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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 34, no. 873: December 6, 1884

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1244 The Real Estate Record December 6, 1884 KINGS COUNTY. No'ember 29 to December 5—inclusive. Abbott. GeorgftB., Public Admr., as admr. of E. McUonall or McDowell — Kate DufEy. (1884) ......................... $180 47 Same-----Eliz, Feron. (I=P4)............ 460 50 Board of Assessors, City Brnoklvn—Union Ferry Co, (1883)...... ,. - . 70 50 Gihbs. George C.-G. W, Carr. (1875)....... 335 HI Leopold, Jacob—C. L. Weeks. (1884) ..... 267 01 McCormick, James J-—W, ileard. (1683).,. 3,175 48 McKinney, James—D. S. Amierson, admr. (1683) ....................... . 315 19 Merrill, Julian W.—H, P, Journeay, (18851, 199 14 Phillips, William H,—Eleanor Mitchell. ('84) 68 75 Keimer, Geo. E—J, E. Baldwin. (168i)... 200 79 Skeele. Franklin H. I Mercantile Trust Co. Sage. Herbert R. i (1684)............. 106 30 The Brnoklyn City R. R- Co.—J. T. Wolson. (1881)............................ 1-6TO 37 Tuthill, Isaac—O. W. Carr, (1875).......... 835 91 Van Kleeck, Ricbard-J. H, Clayton. (1884) 107 67 Vigotty. Joseph, Sr,. and Jr.—Commission¬ ers Charicies, &c. (1883).............. 16C 47 Walker, Adam—Jane Ray, '1831) ........ 77 46 Same—-same, as admrx, (1881) ......... 246 08 Walker. Adam and Eosanna-----same. (1P81) £6i 24 Weathered. Chas. B—J. E Baldwia (iSS^i) 20ii 79 Williams, Elizabeth A.—J, H. L-lajton. ('84) 107 67 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW TORK CITT. Not. 29 Seventy-seyenthst, No, 6iE.,Es, bet4thand Madison ays. Michael Bowler age Mary Clyde, owner........................ 105 00 29 Ninth ay, s w cor 83d st, 3 houses. Grace A. Benedict Bgc John F. Dunker, own¬ er. &c .......................... 263 60 39 One Hundred and Seyenth st, n s, es'dg from Lexington to 4lh ay, 100x100 on Lex¬ ington av, 150 on 4th ay. Sarah Benson aet Jane R. and Herbert H. Muxlow, Sigmund and Leopold Stern and E. Leland .............................. 2,500 00 4i? Reekman st, n s, extdg from Park row to N"ir=-.=au St. A, and P. Roberts Sc Co. agt Hueh W. Adams, contractor; Orland B. Potter, owi?.er ............ ............3,745 65 Dec, 1 Fortieth st, No 313 -W., n a, 225 e Sth av, 25 xloO, Z. S, Ayres iftgt Thomas Brennan, contractor; Ellen Fai^.lon, owner....... 17165 I Sisty-lourth st, Nos. 414,-416 and 418 E,, s S, asuelst av. 75x100.5. Ja'infc-.s Evans agt Patrick Nolan, owner and coQti''actor— 335 00 1 Twentieth at. No. ii 4 E,, s s, iiet 4th <3.y and Irving pl, Matthew Thompson agt ,G. Von Taube, A. I>e Bottari and N. E'. Crosby, lessees and debtors; All Soul's Church, reputed owners. ............... 674 32 1 Williamsbridge road, s s, abt 60 w Bronx ^ River, d.ixioO. Henry Fennel, Jr., agt Catharine De Lejer, owner; John Mal- zacker, debtor ........................-, 13 87 1 Same property. John Weismann agt same 13 25 i Ooe Hundred and Twenty-fourth st, s s, 4^5 e 8-h av, a5x* I.IO lo 12111 st. John Kelly agt-John J. Quin, owner and debtor..... 695 00 2 O'e Hundred and Twenty-third st, □ s, 425 e 6th av, S.'ixlOO.11, Palrick Brennan agt John J. Quin, owner and debtor..... . 100 00 8 Third av, Nos. 2 63 to 2u79, w s, bet 113th andllJthsts, Heyman Rosenberger agt P. and D, Mitchell, owners, and Jos, Mur¬ ray, contractor.............. ........ 49 56 3 Eightyeigbth st, Nos, 121 and 123, n s, het 3d and 4th avs, 50x100. August Lorenz agt Honora Byrne .............. 1^6 00 5 Eighty-flrst st, Nos, 307 and 303 E., u s, bot 1st and ^d avs, Rudolph Habel agt Charles Lobrick, contractor; Aaron Bau- dett, ownfr.......... ................ 21 00 rOne Hnndrod and Thirty-third st. s a, 450 w 6th av, ."ill ft front, 4 houses, Thomas ■ Dillon agt Samuel T. Bennett.......... 