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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 11, no. 270: May 17, 1873

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1873. No. 270 Puhlislieil Weekly hy m REAL ESTATE REOORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................§0 00 Ail communications should be addressed to AVhiting Building, aiS and M7 Bkoadway. Subscribers will please bear in mind, tliat they should receive the Real Estate Record promptly on Saturday morning, as every paper is sent to the Post¬ office on Friday night before 11 o'clock iu order that the carriers may havc it for their first delivery. The Super¬ intendent of the newspaper mail expects this, and should be notified immediately through us of any neg¬ lect on the part of carriers. MECHANICS' LIENS. NE'W YORK. May. 9 FOHTY-SECOND ST., S. S., BET. éTH and Lexington ays., Forty-first st., n. e. cor. Park ay., ext'g n. of av. Théodore Mai- zaclvcr agt. Mr. Shore............. §3,980 00 9 FlFTV-SEVENTII ST., N. S. (No. 9 E.), :^0 e. oth av., SOx—. Frederick T. Locke and William 0. Mimroe agt. Chauncey Kilmer................. 1,597 19 14 F0RTY-.SIXTH ST., N. s., 505 Vf. 9tii av., 48x—. Robert J. Hone agt. DenuLs Horgan................... 1,723 63 13 Lexington av., s. e. cor. 47th st., <5 hs. ou av. and 13 on st. ), Madi¬ son av., Vf. s., 80 s. 45th st. (3 hs.), 40x—. Johu L. Da^is and John B. Johnson agt. Anson B. BirdsaU and Catherine his wife, and Edward S. Innis.......................... 10,844 03 10 Mekceu st.,n. w.cor. Houston st., 100x25. John C. Johnson and Jo¬ seph ï. Famngton agt. Elliott P. Gleason.......................... 75O 00 13 Same property. Thomas P. Gal- ligan agt. Mr. Gleason............ 762 50 10 Ninth av., w. s. (No. 745), bet. .50th and 51st sts. Jaeob Hartman agt. _,, ^ H. Hofer......................... 30 00 14 One Hundred and TniRTY-rouRTii st., n. s.,195.9w.5thav., ext'd'gAy. Patrick McGowan agt. Ayres, Gates & Hanson.........".............. 420 00 9 SE^^i;NTY-^IFTH st., s. s. (Nos. 230 and 234), being bet. 2d and 3d avs. Michael Goode agt. Sarah E. Thain 524 00 12 Sixth av., e. s. (No. 254), bet. 16th and 17th sts. William R. PoAvers and Thomas J. Short agt. A. H. Merken.......................... 445 18 13 Seventy-sixth st., s. s., 135 e. 3d av. Hickey & Kennedy agt.------Metz- ,^ ^ zer............................... 3^500 00 lo bE-\-ENTEENTH ST., S. S. (NoS. 613 and 614, e.), bet. avs. B aud C. William H. Jenkins agt. Hender¬ son tt Marson................ 5O5 oO 13 Sixth av., e. s. (No. 204), bet. 16th aud 17th sts. Abraham Demarest agt. A. H. Menken................ 120 00 14 Seventy-eighth st., s. s. (Nos. 344 and 346 e.), bet. 2d aud 3d avs. Chas. Joues agt. Léonard Schmidt 265 .55 8 Tenth av., av. s., ext'g feom 62d to 63d sts., being ^m on 62d st. aud 400 on 63d st. Louis Zanger ai-^t. E. Kazebanny............"___!.. 530 00 ,8 Same property. Thomas Connolly -,»ft, same,,,,,,,,................. 3.1075 13 Tenth av., s. e. cor. 154Tn st. Johu LaAvrence agt.------.......... 15'.) 