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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 47, no. 1210: May 23, 1891

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548 Record and Guide. May S3.1891 IS Snme property. T, E. Crimmins (W. S. Johnston, by assign.] agtsame. (May 9, 18 Sixf?-sistli"s'v,"No." 57 E,, n s. Michael Hrendel agt H. V, D. Plack and Henry C. Weeks, (March 5, lf9n ................ SO 00 20 Twenty-third st. Nob, 64-74, s e cor 6ih av. Raker, Smith & Co. (W. S. Johnston, by „ „ , assign.) agt James D. Fsh. (May 8, '80, 330 14 £0 Ore Hundred and Twentieth st, s s, 125 w Sth av, 7,-.xl00. J, A. Benson agt James '■■ Thompson, Crtay S), 1891)...............3,800 00 eo Rutgers ul. No. 3, n s. 35 e Jetfei'son st, 25 XlOO. Adam Happel agt Cohen & Kuchew¬ ski. (March 9. 1891) .................... 830(10 HO'-OherTondred aud Fif th st, Nos. 6';-66, ss, 160 e Madison av, 75x-, Charles Bromme Bgt MuU& Fromers. (May 3, 1891)......1,300 00 eOtSedgwick nv, w s, 5-35 s Morris Dock RR Depoc. 35x150, Riilau & s-tone agt Eli'a- betli M, Wiley and Walter N. Sendeker. (Feb, 3, 189]'............................ 4C0 00 SCl^ame property. Williara Moore agt same, (Apii.2, 1891)............................. 34000 eOiSame pronerty, J, S, Lawlor agt same. (Feb, G. 18911............................ 64 00 SOtSame propeity. E, C. Gates Sc fo, agt same iKeb, 7.1891-)..................... 350 00 SOtSame property. George Mackenzie agt __ same; (March 18, 1891).................. 433 60 Fiftb av. n e eor 114th st, 35.11x[00, 1 ai One Huudred and Fourteenth st, n s, 100 f- r,thav. 20x100, 1 William Graul agt Cliarles Stevens, (Feh. 4,1891)............................. 250 00 £1 Ninty-eighth st. n s, 268,6 e 10th av, 156,6s in.iix 0^,2x121,7. H. V. B. Ferdon agl Johu W. Button, ( 210 00 21 Cbristopber tt, Nos, 78 and £0, S s, 49.3x100, McDungaU & Poti"r agt John A. Ryan, JSept. 19,1890)............................ 318 20 al One tlundred and Fifteenth st, Nos, 231-337 w □ s, 75xl( 0. J. G. Wilson agt Hiram Moore, (April 8, 1891).................... 509 00 21 Ninety-second st, n s, yOO w Columbus av, 75xi00. Lincoln Iron Works agt Ferriter Rossell- rJan. 3, i891,l (Releasedi....... ----- SIfMadisonst, No, 314, e s. Mattie Leon agt Jo=ev,b .-r-lomou aud Cbaries W. Heine. (Mavll,l891)........................... 1" 69 33 Tiveaiy-third st, Nos. 64,-74, s e cor Otb av. J, A. aud W. H. Nesbit (W. S, Johnston, bv assign) agt James D. Fish, (May 8, 18941................................... 59S93 22 Ninety-second st, Nos. 117-123. n s, 75x100.8. Vermont Ma, hie Co. agt Ferritar & Ros- selL (.Jan. 31. 1891).................... 54 03 „„ Bioadway. No. 1695 I begins Broadway, n ^' Fifty-third st No. 311 | w cor 53d st. Johu Law agt Valentine S, aid Bayard Wood¬ ruff. (Mar, (i, 1(-91).................. 163 26 Sr3 One Hundred sudTliirty-second st, No. 12 W., s H, 25x^19,11. W. S. Andrews agt Mortiu H, rimonson and Ralph Davis, (,Mav21. 1891>........................... 