8C0 00 One Hundred aud Twenty-third St. n s, 4i5 e 8ih av, a5x—to 124th st. David Fitz¬ patrick agt John J. Quia.................. 75 00 KINGS CODNTT. Noy. 29 Sedgwick'St. 8 e cor Van Bruntst, 25x50. Patrick Ross agt Peter Fagin, owner, and Thomas Donnelly........................ $35 00 Dec, 1 Fourth st, n s, 58 e Sth av. abt 80x100. Tbe Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co, agt J. P. Kiiiney, owner, Sea.................. 378 50 1 Fourth st, ss, abt 185,10 e Sth ay, 100x100. The Penh Amboy Terra Cotta i;o, agt J. P, Kinney, owner, &c................... 4S3 50 1 Flusbing av, s 8, 8ii w Garden st, 100x125. Rope Sc Co. agt Bertha Jacoby owner. and William Htllman................. 600 00 3 Clermont av, No, 438, w s. 10 ' n Fulton st, 17,6x100, Thos, Head agt George W. Addinsell, owner, iSc.................. 14 96 3 Centre et. e s. 75 n Broadway, 75x100. E. Cummings & Sons agt Alexanders. Cook, owner, and W. I, Spear ................. 330 00 3 Broadway, Noa. 1434 and 1436, a s, bet Mc¬ Dougal st aud Hull St. Kuhuia Bros. agt Mr;< Fagan, owner, and Wm. L Spear. 120 63 3 Broa.1way. w a, IOO n Hull st, 75x100. R. Cumminga & Sons agt Bryan and Dora Fogan. owner, and W. I Spear .......... 486 00 4 Cent e >t. e s, 125 n Broad^vay, 25x100. Ku¬ huia Bros agt Alexander S. Cook, owner, and W. I Spear............... 44 00 4 Sameprop?rly. John Kennedy agt same. 60 00 4 Centre at, e s, 75 n Broadway, 75x100, Louis Bossert agt Alexander Cook, reputed owner, and W.I Spear............... 105 94 4 Same property. Edmund F. Broad and F. W. Milton agt same................... 63 24 4 Herkimer at. No, 1183, n s. 150 e Hopkinson av. 25x100. Wilhelm Nitz agt Fritz Pom- eienke, owner, &c.................... 16S 70 4 Fifth av, No, 454. w s, 75 n 10th Bt, 25x95,9. Hobby Sc Doody agt Patrick Mclnerney, owner, and Ricbard Wyetch.............. 47S 49 SATISFIED nECHANICS' LIKNS. NBW TORK OITV. Dec. 29 Seventy-seventh st, No. 2111^ E,, n s. Er¬ nests. Huxton agt T. Barnes, Taylor & to. and Mattison & Co, (Nov, 10. 1884).. 10 00 39 Same property, G. Lidbach agt same. (Nov. 10)......................., 23 25 29 Same property. A. Guilbrandsen agt eame. (Nov. 10) ................................ 36 0 29 Same prooerty. Fred. Crust agt same. (Nov. 10)^............................. 40 00 Dec. l*Second ay, se cor 119th st, 57x90, Henry McCoy agt Martin L. O'Suilivan and ----- Allen, debtors, and The 12:th Street Presbyterian Church, of Harlem, owner. (Nov. 26, 1^84)..................... 45 00 I East Broadway, No. 110, d s, and extdg to Division st. Thos. Mulry Sc Son agt Samuel Lnwden and F. A. Lawrence. (Sept,2, I88n........................ ....... 750 00 1+One Hundred ana Thirty-second st. s a, 286 e tth av, 5 houaes, Eosanna O'Neill agt S, S. Hinraa.i (July 2J, 18?4) ....... 52 00 2 Ninety-first st, n s, 66 e Park av, 6 houses, Fred. W. Shrump agt Susan Sullivan. (Nov. 20, 1864) .....................1,450 00 2 One Hundred and Twenty-third st, ss, 340 6 4 h av, 15 feet front. Charles Lyons agt Jobn J, Murpby. (Nov, 24, 1864). , B9 00 2 Seventy-seventh sc. No. 20IJ^ E., n s, bet 2d and 3d avs. John Roche agt T. Barnes, Ta> lor Se Co, and Mattison & Co. (Nov. 10."1684)............................... 11 25 2 Seventy-ninth st. Nos. 156-:64, s a, 70 e Lex¬ ington av, B. Levien agt Hugh E. and JohnJ Macdonald, (Sept. 24, If84)...... 220 00 S Same property. Tice & Jacobs agt same, (AUK.21, !834)........................... 156 20 2tSame property, Patrick Hennessy agt same. (June 14, 1684)............... 74 85 3 Ninth av, a w cor 8:id st. 76,8x100. G. L, Schuyler & Co. agt Johu F. Dunker. "ik. Williams agt. same. (Dec, 1, 1884)............ ................. 