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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 41, no. 1038: February 4, 1888

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February 4, 1888 The Record and Guide. 149 ^^ C. E, Schuyler Sc Co. have sold for Messrs. McKinlay & Gunn the three¬ story brick dwelling, 21x47x64, on West End avenue, 42,3 north of 82d street, to Mr. John Larkin. Chas. De K. Towcsend, it is reported, has said the dwelling No. 32 West 5Ist street, Columbia College leasehold, to Henry D. Winans. Messrs. Moore & McLaughlin paid $70,000 for the plot of tots, 115x100, on tbe northwest corner of 8?d street and Park avenue, which they pur¬ chased last week. The types made us say $40,000 in our lost issue. Oppenbeimer & Metzger have purchased from W. Bellamy four lots on t he norlbwesb corner pf Oth avenue and 85th street. We hear tbat Alfred Fell has sold the four-story stone front dwelling No. 46 Easb 35th street, southwest corner of Park avenue, 20x75. The terms have not transpired. The lot on the southeast corner of 5th avenue and 87th street, purchased for $28,000 at the New York Life Insurance Co.'s sale by V. K. Stevenson Sc Co,, as agents, has been resold by L, J. and I. Pbillips to Geo. P. John¬ son at an advance of $3,500. L. J. Adams bas sold for W. J. Merritt tbe three-st^ry Queen Anne dwelling No. 243 West 130th street to John R, Hall. Brooklyn. Corwith Bros, have sold for William Ford tbe dwelling No. 141 Calyer street to Francis J. Barrett for $4,200. Herr Sc Kling have sold for Herr &; Clemett the twostory frame dwell¬ ing, 18,9x48x100, No. 1178 Greene avenue, to Fred. Johnson for $3,800. GeorgeWalkerbas purchased five lots, 100 feet front, on the north side of Fulton street, between Rockaway and Stone avenues, for $13,000, for improvement, Mr. G. H. Gerard, of Young & Gerard, has purchased from Randell & Miller the plot 140x100 on the soutb side of Greenpoint avenue, 90 west of Manhattan avenue, for $35,000. On the property are one and two-story frame buildings, known as Bartholdi Hall, which was formerly a skating rink. J. P. Sloan has sold for John Bohnet tho tenement property No. 156 India street to Mrs. A. M. Morrison for $5,500, and the two-story and basement dwelling bouse, 35x40x100, situate at No. 106 India atreet, for B. S. Free to B. M. Carroll for $4,000. C0NVBYANCK9. 1386. 1887. 18B8. Jan. 39 to Feb, 4. Jan. 29 to Feb, 3. Jan, 36 to Feb 1. inclus. inclus. Inclus, Number....................... 380 S59 386 Amount involved............. *$l,373,(i70 $l,EO0,O!Jl EEH 1.316.029 Number nomiual............. 43 45 65 HOKTaAOXS, Number ...................... 183 198 228 Amount Involved.............. 861I,2iJ5 $794,090 $922,529 Number at 5 per cent, or less. 91 97 126 Amount hivofved.............. $405,731 $174,673 $538,230 FBOJxcrraD BUiLDiKas. 1886, 1887. 1889. Jan. 30 to Feb. 5. Jan. 30 to Feb. 4. Jan, 28 to Ftsb. 3. Numberof buildinga......... 34 63 18 Estimated coat............... $82,0bO $188,985 $76,7JO Out Among the Builders. De Lemos & Cordes are making plans for an eight-stary fire-proof marble store and warerooms, 23x103, to be built at No. 15 East 18 bb sbreet, which will form a part of the large building whicb Aibkin Sons & Co. now occupy, embracing Nos. 873 to 879 Broadway and No. 17 East 18bh streeb. In addibion to this, whicb is really a large extension, the present structure will be remodelled, and new stairways, halls, etc., constructed and two stories added to No. 17 East 18th sbreet. Pour passenger and two freight elevators with new boiler, etc., will also be added. The cost, not yet estimated, will be about $150,000. Solomon Loeb is tbe owner. G. A. Schellenger will soon begin plans for the erection of a six-story brick warehouse on the soutb side of 13th street, 100 feet east of 5th avenue, 