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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 10, no. 235: September 14, 1872

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL.X. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1872. No. 235. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One jear, in advance......................$Q 00 All communications should he addressed to C. "W. S^VKET. -7 AND 9 Warken Strkkt. No receipt for money due the Real B.STATB Rkcord will be acknowledged unless signed by one ot our regnlar collectors. Henry D. Sirrrii or Thomas F. Cumaiinqs. All bills for collection will be sent from the oflioe on a rega- larly printed form. MEQHAISriCS'LIENS. NE-W YORK. Sept. 4 Broadway, cor. Umon square, the Theatre. Geo. H. Storm agfc. Sheri¬ dan Shook. (Continuation.)...... $1,250 00 5 Broadway, w. s., cor. Rector st. (Nos. (59, 71, 73). Jno. R. Glover agt. Edward Matthews............ 128 28 6 Broadway, w. s. (Nos. 71 and 73). Bradley & Currier agb. .Edward Mat¬ thews............................. 035 00 6 Bleecker st., s. e. cor. Crosby st. (No. 58). Michael Healey agt. —. Roberts.......................... 50 00 11 Broa]3-\vay, av. S., COR. 19X11 ST. (No. SS). J. S. H. Clark agt. John Doe 153 00 9 Eightieth st., s. s., 150 e. 2d a v., 25x—. Clark, Little '& Co. agt. Doe & Roe....................... .559 IG 5 Fiftieth st., s. s. (Nos. 406 and 408 W.). Herman Korotowski agt. M. Carroll. (Continuation.)......... 120 09 5 Forty-first st., s. s. (Nos. 440, 442, 444, 446, 44S, W.). Herman Koro- towsky agt. Wm. Warren. (Con¬ tinuation. )....................... 203 04 9 FORTY-FODllTH ST., S. S. (NoS. 334, 336, 338, & 340 W.). Solon Wintor- bottom agfc. —. Lepovier et al....... 2,150 00 9 FORTT-EIGUTH ST., N. S., ABT. 100 from 7th av. Wm. Whau agt. Ash- er Hecht......................... 4.57 00 9 Fulton st., k. w. cor. Nassau st., extg. to Ann. Geo. E. Myers and Wm. A. Gedneyagt. Jas. G.Bennett 2,684 70 10 Fulton st., n. w. cor. Nassau st. (Nos. 93 to 105 Nasssu). Wm. & Thos. Retch agt. Jas. Gordon Ben¬ nett.............................. 1,400 00 10 Forty-first st., s. s., 420 e. 2d av., 52x —. Thomas McCafferty agt. ------•............•................ 37 35 10 Forty-seventh st., s. s. (No. 150 W.). Michael Foley agt. A. Z. AUen............................. 1,940 00 11 Fourth av., s. e. cok. 42d st. Mi¬ chael Hannon agt. John Garvey... 397 99 10 Gouverneur st., cor. Monroe,'] extending to Scammel st........j Scammel st., bet. Cherry and j Monroe sts.....................I Robert Finckie agt. Frederick Hoch.................'.......... 28,400 00 4 Houston st., abt. 125 e. Green- -wich st. Elias Wasson agt. Henry Wellbrock....................... 168 00 9 Houston st., n. s. (No. 342 E.), bet. aves. B and C. Chas. Smaley agt. Nathan Frey..................... 2125 9 Houston ST., n. s., (No. 292), bet.. Greenwich and Hudson sts. Wil¬ liam Murray agt. H. Wellbrock ... 88 00 11 Same PROPERTY. August Schultze agt same......................... 485 00 11 Same PROPERTY. H. N. Gallup & Abbie Meeker agt. same.......... 448 00 10 Norfolk st., e. s. (Nos. 124, 126). ■ Bradley & Currier agt. John Doe.. 398 47 9 Lkxington av., s. 