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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 17, no. 411: January 29, 1876: Supplement

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SUPPLEMENT TO EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVII. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1876. No. 411. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTAfE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET...............Pkesident and Teeasueeb PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seceetaby. L. ISRAELS.........................BnsiNEas Ma.nageb TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance....§10 00. e . ComaiuQicationa ahould be addressed to C. TV. STT-EET, Noa. 345 AND 347 Bhoadwat. CHATTELS. THE REAL ESTATE RECORD -ASD BUILDERS' aUIDE IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUBDAY at 34=5 i$IlOA.X>WA.Y. NO BUSINESS MAN SHOULD BE WITH OUT IT, Aa it furnishes the following information : . Firat—.Vll the Gaactel Mjrfcgiges flied in New York and Kiuga Counties. Sa3oad—All the Jadgmants docketed in the two Cout- ties. Third—.Ul the Real Estate Mjrtjages recjrded Iu the two Counties. Fourth—All the Real Estate Conveyances in New York, Kinga, and Weatcheater Countiea. Fifth—All the Foracloaura Suita against real estate in Now York aud Brooklyn. Sixth—A complete list of all the property to be sold irom week to week uudar legal proceedings. Seventh—A complete review of the buHdlug material market. Eighth—Greaeraieditorial articles on all mxttera affect Ing property in New York and the suburbs. • Ninth—A complete recori of all tae Satisfied Judg^ meuts. Tenth—A. lisb of all property affected by aaaessments, andanotifijaiion of thatime the asseaament is Uaaded in to the Collecior. ■ Eleventh—The proceedings of the Common Council aHdotiug raal estate. ■ Twelfth—A complets record of all new buildings pro- ected ia Naw York City or Brooklyn, tjgether with the name of the owner, archi tect, and builder. ■ SEND FOB A SPEGlMEk COPY. We .our subsciibers to-day an extra supplement of The Real Estate Record, contain¬ ing a complete list of tne Chatiel Mortstases tiled at liie Register's Office from January Isfc to January 31,1876, and will in oar" regular edition, on Satur day next, and every week thereafter, continue the pubUcation of all Chattel Mortgages fled in New York and Brooklyn. NEW YORK. . January 1 to li—inclusive. . Ackerman, P. A. Atlantic av—J. W. Dow¬ ling. Carriage. $525 Aders, Eugene. 50 Allen st... .H. ScMele. Furniture. 58 Andrews, J. A. 32 Division st... .H. Demar- san. Store Fixtures. 1,500 Amann, C. 121 3d av—M. Amann. Store Fixtures, &c. 1,200 Ashton, J. 1(14 West 18th st... .P. J. Meagh¬ er. Furniture. 03 Abraham, S.. 55 Orchard st—Henry of 36 Division st. Furniiuve. 50 Anton, Julia. 110 hastllTthst—Hannah Schlomsky. Carpets, &c. 210 Andrews, J. 108 East Soth st___A. J. Mel¬ low. Furniture. 1,250 Almau, L. 172 5th av___J. B. Lewis. ' Fur¬ niture. Ayran, A. 117 3d av... .F. Odcndaht. Horse and Wagon. Armstrong, W. City___J. Van Horn. Horse and Wagon. Alexander, J. 448 3a av..;.A. S. Dunn. Drugs. :iJ av-.-.-C. A. Stock. Fixtures. Butler, B. 21 West li>th st .. .M. II. O'Con¬ nor. Piauo, Furniture, &c. Baldwin, A. F. Broadway and 3Tt!i st.... Mary Reed. Horses and TiMicks. Battersby, Julia. 20 East 32d st... .Thos. Mathews. Furniture. Bounkump, C. F. 53 West Houston st.... ChaS; liunnin-i. Furniture. Bombay. J. lurtlast t)th st....R. & Wm. Ebling. Fixtures. Brown, A. P. 103,105 and 107 West 33d st. ... .M. Wehner. Fixtures. 40 Brooks, H. C. 1,576 3d av....W. D. Russell. Ensrine and Boiler. 