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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 10, no. 241: October 26, 1872

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ND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. X. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1872. No. 241. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. Orio year,.in advance......___.............86 00 AU communications should be addressed to •7 AND 9 Waurbn Strkkt. No receipt for money due the Real ESTATB Recobij will be acknowledged unless .signed by one of our regnl;i collectors. Henry D. Smith or Thomas F. Cummings All bills for collection will ,be sent from the office on a regr.- laiiy printed form. Special Notices. f Messrs. A. T. Sekeeix & Son, whose moulding-mill so extensively known, was destroyed by fire over a year a"-o, have built a larger one, with improved machinery aiid much greater facilities for bnsine.=.s. This firm has been too long and favorably kno^vn to need any recommenda¬ tion; indeed, the senior partner was the inventor of machines for worldng wood molding.s and the first to supply the market. Mb. j. F. Pamiee, who executed the gas-fixtures and bronze work for tho building of the Equitable Life Ins. Co. and the dwelling of A. T. Stewart, and who was for 20 years Supermtendent with TiilEany & Co., will fill orders in his line with accuracy and taste and in all respects the highest style of art. _ Mb. John E. Bueke, 178 Wooster st., who has done work m his line for years, for some of the first houses in Nwe York, is ready to set, repair and clean furnaces, ranges, etc. Oua up-town readers in need of sras fixtures or plumbing work, might consult their convenience by visitino- the store of Mr. Stadler, cor. of 54th st. and Sd av. PEIVATE DWEILING-EOUSES AT THE VIENNA EXHIBITIOIT. (From tlie London Building News.) At the forthcoming Universal ExMbition to be held at Vienna, .in 1873, a.proininent.feature will be made of the private dwelling-house by placing it in a group by itself. This group will, it is hoped, assist in the solution of one of the most important social questions of the present day. The object of the Commissioners is not so much to form, a collection of ethnographical examples, or 'to show the con.struction and arrangement.of the ordinary private dwelling- houses of different countries, as ib is to poiut out what is considered by the iohabitants of these countries the best mode of buildiag, tak¬ ing iato consideration the climate, local circum¬ stances, and mode of living existing thereta. Thus, for example, a very common error ia former attempts to provide dwellings for the working classes has been the construction of huge piles of bricks and mortar, in which there is no exclusive ownership beyond the two or three rooms having a separate; entrance, and the right of way down a common stah-case. Whatever may be the. economical or architec¬ tural advantages of this plan, known as the " barrack system," it- has failed in almost every instance, owing to the dislike of the very per¬ sons who were iutended to profit by it. Again, it is very doubtful whether the "flat" system has any future in London among the better classes. The experiment in Victoria street hs s found but little favor among us, and wherever this plan has been repeated it has usually devel¬ oped itself into a mere modification of hotel life. In countries where this plan exists it haa been found tlia,t beside the danger of over¬ crowding, we have the even greater evils of the loosening of the family . tie, with injury to health and morality. On this account, there¬ fore, the tendency everywhere is to restore the old family dwelling-house, arranged in such a way as to suit the requirements of modern life. The intention, then, of the group destined to ripresent the private dwelling-house—firstly by mo 1 els, drawings, or complete buildings, tnd secondly by similar examples of individu, 1 roo.ns only—is to display all the apartmentf. even down to the kitchens and cellars, fitted complete with every requirement for modem housekeeping, including all the mo-st approved recent contrivances, the whole being ready for immediate use. It is hoped by this means to present to the visitor a most complete illustration of the vari¬ ed domestic arrangements of all countries, and one which he could obtain in no other way. Architects will thus be enabled to exhibit the dwelling-houses best suited to the climates and habits of their countrymen, and those interest¬ ed in the important social problems herein in¬ volved wUl be in a position to make the most instructive comparisons, and to select and adopt such of the details as may appear to them novel and valuable. It is, moreover, in¬ tended that as far as possible these houses, be¬ sides being completely decorated and furnished, shall be inhabited. By thus grouping together in their actual positions the handiworks of the cabinet-maker, the upholsterer, the painter, the joiner, and the potter, the visitor to the Exhibition vn.