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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 24, no. 597: August 23, 1879

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXiV. NEW YOIIK, 8ATUiiDAY, AUGUiST 23, 1879. iSo. o*.)7. Pnbluihed Weekly t)y TERMS. <>!VK VKAll. in advance___SKLOO. ll'iiniminications slioulii be .addressed to C. \V. .SWKKT, Nos. 345 ;}47 Bkoadway ROMERT KLLK.IT. Jlr. Robert IClliot is wanted iminediatelj' at the ollict^ of The Rkal Es'iatk IlEroni). This nmii collected and jiockided SIO on tbe-:)d daj- of May. I.s7'.t, from Mr. Allison, yiviiiK him, at the same time, a receipt for one year's siib.scription to Thk Rkoiird. The .scamp hud no sort of atitlioritj' to •lo this, and we caution all subscribers about bav- itiK anjtbiiif; to do with the niiscrablo vagabond. Kliiot WILS at one time in the eiiiploj' of 'rut-: llKi'iiiU), but bis repeated irreKnIarities were so great that neither this nor aiij' other pajier could idl'ord lo have liini around in anj' cnpacitj'. AGENT'.-^ DIRECTORY. For some time %ve have been in the con¬ stant receipt of so manj' letters from sub.scribers asking for information about propertj' loc.-iteil in nearlj' ev^rj' state of the Union from Maine to C:iliforiiia, reipiesting us to recommend to thom an honest real estate agent with wboin tliej^ could enter into correspondence; that we have concluded to complete and publish a list contain¬ ing tbe name of a responsible and reliable real es¬ tate agent in all of tbe principal cities ami towns throughout the United States. We shall begin near at home and will lirst take in the district in the neighborhood of New York citj* and gradu- allj' extend this list until wo shall have covered everything from the lumber regions of Maine to the mining properties of California. Ko name will be inserted that ctmnot in everj' wav be de- ueiided upon as being that of u man tborougblj' reliable, which fact wo purpose investigating before we allow the name to appear in onr list. SEVENTY-FOURTH STREET OPENING. During tbe j'ear ISdl an attempt for a commis¬ sioner to open Seventj'-fourtb street from Eighth avenue to tbe river was made, and failerl, but in ISOS a commission was appointed bj' tbe Supreme Court, special term, consisting of the following names: Patrick H. Jones, Jamas Watson and William M. Tweed, Jr. Jones declined to serve and C. Graham Stanlej' was appointed in bis place. Stanlej- is now dead. Jumes AV^atson is also dead, and Jacob P. Oaklej' bus been a{»- pointed in bis place. It bas to be ascertained if William M. Tweed, Jr., who is now in Europe, will serve or qualifj'. When that bns been ascertained, the Corporation Counsel will move imniediatel.v for the appointment of a successor to Mr. Stanlej', and then tbe commission will be (•omplete. As Sir. Clark bas bis plans completed for tbe erection of nn apartment bouse on the corner of Eighth avenue and Seventy-fourth street, which will make tbe opening of tbis street a neccsiuty to his property, and at the same time an advantage to the city, it is to be hoped that tbis street opening will be pushed vigorously. MA iiT<: trr rkvi v.w. REAL ESTATE MARKET. During tho week a fair was transacted at t he E.vchange Salesroom. At private sale, the easterly front of block on Fifth avenue, between One Hiin- lired and Thirtj'-fonrth ami One. Hundred and 'fliiriy- liflh streets, has, it is rei>orteiI, been sold for S35,ihi(). Lespinasse & Friedman have sold for .1. N. 'rnppuii, (ClianibiM'lain New York), to Elias S. Higgins. four full lots on the north side of ("ine Hunilred .antl TwiMily-fourth street. 