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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 60, no. 1535: August 14, 1897

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August 14, 1897. Record and Guide 227 iKil. DevÍiTED TO Re^LEsTATE.BuiLũIJJ'c íípCiflTECTURE){0USQÍOLDDEea)AI10lt BUSIt/ESS AfÍD TheMES Of GEfto^l IrfTERpS-I. PRICE, PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, SIX DOLLARS. Publisheã every Suturãay. TELtPHONB, - - ■ - CORTLANDT 1370. Communicalions should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 14-16 Vesey Street. J. T, LINDSEY. Bus'meaa Manager. "Entered at the Fost-Offlce at Kew York, N. Y., «s second-class nuũter." VoL. LX AUGUST li, 1897. No. 1,535 Tou can obtain daily Information as to who is in the market for Euilding and Engineering Materials, and as to exactly what is wanted, by addressing The P. W. Dodge Co. (Inc), The Cam- meyer Building, No. 310 Sixth Avenue. Increase your sales. Keep posted. Do as other blg firms are doing. IN order to maiutaiii a healthy condiliou of tiiisiiiess on the etock market, the reactioii in prices hegun yesterdaj oughfc to go couuiderably further and doiibtless will do so. In siieh large trading as we have seenin tiie past week there was of conrsea good deal of thoughtless speculation, the eneourage- ment ot' which would be au ohstaele to permanent iraprovcment. Tbe pace has been mueh too fast, so that a good reaction would prove wholesome and steady things somewhat. The many ĩiHndreâs of millionsof doHars of inorease in values that has beeu gaiued by securities since Sccretary Gage checked des- pondency by his utterances on the currency question, nearly threc months ago, have surely niore than discounted whatever impvovement exists in the commereial situation, aud we ought uot to look for a uew advauce uatil some of the many good things wehave beeu promising ourselves, .iustiâably no doubt, have beeu oMaiued. If the ũual results of the agricultural seasou redeem the prophecies that have beeu made for them '• iE the demand foraud price of wheat are maiutained ; if a dc- maud for eoru springs up that will raise the price of tbat graiu materĩally, tbere will be a good basis for another ailvauce* espeeially if thegeneralbusinessis then receiving thebeneiit of tbe increase of uational wealth that good crops and good prices for cereals represent. Under favorable conditious like these we ought to have an active market until Congrees lueets in Ueeember. THe bardeuing of rates for money in Loudon, or, rather, tbe temleucy tbereto siibown by tbe market, iuûlcates tbat the