barr............. 1,766 38 16 Brown, D. & H. W. & J: G.—E Wl Chester.......................... 433 94 16 Banks, E. D.—WiUiam Johnson___ 88 00 16 Bigelow, R. H.—P. S. Giles........ ~ 2,549 44 17 Bache, A. J.—O. S. Ackley......... 776 83 17 Boye, Charles—Edward Cromwell... 475 29 17 Bowman, C. Hi-Nat. Trust Co., New York.................,..... 188 89 ] 7 the same---------the same......... 189 43 17 the same---------the same........'. 188 83 20 Bangs, Arisbn—R. G. Huston...... 2,607 .50 20 Brandes, Fred'k—Henry Hornidge.. 238 41 20 Brady, Matthew B.—L. A. Myers... 483 24 20 the same------^the same......... 483 93 20 Biermann, D.—J. L. Kappes........ 440 02 20 Bolanz, John—J.. W. Mason........ 91 01 20 Bartholomew, George—Joseph Taus¬ sig............................... 119 87 16 CalweU, James—John AtwiU........ 88 26 16 Campbell, Lester — Commonwealth Life Insurance.Co................ ' 181 51 17 Crowley, Fredk. C—A. A"."Crosby.. 693 70 19 Colo, Seth B.—W. 0. Maitland...... . 275 04