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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 15, no. 372: May 1, 1875

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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1875. No. 372 Published Weekly by m KEAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C, W. SWEET............President and Treastireb PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary. L, ISRAELS......................Business Mana&er TERMS. One year, in advance...........$10 00 Communications should be addi'essed to C TV. ©TVEET, Nos. 345 and 347 B.ioadwat SPECIAL NOTICE, Quite a number of removals are announced in Pine Street with the first of May, John McClave has return¬ ed to hia old ataud, at No. 44, and the Meaars, Mellick will occupy fine ofticea in the new Equitatile building, Mr. John S. Pierce, well known for years among leading dealers, haa removed from Broadway to No. 5 Pine, where he -ndll devote his entire attention to real estate aud loans. CONVEYANCES, NE-W YORK. April 22, 23, 24, 2G, 27. Ashland pl., or Perry st,, 40,11 -w. Greenwich av., 22.9x irreg. Henrietta vi-ife of George Starr to Alonzo Bliss. April 37..........S9,400 Bank st., s. s., 216.11 -^v. Greenwich st., 25x95. Joseph Haring, NewTork, John Haring, New¬ ark, N. J., and Kimbele Dunham, New Tork (Exrs, of Isaac Haring), to Thomaa E, Har¬ ing, April 22...........................11,650 Beach st,, n, s., 60 iv, St, John's allev, 20x68,11 x'20x(59.1. (Foreclos,) Jefferson M. Levy to the Traders' Savings Bank, April 23.....12,550 Bedfork st, (No. 5.5), w, s,, 60 s, Morton st., 20 x75. Mary -wife of John D, Gibson, Jersey City, to Mary Anu "wife of Abram G, Hull, -MJi-il 24..................................9,2.50 Broadway (No. 137), -sv. s,, 15 n. Cedar st,, 25x abt. 101.6. John J,, Jr,, and Edmund J. Glasson to Mary Ann H.Welsh, NewTork. (All title of Margt. A. Glasson, deed., mother of Grantors) April 23....................6,000 Broome st. (No. 74), n. s,, 103 e, Columbia st,, 22x75, Thomas Driscoll to James H, Sulli¬ van, Sullivan Co,, N. T, (C, a, G.) January 37..........................................ho Same property. JaS. H. Sullivan to Margaret ' T. wife of Thomas Driscoll. (C. a. G.) Jan, 27............................:.............500 Canal st, (No, 259), n, s,, 81.10 w. Elm st., ^ 2.5,4x84,6x25,10x89,5.......................( Canal st., n. s., 327 e. Broadway, runs north j' 84.6 X west 1,5 x south to beginning-.......J Nathan Solomon to Adolph Tuska. (Q. C.) Jan. 26....................,............61,000 Cedak St., s. 8., 219.10 e. William st,, abt, 44.2x . 63,6 (irreg:.) Edwin B, Miller, Brooklyn, to Frank Miller, Warsaw, N. T. (Q. C.) March 21, 1871...................................4,200 Chambers st. (No. 37), n. s., 25x73.7.........l Reade St. (No. 13), s. s,, 25x75.7.............] Edwin Clark (Trustee of Gabriel Furman) to William Irving Clark. Feb. 1 ..........100,000 Chekry st. (Nos. 116 and 118), n. e. cor. Cath-"^ arine St., 45.2x98.5x49.6x98,1...............i Cherry st,, n, b., 45.2.e. Catharine St., 33.4x 1 98.6x24.8x98.5.............................<■ Catharine st., e. s., 98.1 n. Cherrj' St., 4.11x 74.6x4.11x74.3 (alley)...................... Charles M. Da Costa (Ref.) to Elisha Brooks. April 23.................................53,600 Canal st., n. s., .50 w. Orchard st,, 29,1x75, Charles B. Rice (Ref.) to Isaac J. Geery aud Henry B. Scholes (Exrs. of Isaac Geery). (Correction deed.) Apiil 23.......;......nom. Catharine st., e. r., 103.1 n. Cherry st., 25,8x 100x25.7x101.7. Charies M. Da Costa (Ref.) to James S. Joj'ce. April 23.............20,600 Duane st., w. s,, 29,8 n, William st,, 19,11x51.4 x20x51,4. Elizabeth Harden (widow) to Si¬ mon Johnson. (Q.C.) March 34........nom. Delancey st., s. ~s,, 50 w, Goerck st,, 25x75, Isaac B, Willett to Margaret wife