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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 73, no. 1868: January 2, 1904

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VOL, LXXIII. NO. ISGS, AUCTIONBERS. GEO. R. READ & CO. Real Estate, Head OfBce, 60 Liberty St,, near Broadway. Branch, 1 Madison Ave,, 23d St. BROKERS. APPRAISERS. H H. CAMMANN & CO. Real Estate 51 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK Telephone, 2260 John ■^IRM OF LEONARD J. CARPENTER Agents, Brokers, Appraisers No. 41 LIBERTY STREET ., 1181 8d Av. Entire charge of property, ,- Y. Swalnson. A. H. Carpenter C. L. Carpenter. JACOB APPELL Real Estate Broker and Appralset 271 WEST TWENTY-THIBD ST. , Call. 643 18th St. CRUIKSHANK^ ^COMPANY, Eat 1791, E, A. CRUIKSHANK & CO. Inc, 1903. Managers of Estates, 141 BROADWAY._______________NEW YORK. ALFRED SETON, JR., '^ Real Estate, 166 BKOADWAY, NEW YORK. Telephone. 1230 Cortlandt. HORACE S. ELY & CO. Real Estate Agents No. 21 LIBEKTY STREET. Branch Office. No. 27 West SOth Street. Bokace; b. bly alfke DE R. WISSMANN Real Estate. Agent. Broker, Appraiser. B5 LIBEBTY ST., Cor. NASSAU ST, Telephone. 1631 Cortlandt. JOHN H. SHIPWAY & BRO. Architectural Marble Workers and Importers, Office. Mills and Whart Locust Av., 136th Sl. and Bast River, New Torit Telechones. O and lO Harlem \A/M. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS, '' ^ Real Estate, 61 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. JAMES KYLE & SONS Real Estate, Insurance 610 Third Ave., near 40th St., N. Y. Telephone. 290 38th Street ALBERT B. ASHFORTH, Real Estate, Broker and Manager of Estates. i West 33d Street. Tel.. 2090 Madison, Branch OfiBce, 230 Singer Bldg,, 119 Broadway, J.CLARENCE DAVIES Bronx Borough A f\r\ Real Estate, "" ^^■ 149th STREET and THIRD AYENHE. Branch Office 156 Broadway. \A/ILLIAM H.JACKSON COMPANY ' ■ , 29 EAST 17th STREET. N. Y. Mantels, Tiles and Open Fireplaces^, Metal Gates, Grilles. Bank Eailings, Eto. Sstabllahsd Over TO Years. NEW YORK. JANUARY 2, 1904. S. F. JAYNE & CO. Managers of Estates APPSAISEBS AXD BBOEBSS 254 WEST 23d and .55 LIBERTY STS. 8. F.Jayne A.M. Cudner \A/M. J. ROOME, Real Estate. AGENT. BBOEEB. APPSAIBEB. No. 11 WEST 34th STREET. NEW YORK. _________Qpposlta the Waldorf-Aatorla Hotel. H ALL J, HOW & CO., Brokers, Agents and Appraisers. 171 BROADWAY, cor. Cortlandt St. Telephone, IWC Cortlao'tt. A. W. MCLAUGHLIN & CO. oTaiZ^fn MORTGAGES. 12ft BROADWAY. Cf.r. Cedar St.. ^TW YORK Wm. F. Redmond Louis MeBlet ADRIAN H, MULLER & SON Auctioneers BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. No. 55 WILLIAM STREET, NEW TOBE I J. PHILLIPS & CO., ' AND^Ip7i1"^L' Real Estate Broken 15^ BROADWAY, Uptown Office, 361 Columbua Ave., oor. 7!A Rt. J,R0MA1NE BROWN & CO Manager of Estates, Brotarfl. Appralflera, 53 WEST 33D ST.. NEAR BROADWAY, J Romalne Brown. A. P. W, Kinnain WILLIAM R. WARE West Side Real Estate Agent and Bbokee Personal attention given to the economical management of property. 