115 00 32 One Himdred and Thirty-secondst, No, 14 w s s, sfe99 11. Same agt Kalph Davis. (MaySl, ll!9ij ......................... IIB 00 23 Ninety-?e'-ond st, Nos. 117-123 W„n s, 75x 100. J,H. VVhile agt Ferriter & RosseU. (■Jov, Ifl. 1890)............................1,467 50 22 Same pi-operty, Paolo Doino agt same. (Jau.7, 1891;............................1,115 00 s'Discharged hy depositing amount of lien and in¬ terest with Couuty Clerk, ^Discharged by order of Court on filing bond. BUILDINGS PROJECTED. KINGS COTJNTY. May 15 Vanderbilt av. Sterling pl, and Plaza st, Henry Bawkes, Jr., agt The Brooklyn Riding and Driving Club, owner, and N. Bngbpe Smith, cuutractor, (Lieu flled Jau. 3->,18"lj............................S4,981 86 14 Eerrhn.iu st, e s, iiO s Belmont nv, 20x100, Donald Laing agt Henry McTighe, (.May 8, 1801)................................... 90 00 15 Tompkius av, s w cor Veraon av, J0Oxl35. International Tile and Trim Co. agt Jospph H, Pratt, owuer, and Thomas WalliDg, owner and contractor, (.May 9, 1R91).................................... 29135 Same property. Same agt same, (M-av 11. 1891).,.. ................................. 391 35 13 Osborn !,t, w s, 175 n Sutter av. John &,ioaD airt Lewis Rattner. owner, and Michael Lee, contractor. ; April 14,1891)....... 33 00 18 Bainbridge st, n s, 115,6 e Saratoga av, ]8:jx 10". Danuat Sc PeU agt J. Mason Kirby, ownerand coatractor. (Slay 16, 1891i,. 417 59 IS Rockaway as, e s, 180 n lilenmore av, 8ix 100. John Comaskey agt .>lichael .-^uUi- viin. owner aud contractor, (niay 4. 1891). 70 00 18 Seventh av, a w cor 3d st, 20.7x90,U, Na- noual Stjve Co. agt Emily Rseve. (Mav 4 1891)................................ 390 00 39 Uuiuii Kl. n s, 327,6 w Clinton st, 110x100. Vaudprbeck Iron c'o, agt Charles W. An¬ dress and Charles K. MitcheU. (Mart-b 10, 1891)................................... 243 r? on Fultou St.Nos. 503-513...................... ) ■^" DufS-lnst, Nos. 213-3 JB..................f Ale.-^ander iU, Houston agt Benry Offer- man, owner, and W, & T. Larab, con¬ tractors, lUay 19. 1891)................ 6B 00 20 Monroest, » s. 180 e Patchen av, 25(xi00, Giulia Brandeis agt William H. Robbins and E. H. Davidson, owners and con¬ tractors. (March G, 1691)................ 473 37 20 Leouard st, e s, lOn s Mau.ier st. 25x100, 'J'homns Slieffield agt Mana luvararily, owner, and Wm, P, Braziil, contraclor. (May 15, 1C91)............................. 160 00 20 Greeue av, west cor Siuyvesant av, 50x110, The InlernatKinal TUe and Trim Co. agt EmmaF, .Moore, owner and contractor, 1 March 4. 1891) i Order of Court)......... 177 50 31 JlcDonough St. Nos. 240--M3, (; s, i?u e oura- uer av, lO'ixlllO. Burcher Bros, agt Michael aud Tyle Rofrano, ownera and contractors. laprU 25,1391j, (Order of court 1.................................... 650 00 Sl SeveiLlh av, n w s, from 1st M 3d st, 3^0x100. Dugau Mfg Co. agt Eraily A. and David W. Reeve, owners, and C. A. Fransen, coa- (iractors. (March 13, i8Si) (Deposit)____ 125 60 aiEW YORK CIT¥. SOUTH OF 14th STRBET. Maiden lane, Wos. 59 and (>1, se-ven-story brk and stone building, 39,1x65, felt, cement and gravel roof; cost, -?4n,00(i: G. J. Senbury, 24y West 74th st; ar't, J, A. Stark, Plan 7Z&. Monroe .st. No, 47, five-story brk stable, 25x100. tinroof; cost. §13,000; H. Evers, 40 Monroe st; a'rt, J. Kastner. Plan 749. Murray st, Nos. U'O and 10-3, flve-story brk aud stone store. 