301 Bean., M. L. 28 Ann st....M. L. Calle. Furniture. , . ,. ^'°®° Brooks, M. 129 West 33d st... .P. J. Meagh¬ er. Furniture. Beyer, F.H. 198 Madison st... .G.H. Rey- sor. Bakery Fixtures. Blank, Mrs. 72 9th av.. ..P. Meagher. Fm-- niture. Buzzette, F. 133 Sth st.....E. Bandet. Couni-er, &c. • • „ ^ Buch, Joh.i. iHS Rivington st-----H. Kas- moti. Horse and Wagon. Behrze, D. 1,102 2d av... .S. Field... .Horse and Wago.i. ■ ^^ ^, ,^: ,. Bouhay, J. IU East 9;:h st... .H. G. Vu'bin. Fixtures. „ „., Berth, Caharine. 221 Christie st... .B. Silver- berg. Furniture, &c. Barringer, J. 11.....755 Broadway—Rachel HdTiis. Safe,&c. ^ :^. Beekman, H. 238 82d st... .S. Young. Pjano, &c Braun,"J. 305 1st st. .T.J. Klingeersschmidt. Fdrnitme, • ^ ■ ^ ,,.„ Brewster, H. 293 Broadway.... J. N. Miller. Furniture. ^ „ Brantingham, J. 147 Av. A... C. Engerl. Sewing Machine. Bulger. J. H. 265 East 78lhst... .Ebbmghani %Cb. Fumimre. • Beaumont, E. 3d av. and 152d St....J. Trust. Cigar Ftxtiures. Brum, D. H. 13 Cliuton pl.....G. H. An¬ derson. Piano,.&c.. ^ ^ Bauraan, H. 217 1st av.. ..S. Berger. Store Fixtures. 300 800 403 3,000 1,3G2 1,800 250 750 200 700 2,000 2,G00 2,500 270 26 1,000 191 303 800 1,000 200 108 200 75 1,000 1,200 250 349 175 1,250 250 Belzner, M. 114 Willet st....C. Betz. Ba¬ kery Fixtures. 400 Baker, J. G. 79 Hudson st___C. A. Ryan. Piano. 200 Bromell, W. B. 88 Walker st.... J. M. Con¬ ner. Types, &c. 1.000 Broman, L.F. 1,031 3d av___Wm. Recdman. Horse, Wagon, &c. 200 Behmaen, H. 273 Broome st___P. Henel. Billiard Tables, &c. • 75 Briggs. E. S. B. 150 East 55th st... .H. T. Dudley. Piu-niture. 230 Brosman, P. 74 East 3d st,.. .J. J. Frell. Fumilure. 81 Bridge, C. L. F. 249 Ep,st 105th st... .0. H. Butler. Furniture. loo Butt, H. 1,159 2d av.... John Butt. Butcher Fixtures. 764 Bauer, A. 214 3dst.....J. Hess. Furniture. 1,500 Bremon, L. de 36 Lexington av___Bull's Head Bank. Horse and Wagon. 500 Brien, M. 0. 107 Clinton place... .M. Wilson. Furniture. 7C0 Beeker, P. Allen st___C. Bruder. Furni¬ ture. 100 Bischoff, A. 222 Eaat 42d st.... A. Meyforth. Saloon Fixtures. 150 Bradbury. G. 1,147 Broadway... .S. B. Clark. Furniture. 560 Broughton, S. Woodbine Hotel, Highbridge ___Wm. Leslie. Furniture, &c. 5,030 Block, B. 25 Lispenard st—H. Guissman. Saloon Fixtures. 425 Buttmon, H. 144 2d st—E. Baer. Saloon Fixtures. Brlga-s. S. E. 119 Pcn-y st___C. K Moody. Piano. ' " 5C0 Bradbury, G. T. 17 East 17th st... .Jas. Cas¬ sin. FurUiture. 3,C00 Biesin^er, C. 247 3d st—A. Hemnan. Saloon Fixtiu-es. 95 Banla-azer, F. 230 6th st___F. Michel. Fiu:- nitare. l,5C0 Boos. H. 122 Division st— H. Cordes. Fur¬ niture. Bears, B. 777 Sth av.,... G. B. Rimhcr. Fur¬ niture. 850 Brower, J. J, 412 Chambers st___J. H. Bow¬ er. Furniture. 800 Bohling, H. Mon-lsania... .D. Borche. Horse, Wagon, &c. 1,800 Caumont, A. F. 173 William st___S. A. Caumnt. Fixtures. 1,370 Core, John. 17 and 19 Rose st___J. B. Ford & Co. Printing Press. 1,683 Cameron, W. D, 175 East 70th st.... H; Ban- stier. Furniture. 2,267 Curtis, G. T. 24 West 22d st... .S. M. L. Bar¬ low. Books. nom Cohen, I. 224 East 5th st... .M. Greenthal. Furniture. SCO Connell, A. 11 Frankfort st.... J. Godlcr. En¬ gine, &c. • 1.000 Clough, M. N". 288 West 2lst st. ...G. E. itrergboch. ■ Piu-niture. 300 Carey, Mary and Jane. 112 East 28th st___ Charles F. Walter. Furniture. 51 Crawford, John, Jr. 358 Pesrl st___James Egburt. Printing Presses. 1,700 Claude, A. P. 41 Wooster st... .D. D.Mamo. Marble Table, &c. 1,500 Clark, W. I. 221 West Washington Market. ... .J. C. Clark. Butcher's Fixtures 2,000 Cousin, J. 520 East 12111 st....F. Pfluk. Groceries. 375 Cary, G. C. 47 Ann st. ...S. H. Baldwin. "Machinery. 1,000 Cuff, ,U. 0. 220 West 25th st.... A. M. Conroy. Furniture. 1,500 Conklin,Wm. 313 "Washington st....Kirby & Co. Trucks and Wagons. Chase, D.W. 873 8th av... .J. P. Webster. Furniture. 250 Cherry, M. 33 Norfolk at....J. Matthews. Machinery. 2,200 Dorngey & Pinneke. 173 and 175 Prince st ..... F.Straube. Furniture, 1,500 Dleterlch, A. 184 ilth ar..,. John Derser. Salcoo Ftxlures. • no