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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 75, no. 1940: May 20, 1905

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.1158 Mortgages RECORD AND GUIDE May 20, 1905 UNION CONSTRUCTION and WATERPROOFING CO. BASIL H. LEATHER, President St. James Building, I 133 Broaciway, New York ROCK Asphalt and Artificial Stone Pavements, Tile Asphalt and Gravel Roofs, Concrete Foondations WATER-TIGHT CELLARS A SPECIALTY Columbia st. No 9S, install toilets, partitions, to two 4-sty brk and stone slores and tenements; cost, $1,600; Louis Wolf, on prem¬ ises; ar't, Meyer HJrscbthal. 414 E 10th St.—IIGS. D'eiancey sl. No 366, build atore fronls. to 5-sty brk and stone tene¬ ment; cost, $1,600; J Isaac, 117 Co'iurabia st; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 l&t St.—1182. ■East Kroadway, No-106. install water closet compartments, w^indows, to 5-3ty brk and slone tenement; cost, $1,700; Gustave Mahler, 702 Colurabus av; ar't, Louis Wenzel. 703 Colurabus av.—U24. East Broadway. No 179, build shaft, water closet comparlments, win¬ dows tank, pariitions, to S-sty brk and stone teneraent; cost. $4,- 600; 1 Cuba, IGl Allen st; ar't, 0 Reissraann, 30 1st st.—1103. El' &t, No- 2'2S, build sbja£t, water closet 'compartments, pi'ers, to 5-sty brk arud stone tenemient; cost, 1);2,500; M Samuels, 02 W 124th et; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st av.—USS. - Forsyth st, No 66; install toilets, tank, to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $3,000; Isaac Marks, 257 Broadway; ar'Ls, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery.—1101. Forsyth st. No 197, install water closet compartments, windows, to S-=tv trk and stone tenement; cost, $1,500'; W J Amend, 324 E S7th El: ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30 1st sl.—1129.- Gansevoort st, Nos 18 and 30, install water closet compartments, win¬ dows, to two S-sty brk aud stone tenements; cosl, $1,860; Louis E Cunet, 344 Mcnroe st, Brcoklyn; ar't, Jobn F Cleary, 630 Hudson 31,-1187, Goerck st, Nos 70-73, new partitions, windows, plumbing, store fronts, to two 5-sty hrk and stone tenements; cost, $6,006; A Ottenberg, 27 Cannon sl; ar't, M Zipkes, 147 4lh av.—1167, Gramercy Park, s w cor Irving pl, 1-sty brk and stone rear exten¬ sion. 21x35, install windows, stairs, electric lights, steam heat, to ' 4-sty hrk and stone cluh house; cost, $G,000; The Columbia Uni¬ versity Club, Id Madison sq; ar't, Kenneth M Murchison, .320 Sth av.—1160. Grand at.' No 277, install stairs, partitions, to 3-aty brk and slone store and loft building; cost, $1,000; Poppas & Condit. 377 Grand Et: ar't, Wm 0 Sommerfeld, 19 Union sq.—1136. Hudson st. No 557, 3-sty hrk rear extension, 15x14, install win¬ dows, lo S-Ely brk and stone store and dwelling; cost, $750; Chas . T Pegg, 52 W 89lh st; ar't, Chas H Caldwell, 160 Sth av.—1089. Hudson st. No IGG, install posts, girders and skylights to S-sly brk and slone slore and tenement; cosl. $1,000; C A Cararaann, 170 W SOth st; ar't. John H O'Rourke. 204 B SSlh st.—1097, Ludlow Et, No 40, huild fireproof shaft, loilets, windows, to 5-sty lik and slone tenement' coeL, $2,ji6fl; B Herschkowitz. 38 Ludlow ti; ar't, 0 Reissmann, .30 1st st.—1132. MadiEon st. No 100, install windows, tank, skylight, toilets, to G-sty brk and stone slores and lenement; cost, IpS.OOO; Alexander estate, 224 Henry sl; ar'ts. Eernstein Sc Bernstein, 24 E 23d st.—1114. Monroe st. No 101. inslall waler closet compartments, lank, win¬ dows, to 5-sty trk and stone tenement: cost. $1,000; Letitia Kin^, 233 W 52d El; ar'ls, Ross & McNeil, 39 B 42d st.—IUG, Monroe st, No .39, install toilets, windows, to two 4 and S-sty brk and stone tenements; cost. $2,000; M Nackey, on premises; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st st.-1093. Mott St. No 157, install water closet compartments to two G-sty brk and sione tenements; cost, $.SCO; Joseph Gallo, on premises: ar't, Ang€lo Magnonl, 229 Sullivan st.—1115. Multerry sl. No 86. iuEtall toilets, to two 4-aty brk and slone tene¬ ments; cost. $450; Kaiherine Doherty, 286 Flatbush av, Brooklyn' ar't, A S Hedman, 371 Broadway.—1086, Mulberry st. No 240, inslall toilets, windows, to 5-sty brk and sto;ie tenement; cost, $1.6110: Tliomas Parese, 172 Mulberry st; ar^ Nalhan Langer. Sl B 125lh st,—1153. Nassau St. No 20, build partiticns, steel beams. Lo 6-sLy brk and slone ollice building; cost. .flS.OOO; German Life Ins Co on premises" ar'Ls, D'Oench Se Yost. 289 ilh av.