75x103.3, for John Glass, to cost $75,000. Marshal Sc Walter have plans for alterations aud tbe addition of a story to tbe building ab tba southwest CDrner of 38th street and llbh avenue. E. C, Ludin, owner. A bid within the amount appropriatad for tbe erection of the new armory (or the Eighth Regiment N. G. 8. N. Y. has been received. Under tbe last advertisement thirty bids were sent in to tbe committee, and of these that from Isaac A. Hopper was the lowest, being $234,490 or $1,670 below any other proposal. It was accepted, and work on the building will commence at once. 9 George M. Walgrove has plans for a two-story brick addition to tbe stables owned by James McLaughlin No. 140 West 67th streeb. Cost, $3,000. Mrs. Teresa Drescber is about to build a four-story brick and brown stone tenement on the north side of 145th streeb, 425 east of Willis avenue, from plans by George A. Bagge. The size will be 35x63, witb 15x15 extension, there being two suites per fioor. Ib will cost about $12,000. Bradley & Currier will commence ab once the erection of a large factory at Nos. 236 and 23S Spring street, tbe plot being 50x100 feet. Frauklin A. Thurston is about to build throe five-story 25-foot front fiats with stores, on the southeast corner of 136tb street and the Southern Boulevard. This neighborhood is showing evidences of improvement, and amongst tbe new buildings going up tbere ia a silk mill and a piano manu¬ factory. Geo. Shepherd ia having plans drawn by Architect J. M. Dunn for nine four-story flats with modern improvements, to cover the weat front of Lincoln avenue, between 134tb and 135th streets. Six will be built on Noa, 143 to 153 Lincoln avenue, their sizes beiug 17.6x50 each; two on tbe corner, S0x60 each, and one adjoining on 134bh street. Tbey will have seven rooms per floor, and be a decided improvement to the neighborhood. Their coat is estimated at $75,000 to $30,000. I..G, A. BchellengerJs the architect for two fiTe3tory teaementa, 25x37.6 each, which Samuel W. Waldron intends to build at Nos. 217 and 219 East 701 h streeb. Wm. Graul has the sketches for a five-story tenement, 35x83.6, ta be built at No. 83 Chrystie street for Cbarles and August Roff. Mrs. Anna Albers is having plans drawn by Kurtzer Sc Rohl for a five- story tenement and store, 27.8x98, to be built on tbe northeast corner of Delancey and Lewis streets. John F. Moore contemplates building three five-story fiats in the early spring on three lots on the north side of 103d street, commencing 225 feet west of 9th avenue. James W. Cole has bhe plans for two five-story brick and brown stone front tenements lo be built by Adam Geib at Nos. 443 and 444 West ,50th street. They will be 15.6x65 and 25x06 respectively, and will cost about $33,000 together. N. Le Brun & Son have plans for two new engine houses of the old typa. Cost, about $15,000 each. One will be erected on the south aide of 83d strefet, 200 feet wesb of 9th avenu-, and the other in the neighborhood of lOtb avenue and 113tb Btreet. Brooklvn. Esteusive interior alterations aud the addition of a four-story brick brown stone and terra cotta apartment house are to bemode to tbe dwelling on "the southwest corner of Manhattan avenue and Kent street; cost, $30,OjO; John Englis, owner. The plans will be drawn by George M. Walgrove. Jobn E. Dwyer is preparing plan? for five threestory brick, stone and terra cotta stores and flats, 20x50 each, to be built on the nor^b side of Fulton streeb, between Rockaway and Stone avenues, (or George Walker. 