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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 43, no. 1099: April 6, 1889

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April 6, 1&89 Record and Guide. 4^3 Riedemann, Sophia M. wife of Henry to C. Frederick Scbaue.- Morris av, e s. 30 u ISlst st, 28,9x70.3, April 1, 3 years, 5 %^ 1,000 Ringler. Fredei'ick A. and Justin to Sarah E, and Susan W, Gilley and Sarab E. Gilley 'extrx, Harriet E, Johnsou, Harriet Coles in¬ divid. and extrx. Martha A, and Susan Cod- man. Williara st. No. 316; Rose st, Ko. 20. P. M, Mar. 30, due May 1, 1890, or sooner, 5 %. 40,000 Randall, Evelyn wife of and WiUiara E, for¬ merly Smith to Elizabeth and Joseph Orr exrs, Robert Orr, 122d st, s s, 100 w 7th av, 15x100.11. Mar, 28, 3 years, 5 %. 13,000 Eathbotie, Eobert C to Juha wife of Parker Manu, Washingtou, D. C, Fort Washington Depot road. P. M. Mai-. 26 due Feb, IS, 1691,6^. I6,.500 Ratkowsky, Harris and Aaron S. to Minna Kroos. Ba3'a,*d or Division st, n e cor For¬ syth St. P. M. Mar, 2-:!, due Mar. 31, 1894, 5 !g. 25,000 Same to Charles Herman. Same property. P. M. Mai'. 29, 4 years or installs. 4,000 Eeynard, Catharine P. wife of aud C eorge W, to John S. Watkins trustee for Emma W. Burdett and Abigail B. Watkins. 44th sfc. P, M. Mar. 4, due Mar. 30, 1893, 4K< %■ 10,000 Same to Jobu 8. Wafckius, Poi-t Lee, K, J. Same property, P, M, Mar, 4, dre Mar, 30, 1898, 4ii%- S,000 Eidal, Frederick S. and j\nuie bis wife to The Excelsior Savings Bank, New York, 113th Efc, n s, 275 w 1st av, 26x100,10, Mar. Sy, due April 1, 1892, 5 %. 5,000 Roberts, Austin J, to The Equitable Lies AsscR. Soc, of the U. S. Tth av, s w cor 136th sfc. P.M. Feb, 14, due Jan. 1, 1891. 20,000 Sarae to sarae. 7th av, w s, 25 s 136th st, 8 lots, each 37,Sxl00, P. M. 2 P. M, raorts, each $33,000. Feb, 14, due Jan, 1, 1891, 46,000 Same to same, 7th av, s w cor 136th st, 85x100. Feb, 14, due Jan, 1, 1891. 22,000 Same to same. 7th av, w s, 25 s 136th st, 2 lols each 37.5x100. 2mOrts,, each $31,500. Feb. 14, due Jan. 1, 1891. 43,000 Eoseuberg, Adolph to Jenny Kelson. Broome st, Ko. 86. P.M. Mar. 29, instaUs, ' 1,750 Rosenberg, Charles, and Heni'y Gernshyra to Fanning C, T, Beck trustee for Annie S. Beck. 79th st, s s, 850 w 1st av. P. M. Mar. 27, 5 years, 5 K- 9,000 Same to Leopold Gusthal efcal. exrs, Edwai-d Ridley. 79fch st, s s, 306.3 w Isfc av. P. M, Mar. 37. 6 j-ears. 5^^. 9,000 eame fco M. Adele Sraifch andano. fcrustees Sam¬ uel Smith. 79th sfc, s s, 268.9 w 1st av, 8 lots. 2 P. M. morts., each $9,000. Mar, 87, 5 years. 18,000 Ruddell, John to George W, Fowler, Liver¬ pool, Eug. 71st st, s s, 885 w Stb av, 4 lots, together 75x100,5. 4 morts,, each §83,.500. Feb. 1, Syears. 90,000 Bahiuer, Jacob mortgagor wifch Maria Giicker. Extension of mort. Dec. 7. ISSS, nom Bame to Abrahara Gutraan, 3d av, w s, 25.5 n .54th st, 25x95, Mar. 88, due Nov. 14, 1893, 5 %. 4,500 Rabiner, Meyer to Harris Sarailscn. East Broadway, No, 140, P. M. April 1, 3 yeai-s, 6,000 Eead, George W, to Lewis G. Morris, Or¬ chard st, P. M. Mar, 30, due April 1, 1890. 500 Reiss, Louis to Anuie M, wife of Erail A. Thi- baiit. 3d av, ws, 60.10 s STth st, 19.1x75, AprU 1, 1 year. 5;S, 5,000 Rice, Jeannie D. to Julia L. TaUmadge and LauraB. Field. Irviug pl, nwcor 19th st. P, M, April 1, 5 years or sooner, S ^. 