'w. cor. 74Tn st., 12 houses extending west.......... Lexington av., s. e. cor. 74Tn st., also 2 houses on e. s., 2 on w. s., of av., bet. 73d & 74th sts......... John BeU agt. Martin & Co....... 1,399 84 6 One Hundred and Fifteenth st., L s. s., 170 e. of 1 st av. M. O'ReUly & Co. agfc. Ann H. MarshaU......... 185 00 6 Rector st. (Nos. 71 &' 73). Brad- ley & Currier agt. Edw. Matthews. 625 00 6 Sixty-sixth st., s. s.', 150 ■v\'-. 1st av., 150x100. Patrich. Farnan agt. James Gilmore & James Crumbe.. 1,000 00 5 Seventy-fifth st., s. s., 375 e. IOth av. Tobias New agt. B. P. Cram. 140 00 9 Sixteenth st., s. s. (No. 648 B.), bet. Avs. B and C. Dav. E. Haw¬ kins and F. Keelboch agt. James McKenna........................ 397 00 9 Seventh st., n. s. (No. 233 E.). Wm. Whaw agfc. Jerrold Fitzgibbin .52 42 11 Sixty-sixth st., s. s., 150 -vv. 1st av. (6. houses). Clark, Little & Co. agt. James Gilmore........... 1,253 45 4 Thirty-third ST., s. s. (No. 415 W.). Valentine Getz agt. Mr. Donohue.. f 27 00 4 Same property. Fred'k Gauk agt. Mr. Donohue..................... 27 00 5 TniliTY'-NINTH ST., s. s. (No. 438 W.), bet. 9th and 10th avs. Her¬ man Korotowski agfc. Mr. Becker. (Continuation.).................... 94 03 5 Thirty-sixth ST., s.s. (No. 441W.). H. Korotowski agfc. Mr. Werner. (Continuation.)................... 116 40 6 Thirty-ninth st., n. s. (No. 415 W.). John Neelaon and D. Mc- DougaU agt. M. Pfeiffer........... 170 00 6 Thirty-eighth st., s.s., 325 e. IOth a-v., 46.6x—. ' Pat. Farnan agt. Jas. GUmore, Jos. Stern and Jacob Metzger.......................... 400 00 6 Third av., n. w. cor. 104tiist., 50 X 70. PhiUp and Louis Wendel agfc. Chris. Hofi'man and —. Horn. 110 00 11 Thirty-ninth st., n. s. (No. 307 W.). Abram McBride agt. Ru¬ dolph Brodek.................... S70 00 KiHGS COUNTT. Sept. 11 Cvkland ST., -vv. s., 150 N. Norman av., 25x100. W. WUson agt. Ernest Braun........................... $1«3 75 7 Carroll st., s. e. cor. Oth av.,~1 20x83 ......................... Sixth av., e. s., 40 s. Carroll st 56x83 .......................... John McGrayne agt. W. H. WU¬ liams and H. H. Day............. 300 00 11 Red Hook lane, s. e. s., 103.8 s. "w. Fulton av. (Nos. 17 & 19). Pat. Lyons agt. Henry W. Ducker..... 404 50 11 Hopkins ST., n. w. cor. Throop av., 75x63.6. H. A. Bowdoinagfc. John R. BaU & Peter Eiseman.......... 1,750 00 7 Hunter st. (No. 87). H. N. Conk- Un, Son & Beers agt. Stephen Flynn............................ 393 12 9 HUNIER ST., E. S., 100 N. FULTON St., 20x100. Chapraan & Co. agt. F. P. Larkin and Stephen Flynn... 89 45 7 North 2d st.-, bet. 1st and Bast River Sugar Refinery and shed. HammUl & GiUespie agt. James O. Friel and Havemeyers & Co........ 198 00 9 Park av., n. s., 215 e. Yates av., ISOx—. Joseph Rankin agt. Davis & Coyle and N. G. Kortright..... 373 00 9 Macon st., n. s., 20 "W. Throop av., 20x84. . Thomas Raleigh and James Rossbotham agfc. —. Bryant and Susan A. Reid............... 150 00 10 Twelfth st. (No. 330), near 6th av. H. N. Stringitham agt. Charles Risslcr.................. 2180 JUDaMENTS. NBW YORK. In these lists of judgments the names alphabeticaily arranged, and lohich are first on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. Sept. 5 Atwood, J. W.