47.8x90,(3, tiu roof; cost. S3U,000; att'y. W. R. Stewart, 17 Washiugtou sq; ar'ts, Reuwick, Aspinwall & Renwiek, Plan 7a2, Oliverst, Ko. 41, five-story au'l basement brk and stone flat, -.aSxi^S. tin roof; cost, S16,000; Weil & Mayer, 237 East OOth st; ar't, G. F. Pelham; m'u, J. Van Dolseu, Plan 7i7. Wooster st, Nos, 167-173, two sis-story brk aud stone warebousps,4S!x90,lin roofs; cost, S70,OUO eacb; Havens & Winle-s, Z^'S Manhattan av; ar't, R, S. Townsend. Plan 7^ii. 4tb st. No. 60 E,, six-siory brk and stone flat, 35x9,1, Tin root; cost, §20,0011; Sevestre & Cusack, 131 East SSd sl; ar't, C, Rentz. Plan 73i 13th st, Nos, 51 and m W,, five-story brk and stone store, 25.4xSU and 103.3, tiu roof; cost, Sl,5,000; B. O. Obisolm, 436 Madison av; ar'ts, Renwiek. Aspinwall & Renvpick. Plan 7b6. 13th av, n e cor lltb st, two-story brk bnilding and bins, 95,5x90,4. tm roof; co^^,, S40,000; lessee, B, M. Van Tassel, Windsor Hotel; ar't. P. H. Gill. Pian 744. Fulton st. No. 127, eight-story brk iron and terracotta building, 24.11x119,^, concrete roof; cost, 860,000; leasee. W. Keuffel. 288 Hudson st, Hoboken, N, J.; ar'ts, De Lemos & (Jordes, Plan 766. Essex st. No. 169, five-story brk flat. 25s7S.9, tin roof; cost, S'^O.OOO; ow'r and b'r, J, V. Camp¬ beU, 463 West 27th st: ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan 764. Houston st.Nos. 28 and 30 W., sixstory brk sndironbuild-Dgs.45sl05, tinroof; cost, ST5,00t; P. H. M'.la, 5:;9 Broadway; ar'is, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plau 761. Marion st, No, 37, tbrea-story brk Stable, 34x35, tin roof; coft, .56.000; lessee, J. E, March, 276 Mulberry st; ar't. W. W. Howe. Plan 769. St. Marks pl, No, 32, five-=iory aud liasemenl store flat, 36sloa, tin roof; cosl, 5i34,00U; A. Ruff, 7S East 4th st; ar'ts. Kui-tzer & Robl. Plau 763, Suffolli st. No. 81, sis-story brk factory, 3rtx 25, tiu roof; ro.'t, ?6,0riO; A. Wemstein, SOB Les- iuglouav; ar't, C. H. Israels. Plan 7oS. BETWEEN 14th AND 59TII STREETS. 24th st. No, 407 E., five-story brk flat, 2,5x86, plastic s.late roof; cost, -517,000; J, P. Pauta, 120 East ll-'^tb sl; ar't, F. T. Camp. Plan 7!;4. 26tb st. No. 404 E,, one-story brk engine house, 20x60 10, gravel roof; cost. $il,OOU; C. H. Scbultz, Boulevard and 140tb st; ai-'t, L, Tbouvard, Plan 74S. S4tb st, n s, \ 27S e 7th av, fivft-story brk theatre 35th st, s s, 1 aud office building,b3,4 and 113.6 xl97,G,a='phaltroof; cost, §350,000; lessee. Oscar Hammersteiu, 3333 7tb av; ar'ts, J. B. Mc¬ Elfatrick & Son. Plan 74", ■39tb st, Nos. «50-256 W.. four flve-story stone flats,-^5.7x^7, tinroof; cost, abtSlT.OOO each; J, Korn, 924 Madisou av; ar'ts, L. Korn; na'ii, J, D. Karst, Jr. Plan 7;-<3, Av A, Nos. 334 and 336, one-story brk building, 46,3x70,7, iron and slate roof; eost, Sr,5iiO; Con- solidaled Gas Co., 4 Irving pl, Plau 7;-:5. 44t.h St. n s, 31,5.1 e l^th av, oue-story brk build¬ ing, 17.4x43.4. wood aud glass roof; cosi, ^:i,nOO; ow'r, same as last, Pian 736. Plb av, No«. 140andl43,si!(-story brk andstoue warehouse, 6l,(isl0ii, tin roof; cost, Sliiii,O0O;S Sayles, l:i6 Bth av; ar't, R. S. Townsend. Plan 735, Tth av, n w cor 2Tth st, six five-story hrk and stone flats, two 37x,55, two 25-86.9, oue 34.8x64, and oue 25.'i76,3, lin roofs: total cost. £117,000; W. P. Rohrig, Mt Vernou, N. T,; ar't, L, F. J. Weiber, Jr, Plan 737. 