18 00 Sanie property. Johu J. Stuecfi-'-e a?t same. (Dec, 1, 18S4) ........................: .... .J-.^T Same property. Robert Coles agt sarae. (Dec, 1. 1884) .............................. 18 00 Same property. Frederick Neubert agt same. (Dec. 1. !d84) ........................... 14 87 Same property, Jacoh Kirchner agt same. (Dec. 1. 1881)........................ 38 00 Same propertv, Peter Herdwig agt same. (Dec. I, 1881) ... ................... 16 63 Nostrandav, Ko3 3^2, 354, 35t'. 358a'.d 30^. T. B. Wulls Sc Bro, agt Thumaa Welwcod, owner, (Nov. 3, ISSJ) ............ ... 128 67 Coney Island, The Elepbnnt Hotel Geo. T. N. Cottam agt Elephant Building Co. (iog. 26, 1864)........................ 704 60 De Kalb av, n a, -'UO e Evergreen av. Geo. W. KvauB agt Mary Edwards, {May 1, 1B84). 21 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED NEW TOEK CITT. BOUTH OF 14th 8T. Walker st, JTos. 88 and 90, one seyen-story hrick store, 50x88.3 and 83.7, metal roof; cost, $40,000; owner, John Bornhoeft, HO St. Markspl; architect, John B. Snook: builder, C Eberspach¬ er. Plan 1569. Grand st, No. 81, one fiye-story brick and stone store, ^2x96. tin roof; cost, $18,0110; owner, George Theiss, 1S6East 14th st; architects, Schwarzmann Se Buchman; builders, J. Se L. Weber and J. F. Moore. Plan 1.581. 10th st, No, 373 E., one five-story brick and stone tenem't. aSxbO, lin roof; cost, $17,000; owner, Peter Lyding, 175-179 2d st; architect, F. W. Klemt. Plan 1580, Mth st. No, 542 W., one tbree-story brick offlce, 31x64, gravel roof; cost, $2,.^(;0; owner, H. K. Thurber, 146 West 12th st; builder. J. G, Mc¬ Murray. Plan 1568. BKTWKKN 14th AND 59TH STS. llth av, w s, 49.4 s J8th st, one three-story brick vinegar factory, 49.4x100, gravel roof; cost, $!8,0U0; ovrner, Oswald Budenbach, 3B8 West 57th st; architect, J. M. Forster. Plan 1576. BKTWKKN SHTB AND 125TH STKKKTS, KAST OF 5tS AVENHB. 70(h st, s s, 125 e Madison av, flve four-story brown stone front dwell'gs, two 16s90, one 3lx.54, one 25,bx64. ami one 21,6x54, tin roofs; cost, total, $9(1,UOO; owners, architects and builders, Chas. Graham & Sons, 305 and 3(7 East 43d st. Plaii 1.^72. Ist av, c e cor 121st st, seven flve-story bri^k tenem'ts and stores, and tvFO onestory brick stores, 35 and 26x60 aud 40, tin roofs; cost, total, $100,000; owner and builder, Patrick Sheridaji, 1S4 Race et, Elizabeth, N. J.; architects. Will Alan O'Hea. Plan 1573. 118th st, n 8, 87 e Sd a>, two four-story brick flats and stores, SOxSO, extension 10x20. tin roofs; cost, each, $:i(t,(J0O; owner and builder, James Wood, 341 East 116th st; arcbitect, M. V. B, Ferdon. Plan 1570. Sfith st, n s, 200 e Av B, one two-story brick refrigerstor building, 6ix99,6, tin roof; cost, S 15,000; owners, G. F. Se E. C. Swift, West Washington Market; arcbitect, Fred. C. Miller; builder, B. H". Bailey. Plan 157.5. 83d st, Nos. 159, 161 and 16*S E., three five- story brick tenem'ts, 18.9x61, tin roofs; enst, eacb, *I3,000; owner, B. C. Wandell, 157 East 83d st; architect, D. J. MaoRae; builder, not selected. Plan 1583. BETWEEN 59th ANB 125TH STBEKT8, WBBT OF 8th AVKNOK. 119tb st, bet 10th av and Boulevard, two one¬ story sheds, open fronts for storing ladders, &c.. 149 and 20x13. tin roofs; cost, one $2-^5, othi-r $75; owner. New York Hospital, C. H. Nichols, super¬ intendent. Plan 1577. I'^Sd st, s s, Sth to St. Nicholas av, six brick dwell'gs an l two brick dwell'gs with stores, I6x 40, and stores 33x40, tin roofs; cost, dwell'gs, each $9,<,'0U: stores and dwell'gs, each $14,000; owner, H. Josephine Wilson, 3:i5 East I4th st; architect. D. T. Atwood; builders, Patrick Childs and J. G. Scheel. Plan 1574. 