—G. B. Linderman... .f .573 60 5 Allen, J. S.—J. H. Cuthbert.:...... 309 70 5 Arthur, James—Bradley & Cnfrier.. 387 10 6 Aaron, Julius—M. J. Leon. ..:•;'...... 63 44 6 AUen,W.H.—1st Nat. Bk. Washing¬ ton...............:.......-....... 3,169 91 7 AUcen, Richard—Albert Alexander.. 75 57 7 Ashtieid,- V/m. M.—E.' J. Butler.... 496 80 4 Brown, C. W.—Peter Heraglity..... 63 45 4 Bryan, John—Mortimer Porter...... 1,163 95 4 Barr, Thomas J.—Sam'l Congdon... 3,510 45 4 Bowen, Henry—J. P. Jube.......... 80 73 5 Bradley, J. 'W.—F. S. Weldraan.... 6S7 23 5 Bradley, Joseph—A. Louisa Bradley 8,908 85 5 Brentano, August—A. C. Armstrong 169 39 5 the same---------Chas. Welford... 323 40 5 the same---------the same........ 628 25 6 BirdsaU, A. B.—Dept. BuUdgs...... 68 31 6 Buddensick, C. A.—Patrick Moran.. 534 06 6 Barnett, B.—Israel Horwitz......... 134 50 6 BidweU, H. S.—1st Nat. Bk. Wash¬ ington.........-................... 3,169 91 7 Barth, Charles—Gustav MUler...... 34 50 9 Brunuer, Wm. & Sam'l—C. M. Reed. 839 47 10 Brown, C. R.—Ethel C. Hine....... 169 31 10 Burtis, N. W.—T. P. Carhart.:..... 143 94 10 Bissinger, Jacob—J. 3. Hecht....... 1,54 93 -, o Bock, Adolph and \ George Wester- ^" Bechtel, John ( houser.......... 301 61 10 Birdsall, A. B.—Garret L. Schuyler. 4;ao 73 Bowman, C. H. and ) 11 Blewett, B. B. and I John G. Berry. 794 10 Bassett, F. B. ) 11 Barry, Michael—C. B. Tookcr....... 268 00 ,., Benning, J. E. and I Geo. & A. Rie- ^^ Bach, E. f chardt........ 235 47 4 CorneU, S. E.—Eben Bartow........ 168 84 4 CampbeU, Alex'r—Cath. CampbeU... 435 44 5 Conroy, Joseph—Nath'l Newberger.. 255 90 5 Clark, C. G.—J. S. Ailing.......... 352 43 5 Cohn, W. K.—Patrick Keogh....... 77 35 5 Chittenden, SeUda—Edw'd Dennis... 6.53 64 5 Clark, Edw'd—PhUip GUman....... 134 49 6 Comins, Jno. P.—W. M. WUmarth.. 93 .51 7 Crane, 'W. D.—Lorenz Hoffman..... 560 i3 7 Conroy, Joseph & Mich'l—T. H. Bar- owsky........................... 586 80 7 CosteUo, Timothy—PhU. & Jos. Bick 94 26 7 Cleary, PliiUip—North River B'k, N. Y............................. 533 21 7 the same---------the same......\.. 535 14 7 Coon, Sarah A.—Andrew Crook.... 049 89 9 CarroU, Patrick—P. D. Casey....... 100 65 10 CampbeU, C. H.—Henry Iden...... 199 OS 10 Copcutt, F. W.—B. B. Hagerty..... 447 06 10 Coar, John—G. L. Schuyler........... 435 73 -Ift /-(I X, T, -c^ ) Anthony ' Gold... " 281 35 10 Clayburgh, B. \ Qchs. 1 Cy..... 15 23 in Clendenning, George I James Car- ^" CaUaghan, John \ roU....... 232 48 11 Crane, Jno. R.—WiUian Brookfield.. 1,259 76 11 Clarke, W. H.—J. W. BeU.......... 620 24 11 Coulter, Jas. B.—J. H. White....... 18,911 94 11 Calders, James—N. G. Dunn........ 35 00 11 Coben, Herman—E. E. Towes....... 693 85 4 Deraerest, N. L.—J. H. Baker...... 4.57 61 5 Donlon, Patrick-J. M. Smith....... 373 60 6 Dudlev, Henry J.—G. K. Acke -man. 68 66 7 Duff, Chas. C—James Falahee...... 104 40 7 Dessart, Mrs. Mary—W. W. Burdick 251 38 10 De Rons, Pauline—JuUa T. D. La- gorde................•............ 1,004 73 10 Doncourfc. J. H.—C. H- Lea........ 174 00 10 DowUng,- Patrick—Thomas Keek ... 658 43 11' Demarest, J. C.—Abner Goodspeed . 660 55 11 Dodge, J. P.—Putnam Co. Nat. B'k 69 87 5 Eichhom, Jacob—Mary Rick.:___. 67 50