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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 44, no. 1120: August 31, 1889

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August 31, 1889 Record and Guide* 1195 property. P, M. Sub. to mort. $3,500. Aug. 30, insballs, 5 ^. 1,300 Jackson, Thomas L. and Mary his wife to Sophrfinia M, Fickett. Dean st. P. M. Aug. S. installs, 5 %. 800 Katzenstein. Abraham to WiUiamsburgb Sav¬ iugs Bank, Ten Eyek st, n s, 325 e Union av, 2.5x84.7x36.4x76,1. Aug. 27, 1 yeai-, 5 %. 1,800 Krieger, Philipp to Title Guai-antee and Trust Co. Tbroop av, e s, 30.9 n Gerry st, 20,9x78. Aug. 37, 1 year, 5 %. 3,500 Kennedy, Tbomas to WUliam A. Miles and Abial M. Hawkins of William A, Miles & Co, Myrble av. No. 340. Lease. Aug, 15, notes. 1,200 Knuhel, Jennie to WiUiamsburgb Saviugs Bank. De Kalb av, s s, 275 e Reid av, aSx 100. Ang. 22, 1 yeai, 5 t. 1.000 Krupetzky, Sarah to Prank P. Myer. Sutter av, s s, 75 w WiUiamson av, 35x100. Aug, 31, 1 year. 300 Lauer, Daniel to Sisters of St. Joseph. Hull st, P. M. Aug. 21, due Nov, 1, 1889, 5 %. 6,000 Lee, Margaretta M. to Richard L, Sweezy. 9th st, n s, 110 w 4bh av. 35x98,9. Aug, 21, 6 months. 400 Lockwood, William A. to Anna M, Lockwood, Quiucy sb, s s, 2:^2 6 Clasou av, 33x100. June 18, 5 years, a,000 Loreuz, John to Elizabeth Hockenjos, Snedi¬ ker av, n w COI- Belmont av. 60x100. Aug. 17, installs. 1,000 Leevey, Mary E. wife of and George W. to Josephine Quin, Glen st, P M. Aug. 17, installs. 900 Limberger, Paul and Annie his wife to Sarah E. Gaubert. Flushing av. P, M. Aug. 23, due Sept, 1, 1894, 5 %. 1,625 Loeffler, John to Maria Tag. Greeue av, nws, 485 n e Knickerbocker av, 35x80x35x78.9. Aug. 24, 4 yeai-s, 5 %. 3,000 Magaw, Frederick L. to Pbebe A. wife of George Lott. Ocean av, centre line, adj bo land of George Lobb. contains 27 53-100 acres, Flatlands. Aug. 27, 5 years. 3.000 MauvUle, Catbarine to Grace R. Atkins, Ber¬ gen St. P. M. Aug, 7, 5 years, 5 %. 3,350 McCabe. Patrick bo Edward Shaughnessy. Van Bniub St. P. M. Aug. 19, duo Aug. 1, 1895, or installs, 5 ^. 13,000 Mo^k, EUsa wife of and William to Charies Liebmanu. Hart st, s s, 150 w Lewis av, 25x 100. Aug. 26, due Sept. 1, 1894, 5 %. 8,000 Maggio, Mai-tino to John Hennesy end Catha¬ rine his wife. Columbia st, w s, 72.3 s Sea¬ bring st, 18.1x86x17.11x86. Aug. 22, 3 years, 4 %. 700 Malone, Annie L. to Title Guarantee and Tj-ust Co. South 2d st, n s, 84.3 e Berry sb, 20x64, Aug. 3?, 3 years, 5 %. 2,500 McDonald, Annie B. wife of John J. to Josepb Robley. Vanderbilt av, e s, 180 s St. Marks av, 30x70. Aug. 33, 3 years, 5 %. 1,000 Miller, William M. to Mary W. Smibh, Ab¬ lanbic av, n w cor Williams pl, 95x98.7, Aug. 31, 4 months. 400 Minerj Virginia A, to The Emigi-ant Indust. Savings Bauk. Halsey st, s s, 100 e Arling¬ ton pl, 20x100. Aug. -si, 1 year. 5,000 Mitchell, Robert T, to David E, MitcheU. Old plank road, south cor Bath av, 50x100, New Utrecbt. July 1, 5 years, 4^^, 2,000 Moitrier, Anna T. bo Heury Loewenstein, Stagg st, s w cor Lorimer st, 2.5x75. Junel, installs, 5 %. 5,000 Murbagb, John to Louis Lehn. Nelson st, s w s, 115 n w CUnton sb, 35x64.9x27x7,5. Aug, 23, Syeai-s. 1,000 Mausson, Hilma wife of and Olof to Augustus H. Wyand. 49bh st, n s, 300 e 3d av, 20x 100.2. Ang. 37, 3 years, 3,500 Mentz. Joseph and Lena his wife to Jacob Bos¬ sert. Flushing av, n e cor Nostraud av. P. M. Aug. 12, iustalls, 5 %. 8,500 Neely, Robert S., Peter B. aud Bernard J, Sweeney with Bernard Levino, Agreemeut to subordinate Aiorts. Aug, 20. nom Newman, Bemai-d, New York, to John Mor¬ row. Ralph St. P, M, Aug. 22, 2 years, 5%. 250 Nussberger, Pi-iedericb and Amalie bis wife to Lucy A. Vanrein. Bleecker st. P. M, Aug. 10, due July 1, 1893, 5H %. 