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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1094: March 2, 1889

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300 Record and Guide. March 3, 1889 27 McDnnoush st, s s, 375 e Sumner av, 20x80 x30x35. Abraham Hai-fcatein agfc E. M. Young, owner........................... 47 50 28 Bushwick av, s w cor Jloffat st, 25x100. Parkes & Son agt Fi-ank W. Ames, owner and contractor.......................... 440 00 28 Broadway, n w cor Moffat St, 50x100. Same agt same................................ - "19 91 38 Busiiwick av, s e cor Eldert st, SOslOD. Same agt same........................... 423 52 28 Thirty-niiitb st, s s. 150 e 4th av, 35x100.3, John Cullen agt James McKenna, owuer, and Fred. Horbelt, contractor............ 24 36 28 Webstei- av, n s, 110 e Black Gates lane, 140 SlOO, New Utrecbt. Horace B. AUen agt Mrs. James Henry, owner, and Cbis. H. Sewers, contractor........................ 63 00 SflTISnUD aiKCHAMCS' LIBXS. KEW YORK CITV, Feb. 23 Seventy-ninth st, >fos. 158-163, s s, S'OO e 10th av. ^^0x102.2, HoEfm.ann & Scbuback agt Sarah E, and Samuel C. ainman. (Oct. 18.1S88) ............. ....................S140 70 35 One Hundred and Seventeenth st. No. 234. s 3, bet 3d and 3d avs, Joseph Walker agt Frauk Beattie. (Jau. 15. 1689)........... 226 00 35 Thirty-second st. No. 20 W., s s, bet Sth and Oth avs. Uh'ie de Comeau agfc William W.Thompson. (Oct. 23,1883)......... 30 00 35 Morris av, s e cor Highbridge road, 207x135. William Clarke agt Benjamin F. and Charles Gerding. (Dec. 20,1887).......... 570 86 SejOue Hundred and Twentieth st, No. 25, ns, 80 e Lenox av,-20x100.11. Waldo L. Fay acrt Mrs. Schoem and Frank D. Biggs. (Nov. 28, 18a'';i................... 46 0-3 26 Heath av, e s, 3 n of land of Foidam Morris. 53x]3!1xl0xl3'i. James A. McDonald agt George F. Shaver. (April 10. 1838)....... 50 75 26 Old Albany Post road, w s. 1,300 n DelaUeld st, 75 ft. front. George Coors and Gustav Kaesfcner agt Luis Drescher, (Feb. 5, '891 ],M)3 00 27 One Hundred aud Thirteenth st, No. 439 E.. n s. Bruno Schubert agt James Kehoe, (Aug. 9, 1388) ........................... 45 00 27 Thii-ty-eigbth st. No, 162. s s, 58 w 3d av, Six 100. Richardson & Morgan Co. agt J. M. I.Jlfliu. IFeb.1,-18391.................... 96 00 27*Ea3t Broadway, No. 33, c s, HO n Market st, 25 ft front. Canda & Kane agt. Lewis Mever and James Fitzgerald. fJul5'23, 188S) .................................. ^5 53 S7*Sanie property. Tbomas Sulhvan agt same, tAug. 3,13381.................... 48 00 27*Same property. Thomas Canning agt same. (Aug. 8,1888)....................... 100 00 2i*Same property, Andrew and John Blau- rockagtsame, (Aug. 16.1888)............ 40 00 28 One Hundred aud Fifteenth st, n s, 150 e 5th av, 50x100.11. James H. Parker agt Edna L.and Daniel T. Atwood, (Dec. 8, 1388)...................................3,755 00 28 Oliver st, Nos. 43 and 44, e s, 100 s Madisou st, 60 ft. front. James R. Irons agt J. M. Taylor and-----McManus. (Mar. 6.1388i 759 OQ 28 Oliver st, Nos. 40-46, e s, 53.3 s Madison st, 60.3 ffc front. Jaraes R. Irons agt Jacob M. Taylor and Thomas McManus. (Slar. 15, 1888)..................................... 