—1119. Norfolk st, Noa 52-54. S and 1-sty brk and stone rear and side ex tension. 45x75,5 and 34.2l^, to 3-sty brk and stone bank and leue- nieiit: cost, $15.0rO; The Slate Rank, 376 Grand sl; ar'ts, Mainzer & Necarsulmer, 31 Union sq.—1172. Orchard st. No 189, inslall shaft, panition: lenement; cost, :f2.5l)n'; Julius Berger, i Regelmann, 133 7th St.—1125, Orchard st. No 20. inslall fireproof floor, slairs, skylight, _tank. Lo 4-sty brk and stcne store and school building; cosl, $5,000; F Fascowitz, 33 Orchard st; ar't, 0 Reissraann, 30 1st st,—1091, Orchard st No 96, build shaft, show windows, partitions, new front, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost. $6,000; Mayer Brauner, 4U Grand st; ar't, M Zipkes, 147 4th av.—1106. Rivingtcn st, No 137, install stores, partitions, to 5-sty hrk and sione store and tenement; cost, $3,600; M Lippman, 241 Clinton at; ar'ls. Bernstein Se Bernstein, 24 B 23d st.—1090. Slanton st. No 97, install water closet corapartraents, lank, windows, to S-sty and basement hrk and stone store and tenement; cost, $750; Nathan Bosenbera, 95 Stanton st; ar'ts, Horenburger Se Straub. 122 Bowery.—1169. Suffolk st. No 125, install water closet compartments, windows, to two 5-sty trk and stone stores and tenemeuts; cost, $2,500; Moses Lipsehitu 235 Cook st, Brooklyn; ar't, Richard Rohl. 128 Bible House.—1121, Thompson st, Nos 26-38, erect fire escapes, to 6-sty brk and sLone store and tenement; cost. 5i2,OCO; R A D W Swope, Irvington, N Y; ar'ts, J B Snooks & Sons, 261 Broawway.—1149, Warren st. No 15, build fireproof elevator shaft, to S-sty brk ; nd stone store and loft building; cosl, $1,700; estate F B Gilbert. So Nassau st; ar't and h'r. J Odell Whitenack, 99 Vandam st.—UIS. 3d st. No 107 E, install windows, water _closet compartments, to 5-sty brk and stone tenements; cost, .^aOO; Louis Nothoff, 473 Central Park West; ar't, Robert W Shachan, Jr. 1014 Walton av, —1087. Sth st, No 618 East, install waler closet compartments, windows, lo S-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $3.C0'6; Julia Aichele, 513 E Slth st; ar't, Henry Regelmann, 133 7th st.—1142. •Sth st. No 50'8. inslall wafer closet comijartm'ents. wi.nd'CWs. lo 5-sty brk and stoue tememienit; cost, $1,200; T Meyer, 508 Qth st; ar't, -O Rei'ssm'anu, 30 Isl st,—1180. Gth St. No 746 Bast, install skylight, stairs, windows, to 3-sty brk and stone teneraent; cost. $560; Michael Kramer. 311 E 74th st; ar't, Henry Zlot, 196 Bowery.—1148. 7t-h st. No 218 East, S-sty hrk and stone reas extension. 13x13,G, in¬ stall stores, partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, -SS,- OOO; Jacob Louia, 285 E Sd s; ar't, Harry Zlot, 106 Bowery,—lllS. 7th st. No 21G East, install water closet compartments, windows, lo 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, $1,000; S Frankenthalpr. 132 E SOlh at; ar't. 0 Reissraann. 30 1st st.—USl. ICth st, No 30 West, 1-sty and baseraent brk and stone rear exten¬ sion. 8,SxS. install windows, skyligbl. partitions, to 3-sty ,'>nd basement brk and stone dwelling; cost, $2,000; Thatcher M Adams, Jr, 23 W 10th st; ar'ts, Adams & Warren, 20 W 34tb st.—1151. llth st. No GOO East:, install water closet compartments, windowa, to S-sty brk and store tenement; cost, $1,50'6; Peter Engelman. 534 E Glh Et; ar'l, Henry J Feiser, 150 Nassau st.—1117. Uth st. No 513 E, S-sty brk aud stone rear extension, 14x11, install whidows, sinks, posts, piers, loilels, to 5-sty brk and stone store and tenement; cost, $3,000; A Schaefer and John H Scbaefer, 4 W USth st; ar't, J H Schaefer, 4 W USth st,—1104. 12th St. No_ 354 W. install water closet compartments, windows, sinks, to n-sly brk and stone tenement; cost, .'pl.SOO; Louis Ott, 313 E 17th st: ar'l. F Baylies, 33-34 Bible House,—1102. 12lh St. No 709 East, huild shaft, water closet compartments, to S-sty hrk and stone tenement; cost, $5,000; J Isaac, 117 Columbia sl; ar't, O Reissmann, 30 1st sL,—11G5. Ulh st, Nos 225-227 Wesl inslall toilets, staircase, shaft, windows, Lo two 4-sLy trk and stone dwellings; cost, $4,000; Madain Letellier de Et Just. 251 W Uth st; ar't, Louis 0 Browu. 208 W 17tb st -U7L Uth No 437 East, install water closet compartments, window's, partitions, to 5-sty brk and stone tenement; cost, -til.200; Francis Muller. on premises; ar'l, Henry Regelmann, 133 7tb st,—1!2G. 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