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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 24, no. 595: August 9, 1879

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fi.50 The Real Estate Record. *Fr-cdiii.-iii. Leonard — George A. Kent. (!sr;ii................. ............ l,!i'2r. r.5 Iiiie.T, il.-nrv—Mareiiis M. Tallman. (1878) -'is (H) Flvnn, John-David Maver. (1878).......... 1-58 50 Froiselh. B.-rnard .V. .VI.—David H. An¬ il.ony. (is;si......................... 10,54; 73 i;>d'!iiiurk. Leo — Alexander <.>.siraiider. tis;i;i............................. S,iiiu'-------same. (is;rii .................. t;ii.s..n. .Vii'ii.-vs-israel .Minor. (lS7'.t)...... H.'lTnmnn. M.iry B. —Beiijaniin S. Curry. Ilolnx Wiiliam i-. - r.itni'k llennesj'. H.-rioii. John--------same (IS")........... Hudson. Kiuma —Lvdia -I. Plum-. (1877)... .l.-iias. Herman—Chrisiian Kolle. Jr. (18711) K«-i-si'. Li-viiia B.—Benj iiniii S. Curry. ('77; l.ainsm. .\il>er! C. ami Albert IL—Thomas Storm, (isrio.................. MoK.-llar. VVilliaiii — Manl:.atl;in I'a.•kingMfg. r... (i.s:s)........................... M....iii-y. James J.-Henry Reynard. (187!))" .\Mernien. &v , New VorU—Charles n. Bljs.s. (is:'.h..................... Kyiio. Ji-d.-diah-Jacoli Mills. (1871) ....... lii-iio. Morr s-.Vle.xander Oslr.ander. ('70). i;.ind.ill. Samuel II.—Charles C. Cottier. 1; .l»Tts. John. Jr.—i-racl Minor. (].s:())----- LO-il) 07 S!r.-u'k. Joseph 1'. —Francis Stoll (is:8).. . 113.52 ^.-hillin:;, Frank .V. —Daniel Berines. (1878). 773 tO .-^.■h.ii-fer. Pliilii) — Francis M. Tiswnsend. ,!■^r■.'l ................................. 242 07 Sl.-ni. -lai'oii-D.ivid Mayer. (ISTSi....... ir>8 Th) "V.ii-ated liyor.lerof Court. 1.Seen red on Appeal. :;:elea,sed. ' § Revt-rsed. ; Satisfied by Execiilion. 40 00 22.5 '•j\' ,0-2!) 97 7l!() 78 013 .85 (ii:.: 85 Iiii 73 28 90 700 78 397 93 147 40 155 03 520 90 2:1*2 84 225 39 85 05 SATLSFIED JUDGMENTS, KINGS 1 to 7—inclusive. Ag.aH'. .V'ulirose J.—.Vnn E. .^ga'e. ('79). B.-nkiT. Bt-njamiii 1 K..s.-.!l>'Ti:. J. ', J. l!ii-g•• Witt. I't-rnard-S. A. Underhill. (1S79) llanf-.i-l. .Samuel C.-.Maria Shay (admr.v.). >\y-7'.n.............................. n.-din..nd. William-J. >loran. (1871i...... Slack. Hobt-ri .N'. —K. H. Kellogg (Uelease fn>iii <-i> parlnershii) deb.) ............. Svxiiini. T. W.^J. A. Kaglesoii. (187'J.i.... Whiliicy, VVi;liaiii F.—VV. Conselyea. ("?J) CO. SII15 21 •262 18 91 510 39 78 250 03 104 53 197 191 79 19 4.5li 217 '254 03 05 97 Kl.NtiS CO. EXECrriONS RETURN SHERIFF AS UNS.VnSFIED. A' 1 to7~lnclu.iive r.dincUv.Fr.incis—I. B. Blew ............... .'-ii.AiO.eiiar. Edward and .Vug.—C. .-V. Schu- inru-her. el .ll. (exrs. C. F. Ubrock) ..... The Prospfci Park Fair Ground Assoc—P. • Jitling^ ...... .......................... M'linby. tieo. VV. —(J. Atchison.............. Wiliiarus. Henry F. -.1. Barrett ............. Monariv. Denis—J. VV". .Mas(»ii ........... IVon.-h.'j. Wfslcy-Maria F. Devin_____... I' K»iwaril<'r. Geo.-ge —Honora Collins ........... U.