of Abraham R, Van Nest, Jr. April 34................6,250 Henrt st,, n, s,, 169,4 e, Rutgers st., 21.8x75. Robert Whitehead to the Alanson Methodist Episcopal Church, New Tork. April 20..12,000 Horatio st., s. s., 101 w. Greenwich av., 16.8>; 87.6, h. &, 1. George W. McAdam to Edward Short. April 22..........................9,500 Leonard st. (Mos. 1,56,1.58, and 160), s. s., 137.1 0. Centre st., 60.10 x abt. 78.2 (irreg. on east. side). Egisto Paolo Fabbri to Children's Aid Soe. April 21............................nom. Same property. The Five Points House Indus¬ try to Egisto Paolo Fabbri. April 21.....20,000 Ludlow St., w. s. (indeft. location), 18.6x87.6. Ann M. Tillman to George Seeley W^heeler. April Manhattan st., n. e. s. (indeft. location), oOx 100. Bernhard Schwartz to Eliza wife of Heury Eisner. April 1...................5,200 Prospect pl., vr. s,, 17.1 n. 42d st., 10.8x54. Nathan Sonneberg to Isaac Unsrer, i^pril 22;..............................'.'........9,045 South st., s. s., 109 e. from centre line of pier No; 29, East River, runs west 109 to said cen¬ tre line X south to end of said pier 29, x to point 155 from centre said pier line, x north 465 ; also, water plot in Brooklyn. The May¬ or, <£e,. New Tork, to the New Tork Bridge Co, Mareh 11..........................202,000 Spring st, (No. 23), n, s., 46.6 e. Mott st., 23.9x 119.3x23.3x124. George M. Mittnacht to John Honig and Louis Veitenheimer. (Mort, .S2(),- 000.) April 9............................nom. 4th St., s. s., 100.10 w. Lewis st., 15x95.9x27.3x 95. Frederica Bachman (wido-w) to Paulina Ellwein. April 10........................4,125 8th St., s. s., 275 e. 2d av., 25x97.6. Thomaa Minford to Anthony Dugro. April 14___20,000 llTH St. (Nos. 270 and 372 W.), s. b., 175 e. Bleecker St., 50x95.3. Philip Gompreeht to James McGovern. April 24..............57,.50O 12th St., 8. s., 62.6 e. Av. C, 20.6x77.6. Ferdin¬ and Tung to John Kircher. April 23......6,000 12th St., s. R., 239.6 w. 2d av., 23x106.6. Henry W. McMann to Charles G. Cornell. June 33, 1873......................................nom. 12th St., s. s., 394.6 w. 3d av., 20x106.6. Joseph W. Tilton to Hannah W. wife of Robert Hay¬ dock. (C. a. G.) April34...............15,000 Same property. Robert Haydock to Joseph W. Tilton. April 23........................15,000 12th St., s. s., 99,9 w, 1st av., 19.7x68.4, h. & 1. (Foreclos.) Roderick F. Farrell to Dorothea Munssinger. April 3.....................9,050 13th St., n. s,, 393.6 w. Broadway, 28x84,7x29,1 x92.8. Phoenix Remsen, Alexander S, Webb, Robert L. Belknap, William H. Kane, and George G. Waters (Exrs. Henry R. Remsen) to John Lynch. March 30...............25,500 .13th St., n. s., 283,4 w. 3d av., 20.10x90, David C, Murray et al. to the Rector, »&c., Grace Church. (Correction deed.) Aprils.....nom., 16th St., n, s,, 500 w, 5th av., 35x92. Benj'amin Douglass, Essex Co,, N, J. (Exr. of Mary Douglass), to George Hurst. April 24.. ,20,000 16th St., n. s., 500 w. 5th av., 25x93, George Hurst to the Trustees St, Francis Xavier Col¬ lege, New Tork, April 24...............20,000 16th st, (No, 235 W,), n, s,, 363 e, Sth av., 20x 100, Thomas M. Graves to Theodore C. B. Vidal. April 23.........................nom. 16th st, (No, 335 W.), n, s,, 363 e, Sth av,, SOx 100. Theodore C. B. Vidal to Rachel wife of Thomas M. Graves. (C. a. G.) April 23. .nom. 16th St., s, s,, 409 w, 5th av., 31x103.3, h, & 1. Mary Stebbins to Emma Stebbins. Nov. 26, 1870......................................nom. 18th St., n. 8., 80 e. 2d av., 20x54, Uriana P. wife of William M. Welling to Reuben Smith. AprU 33.................................16,000 20Tn St. (No. 354 W,), s. s,, 133,4 e, Oth av,, 16,8 x91,ll, h. & 1. Elsie E. wife of Charies Turn¬ er to John Dunham. April 24...........19,300 20x11 St., 8. a., 395 v/. 