15,000 Richards, Sarah P. to WilUam H. Waring, Brooklyu, N. Y, 30th st. Ko. 47, n s, 86.6 w 4th av, ruus north 53 x west 2.6 x north iS.O X west 16,6 X south 98,9 to st, x east 19. Feb. 11, 6 months, 5^. .5,000 Bipley, Anna J. wife of George to The Dnion Dime Savings Inst. 7tb av, n w cor 41st st, 19.9x60. AprU 1, due Mayl, 1892, ■ Sg. 16,000 Roth, Margarethe to Gertrude J. Sossau, 77th et. P, M. Mar. 30, due Aprfl 1, 1894, or sooner, 5 %. 5,000 Riker, Ella C. widow, Woodside, L. L, to WiU¬ iara H, Beadleston. Cliuton st, w s, 125 n Hester rt, 25x100. April 8, 3 years, 5 g, 16,000 EoU, George to John H. Bormann. SSth st. P, M. Aprfl 1, 1 year, 5 %. S,O0O Reilly, Hugh to Jackson Armstrong. lOOtb st, u 3, 376 e 4th av, 60x100. Mai-. 20, due Nov. 1, 1889. 15,000 Biegraayer, Joseph to AdeUne E. Hareraaker, B2d st. P, M. April 1, 6 moutbs or sooner. 3,750 Schweizer, Bernhard and Barbara his wife to Sigmund Cobn. Harlera Railroad, n w s, 19:j along boundary line of said railroad s iv from s w boundary line of Bathgate farm, 25x100. AprU 1, 6 years or sooner. SOO *nith, Jarvis E, to Charlotte A. Taylor et al. trustees for Albertina S. Pyne, Kale W. Winthrop, Mary Lewis, George C. and Henry A. C, Taylor, Lispenard st. No. 13, n s, 185.10 e Wesfc Broadway, 25x100; Lispenard st. No. IS, n s, 26x100. April 3, 5 years, ■" ■ 66,000 Samilson, Harris mortgagoi- with John P. Mc¬ Coy et al, exrs, C. G. SmuU. Extension of mort. afc 5 %. April 1, nom ^Viblesinger, Abraham to Owen McGiunis, Delancey st, n w cor Pitt st, P. M. April ■ 1, 3 months, S %. 3,000 chneittacher, Joseph and Sarah his wife to The East River Savings Inst. Sd sfc, No. .649 E. P. M. April 1,1 year, 5 %. 5,000 Schreiner, George and John, Jr., fco Roberfc Center exr, Henry Center, Delancey sfc, n w cor Lewis sfcj 25x100. Mar, 30, 3 years, 5 5!. 30,000 Seitz, William to Thomas Achenbach, Hacken¬ sack, N. J. SSd sfc, s s, 150 e 2d av, 25x103.2. Mar. 30, due Aprfl 1, i89l, 5 %. 6,000 Sherry, Michael to The Mutual Life Ins. Co, of New York. 117th st, n s. P.M. April 1, lyear, 6 1^. 1,000 Sonn, Leopold to Jette wife of Leopold Wolf. 94tb St. P. M. April 1, 3 years, 5 %. 7.000 Scuth Ferry Eailroad Co. to Central Trust Co. of Few York, trusce. All railroads, rights, privileges and fi-anchises, April 1, 30 years, 6 ;;, bonds, 3,50,000 SteinmetB, Elizabeth wife of and John H. to The Germania Life Ins, Co. Oth av, s e cor 104tb st, 40.11x100, Mar. 89, instaUs. 74,000 Sametosame. Oth av, es, 40.11 n 103d st, 3 lots, each 30x100. 2 morts., each §32,000. Mar. 29, iustaUs. 64,000 Sametosame, Oth av, e s. 40.11 s 104t.h sfc. 3 lots, each 30x100. 3 morts., each $32,000. Mar. 29, installs. 64,000 Sametosame. Oth av, n e cor 103d st, 40.11x 100, Mar. 39. installs. 73,000 Same to Tbe Bradley Sc Cui-rier Co, (Lim.) 9th av, u e cor 103d rt, 100x201.10 to 104th st. Sub. to moi'ts. S2T5,000. War. 30, 1 year or sooner. 3-^,000 Sarae to Martin Di.skeu. 9tb av, s ecor 104th st, 70.11x100. Sub. to morts. «307,000 on this aud above properfcy. Mar. 30, 1 year. 8,000 Steffens, August H, to The Dry Dock Sav¬ ings Inst. Slstst, lis, 835.8 e 1st av 16.8x 100.5. April 1, 1 year, 4}..: i. 4,.5O0 Stern, Berfcha wife of and Seury to The Inst. FOR THE Savings of Merchants' Clerks, OTfch st, n s, 500 w Sfch av, ISxlOO.ll. April 1, 6 years, 4^ %■ 8,000 Swenson, S, Albin, mortgagor with George R. Fearing and ano. trustees for Char¬ lotte T. Taylor. Exteusiou of mortgage at rodu'.'ed int. Mar, 6. nom Stern, Louis to Anna S, Dutton, New Haven, Conn. Division st. No. ITO, u s, 28xT5x36x 88.7. April 1, Syears. 