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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 31, no. 789: April 28, 1883: Supplement

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sTj:pi=>XjEi3iui:E3^rr Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. XXXL NEW TOEK, APRIL 28, 1883. No. 789 Publi^d Weekly by Tht Real estate Record Association TERMS: - $6.or OKE TEAK, la idTaiiM - - - • Oommuslcations should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadwaj J. T. IJNDSEY, Buahieas Manager. SALES OK THB WEEK. The following .are the sales at the Exchange Sales coom for the week ending April 27 : y' * Indicates that theproperty described has been bid in for plaintilTi account: ^ R. T. HARNaiT A CO. ^^ t,no» SOO / / / ■tthst No. 49 E.,n 8.25x93.3, four-story brick dweil'g Leasehold, ha< 14 years to runat $500 per anaum, with renewals. Lewia EttliDger................................. 5o.™o Slat Bt No 80 R., a s. 20x102.2, four story stone front dweH'e, with two-story brick exten- ____■ Bion Mr.Shaw.......................... 18.600 88th Bt, n a, at East River, lS9.6xI00.8x;133.0i -, two-story brick house, with two-slory brickexteiaion. D. Hay.len,............ 88th6t. a 8.100 e At B, 75x100.8. D. Hayden.. Av B n e cor 87th Ht, 25.8x100. D. Hayden .. At B.e«. adj. 75.0x100, D. Hayden^.... ..- At B i e cor 88th Bt, 25.8x100. D. Hayden.... At B • a, adj, Ss.2xl00, three-story brick dweU'g. D.Haydm......--............... T,800 At B e B, adj, W.4XIO0. D. Hayden........... i.300 Piers and hulltheads, Noith River, for and durlDg the tftrm of 3 years, from May 1, Bouthlialf of old-pier 29, to the Prorldenca 4 Stonington Steamship Co ------- ,......, 83,100 Herat west llth at, including ISO feet o( bulk- ■ head on a a of Weat llth at, extendinft east¬ erly from Inner end of pier, to Joseph Cornell.................................■ ■ ■: pier No. 37, for and during the term ot 10 yeara, from Hay 1, the lease of this pier; will coyenant for a renewal term of 10 Seara at an adTanced annual rental, such. . icrease to he 5 per cent, on the rental for the first term, to 0, P. Huntington........ 70,000 !E»st EiTer, for and during the term of one year. fromMay 1. bulkhead, 188 feet, on Tompkins at, north of Riviugton at, to P. H, Walsh................................... 1,000 Sulkhead atEast 80th st, for and duriag the term of 4 years and HH montha, from May 1, to A.T. Wyckoff.,....... ,....--..._^... Eaat W of pier 20. for and during the term of aVears. fromMay 1, toC. H, Mallory...... Bulkhead at East 35th st, to J. Skidmore...... Bulkhead extension at East 45th at, to Scwarz- Bchild& Sulzberger..-.................. 1,050 ■BnlltLead at East 47tli at. to Oli«r & Co .... 8W Bulkhead at East 4Uih 81, to P. Walah......... ^iias 1.. B. UUU-BK A SDH. floulevard, n w cor 89th at, 25.11x100. V. K. Stevenson. Jr.............■■■. ■.......-■ '.^0 BouleTard, w a, adj, 75x100. LespinasM & Friedman......................... ■■ 17.eJ5 BouleTard, aw corl47thBt, 24,11x100. Lespln- asae & Friedman......................... 4.200 .ulevard, w B, adj. 75x100. Lespinasse & Friedman ..................... .......... '.sSs eiet St. n a, IOO w Bth aT, EOxlOO.5. J. H. Cole- m^Q .....,.....,....,.,..,..... S'J, 100 tm St. a a, "I'od w Sth av, 50x100.5. J. H. Cole- man .,,... ,..-,...*.....' ........... OJiODO «2dat ns'aCO w8thav, BOxlOP.5, M.S. Cole- ujan ........................ ■■•___ 29,501 62dst na'adj. 50x100. M. S, Coleman........ 2fl.6iM "that.n a, lOOwBoulevard,35x100,11, T. K, Stevenson, Jr....................