5th av., 25x93. Peter Martin to Cornelia S. wife of Bradley Martin. April 26..................................45,0CO SOtii St., s. s., 100 -w. 9t.h av., 25x91.11. Kate R. wife of Williani H, Fisher, and Isabel wife of Samuel S. Roome to Thomas Cotterell. (Con¬ firmation deed.) Feb. 27.................nom. 20th St., s. s., 100 w. 9th av., 25x91.11. Anna J. wife of Timothv Coffin to Thomas Cotter¬ ell. Feb, 27.....'......................14,000 22d St., s, s., 295 w. 1st av,, 20x97.6, (Foreclos,) James H, Fay to Eugene Parker, (Mort. S3,- 200.) April 24.....................'.......5,000 22d St., s. s,, 100 w^ 9th av,, 44x107.6........ Also plot adj on w, s., 72 s, 21(1 st., runs ' west 31x35,6............................ James N, Wells to the Samaritan Home for the Aged of City of New Tork. March 8.40,000 23d St., s. s., 400 w. 6th av., 25x98.9, h. &, 1. John Auchincloss to Christopher Meyer, New Brunswick, N. J. April 22..............35,000 26th St., s. 8., 401) e. 9th av., 25x98.9. Patrick McDonnell to Thomas H. Matthews. April 22.......................................10,5C0 30TTI St., n. s., 216.8 e. 2d av., 19..5x98.9, h. & 1. (Foreclos.) William Sinclair to Alexander T, Stew-art, April 23.......................11,.500 34T11 St., n. s., 360 e, 2d av,, 20x97.6, h, & 1. Charles E. Post to Margaret E. Juck, Brook¬ lvn, (C. a, G,) April 20...............16,000 o5fH st,, n. s., 425 w. 5th av., 20x98.9. (Fore¬ clos.) Francis H, Weeks to Howard L, Un¬ derhiU, April 31........................25,000 39Tri .St., s. s., -200 w. 9th av., 25x98.9. Geverfc Wendelken to Isidor Falk. (See 10th av.) April 22.................................1-3,000 41ST St., n. s., 100 e. llth av., 200x98.9. (Sher¬ iff's deed), Matthew T. Brennan (SherifE) to the Municipal Oxygen Gas Co,, New Tork, April 24.................................5,SC0 44th St., s, s., 184.6 e. Lexington av., 15.6xl0()..5, h. & 1, (Foreclos.) Isaac L. Miller to Fan¬ nie E, Lichtenstein, (Mort, -SIO.OOO, interest Sept. 29,1874, and costs of foreclosing same.) Feb. 25....................................5,000 S.A.ME property, J.ame3 Earle to Fannie E, wife of Joseph B, Lichtenstein. April 21.....18,5C0 Same property, Fannie E, wife of Joseph B, Lichtenstein to James Earle. April 21___4,120 45th st,, n, s,, 120 w, 1st av., 21x100.5. Caro¬ line Avife of Rudolph Le Fevre to Herman Bornemann. April 22..................8,0C0 45th St., s. s., .3-29 w. 5th .av., 2lxl00..5. (Fore¬ clos.) Williara Sinclair (Ref.) to Sterne Chit¬ tenden. (Morts. §20,«00, interest Nov. 16, 1874.....................................14,oC0 46th St., n. s., 60 e. lst av., 20x75, h. & 1. Lou¬ is Bauer to Elizabeth -wife of Henrv Wade¬ witz. (C. a. G.) Feb. 20............'......5,500 48th St., n. s., 260 e. 7tli av,, 20x100.5. Oliver W, Dodge to Jameson D. Kitchins:, Brooklyn, April 17........................,^....... 32,0)0 48th St., n. s., 175 w, llth av., 75x7L5x26x31x .50x— to beginning, Edward Short to George W. McAdam. April 22..................13,500 50th St., n. s., 257 w. 1st av., 16x100.5, h. & 1. George Allen to Ephraim A. Jacob. April 19.. .■....................................16,5C 0 53d St., s. 8., 133 e. Lexington uv., 21x100.5. (Foreclos.) William S. Keiley to Thomas Stokes. April 24........................12,050 53d St., n. s., 2S5 w. Sth av., 23x100.5, h. &1. David Dinkelspiel to John Johnston. April 19.......................................45,0CO 53d St., u. s., 13.5 w. 2d av., 25x100.4. Samuel W^eeks, Jr., to John Mahon. (C. a. G.).. ..5,550 54th St., n. s., 100 w. 10th av,, 25xl00..5, h, & 1. Isidor F.alk to John Fljmn. April 22.....17,000 54th St., s, s,, 400 e. 10th av., 23.6x.55.2x23.7x 53.6, h.&l. William Sinclair (Ref.) to John ^H. V. Arnold. (Foreclos.) April 16......6,000 55th St., s. 8., 187 6. 6th av,, 86x100,.5, John Crosby Brown to John Hayes, Brooklyn. Feb. 25.................................10,000