-vnolds. Ix>iiis-D. Westfall............. lUi'ks. William II.-Henry Slrybing......... I.-u-ibson. Cornelius—J. E. Ilinman ..... roll-H-k. Mrs. 1,'ebecca and Michael—E. rison................. ............ IV-tersolin. Charles—.S. H. Cornell........... liavfy, .Vlichael—T. Grcnnan .............. SitK-kwfll. I{«'nr.v B.—J Lockwood ........ Hover. Lewis-J. Be-sson................ The K.-iidii;i Bn.scuit Co.—F. VV. limit....... Tli-tmpson. William W.— B. B. .ScHye....... ED BY 541 19 87 82 300 1,074 475 99 i:J5 •22S 2t>7 1>J5 109 124 IOO 53 4111 19,1)37 lrt5 nKCHAXIC8' LIEN^ NEAV YORK CITY. .Vugust. 2 Fiiiirlccnlh st (No. :J')1 K'.). n s, bet 1st and •2d avs. .Vugust C. and August Homan and Ht-nrv Bord agt .Vr. Beneville and Wm J. Si».-i-ht ..................................§-,-8 2 Fitly eighlh sllNo. ti-'A). s s. abt 41M1« lUli av, 2,->x -. Win. F. Sheridan and Thomas F. Thiiriiloii agt Evan John..................... 250 r> Fir?i aviNo. )ll7t. w .s. but (ilst and G-2d sts. hn-derick Scliuck pgt. Pauline lleisiir...... ^285 7 Fifty Jifth .kI. ii .s, S5 w .sih uv. abt 4'ix —. J. & U Darriiw agl John Guilford ami Tliom-is aiul .lames Sniilli .......................:}S:1 8 Fifiy lifili St. n s, 8") w 8ih av, lOx -. K. Slavin (assi;;tu-e of .Martin K Buckley) agt John Guilt..rd ................ ......19) >■ Forty-lhird st (No. Vi'i), ii s, :!75 w Olh av, '25 x-^. Thomas Halligan agl John P. Kuhn and Thomas McLoughlin.................... 4G 8 Same proiierty. IVler O'Brien agt same___ '23 N Sahib property. John Mannix agt same..... 23 ! Sixty-third st. s s. IU) e Madison av, lOOx— (5 houses). Miller. Schuyler & Co. agt VVilliam Harloe.......................................1,025 4 Si.vteenth st (Nos. 1518 and CriO). s s. bet Avs 1? and C (2 buildings). Thomas agt Thomas Grogan........................2:10 7 Same propert;3^. Miller. Schuyler & Co. agt same....................|.................... "-"'O 8 Same propertv. Wm. Hall & Sons agt same.l,:ilS 500 KING.S COUNTY, N. Y. Auir 2 Union i.)). s s. 75 e 81I1 .av. •25x -. Thonia.s Hagan ngt Ch.arles F. Fon thani. (Aug 4).......................... 8 Forty-sevimlh st. s .s. 150 from 8ih av, •25.x — . Janies .Smith agt Alfred Uoe and Frederick Fronthain (-Iiily28i.................... 8 Forij^-iiinlli st (No. •2:13). 11 s. 213 w •2d av. James Cavanagb agt Patrick and Catherine Gibney. (.luly ^291 ........................ 2 One Hundred and T.*nth st (Nos. 11-2. Ill and IKi), s .s. abt 2ii0 e4lli av. J. C. Wandell & Co. agl Whulaii A Curry. (April 14)......... 100 412 50 9,50 KIMJS COUNTY, N. Y .luly 31 to -lag. 0 —inclusive. Clinlon St. No. IKI, w s. cor Slate st. .S. H. Mc¬ Namara agt I. Thompson (owner) and W. /.mg. (June:}:')..................?15 IJiiincy St. n s, 100 w .Marcy av, 81x100. Thos. .Mc¬ Donald agt A. J. H.irdeubrook, H. or IL While and H. VV. Putnam. {May 19)........970 BUILDINGS PROJEUTEU._ NEW YORK CITY. Plan CwG-One Hundred and Tenth st, n e cor 4tbav, ten tbrce-storj'brown stone dwell'gs. lo.G.K :50, tin roof iind iron cornice; cost, each, S.5,U0O; owner, &c., E. H. Cockburn. Plan 0:^7—Ludlow st (No. 01), one three-story brick engine house, '25x87.0 on lirst storj'. and above -55, tin roof and inm cornice;, .