23d and 24th wards. Hall pl, e s, opposite 166th st, one one-story frame dwell'g, 24i30, tin roof; cost, $1,000; own¬ er, Carl Gudehuss, 268 West 36th st; architect, Artbur Arctander. Flan 1571, St, Anns av, abt So n 13Rtb st, one one-story frame shed, 7,6x14, tin roof; cost, $------; own¬ er, Priscilla wife of John J. Ackerman, St. Anns av, eor 136ih st. Plan 1579. 149th St. No. 437 E , one two story frame ten¬ ement, 25x45, gravel roof; cost, $l,.'5uO'. owner. Christian F, Seitz, 435 East 149th st. Plan 1578. 134th st, s 3, 119 w Brown pl, three three-story brick dvFell'gs, 17x45, tin roots; cost, each, $4,000; owner, Thatcher M. Adams, 15 West 17th st; architsct, David S. Davies; builders, Davies & McOwen. Plan 1583. KINGS COMTT. Plan 1540—Hull et, a s, 150 e Rockaway av, five two-story and basement briek dwell'gs, 15x36, gravel roofs, wooden cornices; cost, eacb, $3,0l0; owner, W, H. H. Eobbins, 110 Patchen av; architect, B. T, Robbins; builders, E. K. Rob¬ bins and Jno. Remsen. 1541—Manhattan av. No. 84, e s, 365.10 n Van Cott av, one four-story frame tenem't, 255,55, tin roof; cost, $5,' 00; owner, James MacFarlane, 117 Milton st; architect, Fredk. Weber; mason, John Cashman; carpenter, not sel cted. 154'i—Herkimer st, n s, 100 e Hopkinson av, five two-st.ry and basement brick dwell'gs, 1.5z 36, gravel roof*, wooden co'nices; cost, each, .*4. OuO; owner, &c., Mathew Nolan Paciflc st. 1543^Ut]i;ci ...r n e cor Dean st, eight two¬ story frame dwell'ga, 16x40, frame and gravel roofs; cost, each, $l,8uiiy owner,^.r.'* fc:."jld'*r, George Rose, 241 Bedford av; architect, T. F. Thomas. 1544—16th st, 8 s, 150 e lltb av, one two-atory fran.e dweU'g, 20x35, tin roof; cost, $1,800; owner, John Rnork, 1016 16tb st; arcbitect and builder, M. J. Bongard. 1545-Court st, No. 116, w s, one two-story brick store and tiwell'g, 25x41, gravel roof, iron cornice; cost, $1,500; owner, Jas. Garvey, il4 Court sc; architect, F. Demott; builders, John Demott & Son. 1546—Himrod st, n s. 100 w Central av. one one-story frame carpenter shop, 20.10x38, gravel roof; cost, $150; owners-and builders, Benj, J, Dennis & Son, 35 Troutman st; arctitect, Ernest Dennis. 1547—Monitor st, e s, 100 s Meeker av, one one-story frame stable, 16x13, felt roof; cost, $50; owner and archi: ect, John Gibson, 64 Moni¬ tor st; builder, Clarance N. Lohvshe. 1548—Wyckoff st, s s, 75 w Nevins t^t, one four¬ story brick tenem't, 25x55, tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $9,000; owner and arcbitect. Robert Dixon, 219 Montague st; builder, Owen Nolan, 1549—Jackson st. No. 93, s s, 100 e Leonard st, one two-story frame dwell'g, 18,5s43, tin roof; cost, $3,250; owner, Henry Nitz, 98 Jackson st; architect, Julius I. Smith; builder, A. Kunz- ■weiler, 1550—Carlton av, e s, 206,3 n Myrtle av, one two-story brick stable and dwell'g, 31 and 29.9s 95, gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $7,500; own¬ er, J. M. B. Camthers, 180 Washington Park; architect, M. J. Morrill; mason, P. J, Carlin; carpenter, not selected. 1551—Heyward st. n s. 100 w Harrison av, one two story brick tool house, 30x40, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $900; owner, Jacob Bossert, 233 Lynchst; architect, John Platte; builder, John Auer. 1553—Greene av, n s, 200 w Knickerbocker av, one one-story frame dwell'g, 20xS6, gravel roof; eost, $800; owner, Joseph Hurget, 1306 Myrtle av; architect, Th. Engelhardt; builder, Joaeph Wagner, Jr. 1553—Bleecker st, n s, 125 e Evergreen av, one two-story frame dweU'g, 33x32, with one-story extension, 10x14, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Jobn E. Wade, 104 Kosciusko st; architect, Frank Holmberg; builder, not selected. 1,554—Broadway, Hos. 710 and 713, w s, 175 8 Lewis av, two four-story frame tenem'ts and Btores, 26x60, tin roofs; cost, each, $6,000; owner,