\\ have every chance of arriving at a true conclu¬ sion as to their respective merits. In connection with this group it may be as well to draw the attention of English ma.nufac- turers and exhibitors to a class of dwellings for which this Country is justly distinguished— namely, laborers' cottages. Of late years we have given much consideration to this subject, and are far ahead of our continental neighbors. Some good models and cottage plans would not fail to attract a great deal of notice. Our cheap buildings, again, iu iron, of the class known as " temporary buildings," would also be weU worth representing at Vienna, as con- .structions of this kind are almost unknown there. We .have but little doubt that if intro¬ duced by enterprising firms (and such are not wanting in this country) iron buildings would meet with a ready sale. It would, we thinli, be found a very profitable investment to take over a number of iron houses of various kinds in order to put them up iu the Park previous to the opening of .the Exhibition. House rents ia Vienna, owing to the dearth of accomoda¬ tion, are at present enormously high, and a cheap and readily-erected building would find great favor there. Of course, there are a great many objecfcohs to iron houses, especially iji cold climates; but with a, little care and modi¬ fication it appears to us. that for temporaiy residences iron buildings would be found to be the best and cheapest, particularly in a country where the better class building materials are veiy costly. Thus we are informed that the prime cost of bricks in Vieima is from SOs. to GOs. per thousand, and other material in pro¬ portion. In fitting up such constructions an excellent opportunity is afforded to Enghsh manufacturers to exhibit our furniture and fit¬ tings, and to-show these objects in actual use. Open stoves are almost unkn9wn in .G-ermany, kitchen ranges,.: again, find' lio couhterpart abroad. Gas stoves and small contrivances for warming haUs and conservatories are much needed. English furniture and wall-paper is, where it has been introduced, greatly admired, and our bedroom furniture should be adequate¬ ly represented. Of coujrse it is too much to expect of the English Commissioners that actual specimens of an English mansion, a viUa, and a laborer's cottage, should be displayed at Vienna, but we think that the opportunity should be embraced as far as possible of showing foreign¬ ers why it is that in' ^England, above all other countries, we are able to enjoy the com¬ forts and advantages of what no other Euro¬ pean language, we believe, has a word for— "home." GOSSIP. Sevebal weeks ago the Common Council passed an ordi¬ nance, as recoriimended by Commissioner Van Nort, and petitioned for by the property oivner.s, authorizing the De¬ partment oE Public Works to improve Seventy-second street, from the entrance at the Central Park to the Hudson river, as a macadamized road, thus making a park-way connect ing the Central Park drives with the Boulevard and the contemplated Riverside Park and avenue. Work has com¬ menced, and is being vigorously prosecuted, so that the section between the Central Park and the Boulevard may bo completed this season. Commisioner Van Nort contemplates a similar improve¬ ment of One Hundred and Tenth street, from Fifth avemie to the Riverside Park and avenue. This street is the nojtherly boundary of the Central Park, and legal pro¬ ceedings to make it an eighty-foot roadway will soon be consummated. When completed, it will form the connect¬ ing link of net-work of pleasure drives of twenty-six miles in length, including the Central Park drives, the Sixth and Seventh avenues, the Avenue St. Nicholas, tho Morningside and Riverside avenues, and the Boulevards. Hon. Henry G.-Stebbins, having ret-urned from Europe, wifl immediately resume his duties as President of the De¬ partment of Parks. Frederick Law Olmstead, Esq., late acting President, resigned tlie position at a meeting of the Board held Thursday afternoon. STE.E3T OPiSNINGS. Th" reports of tho Commissioners of Estimate and Assess ment'relative to the opening of the following streets, to¬ gether with all maps and other documents used by them m making their reuort, are now deposited at the ofiice of the Commissioners of Public Works, for examination by property owners interei^ted. Time for objections will expire on the dales mentioned. , .„ - ti v.,- SSth .St., from Sth av., to New Road or Public Drive .........—.................... Nov. 23 SSth St., from 12th av., to Hudson River....... Nov. 23 Sitth St., from Sth av., to New Road or Drive... Nov. 23 SOtn St., from 12th av., to Hudson River....... Nov. 23 91st St., from 12th av., to Hudson River........ Nov. ii Olst St.'. from Sthav.. to New Road or Drive.... Nov. ii !)3d St., from I2th av., to Hudson River........ Nov. i.^ <)3d St., from Sth av., to New Road or Drive.... Nov. 2.i 9.5th Et from Sth av., to New Road or Drive----- Nov. 23 '15'h St., from I2th a v., to Hudson River....... Nov. 23 97th St., from Sth av., to Boulevard............ Nov. 2 < 98th St., from Sth av.: to Boulevard......;...... gov. £1 Madison av.. from 124th st., to Harlem River... Nov. 4 ilth av., from 59th st., to the Boulevard....... Nov. 14 The Commissioners in the matter of the opening of the followin"- streets give notice to owners of property afEected to deposit their title deeds, lease, and other evidenc^ of ownership to them on or before November 6th, at bi Nas¬ sau street, room 24: . , ., , .^ t™ Dyckman st, extg. from Kmgstmdge road south-easter¬ ly to the Harlem River. _ • ,,...,. 1 Naegle av., extg. from Kin.gsbndge road north-easterly "sherman av., parallel with Naegle av., nnd extg. from langsbridge road north-cfisterly to 10th av. ^ 10th ar., extg. from Dyckman st. northerly to Ivipga bridge rond.