$10,000; owner, City of New York, 1.55 and 1.57 Mercer st; architect, L. Le Brun. Plan (^!S—Eleventh st {No. 004 E), one three- storj' brick engine bouse, '25x04. U on first storj' and above 5.5, lin roof and iron cornice; cost, S10,S00; owner, Citj' of New York, 1.55 aud 1.57 Mercer st; architect, N. Le Brun. Plan 039—Nineteenth st, s s, 1.50 e lltb av, one one-storj' brick factor.y, •2Sx40, gravel roof and brick cornice: cost, §.500; owners, Stewart & Co., lllth stand Uth av; builders, A. A. An¬ druss Sc Co. PlanGlO—Fiftj'-firstst (No. 141 AAM. one two¬ storj' brick coach house, 25x'.l0, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, -$'5,000; owner, Samuel D. Bab¬ cock, 5lli av and 5lst st. architect, Jonn B. Snook; builder, D. H. King, Jr. Plan (ill—.Aladison av (No. ^287), one-storj' brick dwell'g, 4^2.v7S..5x21x7.S..5, slate and lin roof and brick and slate corni'je; cost, §50,010; owner, Frd. F. Thomp.son, 203 Madison av: architects, McKim, Mead & Bigelow; mason, John J. Tucker; carpenter, AV. Germond. Plan 04 i— uv, n w cor S4th st, four four- st iry bro%vn stone stores aud tenem'ts, 25 and 2r)xG0 .'iiid .50, tin roof and iron cornice; cost, each, $s,.500; owners, Johnston Bros., agents, 84th .stand 1st av; aichitect, A. B. Ogden. Plan G43—King st, s w cor MacDougal st, two live-storv Brick apartment house.s, corner 40x70x1 i.S.x70, other •20x47x10.4x47, tin roof and iron cornice; owner, Benjamin Johnson. St. James' pl, Brooklyn; architect, James E, AVare; builder, M. J. J. Re>nolds. Plan iH4—Seventj-ninth st, n s, 170 e Madison av, six brown stone front dwell'gs, 13.4.\G0; tin roofs and galvanized iron cornices ; cost, each. $0,-500; owner, architect and builder, J. Bentley Squier, 55 East 79th st, Plan 1*145-Fortj'-fourth st. No. 44, one four-stor.y brick tenem't, •25x.5S; tin roof and gal¬ vanized iron cornice;, §7,000; owner, John Hoer.scli, !i'2S AVest 44tli st; architect, B. H. Scbaidner; mason, M. Lapp. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plan 014—Canton st, n w cor Boliver st, two three-storj' brick dwell'gs or tenem'Ls, 25x45, lin roof and wooden cornice; ownor, John McMan¬ us, Canton st, near Bolivar st; architect, S. AA"^. Osman. Plan 015—Nostrand av, 75 s De Kalb av, one three-storj' brick store and dwell'g, '22x.53, tin roof; owner, Deboran Sheridan, Nostrand tind De Kalb avs; architect, J. C. Clark; builders, P. Sheridan and R. Ford. Plan GIG—Lmpieer st, No. 17, one one-story frame paint store, IG.xlG; owner, &c., John Donovan. Plan 1)17-Troutnmn st, n s, 115o St. Nicholas a%', one two-storj' frame dweli'g. 2lx'2G, tin or gravel roof; owner, Theodore Ballow, Si Manhat¬ tan av. Plan (HS—Hart st, s s, bet Lewis and Stuj-- vesant av.s, one one-storj^ frame shed, gravel roof; owner, Gluck & Scharmann, Pulaski st, near Lewis av; builder, Jno. Rueger. Plan GIO—Park av. No. .S34, one one storj- franio shop, 25x30, shingle roof; owner, Edward Miller, on