6^. IS.OOO Stei-n, Samuel to The Institjtion for Sav¬ ings of Merchants'Clerks. 9Tth st, n s. 518 w Sth av, 18x100,11. Aprfl 1, 5 years, 4X %■ 8,000 Samuels, Charles, Bradford, Pa,, to The Al- BAKT Savings Bank. Bleecker st, No, 102, ss, 49e Greeue st, 23x130. Mar. 37. Syears, 4H ^- 35,000 Scblauowsky, Bernard to Fritz Elsaser, .Or¬ chard sfc. No. 109. P. M, Mar, 38, duo Aprfl 1, 1?94, 6^. 30,000 Schlesinger, Isaac to Bennetfc J, King, Nor¬ folk st, Ko, -29. Sub. to mort. §14,000. Mar. 29, dueAprii 1, 1898, See Conveys. 8,000 Schmidfc, Sophia to Cbarlotte Holthus. 117th sfc. P. M. Mar. 30, 10 years, S %. 5,000 Schoonmaker, Edmuud to Clark D. Rhinehart, Brookljni, Sth av, n e cor 8Sfch st, 24,8x95. Mar. 28, notes aud indorsements. 16,000 Sieke, Anua widow to Andrew Eeich. Car¬ mine st, n s, 125 w Bedford st, 25x95. Mar, 86, 6 years or sooner, 4 %. 23,,500 Sraith, "Prank E. to Henry Morgenthau. Lenox av, e s, 42.10 u 131st sfc, 19x100, Mar, 39, 1 year, 4,000 Same to same. Lenox av,es, 33.10 n ISlst st, 20x100. Mar. 39, 1 j-ear. 4,000 Same to same, Lenox av, e s, 81.10 n 131st st, 30x100, Mar, 29, 1 year, 4,000 Sraith, Jarvis B. mortgagor with Emma Ben- rinio mortgagee. Agreement remedying de¬ fect in mortgage. Mar. 31. uom fame with Mary L. Carr. Similar agreement. Mai-, 37. nom Smitb, John B, to Julia A, Low, llth av, n e cor 63d st, 35,5x100, Aprfl 3, 3 years or sooner, 5 %. 4,000 Same to sarae. llth av, e s, 25.5 n 62d st, 3 lots, each 25x100. 3 morts,, each S4,000, April 2, 3 years or sooner, 6 %. 18,000 Same to same, 62d st, u s, 100 e 11th av, 6 lots, each 35x100,5. 6 morts,, each Sl,O0O. Aprfl 2, 3 yeai-s or soouer, 5 %. 24,000 Sarae to Susan B. Nelson. 62d st, n s, 250 e llth av, 3 lots, each 25x100.5. 2raorts,,each M.OOO, April 3, 3 years or sooner. 6 %. 8,000 Sametosame, 6'8d st, n s, 335 e lltb av, 25x iOO, April 3. 3 years or sooner, 5 %. 2,750 Smith, John B. to EUzabeth B. and Frederick C. McDonald. Wliite Plains, N. Y. 68d st, n s, 300 0 llth av, 35x100.6. AprU 3, 3 years or sooner, 5 %. 4,000 Same to Henry W, Clark aud ano, exrs,, &c,, Anthony B, filcDonald, Jr, 68d st, n s, 360 e llth av, 36x100,5. April 3, 3 years or soouer, 5 %. 1,750 Schwabe, Fanny to Johan H. and Beke M. Menltens. l-3i>h st. No. 518 E, P. M. April 1, 3 mouths, 5 %. 8,300 Solomon, Marx to The Fariiers' Loan and Trust Co. Broome sfc, Nos. 313 and 314; Norfolk st, Ko, 71. P. M. Mar. 38, due April 3, 1890, or soouer, 5 %. 25,000 Seller, Rosie wife of Bernbard to Adara Simon, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wiflett st, No. 63. P. M. Aprfl 1, iustalls, 5 %. 13,000 Sherman, Kate M, to Richard Busteed. Lex¬ ington av, es, 66B29tbst, 21,10x80. April 2, 1 year, 8,500 Steinhardt, Lewis and Morris to Soloraon Loeb. Greenwich st, P. M, April 1, instafls, 5^, 84,500 Stokes, WiUiam H., Brooklyn, N.Y., to Ba¬ bette Morgenthau. 136th sfc, Ko. 148 W. P. M, Mar. 30, instaUs. 11,500 Same fo same. Same properfcy, P. M, Mar. 30, 3 years, 5 %. 5,000 Sarae to same. 125th st. No. 1.50 W. P, M, Mar. 30, installs. 11,500 Same to sarae. Same properfcy, P, M. Mar. 30, 3 yeai-s. 6