150 west of Eighth ;aveniie. and four lots in roar of saiiio on tbe south side of One Hundretl and Twenty-lifth street, 150 west of Eighth avenue, for S2I,()(K)—the same parties have sold two lots on Eighth avenue, 50 feet souMi of N'inel.veigbth street, for §18.250. Plans embraeing 27 buildings, to be erected at an eslimaled cost of SS."i2,().')0, have bi?ell liled iliiring the week, among others that of Win. II. V'aiiilerbiii for the construction of two three storj' Gonnecliciit brown stone dwellings, une 87.9x115.9, and oni; 89x:0(>.9. on the west side of Fiflli avenue, ex- teiiiling from Fifty-first to Fifty-second street, .S7()(i,('(X). The f.illowing are the .sales at the E.xeli.ange .Sales room for the week ending .Vugust '22: *■ fitdicatef that the jiroperty desnrihed has been bid ill for plaiiitijt' s accoui i: ♦Essex fit. e s, 129 n Didaiicey st, 21x100, to August Belmont (exr.) Amount dne, abt S8.9U0)..................... ............ ?7,7.5'1 *40lli st, s .s, 75 w '2d av. 25X.50.5. lo Marj' Stein- kanip. (Amount due. abt S'''.700)....... S.().')!i NOth St. n s. 150 w IOlh av. •2.5xlii(i..5, to Isaac 11. Cocks. (Amount due. abt SI l.-'liH')...... !il,('(:0 •.5.5lb St. ss. -231.3 e 8th av, 18.9 x y block, to .loseph .-VgalB. (.Vmount due, abt S0.3(V)).. 11.7.^s •.57th st, ns. 115 e IOth av, four-storj' brick (.-tone front) dwell'g, 2i)xl00.5, to VV'm. Fleming. (Amount due, abt SI3..500)..... l.'I,'rjO 02d st (No. 4.55). n s. 150 e IOth av. five-slory brick (stone front) lencm't, 25.xl(Hl..5. to T. Lyell r.urt. (Amount due. abt Sl3,'20(n. I3,0t0 *S4th -St. centre line, 198 e Av B, 117x132 ^2, with water rights, to Cornelia Suydam. (Amount due, abt SI9.:i00)...................... 15,.5();) * 101st SI, s s. 200 e Lst av, runs east to East 1 River, x lOo.ii.......................; lOOtli st, n s, 200 e 1st av. runs east to East f River, X 100 11 ...................... I to Lavinia (5ould. (Amt tine, abt S20.2i)0). 20,000 *113tli sr, ns, 100 e 2d av, 20x100.11, to New York Life Ins. Co....................___ 4,.500 121st st (No. 147). n .s, 370.S w 3d av, two story fianie dweli'g, 18.4x81. to Patrick Kerns. (Amount due. abt §4,0*2.5) ................. :i,b\',0 ♦Ist av, n e cor K Otb st, 100.11x200. to Lavinia Gould. (Amount due, aht $7 :100)........ 8,000 4tli or Park avenue, w s, 2^2.1 s 38th st, 17.xS0. to George B. Stone. (.Amount due, about §•20,000...................................... 21.000 Total. 5I30,:iOS BROOKLYN. N. Y. In the citj' of Brooklyn, Me.ssi-s. T. A. Kerrigan, Jacob Cole aud R. V. Harnett have made the following sales for the week ending Aug, 20 : Banzett. e s, 0 s of n s Bennett st. 100 x irreg.. §4,000 •Buller st, n s, 25 w Clason av, •25x91.4, to Lydia Pendergast........................ 1,500 ♦Court st, w s. 20 n Huntington st. 20x80. to Mary A. Addoms....................... 4,000 *Deaii st, s w s .55.5 s e Hoyt st, 19.0x80, to J. R. Willis et al. (trustees).................. 2,.5(J0 *Deaii st, s s, lOOe Washington av, -10x110, to The Dime Sav. Bank................... l,7i)0 Grove st, n w s, 200 n e Bushwick av, 75x175 toRalphst ................................ 4.000 "^King st, n « s. IOO s e Conover st, 100x100, to Pioneer Iron Works.......*............. 7,.S30 ♦Livingston st, s w s, 92.8 n w Bond st, 12 4x 100 9. irreg.. to John H. Hunter............ l,80ii ♦Pacific St. n s, 172.3 w Ola.son av. 20x100, to Williamsburgb Sav. Bank—............ 2,500 *Quincv St. n f. ^220 e Nostrand av, 24x100, to N.W.Doughty............................ 5,000 Stagg st, n s, 10 e Ewen st, 25x100............. 5,8-10 *\'aii Brunt St. n w s, 17S s w ('omiiiercH st. 17 l(ix"ii. t.) .1. Nelson Tappen (elianiber- laiii citj-of New Yi.rk) .................. *Van ISriinl si, s e s. s w Treiu.-.ntsl, 52 9x70. lo.IohnIL Kellv...................... *■ Wall st, 11 s. 3^25.3 c Broailway, -25x80 8, to ,Ii>iin M. Ihelps.......................... . *("lason av. w s, 110.3 n Atlantic av, ISxSO.s. ti. -V. F. Kindberg ........................'... •■DeKalb av, n s, io e Kent av. 19.-JxSi) .......( Kent av. e s. So n DeKalb av. -.llx 19.......)" to Jlarine Society City of New York...... *Flatbiish av. us, .'IfiO'ii Lalaj-elte av. 50x S.S 8x19 (i.\;n :o, to Waiter I laklej'. (.VIorls., Sl7..':i>l) ... ... .............. ♦Flushing av. s e cor Sanford st, -.''