451 COLTJMBUS AVE., near Slst St.. N. Y. ^AVIS, REID & ALEXANDER 127 EAST 23d STREET. NEW YORK. JESSE C, BENNETT & CO, Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers No. 338 COLUMBUS AVENUE, cor. 76th STREET Telephone Connections RANALD H. MACDONALD & CO. '^ Real Estate SALES, RENTALS, LOANS Appraisals and Management or Roalty 5 WEST Slst STREET. Tel.. S.'SO Madison Ranald II. Macdonvild Joseph F. Egan JOHN F, DOYLE & SONS, Real Estate Agents. Brokers and Appraiseri. io WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK CITY. Management of Estates a Specialty. Highest Referenees. John F. Doyle, John F. Doyle. Jr. Alfred L. Doyln E^ DE FOREST SIMMONS' Real Estate. 2 EAST jSTH STREET. Telephone, WST—3Sth. New York. EstabUshed 1880 A DRIAN G. HEGEMAN & CO. Real Estate 34 PINE STREET MORTGAGE LOANS APPRAISERS SAYLOR'S AND X-L-N-T Portland cements Coplay Cement M'f'g Co., 1123 Broadway, New York •■to Agent. Commercial Wood & Cement Co.. 156 Fifth Avenue. New York ___________________ PRICE. 15 CENTS. pICHARD V. HARNETTA CO inc. ^Auctioneers, Rsal Estate Brokers. Eogular Auction Siiles—Slocks and Bonds 73 LIBEKTY STKEET Henry W. Donald. President JHOMAS & ECKERSON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Entire Charge Takpn o( Estates 85 W. 30th St..New Yorit, Wallack'a TlieatroBldg. Wm. U. Thomas. Jno, C. R. Eckeraon. Commissioner for theStatea Notary Public pORTER & CO., Real Estate, 2727 Broadway. 159 West 126th Btreet at 104th Street. Telephone conneotloni, J EDGAR LEAYCRAFT A Ca^ ■ Real Estate, 19 WEST 42D STREET. NEAR STH ATSKVH. ________Renting and nollfctinc ■ SpeelaitT- CYRILLE CARREAU Manager ot Bstatea Appk&isbb and Bboeeb. OraiT> St.. And BnwBrv, UnflcrOrlontjil Bank JOHN P. KIRWAN, Real Estate and Mortgage Loaaa, 1505 BBOADWAY S. W. Cor. 44th St. __________Telephone 951—38th St.__________ P C. ECKHARDT Real EsUte B03 NINTH AV.. Bel. 47th and 48th Sts. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. S GOLDSTICKER, Real Estate. Broker, Appraiser and Auctioneer. No. 115 BEOADWAT, BOOM 46. _____________Telephone. 13ls Cortlandt. p. 8, TREACY Manager ot Estates 1629 BROADWAY, NEAH CSth STEEET, Telephone, 441 Columhns. i.. S. WliXABD. Hembi R. Dniool F S. WILLARD & CO., V Real Estate. Entire management of property. 44 PINE STREET, Tel.. 4980-81 John. CHARLES F, NOYES CO, ^^ {Sole Successor to Lovejoy & Noyes Co.) Ronting a Spociaity Real Estate 92 WILLIAM ST., near Maiden Lane Ti!l., 5n otid 51 Jolm Branch Office at ARVEBNE. L. I. J_ P, WHITON-STUART Ibn?ais Kesldeoces Si""' DOO FIFTH AVENUE 25 BKOAD STREET ILCOX & SHELTON Managers of Property 24S West 125th St.______Tel-. 87 Morningside UEK & CRAWFORD, Rest Estate Agents and Bnkerw. 603 FITTH ATEITOE. TeL J721 38th St.____________________Corner 12d Stnwt lOHN KENSETT KELLOGG, O Real Estate and Insurance Entire Charge Taken <^t¥xov^. Tel.. 108 John. «H-82 William SI. I JORDAN HOPKINS t,i..ajs-sitb tJ , Real Estate 4ftl FIFTH AYFTTOE, neJir 41st Street SONNER & DEMLIN KieXDimftn Real Estate and Insurance Brothers. 380 AMSTERDAM AVE & 400 COLUanSUS AVE. ^OBERT'crpiSIHER & CO,, Marble, Oranlte, Etc, East 130th to 14010 St and Locust Ave. R'