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The Record and guide: v. 35, no. 877: January 3, 1885

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ESTABLISHED-^ Aiy^H 2151^ 1868. ' Entered at the Postojffice at .Veic York, N. Y., as second class matter.'^ Vol. XXXV,—No. 877. NEW YORK, JANUARY 3, 1«8.5. Price, 15 Cento. rf IT. LUDLOW & CO., »» * ESTABLISHED 1836. ' MJCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS, NO. II PINE STREET. H. If. GA3nL\^NN. REAI. ESTATE, 10 4 PINE STREET, - - - NEW YORK. H A W. BOOERT, Jr., ■ REAL ESTATE, ^^ 16 EAST 18th ST,, - - - NEW YORK. I JACOB APPELL, d REAL ESTATE BROKER AND UOUSE AQENT. Many owners and trustees as references. •377 WEST 23d STREET. W A. CR UIK8HANK& CO., ESTABUSHED 1794. REAL ESTATE, 16» BROADW.W, - - - - NEW YORK. 5. F. JAYNE & CO., MANAGERS OP ESTATES APPRAISERS AND BROKERS. 373 W. 23d STREET, NEW YORK. S F. Javnii. A. M. CtmNER. JOHN F. B. SMYTH, REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER AND BROKER, No. Ill BROADWAY. 'pERDINANB FISH, ■*■ Late jAUEs M. Taylor, No. 149 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty Street, ALTERATION, IMPROVEMENT & MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS PROPERTY, w. niCHARBS & SA USE, REAL ESTATE, No, 21 Nassau Street. Behj. Richards. Edhond J. Sacse, Jr. LATE WITH E. H. LUDLOW & CO. HOMAS & ECKERSON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS Entire charge taken of Estates. Wallace Buildino, 88 W. SOth Street. Wh. M. Tbohab, Jho. 0. R. EoscoaoN Commlasioner for the Rlate«. Nntarv Public. J^ELL Y & JONES CO., J\. STEAM HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS, Offlcee, 75 John St, N. Y., 141 First Av, Pittsburg, Pa. Factory, Erie and Eleventh Streets, Jersey City, N. J. ITCHELL, VANCE & CO., GAS FLXTUBEtj 838 Aim 838 Broadtay, New Vork. TmOMAS OSBORNE, STEAM STONE WORKS, 91st and 9io Streets, East Rivbr. Dealer in American and Imported Marbles. Brown Stone Nova Scotia Ohio and all other Free Stones M' M. H. R003IE'S SON, REAL ESTATE AGENT A BROKER, No. 378 Sixth Avknte, New York. (Masonic 'remple RntiHtng )~SL ______________ESTABUSHED 1858.______________ jyROOKL YN UP-TOWN HSADQDARTEBS. ^ PAUL 0. GRENINa. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS Offices, 430 Qaies Avenue, and 863 and 1161 Fulton Street. JDARTON& WHITTEMORE, ^ REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES, Money to loan In any amotmt on bond and mort¬ gage, at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. 106 BROADWAY, Cor. Pine St., New York, ADRIAN G. HEGEMAN, ■^ REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, Entire Charge Taken ot Estates. No. 1321 BROADWAY, Near S4th Street, N. Y, Adrkh GS. Hkoe'A.'. Joa!» A. Hsoeuan. TTIBBARB & DA VIDSON, ^ APPRAISERS, MANAGERS OF ESTATES, INSURANCE*REAL ESTATE BROKERS Builders' Instu'ance a Specialty. 614 LEXINGTON AVENUE, Cor. .53d STREET. J S. CONOVER & CO., C/ • Desl;;ners snd Manufacturers of URATES, FENDERS AND OPEN FIRE-PLACEt AND APPURTENANCES. IMPORTERS OF TILES. Destema and estimates furnished. 30 West 23d St. ¥ CAWYER-MAN ILLUMINATING CO. {LIMITED), O Offices in MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING, New York. Furnishes plant for Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting. Refers to its plant, one of the LARGEST IN THE UNITED STATES, NOW IN OPERATION IN THE MUTUAL UFE BUILDING, No. 3-.! Nassau Street. For proposals and information address WM. P. SHINN. President.