„■■■,■„■„■■.;• ^i**" 13th St. n s. 83.3 e St. Nicholas av, 2oxl00.n. Jamea Halliday.......................... 5,000 .itliath at. n a, adj, 50x100.! 1. Same............ 9,800 ; aiathat, ns, adj,50x.00,ll. Same........... 9,760 /llS'hat n a, IOJ w 6th av, 25xi00.ll. Same. 4,95'J / 114th at, SB, 75 w 6th av. 35x100.11. Joseph / Thompson................................ 0,000 r, IWth Bt, B 8, adj. 25x100.11. Same............. 4,8- 0 y 114thB-. 3 8, ad], 75x100.11. Same............. 14.100 ■^ ,-J14th8t,ss. adj. 25x100.11. Same............. 5,0i5 ■ .IHthst, S3,131.2 w St. Nicholas av, lOOxIOO.lI. "r^ Toaam4.................................... 19,800 ^ ^-.lieth Bt, n s, 100 w6th av, 25x100.11. To same, 7,750 X'S^ieth at, n s, adj, 75x IOO 11, To same.......... S2,80O X'^llOthat.ns, adi, 75x100.11. E.J. King........ 21.760 ^l6th at, n 8, adj, lOOxIOO.U, Jas. H. Robinaon. 29,20C j/^17th at, 8 B, 100 w Gth av, 21x100.11. Joseph X , Thompson ................................. S.JIO ^ ^imhst, ss, adj, 75x100.11. Tosame....... 14,700 llTlh Bt, s 3. ad], 35x100.11. E. J. King........ 4,400 'ai7that, ss, adj, 50x100.11. Toaame.......... 8,500 417th st, a B, ad], 100x1011,11. Jas. H. Robinson. 19,900 / jMBth St. n 8, IliO w 6th av, 25x100.11. D. J. ^ jT Newlin..................................... 4,700 X llStli Bt, n a, 125 w flth av. 85x100.11, J, Cathn. 4.250 ilBth at. n a, adj, raxlOO.U. D. J. Newiln .... ■HBth st, n s, SU w 6th av, 50x100.11. Chaa. Knight.................................. •nsthst, n B, adj, 501100.11. D. J Newiln...... 119th st, SB, 100 wOthav, 2ixIO0,ll. D. J- New¬ iln......................................... I19thst, se, adj,a5xli0.n. G. Rosenblatt... . 119th st, ss, adj, 25x100.11. Tosame........... ,kll9EhBt, ss, adj, 5'ixlOO.n. Tosame......... 119th at, 8 8, adj, lOOxlOO.ll. Cha^. Knight.... 130th st, n B, 135 w Jth av, 25x10011, E.J. KiPg........................................ ISOthst. ns, adj, 25x100.11. Tosame.......... KUthsf-, u a, adj, 50x100.11. Tosame ......... iaOihst,nH, adj, 35x100,11. B. P. Fairchild,,,. 120th at, n s, adj, 25x100.11. Tosame ......... IWth st, n a. 207 e Bt. Nicholaa av, 103x100.11. Jaa. Halliday......................... laist st, s 8, 250 w 7th av, 125x100.11. Jaa. H. Robinson............ ................ I2IBC 8t, n s, 175 w 7th av, 75x100.11, Thoa. B. ', Kerr.................................. lB2d Ht, 8 8, 175 w 7th av. 75xiOO.II, To Bame. laiBDBt. s 3, a35 e Oth av, 100x99.11. M. S. Cole- I man..................................... H7thst. a s, 100 w Boulevard, 25x99.11- Leapl- ' nasse £ Friedman....................... 147th St. SP, adj, 25sB9.11. Tosame............ 147th at, s s, ad], 3Sx99.ll. B. P. Fairchild..... I47thst, as, adj, 25x99 11. P, Fox ............ 147ih3t, 3 3, adj, 25x99 II. Tosame........... 147thSt. as, ad], 100x99.11. To same.......... I47thst, a a. a j, 100x99.11. To same....... 147th Bt, 8s. ad], Iii0x99.ll. B, P. Fairchild.... SC. Nicholas av, n e cor llSth st. 29.7x82.3x25.2 x97.8. James Halliday................. St. Nicholas av, n e a, adj, 29,7x113.2r25.2x07.6, To same............................. at, Nicholas av, nes, adj, 89.7x128.8x35.2x113.2. '^ To same................................... St. Nicholaa av, nes, •dj, 37x137.6x25,3x128.8. To aame................................. 5th av. nwcor 118th at, 25.11x100. Thoa. B. Kerr------ .......... ............... ...... Sthav. w a, adj., 25x100, Tosame ............ 5th av, w B, adj., 50x100. To same........... *th»v, nwcor 113th at, 25 2x100. Jas. Halli- 'i day......................... ............... 