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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 13, no. 320: May 2, 1874

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XIII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1874. No. 820 J. DEHHAM & CO., AND REAL ESTATE ATTORNEYS. ESTABLISHED 1845. 266 ^Vest Twenty-Tkird Street. Rents collected. Real Eptate Bought, Sold, and Ap- praisud. _____________ . .________^ Safety Hotel and Store Accidents avoided if Rope, Belt, and Engine break. No nice adjustmentrequiringconstantattention. Price one-third leas than others clainiing to be safe. Manufacturers of Pumps, Engines, Boilers, and Hoist¬ ing Machinery for every conceivable use. Contractors', Planters', Wreckers', Miners', Builders' Pumping and Hoisting Outfits. Address WM. D. ANDREWS & BRO., 414 Water Street, New York. Brown's Cable Carriages for Coal Yards, Mines, Quar¬ ries, &c., &c. L. C. HILDRETH, GRANITE DEALER. Granite for Buildings, Granite Sidewalks, Monuments, Cemetery Lots enclosed with Posts and Bars or Cop¬ ings, &c. Quincy, Scotch, Maine, and Connecticut ca-Et-^ 320" X T" 3E3 . NOBLE STREET, near Franklin, GBEENPOIXT, L. I. Box .il Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange, New York. IN SUMS TO SUIT FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. M. PARPART, 906 and 908 Third Avenue. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE ]VtOA7"ERS, Residence and Office, 108 and 110 West Twenty-fifth St., near Sixth Av., New York. SECURITY GIVEN TO ANY AMOUNT. The undersigned solicits the collection of Rents and charge of Estates. Returns made promptly. Has had long experience in the business, and can give good references. Tenement property a specialty. LYMAN DENISON, Jr., 187 Greenwich Street, (Over North River Bank, corner Dey Street.) - Oflice Hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. si. R. W. FORBES, LUMBER OP EVERY DBSORIPTION for SHIPPING or DOMESTIC USB, At Wholesale or Retail. Tard, Cor. of West 29th Street and llth Ave.. I>o>vii.-Towix Office. 14 SOUTH WII>I,IAM STREET. TATE & OSBORNE, All kinds of American and Imported Marble, Granite. Cane Stone, Brown Stone, Ohio and Dorchester, and all other Stones, cut and set to order in any part of the country or city. 91st & 92a STS., EAST EIVER, NEW YORK. We claim to have unusual facilities for doing work cheaply, accurately, and quickly, aa our STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-SAW CUTTER, the first bronght into use in this city, works ipoet successfully. Those having business in our line are respectfully invited to inspect the quality of onr work, and give ns an opportunity to saake egtimates. APPELL & CO., REAX ESTATE BROKERS, 271 -WEST 23d STREET, Corner Eighth Avenue, NEW YORK- :ESTATES TAKEN IN CHARGE. Tlie undersig;ned gives special attentiou to Real Estate as a"^ent, taking the general charge and super¬ vision of Houses auo Stores, collecting Rents, &c. References of the highest order furnished for ability, experience, and intogrit}^ The care of Estates, large or small is solicited. JAAIES R. EDWARDS, Real Estate Broker and Agent, 09 West 23d Street. Manufacturers & Builders' Bank, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000, 916 Third Avenue aiid SSth St., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JoHX Davidson, Pres. C. A. Waterbtjry, Cashier. Trimmings, Doors, Wainscoting, OFFICE WORK, AND CHURCH INTERIORS. Estimates and Slvctches furnished on application. Office, 827 BROADWAY. Factory, lei to 165 West 18th Street. JlANtTFACTURBU BY STEWART & CO., Works, extending through, from W. 18th to 19th St., near 11th Av., New York. Oifice, 539 "West ISth St. Down-Town Depot, 2C9 Pearl St., near Fulton St, SPECIALTIES.—STEAM PRESSED DRAIN-PIPE, from 2 to 18 inches in diameter, with all necessary lit- tings. TERRA COTTA WA..RE.—Garden Vases aud Statua¬ ry, Rustics, Fountains, Plain and Ornamental Chimney ■Tops, &c., &c. SEIVD FOR PRICE LIST. •.Vv^ FOR ALL "//^ / S@-ATi Q t^' JOSIAH N. CHRISTMAS, STEAM STONE WOEKS WYTHE AV.,COR. RUTLEDGE ST., BEOOKLYN, E. D. The undersigned having recently put up the latest improved machinery, including the first DIAMOND STONE-SAW CUTTER ever erected in this country, is prepared to work any kind of Freestone, Brown, Ohio, and Dorchester Stone. Those having orders to fill can rely that our late improvements will insure the utmost promptness and economy. WYLLYS H. WARNER, HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE Steam Heating & Ventilating APPARATUS, XXS Xaec3i33.^a:rc3. ^t- LOW PRESSURE Steam Warming with the OPEN BOILER, which is POSITIVELY IVON-EXPLO-Tn^E under any possible coBditious, and free from thcdanorer of Superheating the Steam, has been a specialty for thirteen years. Send for descriptive pamphlet, with references. Over 1,000 iu use in tlie coldest sections of the country. YOUNG'S DIAMOND SAW MACHINES roB SAWING STOrSE, awarded THE GREAT MEi>AL OF HONOR OP THE American Institute, 1872. HUGH YOUNG, Stone Cutter, and Manufactnrer oi Diamond Saw Machines, solicits orders in both branches of his business. In Stone Cutting he liopes to receive a fair share of the trade of the city, believing that his business, as or¬ ganized, combines as many advantages of experience, tastefulness, and mechanical facilities as can he found. His DiamoiKl Saw busiuess is also thoroughly organ¬ ized No iuveution for preparing stoue for the Building Trade has ever been so well aud promptly received as this. As ecouomists of room, stone, labor, and power, these machines are uurivallcd. They are without prac¬ tical drawbacks, easily kept in order, and have extraor¬ dinary range of usefulness and value. OFFICE AND STONE YARD, Foot of East mth Street, New York. WILLIAMS & SPELLER, QUARRYMEN AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BUILDING STONE, OHIO STONE From Amherst, Berea, Berlin, and Independence <^XJ.A.3Fft.3EtXE3S, Office, No. 247 Broadway. Specimens at Ofiice. Chas. P, Williams, ) Chas. D. Miller, Jr. ) NEW YOKK. MIITTOFS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Public Buildings and Dwellings, As laid by us in The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous Churches, Banks, and Dwellings in every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled Tilee for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, &c., and for Exterior Decoration. MILLER & COATES, 379 reai'l Street, IVov Yorlc, TALE I^OCK MANUFACTURING CO., No. 298 BROADWAY, IV. Y. FINE STEEL-KEYED LOCKS FOR FRONT AND INSIDE HOUSE DOORS. BRONZE KNOBS AND OTHER BRONZE HOVS£ TRLMMINtiS In great variety at Low Pnees.