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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1105: May 18, 1889

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Record and Guide. IX Quinby, F H and. James Fleming et al, by mas- ter-J Flemibg, J City....................... 6,037 Same-----Mary L Parker, J City............... 2,013 Eohertson, Julia M—Catbaruie M Boylston, Bay- oane.......................................... 2,800 Rose, Maria—Maria Bloomgreu, J. City ......... nom Eouse, G W—Hoboken Land and Impt Co, Ho¬ boken ........................................ 6,500 Siedler, Charles—Ellen Fitzgerald, J City....... 3,400 Same-----Catbariue Speer, J City.............. 3,600 Sleight, Catharine—W Shephard, Bayonne..... 5 Smith, Mary E—A F Merklein, Guttenberg...... 100 Spencer, WC—Matilda Pettie, J City............ 300 Steiner Henry—T Riehl, Hoboken............... nom Stelle. Gertmde—Virginia J Quinn, Bayonne— nora Stmthers, Mary—M Nolan, J City............... 800 Tierney, Elizabeth L N—P S Menagh, J City,,.. 8,850 Toffey,Damel-C E Appleby, JCity........... 800 Toffey, W V-C Muilins, J City.................. 450 TmsdeU, Anna E—D Otto, Harrison............ 2,500 Von Drehle, Herman, by exrs — A Bamman, West Hobokeu............................... 335 Same-----L Bruker, West Hobokeu............ 335 Vredenburgh, J B—The Waverly & New York Bay E R Co, Bayonne.................... nom Vreeland, MarieA—AnnaE Bradin, Bayonne.. ----- Vreeland, Hartraan-Anna E Bradin, Bayonne.. ----- Wescott, W P—I Morecraft, Bayonne ........... 300 Zohn, Marie-----same. Union................... nom MORTGAGES, AheU, Rachell—T Butts, Hobokeu, 3 years....... 3,000 Ames, Louis—J Annin, 1 year.................... 3,000 Baker, C J—E Allen, Kearney, 2 years.......... 225 Bave, Charles—JBMcNeiU, Bayonne. lyear . . 500 Brown, Henry—Provident Inst for Savings, 1 year........................................ 2,600 Condict, H V—Sarah E Marsh, 1 year.......... 600 Same-----Elizabeth B Vandewater, S morts, eachSl,500, 1 year......................... 4,500 Crawford, Eebecca A—J M Dennis, Kearuey, I year........................................ 2,600 Same-—ArUngton Horaestead Assoc, Kearney, 2years....................................... 1.250 Daly, Eose—Lincoln B&L Assoc, 1 year......... 4,000 Devaney, James—J Castre, 3 years.............. 3,000 Domestic Spring Bed Co—G R McKenzie, 5 yrs.. 7,000 Dumphy, Michael—Greenville B & L Assoc, 10 years....................................... 2,040 Erskiue, T H—J Thompson, Syears............. 300 Giblin, Michael—Julia Van Vorst, 10 years...... 1,000 Geayer, J H—Mary E Foos, Union, 1 year....... 3,900 Greeufleld, Harry — Trustees of D Doremus, Kearney, 1 year............................ 1,500 Greenslade, Rebecca—Greenville B&L Assoc, Bayonne, 10 years.......................... 5,840 Garner, Eobert—J Emmons, Eayonne, 3 years,, 300 Habermann, Pauliue—Mary L Barremore, West Hoboken, 3 years ................,........ 600 Same^—Elizabeth J Wasbbui-n, West Hoho¬ ken, 3 years................................. 500 Same-----JTPurves, West Hoboken, 5 years.. 1,000 Heydea, John—J City B& LAssoc, installs ___ 3,500 Healy, Hugh—Eebecca Forster, Syears......... 3,000 Same-----W H Parmly, 3 years................. 6,500 Hotckhiss, Georgianna I—J Perry, Keamey, 5 years....................................... 3,000 Hulphers, C G—E Alien, Kearney, 2 years....... 150 Irviug, Ellen—Lincoln B L Assoc, installs........ 5,000 Jaeger, Henry-Exrs Jacoh Geayer, Union, 5 years.............................■-........... 900 Kaiser, W O—Hannah Hudson, 3 years.......... 1,100 Kelly, John—Exrs Jacob Geayer, Onion, 1 year- 175 Laws, C W—Star Mutual E & LAssoc, instaUs.. I.OOO Linn, Anna M—M Foster, 3 years................ 2,000 Lowy, J C-J P Northrop, 1 year............... 1,500 Mahan. J H—Columbia B&L Assoc, installs .. 