6th av, w 8, adj., 25.3x100. Tosame........... .^th av. w B, adj., 60.6x100, Toaame......... .6th av, n w cor UOth at, 25.2x100. Joseph Thompaon.................................. 6th »T, sr B, adj., 25.2x100. Toaame........... Cthav, WB, an].. 50.5x100. Tosame........... 6th av, a w cor I17th at, 25 2x100, To same..,, 6th av, w S, adj.. 25.3x100. To same........... 6th av, wa, adj., M.5xJ00, Toaame........... 6th av, n v> cor llSth at. 25.3x100. Josepb Thompson to same........................ flth av, w 8, adj, 35.3x100. Joaeph Thompson tosame.....................■■........ 6th BT, w a, adj, 50.6x100. Joseph Thompson tosame................................... ^th av, B w cor 119th at, 25 SxlOO. Joseph Thompson to aame ....................... ethav.wB. adj, 35.3x100. Joseph Thompson to same............... ................... .6th av. w 8, adj, SO.exlO?. Joseph Thompaon to sime................................... JCth av, 2l6th Bt, Klngabridge road and 315th at, 199 on 10th av x 43.3 on S16th at 1207 on Kingsbridge road x 97.9 on aiSih at—the block. 3. Goodwin....................... 13,600 8,550 8.500 4,550 3,850 8,825 7.5fl0 15,200 4,050 4,000 8.020 8,975 3,910 15,400 I8,5C0 12.325 13.1.:5 23,900 1,225 935 320 :oo 675 2.820 3.600 2,400 7,750 6,300 6,600 6,800 9,700 7.000 13,250 9.4S0 7,950 16,000 13,000 9.2.50 18,000 10.000 6,300 16,000 0.100 7,630 14,600 9.000 7,900 U,000 ^^Ifllet B, F. RAYMONl). South at. Noi. 116,117 and 118. n w cor Peck Blip, 52.-1x50. two flve-atory brick atorea. Harriet S, Onderdonk. (Amount due, t35,800).............................. L. J. A I. PHILLIPS. Bth RT e 8, 76.B a BOth st, 35.6x100, Tacfcnt. John Garcia ................... .......... LOCIB NBBIBR. Washington st. No. 195. e a, 34,8x73 1x33.7x 78 8 slx-atory brick build'g, portion of hotel. Thomaa R. McNeill, {Amount due, abtSa,350).................................. IBth at, No. 811 E., n s. 34x10-'), four-story stone front dweli'g. Mrs. Clemence Delmonico. MORDECAI A BELLAMY. MinetU lane. No. 21, a b. 28x80, three-atory brick and frame dwall'g with three-story brick dweil'g in rear, Chas. Graham. Eent 8150 per month .........-. ■--■■-. 75th st, n 3, abt 183.11 e Riverside Drive, 150x l\fi.2. Chas. P. Corbst..................... 76th St. n a, 200 e 3d av, 75x103.3, Chaa. P. Corbet___................................ EC OTT A MYERS. Prince at, No. 193, n s, 35x78, fourstory brick tenem't. A. Fritz ■--■■-•.- ■ ■ - - ■ ■.....- - - ■ ■ Spring St. Ko. 175, n s, 23,3x100. three-atory brick atore and dweil'K. Chas. Crow...... •I16th st. No 332 E., a a, 15x100.10, three-story Stoue front dwall'g. (2d mort, amount due, abt(61,850; Istmort, $7,500.) Robert Courr'laod av.'w a, 75 n iiSth st, 25x100. J. Courtland av' w'a,'axl33. Chaa. Crow.. I,Ut W. L. HAHBRSLBI. lOBd ll. No. 169 E , n s, 30x100.11, four-atory brick flat, C. B. Keogh.tHAmount due, abt ^,550; prior mort. flS.OOO).............. 18,Sn Total.............................»I.3»,8» 7,400 45,800 60,000 37,500 19,000 15,100 29,700 8,700 13,035 15,700 8,675 1,350 1,250 10,000 6,300 900 ITS SM s,cw BBOOKLTN, N. ¥. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan. J. Cole, and Cole & Murphy have mode tbe follow¬ ing aales for the week ending April 26: Berkeley pl, late Sackett at, Noi, 867 and 869, n a, bet 7ih and Sth avs, 42x100. two ihree- story stone front dweU'gs and French roof. Steward L Woodford...............J3i.0» Berkeley pl, late Paekatt at. No. 8^1. n s. Six IOO, three-story atone front dweil'g. New¬ bury H. Frost.............................. Il.flOO Chauncey at, a a, 197.11 w Broadway, 5 lots, gore. Charles Small...................... B« Elizaheth st, n e cor Dwight at. I''0x200 to Van Dyke st, one-stoiy frame building. E. J. Slellen.................................... IT.IOD Halaey at, n a, 225 w Throop av, 160x100, va¬ cant. J.Kerrigan ........................ 