33 13 Thiuty-ejghtii .st., s. s. (No. 136ay.), 300 e. 7th aA'., 25x—. Aaron E. Wright aud John E. Austiu agt. jNIr. 'iMcLaughliu.................. 27 00 13 Thihu AA'., N. AV. COK. 23d st., SOxlOO. Albert Spitz aud Kauf¬ man lleuschel agt------............ 293 33 14 West]3j!OAT)av.\a' \y. s. (No.75),ueinc; 75 s. Léonard st., 25x—. Jame.s Bornege agt. B. D. Alleu......... 60 00 KINGS COUNTY. jVIay. 10 Bergen st., s. s., 100 av. 3d aa^, SOx 100. Ja.s. J. Dowd agt. Jno. Mc¬ Garry aud Wm. D. Breimau.......§6,200 00 14 Same proi'erty. J. R. Gloa'er agt. J. AIcGarry aud Owen D. Bremian. 13 70 13 Broadway,"s. s. (No. 98). K. G. and J. M. Phelps agt. A. S. Crowell, 11. B. Dennis, and Phœnix Ins. Co___ 164 02 10 IOth st., n. s., 165.9 av. of------. M. F. Murray agt. Félix aud Patrick Hickey aud Amos F. Eno......... ' 340 88 13 Washington aa'., av. s., 120 n. of St. Mark's aA'., 25x—Dixou ifc Ross agt. Jno. R. Hall, aud T. B. and B. F. and Maria V. L. Gates aud J. H. Doherty.......................... 171 00 9 .5th st., s. s., 109.9 av. of 7th aa'. (13 hs.). Jas. F. Mooney agt. Daniel Doody aud Wm. R. Martin........ 94 00 12 Concord st., s. s., 57 e. of Gold st., 23x100 (No. 206). William Révère agt. DaA'. Reeves aud William Ilal- liday aud Edward McElligott...... 80 00 13 Columbia st., k. e. cor. Congress st., 25x100. Joseph Palmer agt. Hugh O'Neil..................... 35 44 10 Washington^ aa'., e. s. (No. 171). Walter Brinckerlioiï, Jr., agt. J. F. Wheeler aud P. Stallknecht....... 37 00 12 Butler st., s. s., 235 e. of Sahth st., 25x100 (No. 84). Johu McCor¬ mack agt. Wilhelmena Trabert___ 40 00 10 Plot 8? acres, Neav Utrecht, of Frederick Wenier, Watson, and Pittinger agt. Jno. J. aud Fred'k AVeruer.......................... 181 63 13 Elm st., s. s., 50 av. op Myrtle ax., 25x100. R. G. aud J.M. Phelps agt. Jno. Walsh aud H. B. Dennis. 371 55 JUDaMENTS. NE'W^YORK. ' In tliese lists of judr/ments tlie names aljihabetically an-anged, and wJiîch are Jlrst on eacli line, are tTiose of Uie judrjment debtor. May. 7 Alderman, J. M. et al—J. P. Rice.. $303 39 7 the same---------the same....... 313 61 7 Auteu, Abraham R. et al—The Har¬ lem Bank....................... 633 31 8 Anuebeiy, Chiisten—Martm Zbor- owski........................... 673 23 13 Alger, J. E.—Security Bank........ 674 63 13 Atwood, Daniel T.—I. C. Ogden.... 1.59 98 13 AUison, Michael—F. W. Beck...... 135 .56 13 Adams, Frank W.—O. D. Taylor... 556 48 7 BroAvn, E.—J. G. PoAvers........... 98 30 7 Brink, Charles et al—The Insurance Co. of North America......1.... 3,259 26 7 Bancroft, EdAvard W. ct al—L. S. Lenheim........................ 286 68 7 Butler, W. A.—Nathaniel Chandier. 1,578 24 7 BoAvne, George W.—James Cagney. 259 17 7 Buttomore,. Cornélius et al—John Glass............................ 68 49 8 Bannon, Patrick—Louis Hayman.., 1,200 96 Brundage, EdAvin L.—H. C. Brun¬ dage ............................. 2,076 89 Braiida, Francis J.—Frédéric Buse.. 174 57 Bagley, Peter—H. A. Perkins....... 653 35 Bangïiart, Johnson D.