3,000 Meyer,'Conrad—J C Francois, North Bergen,! year........................................ 400 Mahnken. August—Provident Inst for Savings, Eayonne, I year............................. 8,000 Martin, Margaret T—Mutual Life Ins C 3,1 year, 6,iX)0 Masker, J H—Fairmount B&L Assoc, installs . 1,800 McCabe, Patrick—P Hauck, Harrison, 1 year,.. 4,000 Menagh, P S—W H Oxford. 3 years............ 3,01)0 Menge, Auna—EDe Groff, Umon, 3 years....... 1,500 Niederlitz, William— W C Traphagen, West Hohoken, 3 years........................... 1,100 Nolan, Michael—T M GopsUi, 2 years............ 320 O'Brien, Honara— H WeUbrock, Hoboken, I year......................................... 660 O'Hare, Mary—Guard of Mary E Sisson et al, 3 years....................................... 3,000 O'Neill, Jaraes—C A Stenken, 3 yeara........... 300 Otto, Samuel—Anna E Tinisdell, Harrisou, 10 years......................................... 3,500 Perine, J H—Rebecca L Van Buskirk, Bayonue, 5 years...................................... 746 Puster, Henry-A A Lutkins, 5 yeare............ 3,000 Reilly, Bridget—G F Erammer, 3 years......... 500 Roberts, Roherl^Anu Gassraann,T year...... 300 Eouth, Eichard— Greenville B&L Assoc, 10 years____................................. 4,470 Sayes, Aun and S B—Ann Fothergill, 6 years,,. 1,500 Schwick, J A—Johanna Sehinck, 5 yeai-s........ 1,000 Selinger, Oscar—C F Ruh, Union. 3 j'eai's....... 1,300 Shreve, Isaac—W Machold, Hoboken, 6 years... 1,800 Speer, Catherine—C Siedler, Syears............ 3,700 Spengeman, F H—Mutual Life Ins Co, 1 year.- 1,800 Standing, Robei-t—Kearney Land Co, Harrison, installs....................................... 400 Summons, Jaraes—D Carliske, Union, 3 years.,, 800 Swart, C H—Greenville E & L Assoc. 10 years,. 3,190 Thie, Christine—exr of J Geayer, Union, 5 years 1,100 Titus, Frank—AnnieEStoltz, Bayoune, 3 yeais, 600 Tiuta, Mary J—J McCann, 5 years............ 500 Ulhnan, C A—Hoboken B&L Assoc, North Ber¬ gen, instaUs................................. 1,300 Van Huel, H W—L Broderick, instaUs.......... 800 Walsh, J M—People's B&L Assoc, Kearney, iu¬ stalls ......................................... 900 Wan-in, S G—G P Doremus, 1 year............. 2,000 CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Beal, Albert—Tbe F & M Schaefer Brewing Co, saloon....................................... 350 Bloom, J J-J Bauman, furniture ............. 61 BrickweU, H W—H Ernest, wagon............ 3'15 Bremer, Harry, Hoboken—D Bermes, saloon___ 300 Childs, C J~J W Childs, fm'niture............... 250 Cloesey, J P—J Bauman, furniture............. 93 Clute, H C—C Piace, engine, latbe............ 160 Cross, W H—J O'Connor, saloon................ 500 Doyle, Michael—P H O'Neill, saloon ............ 3,000 Hausen, Hans, Hoboken—Araelia Haase, horse, wagon, &c.................................. 200 Helmes, Levi, Hoboken—J Bauman, fm-niture,, 365 Howell, Mrs G E, Weehawken—L Bauraan, furmture.................................. 84 Jahn, G M, Hobokeu—Hoos & Scbulz, furniture ----- Jackson, Charles—Isaac Roth, saloon........... 250 Berr, Robert, Hoboken—D Kerr, saloon......... 200 McLynden, Francis, Harrison—Katie Sohmld, saloon....................................... 400 Moran, AmeUa—H F EIss, piano............... 164 Owen Charles—J Bauman, furniture........... 266 Oliver T H, Hoboken—L Bauman, furniture .,. 162 O'Connell, Daniel—Herman Wisch, saloon...... 350 Pennal, Louise—J Bauman, furniture.......... 61 Eeddv James, and Martin Downey, firm of Eeddy & Downey — Christian Feigenspan, saloon fixtures...................... — 420 Reich, Max—V Loewer's Gambriuus Brewmg C^n sQiIdou.-.^-........ '- ...........',-.,'■ li'i Smith'Bryan—Nuffer & Lippe, Berlin coach----- 616 Strieker, Marcus, Eayoune—C Feigeuspan, sa- loonflxtures............-................... 