premises; builder.s, Auilrew Vath and John Rueger. Plan G20—Hooper st, s s, 2711 w Marcj' av, two tliree-storj' brown stone dwell'gs, 20x42 and 40, gravel roof and wooden cornice; owner. Sec, L. S.amm;s, No. 13S Penn st. Plan G2I—Fiftj-lifth st, s s, P25 e 3d av, one two-.storj^ brick shop ami dweU'g, 21.1bvl'), tin roof and wooden cornice, owner, architect and builder, George W. Bran(it, on Plan 1)22—President st, n s, I4G e Court st, two three-storj- brown stone dwell'gs, •20.x-'!G, tin roof nnd wooden cornice; owner, Herman C. Drake; architect, A. J. Stevens; builder, P. H. J. Krulder. Plan G23—St. James pl, e s, abt 100 from Fulton st, one four-storj' brick apartment hous'.i, •20x70, gravel roof and v.orden cornice; owri-.>r, Thomas Molloj'; architects, G. Ij. and Owen Nolan. Plan 1)24—81. James pl, e s, abt SO n Fulton st, one three-storj- brown stone dwell'g, lS.llx40, gravel roof and wooden cornice; owner, Sec, same as last. Plan G^25—Rodnej' st, s s, 213 e Kent av. ono onc-slor.y brick moulding room, 29.3.'c74.G, gravel roof nnd brick cornice; owner.s, J. S. Sc G. F. Simpson, 2S Rodiiej' st; architect, (4eo. F. Simp¬ son; builders, P. Kernan and P. Concjinnon. Plan G2G—President st, n s, 20(1 w Boiul st, one two-storj' brick stable, 30x30, gravel roof and wooden cornice; owner, S. L. AA^liipple, Court St. near President st; builder, C. M. White. Plan G27—Hanson pl, s s, SS w Fort Greene pl, one two-storj' brick and browii stone produce markret, 25x110, tin roof and wooden cornice; own¬ er and builder, AV^in. R. Smith, 373 Boigen st; architect, Robert Dixon. Plan G-JS—Third av, w s, 40.3 n Oth st, one three- storj' brick store and tenem't, 19.11x45, tin roof; owner, arclTitect and builder, Edw. Hughes, 1.59 Oth St. Plan G29—Covert st, s s. abt '200 e Evergreen av, one two-storj' frame dwell'g, 20x^2G; tin roof; owner, Cbarlott A. Sutherland, lilO Kosciusko st; architect, David Sutherland; builder, Peter Hig- gmson. Plan fi30—Cumberland st, w s, 200 s Fultou st, one one-story brick stable, lG.x'20; tin roof and wood cornice: owner, M. N. Packtird, 5 South Oxford st; builder, George Nichols. Plan 031—Commerce st, n s. So e Richards £t, one twostory brick stable, '25x45; gravel roof and brick cornice; owner, John Carj', Richards and Commerce sts; architect, Geo. Damen; builder, Michael McGunigle. Plan (>J2—Stewart st, s s, SO w Bushwick av, one one-storj'frame stable, 12x13; tin roof; owner, Jacob Ehrhardt, P2SG Bushwick av. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Adams, n w cor Sellers (Frankford), 2-stj' stable, and 3 sty factory; AV. Whitaker a: Son. Ann. bet Edgemout and Thompson, II 2-stj' dwell'gs; Chas. Judge. Atlantic, n s, w of 2i, 2 sty stable; Jchn Duncan. Cadwalader. No. 1.521. 2-sty bk build'g; Jas. Mallon. Callowhill No. 031. 2-siy bk build'.-; J. L. Mower. E. Orthodox (Frankford), -J-sly bk build'g; B. A". Hoover. Fisher, No. vm, 2-sty bk build'g; A. McClaj'. Fleason. n s, near Ridge av, 2 2-sty dwell'gs; Elias Ferrill. Garden, w s, s of Buttonwood, 3-sty dwell'g; Benj. Ketchum.