6,610 Macon at, s s. IOJ w Throop av, 3'x80, vacant. F. W. CarruLhers.......................... Macon Bt, 8 s, hat Tompkina and Throop ava, 13x80. AugU3tGriII..................... Macon at, a s, bet Toapkins and Throop ava, 50x30, Auguat Grill....................... 1,860 Macon st, a a, bet Tompkins and Throop ava. 23x80. E. R- Blackwell.................... Macon at, No. 361, n a. 20x100. threestory stone frontdwell'g. J M. Toung ..... Macon st, No. 863. n a, 30x100, threestory stone front dwelPg, Charles Loranx...... S,700 Macon at. No. ^65, n a, SOxlOO. three-story Btone frontdwell'g, Geo.Waldie......... 5,060 Maoon at. Noa, 3S7. S 0 and 371. n a. 60x100. three three-storj stone front dwell'gs. J. M.Young................... .............. 18,9W Macon at. No. »73. n a, SOxlOO, three-story alone front dweU'g. J. M.,Farriagton..... 6,600 Macon at, Noa. S75 to 389, n a. 189x100, eight three-atory atone front dwell'ga. J. M. Young....................................... 44,«0 Marion at, n a, 196.6 w Broadway. B lots. gore. ChariesSmall............■................ Mi Marion st, n s, abt 296 0 w Broadway, 160x1001 Chauncev st, s a, £09.6 w Broadway, 13:^x100.. f ChariesSmall ............................ 4,»50 McDonough at. No. 113, n a. 21x120, three-atory ■tone front dweU'g. R. R. Blackwell...... T,IW McDonough at. No. 115. n a. 21x12), (hree-stor)r Btone frontdwell'g, F,W. Carruthera— T,10» McDonouRh at. No, 119, n a, 21x120. :hree-3t«ry ■lone front dweli'g. F. H. Smith.......... T,10O Monroe at. No. 7/4. ■ a, 30x100, throe-aUirj dweil'g. J. M. Young...................... Ryerton at. Nos. 171-177. e b, S0xl89 1, four thr^-story frame dwell'ga. John N. Eitel. Ralph aT, No, 56, w s, 20x80, three-story frame dwellg. J. A Fiaber.agent.............. Sumner av. No. 409. a e cor Halaey at. 30x93, three-story atone front dweil'g. J. M. Young.................................... 6,500 Sumner av. No. 417. e a. 20x95, three-Btory Btone front dweil'g, Walter A. Phelan.... fi.SOO Sumn. rav. No. 41'. ea, 30x95, three-atory atoae front dweil'g. J. M. Young............... 5,760 Sumnnrav, No. 421, ea, 30x95, .hree-story atone frontdweH'E- J.M.Young.............. B.lOO Sumner av. No. 433, e s. 30x95. three-atory atone front dweil'g. Richard Thall........ 5,760 Macon at. No, 344, s a, 316 e Sumner av, 30x100, Ihree-story stone front dweU'g. Louis Beer.................................... 6.031 •Paciflc St. as, 114.1 w Troy aT—B5.Ilxl53,7x 14311x143.2, Phehe M. Williams ......... 3,350 Proapect et, n s, 50 e Greene lane, 25x107. Jane Calverley............................. 3,700 Total.........................................tmm CONVEYANCES. 14,fOO s,s» Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. O. occur pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows Ist— an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. •2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that h« hathnot dont any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, chartied or incumbered. NEW ¥ORR CITY. Aphil so, 21, 23, 24, 2.5, 26. Bleecker st. No. 31. n a, 2.50 w Bowery, 20x66.3 xaOx65,5, three-story brick store and dweil'g. William S. Chapman to Henrietta A, Bert- ford. Mort. ?4,000, March 13, 183T, |8,000