75900 38 Sixty-eighth st, Nos. Gl-78, s s, 1511 e 9tu av, 150x100. Henry J. Coates agt William F. and Charles O. Arboeast, owners and con¬ tractors, (Feb. 35, 16891.................. 36 00 33 Same propertv. Edward A. Wilbur agt same. (Ppb. 35) ....................... 36 00 23 Same property. Lewis McCord agt same. {Feb!25r;................................. 3600 38 Same property. Moses M. Hawkes agt same. (Feb. 35)...,...................... TO 15 Mar. l*West End av. s w cor 89th st, 100x300. John Laughlin aud Frauk McQuigan agt Alfred C. Squier and Nelson M. Whipple. (Jan. 24. I?a9).................................. 180 00 I Rider av. w s, 493 s 14 Ith st, 100x135 Wm. H. Quick agt Ferdinand Schuch- ardt, (Nov. 12,189^)..................... 210 00 1 Tenth av, w s, 30 n 108th st, 35 ft front. Martin Smith agt Frederick Adler. (Jan. 1. 1S89)..................................1,045 00 ♦Discharged by depositing amount of lieu and interest with County Clerk. I Cancelled by oi'der of Couit. tlSGS iOCSTY. Feb 20 East Sth st, s s, abt 325 w Greenwood av. oO XlOO. Flatbush. Thos. O'Haia agt Mrs. Deun' and Thos. Reagan. (Feb, 10.) (De¬ posit).................................... SGI 05 Forty-third st, s s, bet 12fcii and 13th avs. i gi 5 bouses.............'.................. *^ Forty-fourth sl, n s, bet 13th and 13th avs, 5 houses............................... Edmond Mahoney agt James and Michael Cropsey. (Lien flled Feb. 6. 1889.1 (Dis¬ charged by order of Court on filing of bond)..................................... 915 00 21 Same properfcy. Mathew J. Bongard agt same. (Jan. 32.) (Discharged as above). 523 58 21 Same property. Robert Meserole agtsame. (Feb. 8.) (Deposit)..................... 26 00 33 Glenmore av, s s, 50 e Vesta av, 25x100. Earl A. GUlespie agt Chaj'lotte A. Van Feit and John CaldweU. (Feb. 8)......... 378 88 23 Cornelia st, w s, 100 s Bushwick av, 100x100. Jacob May agt Kobt. B, Muller aud Jacob Schwarz. (Sept, 19, 18BS................. 55 00 28 Hancock st, Nos, 444-453, s s, bet Smnner and Lewis avs. B. Svenson agt JI. Tay¬ lor and B. Wright. iJan. 3,;i889.] (Deposit) 39 34 38 Myrtle st, No. lOU, Louis Bossert agt J. H. Scheidt and George Ross. (Feb. 37,1883). 68 OO BUILDINGS PROJECTED. Thefirstname isthatof the owner; ar^t stands foi architect, m'nfor mason and 6'r for bvilder. ^EW lOKK CITT. aODTH OF 14th STKEET. Broadway, No. 337. six-story bi-ick, stone and iron store. '^T.4xl3fi.ll and 120.11, tiu roof; cost, SSfi.OOO' Cora M. Brnmwell, 6 Easfc 48fcb sfc, and Myra Moffat, The Osborne,-Wth sfc and 7th av; ar't, S. A. Warner. Plan 375. Cherry st, s s, 75.,5 w Jackson st, two flve-story sfcone front flats. S.'JxBO. tiu roofs; cost, S18,0xo3 to 60, tiu roofs; cost, total, §30,000; Fi'ank Ibert. Evergreen av, cor Lindeu st; ai-'t, Th. Engel- haj-dt. 316—Wolcott st, n s, 13L3 e Richards sfc, one thi-ee-story frame dweU'g, 18.9x43, fcin roof; cost, §3,700; m'n, T. Johnson, SSWolcofctst; ar'tand b'r, F. GUu-son. 317—Mefcropolitan av, No. 80, one oae-sfcoi-y frame stable, 10x25, gravel roof; cost, §135; L. Dirken, ou premises. , , „ 318—Seigel st, s s, 100 e Leonard st, one four- story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 25x00 tin root; cost, §4,000; Edward Keesey, 42 Seigel st; ai-'t, J. Fletcher. 319-Kent av, e s, 49 s Rodney st, one four-story