___________________________________________H. R. GARDEN, Secretary. T/iTM. H. JACKSON & CO., ' ' North side UNION SQUARE (31 East 17th Street), New York. Deeigners and Manufacttirera of ARTISTIC GRATES, OPEN FIRE-PLACES, FENDERS and FIRE-PLACE NOVELTIES in every style. Importers of TILE. Tdeptaone, 21st Street, No. ltS8. Fonndries and Shops, 315 BAST 38th STREET. 'DEST BRANDS OF ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL ^ PORTLAND OEMENTS. " E. B. A S.," English. I " LAFARQE," French. " BUBHAM," English. KEENE'S, Sup. Ftoe. " FEWER," (3erman. Ha:ENE^8, Coarse. "J0S80N & CO.,'" Antwerp. | LIME OF TEIL. _____________________________Imported by JAMES BRAND, «5 Beekman Street. New York. T\rEW YORK& ROSEN DALE CEMENT CO., -tV ROSENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ^^Warranted superior to any brand of Rosendale Cement manufactured, tor use under or out of water. Especially adapted where tensile anil compressive tests are required. Send for pamphlet on tests and testimonials, showing superior quahty of our Cement. _^_____________________________HIRAM SNYDER, Secretary, Office, gA) Broatlway, New York. y^ ^t^Y-LOR'S PORTLAND CEMENT. "^adiatOr a.viiEST, cheapest, best and always fresh. 'es perfect circulation an' For Sale by all Dealers in Masons' Materials. ,hi.Tnbe««mR.dT.lON & WILSON, General A-ents. R. ... X L^^- !!L .- »;-i;'^ia" Tool steel for the United States aiTd Canada." """'"'/"C^irrSfY^Zi:;., ^-^^ liberty YORK. jyiCHARD V. HARNETT&C0., AUCTIONEERS, RBIAL estate BROKERS, 111 Broadway, Trinity Biulding, N. Y. Rooms D and E. Basement. ** Law Telephone 884. 'teo. r. read, ' (Formerly of E. H. LODLOW & Co., REAL ESTATE, 19 NASSAU STREET. Telephone, 443 John. pORTER & CO., REAL ESTATE, 157 EAST 125th STREET Jf JUDSONKILPATRICK, ^ • REAL ESTATE BROKER, " BoinrHAN &RU3," 640 Madison Av., oor. 59th St„ N, Y. WM. L. UE.NIN, Notary Public. Money to Loau on Bond and Mortgage. MORRIS B. BAER & CO., Ill Ti WEST Uth ST, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Management of Estates a specialty. Money always to loan on approved ^r^oerty. Morris B. Baer, Morris B. Brohksr, Counsellor at Law. Cemmissioner ol Deeds. 'CCOTT & MYERS, ~ AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BiJOKERS, No. S PINE STREET. Branch: Northwest corner Madison Av and 59th St. J A WPENCE, 'kILI)UFF& CO. ^ GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Members Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room. No. 79 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. JEONARD J. CARPENTER, ^ REAL ESTATE, 56 & 58 East 23d St., Y. M. C. A. Buildino, AND 1181 3d avenue. Telephone 2Ist St., 499. Entire charge of property. qCHUYLER & ROACH, *^ 3 PINE STREET, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Builders' Insurance a specialty. Lonns Negotiated. AMERICAN FLOOR TILES, -^^ Acknowledged by experts the best in the world, 3Ianufactured by the ASIERICAN ENCAUSTIC TIUNG CO. (LmiTED). Office and Salesrooms, IIG West iSo St. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, Bath Rooms, Furniture and Stove Decora¬ tions. Telephone 415 aist St. J