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Columbia University Libraries Digital Collections: The Real Estate Record

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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 73, no. 1878: March 12, 1904

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March 12, 1904 RECORD AND GUIDE 545 Dg/ajfii TO R^ EsTAjE. BuiLDij/o ft^iTECTyRE .HousErioiL DEOtHJIIOll, .BusoiEss Alio Themes of GEtfen^ iKrai^lj IPHICE PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SIX DOLLARS Vublishcd every Saturdas Communicatlona sbould be addreaaod to C. W. SWEET. 14.16 Vesey Street, New YorK 5. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager Telephone, Cortlandt 8157 '"SntereA at ttie Post Office at New York. N. Y., as second-class maUer." Vol. LXXIIL MARCH 12. 1904. No. 187S TT seems inconceivable that the stock market should remain •^ for miicii longer in just its present condition. Even the hab¬ itual speculators are discouraged an