1,800 Niebler, Jacob F,, Canarsie, L, L, to CaroUne Petei-son. Railroad av, east cor Conklin av, 5-3x120.8x50x104.7, Flatlands. July 1, 4 years. 2,000 O'ConneU, John W. bo Paulina Habn, New York. Logan sb, w s, 90 s Belmont av, 20x 100. Aug, 22, 3 years. 1,200 O'NeU, Johu M. to The Mutual Life Ins, Co., New York. 4th av. s e cor Butler st, 33x80. Aug. 19, 1 years, 5 %. 8,000 Sarae to sarae, 4bb av, n e cor Douglass st, 23x80. Aug. 19, 1 year, 5 ^^. 6,500 Sweeney, Maria L. to Rudolph H. Raphael. Sdav, es,-JOs Degraw st, 130x97,10. Aug. 23, 1 year, S €. 5,.500 Schreyer. Frederick and Eliza his ,vife to Au- di-ew Holm. Myrtle av, ss 480.7 e Lewis av, 19.9x100. Aug. 26, 1 year, 5 %. 500 Schoenebeck, Hugo and Helene bis wife to WiU¬ iam Mogk and Augusba bis wife. Greene av. P.M. Aug. 27, 5 years, 5%. 1,300 Seiler, Heni-y F. lo Tbe Nassau Co-operabive BuikUng and Loan Assoc. Marion sb, n s, 75 w Patohen av, i-uns north 100 x east 75 to Patcben av, x soubh 10 x west 50.9 x south 90 to st, X west 24.3, Aug. 34, installs. 3,500 Shackleton, William A., authorizes mortgagee from whom building loan was procured to pay last installments on contracts due for said building. Sinot, Bridget to Frederick Middendorf, El¬ ton st, s w cor Blake av, 2-5x83. Aug. 3, due Aug. I, 1892. 3,500 Snubh, Thomas C, to Judibb W. Richardson. Pineapple sb, n s, 76,9 w Henry sb, 27.1x101.3. June 3, demand. 3,800 Snyder, John A, to John A. Vandervefr and ano. exi-s. John J. Vanderveer. East Broad¬ way, Flatbush. P. M. Aug. 20. installs, 800 Stahl, William to Sraitb E. Hendrickson, Jackson st, s s, 125 w Leonard st, 25x100. Aug. 26, due Dec. 1, 1892. 500 Siegel, Leah to Gilberb S. Thatford. Osboi-n st, e s, 1.50 n Belmojt av, 25x100. Aug. 37, instaUs, 2,900 Stone, George H. bo Tible Guarantee and Trust Co. Jefferson av, s s, 95 w Torapkins av, 5 lobs, together 88x100. 5 morts,, eacb $6,000. Aug. 10, due Aug, 10, 1890, 5 %. 30,000 Sutton, Grace A. to Maud M. Tucker. Han¬ cock st, n s, 175 e Stuyvesant av, 37.6x120, Sub. to mort. *6,000. Aug. 27, 1 year, 5 %. .500 Same to Society of St, Jobnlaud. Same proji¬ erty, Aug. 37, 3 years, 5 %. 6,000 Toppf, Henrietta wife Of and Hei-man to East New York Savings Bank. Jamaica av, n s, 335 w MiUer av, 75x130. Aug, 27, 1 yr. 3,500 Travis, Stepben W. to Joseph A. Cross & Co, Van Siclen av, e s, 150 n Bay av, 50x100. Aug. 1, 1 year. 223 Tankoos, Samuel, New York, to Micbael O'NeiU. Thatford av, w s, 100 s Sutter av, 25x100. Aug. 22, inslaUs. 200 Tbompson, WDlet to Abraham B, Valentine, NewYork. Middagb sb, s ecor WiUow st, 24.8x75. Aug. 33, due Aug. 23, 1893, S % 5,000 Umstadt, Jobn and Ernestine his wife to James and Cha^, J. Dunigaa. Bergen st. P. M. Aug. 22, 5 years, 5 %. 1,600 Vau Deursen, Jacob to James D. Lynch. 83d St. P. M. Aug. 12, 1 year, 5 «. 800 Same to same, SbiUweU av, 26th av. P. M. July 39,1 jear, 5 %. 1,000 Valenstein, Morris, and Julius and Abi'aham Novinsky to Oarsten H.Meyer, Willow pi. Nob. 38 and 40. P. M, Aug. 26, 2 years. 5,000 Van Pelt, Peter I, to Edward Johnson, Mc¬ Dougal st.-s s, ISO e Hopkinson av, 75x100. July 20^ 60 days. 560 Wilson, Eugene H, to Josepb A. Cross, Herki¬ mer st, n s, 80 w^ Rockaway av, 20x80, Sub. to raorts. May 9, notes. 1,573 Same to same. Herkimer st, ii s, 60 w Rocka¬ way av, 20x80. Sub. to moi-ts. May 9, notes. !,S73 Weidner, Josepb to Cbai-les Kiehl. Greene av, nws. 435 n e Knickerbocker av, 3 lots, together, 50x77,6x,50x75. 2 morts,, eacb $3,000. Aug. 24, 5 years, 5 %. 6,000 Wallace, Michael J. to Lawrence Dunn. Blake av, s s, 50 w Berriman st, 26x100. Aug. 17, 4 years. 800 Ward, Mary to The WilUamsburgh Savings Bank. Jackson sb, s s, 100 w Humboldb sb, 35x100, Aug. 33, 1 yeai\ 5 ;S. 1,900 Wabson, Thoiniis A. and Jabez R. Parsons to Theodore P. Jackson. Himrod st. P. M. June 30, 3 years, 5