—A. C. BeU.. 109 61 Barhyte, Charles A. (imi^ld)—John Foley............................ 328 41 Blunt, Edmund, Jr.—G. W. AveriU. 40 68 BroAvu, Charies S. et al—The Ameri¬ can National Bank................ 207 20 the same---------the same........ 820 30 the same---------the same........ 787 49 Bolger, EdAyard—J. S. LaAvrenee.... 453 90 Barr, John J—J. H. GreensAvard.... 83 95 Bowman, Daniel-R. 11. GoodeU.... 117 80 Boylan, Patrick et al—The Trades¬ men's Fire Insm'ance Co.......... 647 23 Brady, Patriclc— ) Brady, James V Herman Koehler 67 24 (impld)- ) Coi-Aviu, O. F. et al—J. P. Rice..... SIS 61 CroAv, EUis N. et al—The Harlem Bauk............................. 623 31 Claflin, Horace B. et al—^L. S. Len¬ heim............................. - 286 68 Colin, Moses—Jacob Ncav.......... 666 33 Chave, WUUam G.—B. B. Thomas.. . 118 95 Cohen, S.—Thomas -Johnson........ 290 78 Curtis, Ira et al—H. T. BueU........ 5,660 93 Cheney, Arthur—James Sehonberg. 744 03 Culhaue, Johu—Louis Goetzman___ 253 81 Coburn, Robert H—R. M. Nichols.. 1,814 50 Callender, Charles—T. M. DaAds as Receiver.........,................ 4,997 92 Clark, Louis—Henry Linken........ 184 09 Coe, Charies H.—W. H. HoAveU.... 445 39 Corey, George W.—W. M. Mills¬ paugh............................ 197 00 Cathei-Avood, Aunie A.—W. N. Bailey 243 07 Constant, Eliza S.—Henry BaU..... 711 41 Cronin, W. H.-J. G. PoAvers....... 33 00 CauteU, L.—J. G. Falconer.........' 473 86 Cummings, Joseph M.—James Gill. 418 23 Carr, WiUiam—I. W. Knapp........ 45 58 Conrad, Laurence et al—ef. M. Fiske 366 65 Cameron, Donald et al—A. D. A. MUler............................ 118 06 Chapin, H. A.—R. A. Arnold....... 145 10 CaUahan, John—I. P. Cole.......... 94 50 Carpenter, Charies R.—S. Margaret Jones............................. 163 50 Case, Gabriel—G. M. Lyon.......... 68 25 Chester, E. W.—Phinney Ayres..... 339 66 Chase, George K.—EUen Kennedy (as Rec.)......................... 175 14 Canfield, George W.—Abram Quack¬ enbush, Jr....................... 241 73 Decker, WiUiam H.—Daniel Salis¬ bury ............................. 937 80 Dryer, Fanny A.—Caroline B. WeUs. 134 26 David, Mr.—P. Arwault............ 67 30 r T. M. Davis DeUer, George T. et al J as Rec. of Drummond Robert— | the Océan [Nat'l Bank. 3,46128 DoiTmaun, EdAvard—Maria J. OS- iuger............................. 77 50 DeCion, B. A. et al—Jonas Fischer.. 278 84 Dodge, London U.—Pliilip Jeselson. 175 51 Davy, Elizabeth—M. T. Brennan.... 183 73 Deyo, MatheAY F.—D. D. Winant.... 553 01 Dudley, Mrs. M. A.—L C. Purdy.... 114 11 Dexter, Charies—J. S. Stebbins..... 608 35 Deyo, M. F. et al—David McAdam.. 112 50 Decker, Levi et al—Charles Johnson 267 48 Dale, James S.—J. M. HUl.......... 241 46 Dudley, Uriah H.— ) The North Dudley, Charies G.— \ River-Bauk 5,098 93 Denison, L. H.—A. D. F. Randolph. 131 37 Davenport, William Y.—Jacob Stein 38 04 Eames, EdAvard E. et al—L. S. Len¬ heim............................. 28G 68 EIHugAvood, Nathan Dane—^R. E. Mount (as Rec.).................. 3,474 99 EdAvin, Lina—Griffith Morgan....... 55X 69 the same--------the saine,.,.,.,, 467 34