16tb st, iN'os, 58nd 7E,, eight-story and base¬ ment brk, iron, stoue and terra cotta warehouse, ,50s82, aspbalt roof; estimated cost, Si2 i.OOO; Mary A, Lyddy, 331 otb av; ar't, A. Zucker. Plan 7-)9. Slth st, Nos. 241 aud 245 W., three five-stor.v brk aud sione flats, two 25x88, one 19x^4, tiu roofs; totalcost, S,54,0Oi.;W, H. Ramsey, 14 West 60th st; ar't, G. F. Peibam. Plau 770. BBTWKKN 5BTH AND 13,5TH STREETS, EAST OF 5th aveniie. 83d stst. No, 2:j0 E., flve-stoi-y brk flat. 25.5x 73, tin roof; cost, §17,1X10; Jung & Sticsmayer, 213 East S9thsl; ar'r, C. Sleguiayer. Plan 751. 87tb st. No, 63 E., tive-story brk and stone flat, S5.6sft7, tin roof: cost, §^0,000; Marie Uecker- maun, 413East b3d st: ar't, E, Wenz, Pian 741. 124tb st, Nos. 174 aud 176 E,, tive-story stooe flat. -37.1x88. tin roof; cost, §20,000; Ellen Hyde, 153 East ISlth st: ar't, J. A. Hyde. Plan 740. 1st av, es, ]02d to It Su sl, ons'and two-story frame and irnn building, 200.11x50, gravel rrof; cost, S16,()00; lessees, Hai-lem Market Co (Lim,). Ul East 14th st; ar't, M. Graul, Plan 730. 102d st, u s ( ll 0 e 1st av, two oue-story frauie 103d st, s s t aud iron build'g,', 40 x 200, gravfil ronfs; cost, §9,000; ow'r and ar't, saroe as lasc. Plan 731, , let av, w s, 25,2 s 95t.h st, four-story brk stabl e 75,6x100, tin root; co^t, S35,OO0; Willenbrock & Hencken, 1182 Park av; ar'C, F, Baylies. Plau BETWTiEN 59th AND 125TH STREBTS, WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AND 8tH AVENUE. Boulevard, s e cor 67tb st. five-story brown str^ne and terra cotta club bouse, 25 and 42 lx 100,-5 aod 42,2. tile and date roof; cost, §40.000; J, W. Pinchot and ano., 2 Gramercy Park; ar'ts. McKim, Mead & White. Plan 7iK 87th st, s s, 2S0 w Stb av, flve four-'tory aud basement brick and stone dweU'gs, 20t60, tin roof; cost, S20,000 each; J. A. Frame, 107 Easfc 70tb st; ar't, Thom & Wilson. Flan 739. Columbus (9thl av, e s, opposite lOStb st in park, one-story frame and tin sbed, 7,')x25, gravel roof; cost, S150; lessees. Mans & Barbey, Lion Park Hotel; ar'ts, Lederle & Co, Plau743. OSth st, n s, 97.7 e Boulevard, tbree-story and basemeut stoue dwell'g, 2ns,55, tar and gravel roof; cost, 813,000; J. Butler, 41 Harrison si; ar't, J, P.Leo. Plau 763. 8'ith st, s s, 80 w West End av, four-storj and basement slone dwelTg, 30x58, lin and tile roof; cost, $30,000; Anna G, Huner, 215 East 13tb at; ar't, J. Wolf; m'n, J. HameTs Sons; c'r, H. An- tonius. Plan 765. NORTH OF 125th STRBET. Jumel pl, s e cor 168tb st, three three-story frame dweU'gs, 16.8x36: gravel roof; cost, S3,- 000 each; ow'r and b'r. A, J. Fullam anti ano., 635 West lolsr, st. Plan 766. Bradhurst av, s e cor I4Hd st, four five story brk fiats, irreg, m size, tin roofs; lotal cost. S65,- 000; G. F, Eschwei, ly36 Sd av; ar't, A. Spence. Plan 760, Park av, s w cor 141st st, five-'tory brk flat, SO s96.11, lin rooC; cost, SoU.OOH; J. B, Cannon, 425 West 16?d st; ar't, H. Davidson. Plan 768. 