.xlOO. to W. T. Graf el al. (exrs ;................. .lohnson av (Nos. IC.S, 170 and 172), s s, 10 e Graham av, OOx".'I ................ -Washington a^-, w s, 319.0 s Lafayette av. 0:)x 211.0 lo llainillon st. lu VV. H. Dunning i-l al. (trsistecs) .. ....... ♦5lli nv. s e s. 122.4 s w IOlh st. 18.7x97.4, to .). H. Seeliaiisen......................... Tt.lal............................. l,-2ii/) .3.(;i)0 1,7.50 :j,(i()() 2,.5(H) 17.0(K1 1,5(K) 5,.525 2.(K10 •2,000 -2.01b BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. BRICKS.—The easier lone noted on the market for Conimon Hard in our last issue coniinues, and has. if aiiyiliiiig. iniTi-asesl somewhat, with complaints of a dull business to be heard on the pari of the .selling in¬ terest, for the first in manj' weeks. Cargoes are more freiiniailiy left over than'heretofore, anil the opjior tmmy to elTect a tiiiicksale is frei[iiently which leads to a slight shailing As compared witii llie sales ruling one week ago, ilie buyer has made a gain of possibly l-yC''-be per M. more espec ally on the orilinary tpialiliijs. really choice now and tnen still selling pretty full, and the agents of the fancy brands refusing to giv.; wj>y at all as yet. Indeed we in.-iv iiiite llnil III. seller li;is matle any ■.:veiil »'ITort to force the nnirkel. nnil while ijie reci:iil loss of tone may in all probabi.ilj- be accept.-il as an indication that tie full extent of the advance has been secured, buyers who are linldingoir in exiieciations of a lieavj-and dr:cided re.iction may find some disappointineni. Supply has certainly in a measure caught up to con¬ sumption for the time being, ami everv yanl on the ••River" where operations were coiiunenceil this Si^ason is still nimiing without restriction of coinbiiia¬ iion agreeniem and as near full capacitj- as help can be secured so that the chances are tnvorable for some accuninlation, ami it is also claimed iluii some work has been slopped owing to the increaseil cost of brick. It remains to be seen, however, whether these inthi- ences will provesiifiIi:ori to neutralise the loss alreadj' made on ihe output of stock, and the season now about two thirds gone. .\ vast amt.unt of work must go on. nnd both the inaimfacliirer and dealer have yet to pile away their winter supply. Pale Bricic of line ipialiiy still finda a fair demantl and at full rates. Fronts are selling to a fair average extent and about red, §9.(Hi.'ft9.50: Philadelphia, S-iO((i-28; Trenton, §-21® •29; B:dlimoie, §31@:i8. Y'ard prices, delivery in- eluded. §2.0 '®3.00 higher on ordinary and §5.00®0.00 ou fronts LATH.—Supplies have been full enough, either on s|)ot or offering to arrive, to hold in flrfieck any decided bnoy.-mcj'. and while siillei's accordingly made a small gain of about 5c. per 31 appears to cover the tluctna- lion on price. Taking the amounts now in yard and known to be afioat. there is altogether a pretty good supi.lj- of Ifttli available ; nut as this, in common with all other building material, has found a con¬ sumption, present and prospective, much beyond previous calculations, holders generally appear eonfi- ilent that the chances are in their favor. There is not much inclination, however, to expect anj' very full prices, as one of the principal inceniives to con¬ sumption is cheap supplies, and buyers are much more eombativti than usual when cost cominfMices ro exceed thi-ir views. As wo close, the bidding and asking rates aro about Sl.40(5il. 15 per .d. LIME.—The advance noted in our last has been maintained, aud llie market shows a prettj- steady and comparatively cheerful tone. The old supplies in second hands have been pretty well worked down; the new stock offering nither moderate, with reports that no early addition of nuigiiitude can be made and the consumpiion good with every promise of con¬ tinuation and expansion. The present line of values also is if anything below the cost of production and