1 t,W. M. Coots has plans under way for a four-story briek, stcne trimmed flat, 20x63, to be erected on the smtheast corner of Marcy and Willoughby avenues, and a similar dwelling, S0x79, adjoining, ab a total cost of $21,000, under supervision of P. D. Mason. H. Loeffier, Jr,, is arranging plans for seven fourstory brick stores and tenements, 25x60 each, to be built on tbe south side of Myrtle avenue, between Nostrand and Marcy avenues, for H. Loeffler, Sr. D. Acker & Sou have p;ans in hand for flve two-story and basement frame dwellings, 20x40 each, to be erected on the north side of Cornelia streeb, 100 west of Bushwick avenue, for Robert B. Miller, to cost $I5,0C0. A, Herbert is the architect for a four-story frame tenemant, 25x55, to bo builtat No. Ill North 6bh street, for M. C, Brennan, to cost $6,500, aud a four-story brick tenement, 25x62, at 379 Soutb 4th street, for Jacob Hoff¬ mann, to ccst$7,5'J0. Out of Town. Elixa-beih, fi. J—W. H. Corvin will build a frame dwellmg for him¬ self here, 30x50, to coat about $3,000. Jersey City, N. J—Dr. Walter Has intends to erect a modern four-story residence on the southwest corner of Jersey aveuue and Mercer street. It will have a handsome exterior and interior, tho dimension being 25x64. The cost is estimated at $15,000. The plans are bsing prepared by Architect W. Milne Grinnell. Ks'y iVest, Pia—Edward H. Gato, represented here by Emanuel Perez^ one of the great cigar makers of Cuba, is about to erect at this place what will be the largest cigar factory iu the United Stabes. The abructure will cost $200,OOP, will accommodate 1,000 men, and have capacity for makuig 350,000 cigars daily. Mosb of the arrangements are still to be made. Mount Veinou, N. Y—The school committee have selected Geo. Palliser, of New York, as architect for tbe new Washingtonville school- house, whicb the plans show will be a teu-roomed two-story and basement brick buildiug, 62x66. A new system of beating and ventilation roofa will be adopted at the suggestion of ths architect. Bio lid 110.1)1, N. J._C. A. Gifford has plans for extensive alterations to the residence of Judge Teese, ab this place. Mew Bi-ighfou, S. I—Some six or seven frame houses are to be built on the Stebbins property by Mrs, Noble. Little & O'Connor are tbe architects. Neivai'h, N. J—If (he future miy bi judged by present promises build¬ ing here in the spring is very likely bo be dull; bub, undoubtadly, it ia yet a htble boo early to arrive at a conclusive judgment, for the next few weeks may eorapletely change the face of affairs. Just now, however, general duUness prevails. Real estate agents are "doing nothing," if "nothing" may be classed among tbe things anyone can possibly do. The demand for all kinds of property, with the exception of well-eituated stores, is as low as it well can be. Architecta have little to report, though they say there la plenty of work on the board which may come to something if—. Indeed uew projects are hedged round witb " ifs," the moat important of whicb is prica. Labor is high, so is material, and last year's great boom hasn't mide eligible sites for building cheaper than they need be. Broad street property is greatly in demand, but it is not to be bad even at what may be called extravagant figures. Among architeebs W. Halsey Wood Is very bu^y, but [much of the work is for "oub-of town," especially down South, where this architect bas several iniportaut commisiions now in the preliminary stages. J. H. Lindsley also bas the boarda well filled with municipal and otber work. John E, Baker ia another architect with a great deal of prospec¬ tive work. W, Halsey Wood has plans for a handsome church to he built by the congregation of Wickliffe Presbyterian Church. It is of Waterloo granite, 65x133, in free Normau style, with a massive embattlemented tower 90 feet high. It will aeab aboub 1,300 persons. Cost not yet estimated. Charles A. Gifford haa made plans for a very hapdsome residence for John Robb, of New York ciby, bhe general transfer agenb of the Pennsyl- vanift R. R, It will be erected on the corner of Washington street and