33d and 34th wards. IfiSlb st, D s, 150 e Stebbins av, rear, frame platform, 38x53, paper roof; cost, §500; W, Wavra, on premises; ar't, H, H. O'Counor; b'r, S. B. Leary. Plan 729. Baiubridge av, n s, 133.6 e Southern Boule¬ vard, rear, frame building, 14x10, sbingle roof; cost, S50: O, Benedis, 631 East loBtb st; ar't, A. Korff. Plan 754. Briggs uv, w E, 127 n Travers =t, Bedford Park, two-story frame dwell'g, 20x26, shingle roof; cost, abt S2.00O; Mary L. Combes, 6C0 E-st ia7ih st; ar't, C. S, Clark; c'r, H. aall. Plan 746. Ogden av, w s, 50Us Uniim st, frame sbed, 30x 13, paper roof; cost, glOO; ow'i-and b'r, J". L, Riemes, on premises; ar't, W, A, Gorman. Flan 745. Fordbam road, n w cor Edenwood av, two-and- a-half-story frame dwell'g, 3'is46, sbingle roof; cost, S5,00ii; G. A. Hill, Fordbam,N. y.;ar't, J, A, Hamilton. P]au7,5o. Eingsbridge rosd, junction Nathalie av, two¬ story frarae dweU'g, 35s-15, shingle roof; cost, .«!4,5n0; T. J. Kilpitnck, 71 West 94tb st; ar't, A. E, Barlow. Plan 747. 161st sl, n E, lOo e Eagle av, flve-story brk flat, 2^x76, tin roof; cost, $9,000; ow'r and b'r, P, J. Oweus. SS7 Trinity av; ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 755. Sedgwick av. w s, 60n 16'st st. frame sbed, 80 x20, gravel roof; cosi §300; lessee, J. J. O'Brien, ou premises. Plan 76/. KINGS COONXY. Plan 965—Pulton st, s w cor Saratoga av, five fom'-story brk stores ond tenem'is, ai)>5n and 61, tin roofs, wooden cornices; total cost, 540,000; G, H, Gibbey, 76 Hart st; ar'c, J, D, Voung, 9(i6—Eiistern farkwny, s s, 50 e Berrimau st, one two-story Irame dwell'g, 20x3',6, tin rrol'; cost, S'-',400; ow'r, ar't and b'r, A. V. Green, 114 Ess^x St. 967—Lafayette av, s s 275 w Lewis av, one one¬ story brk dwell'g, 7 6x32, tin roof, brk cornice; cost, S500; J, Palmer, 831i^ De Kalb av; ar'ts, I, D. Keynolds & Son; b'r, novselecied. Oils—Busbwick av, w s. 83 s Kossuth pl. oue tbree-story frame (brk filie-i) dwell'g, -^0^40. and one-story extensioo, llsl0,6, tiu roof; cost, S4,000; Lud«ig Lpvy, Ewen st, near Johusoa av; ar'i, ti. VoUweiler; b'r, noi selectPd. yfi9_gt. Maras av. n s, 105 w Rochester av, oue two-story and basement frame {brU filled) dwell'g, 30\-Ii(. tin roof: cost, S3,OllO; henry Meyer, 171 Wyckoff st; ar'c, Mr, Dorsey; b'r, J, H. Lane. 970—Osboru st, e s, Via s belmoni av, one two¬ story frame tailor sbop, 25xi5, tiu loof; cosl, §70n; Abrahaui Burrows 97 Eagle si, 971—Conselyea st. No 179, one or.e-slory frame stable, 35 and 17i40, prevel roof; ccst, $100; Mm Dn H. Leacb, on premises, 973._Walkins st, w s, 25 s Dumont n,v, two tbree-story frame sioies and len-m'ts, :;-555U, tin roofs; cost, eacb, Si.5U0; H. Wilkenfield and H. Rittermau, Belmontav. ;i73_Gui field st, s s, 172.10 w 8th av, five tbree- story and basemeut browu stone dwell'gs, 30s47. tin roofs; cost, each, S6,000; on'rs and c'rs, L. Aiidei-Eou & Dro,, 418 Dean st; ar't, H. Wesiern; m'n. O. O'Keefe. 974—Watkins st, ws, 235 s Sutter av, one thi es- slory frame slore and dwell'g, 18s3ti, tinroof; cost, S J,SUO; Morris Marzolin, Be'moutav, 975—Huron sl, JNos, llSand 13'., two four-story frame (brk fi'led) tenem'is, 35x60, (in roofs; cost, SIO,000: Th. Hildebrandi, l-.i4 Hm-oosl; ar't. H, VoUweiler; b'l-s, J Rutger and Sanger & rSpeotb. 9T6—FuUon St. s s, l-'5 e Alahama av, one two¬ story frame store and dweU'gs, -4;-5x5ii, tm roof; cosl, S3,.5uo; J, W. Erregger, 3^83 Atlanlic av; ar't, A. J. Warren; b'rs, J. Gallagher & Co. 5)77—Seigel st, Nos 16. 18 aud ^u, one two story frame stable, 7isl3, Uu roof; cost. $3,-500; James Keese, Ui3 Gold st. New York; ar't, F. Ebeling; b'r. A, Grant.