500 Svmes, Jobn—L Fischer, saloon................. J ,235 White EJ, and Witts EBemiett—Rome, Hazard & Co, bicycle................................. 46 BILL OF SALE. Henry, Ella E and A M—P H Hanley, furniture. 175 JUDGMENTS. Frohner, Louis—A Klahre...................... 98 Flynu James, and Michael Green—A Speer..... HI Knrzmann, August-J C Duhrkoop ............. 300 Same-----same.................................. ^86 Kutschinski, WUliam—W Peter.................. 7-te MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL COMPANY, Manuf aeturere of 'ATLANTIC" PURE WHITE LEAD. The best and most reliable White Lead made and unequaled for uuiform Whiteness, Fineness and Body. RED LEAD AND LITHARG-E, PURE LINSEED OIL, Ra'iv, Itefiued and Boiled. Atlantic White Lead & Linseed Oil Co., 387 PEARL STREET New York.. A. KLABER. Importer of and Worker in MARBLE, ONYX & GRANITE 238 to 244 EAST 57tU STREET, At 3d Av. Elevated R. R. Station PEW YORK. SHADED ANTIQUE GLASS AND ROUNDELS. Artists' Supplies Imported by J. IVIARSCHING & CO., 27 Parlt Place, New Vork. Material Men's Mercantile Association, Reports and Eafinge on £UILD£SS It COHTSACTOSS. Daily Information aa to Liens afiecting Subacriber'B CuBtomers. A Burean of Quick and Re¬ liable Information for MATERIAL MEN. 15i ITASSAU ST., Tribune Bldg., KE¥ YORK. CVLLIVAJY'S O PATENT ELECTEIO LOOE OPEITEES, electric and IHeclmufoal Rell-Hauger. 358 West 135th Street, neai' 8th Av., N. Y. CiUTIpIlJ ).B.&J.M.COKNELi. 139 to I 43 Centre St., N.Y. WROUGHT AND GAST IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS, REPAIRINC A SPECIALTY. Electric Bells, Door Openers, Speaking Tubes, Etc. W.R. OSTRANDER & CO., 21, 23 and 25 ANN STREET, Ne\v Tork. L.S. DEWEY'S STORAGE WAREHOUSES, lOi, lOG and 108 EAST la&m ST., New York. Goods called for and delivered to all parts of tbe city or country in trucks and vaas. Boxiag and ship¬ ping attended to. Separate rooms forfurniture, &c. iroHi^ W. BAPP; Sole Agent and Manufacturer of the EXCELSIOR FIRE-PROOF DUMB-WAITER DOORS, Patent Applied for. Send for Estimates. 1133 THIRD AV., N. E, Cor, of OGth St., NEW YORK. THE FECHTELER DECORATING CO., ltL:i.IEI<' AND FRESCO, 19fil Kb AVEiVUE, Bet. lOTtli and lOSth Sis. Solid Relief can be applied to auy surface, such as ron, brick, wood, etc. The same is water and flre- proof. See specimen of work at Frederick's, Broad¬ way and Sth Street, "m jiydi^6m;^ze, THE AUTOMATIC TRAP-FILLER, EXCLUOES EFFECTUALLY SEWER GAS FROM THE HOUSE. Works Perfectly—Needs No Attention. Cheaper and betler than Back- Air Piping. Approved b/ Architects, Sanitary Plumbers and Health Boards. Call and examine or send for Circular. Tb Hydromso Kfg, Co., Hos. 417 4 119 ¥e£t Elth Straat, H. T, 7^ p. GALLIGAN & SON, ^ - CONTRACTORS & HOUSE-MOVERS Office, 528 EAST 17th STREET, ITEW YORE. Kesidence, 335 East 57th Street. T. P. Gaw-tgan. T. p. Galligan. Jr :fxix333. -^-^i. .a.-^^ i:> 1?, Patent Stationary Zinc WASH TUBS. Wan-anted for IC years. Price, $8.E0 per set. Send for Illustrat¬ ed Catalogue and Price List. 169 KAST 85tli SXKEET, NEW YORK. 1 ^^^^is^sii !TTfW.'.',H.'l 1 If ■' COMPOSITE IRON WOKKS CO., Established ISff. Office, 83 Beade Street, K. Y. IRON work: FOR BUILDINGS. b "BOSTWICK" Patent Folding Gates and Guards. Ooiieral Repair fVork. lUrUliTA UGH'S -^^ G-enuine Dum'b "Waiters, Manufactured only at 145 and 147 East 42d Street. Also handhoisting in all its branches. Carriage and safety invalid elevators a specialty. Kepairing or Altering at short notice. Established in 1855. JAS. MUETAnGH. EDELlnlE'VIlR Si inORGAN, HOD ELEVATOR CO., 333 West 49tli Street, New York. Endless Ladders and Steam Hod Elevators to Let and Hoisting Engines for all pnrposes. ■s of patent right for En(" Ladder Hod Elevator. Sole proprietors of patent right for Endless Chain Branch, 468 Clermont Av., Brooklyn. Wna, C. Morgan, Pres. ioo. H. Edelmeyer, Sec. & Treas