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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 107, no. 17: April 23, 1921

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lANHATTAN AND BRONX RECORDS SECTION SECT'ION TWt POUNDED IS68 BUILDERS DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE. BUILDING MANACEMENT AND CONHRUCnON IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VIONITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyancea, Mlacellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments ot Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, 'Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Sulta, Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVII (2771) NEAV YORK, APRIL 23, 1921 No. 17 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. APR. 13, 14, 13, 16, 18 & 19. Barrow st, 59 (2:5S7-pl It 43), 88, abt 75 e Bedford, 25x75, lo Commerce (No 25), part 5- 8ty bk loft & str bldg; U S Trust Co of N Y & ano, EXRS Macduugal Haman, to Eliz A Haman, 1 AV 81; Febll; Aprl4'21; A$------$------ (R S SOc). nom Broome st, 212-14 (2:352-28), nwc Norfolk (Nos 69-71), 42x75, 5-sty bk tnl & sirs; Hebron Realty Curpn to Marie Garfield, 20 E 90; mlg $(i5,000; AprlS; AprlG'21; A$42,000-G4,000 (It S 50c). nom Cannon st, 8 (2:326-3), es, 100 n Grand, 2Sx 100, 7-sly bk stable; Bessie Dornfesl, Jersey City, NJ, lo David Kalhofer, 19 Av A; y, pl; AT; AL; AprlO; Aprl9'21; A$8,000-23,000. nom Cannon st, 51 (2:333-08), ws, 75 n Delancey, 24.10x100, 6-aty bk tnl & stra; Jacob Dobrow to Isador Hiller, 362 Hudson av, Bklyn; AT&I; Apr7; Aprl6'21; A$10.00O-28,00O (R S SOc). O C & 100 Cherry st, 306 (1:237-10), na, 233.1 e Jeffer¬ son, 25x80, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Herman Guar¬ ini to Rofrano Bros, Inc, 6 James; mlg $5,000: MarS; AprlG'21; A$0.000-9,000. O C & 100 Cherry st, 419% (1:200-43), 88, '200 w Jack¬ son, 25.1x91.7x25x92.7, 5-sly bk lul & sirs; Harry Simun lo Morris Kolinsky, 188 Mon¬ roe; Vi pl; AT; mlg $0,000; Aprl2; Aprl3'21; A$5,500-14,000 (R S $3.30). nom Chrystie st, ISS (2:421-31), ws, 117.2 n Bronrae, runs w—xn0.3xwl4.11xn2S.4xer2e to st X82S.6 to beg, 4-8ty bk loft & sir bldg; Alfred Timen & ano to Cosmopolitan Drug Co, 133 Chrystie; mtg $23,230; Apr9; Aprl5'21; A$14,- 000-22,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 Clinton st, 2-4; see Houston, 2,97-9 E. Colnmbia st. 56 (2:333-42), es, 120.1 n De¬ lancey, 26.10x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Jennie Mesner to Max Prager, 301 B 3; mtg $19,000; Aprl2; Aprl3'21; A$12,000-27,500 (R S $8.30). O C & 100 Columbia st, 58 (2:333-43), es, 146.11 n De¬ lancey, 26.0x100, S-sty bk tnt & strs; Saral Aufses lo Morris Jacobowilz, 314 E 2; ralg $18,000; PM ratg $5,000; AprlS; Aprl8'21; A $11,S00-27.(K)0 (R S $91. O C & 100 Commerce Bt, 25; see Barrow, 39. Eldridge st, 48 (l;SOO-pl It 4), es, 200.11 n Canal, 23x87.0, G-sty bk tnl & sirs; Irving Bachrach & ano, E.XRS & TRSTES Solomon Bachrach, to Simon Ackerman, 1043 43d, Bk¬ lyn; ratg $19,000; Aprl9'21; A$------$------ (R S $33.30). 52,500 Franklin st, 193; see Greenwich, 364. Goerck st, S (2:326-52), W8, 100 n Grand, 25 XlOO, 6-sty bk tnl & sirs; David R Daly, REF, to Janet L McVickar. TRSTE Janet S Lansing, 4 B 28, plff; FORECLOS Apr7'21; Aprl5'21; A $5,000-19,000 (R S $17.:j0). 17,600 Gramercy Park, 10, or 20TH ST, 108 E (3:- 875-76), 83, 153.4 e 4 av, 26.8x92, together with the privileges & easement appurtenant to the said preraises raenlioiied in deed dated Decl7, 1831, 5-sty & b stn dwg; Knth C Budd lo 10 Graraercy Park, Inc, 10 Graraercy Park; ratg $32,000; Aprl2; AprlS'21; A$38,000-48,000 (R S $70). nom Grand st, 210; sec AVest sl, 368-70. Greenwich st, 50 (1 :lS-57), ws, 80.8 n Morris, runs w80.10xn20.2xwllxnll.9xe90.8 lo sl xs21.3 to beg, 3-sty bk stnrage, l-sly ext; Thos C Burke, 725 Park av, to Furlong Realty Corpn, 50 Greenwich; mtg $------; Decl4'20; Aprl9-21; A$20.500-21.0(K) (R S $3). nom Greenwich st, 68 (1:18-48), ws, 299.6 sw Rec¬ tor, 25.1x100.5x25.3x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Mendelsohn, heirs Hannah Mendelsohn, to Irving Mendelsniin. 000 E 100; Vi Pl; AT; QC; April; AprlG'21 ; A.$23.(HK)-23.0(K) (R S $1). nnra Greenwich st, 204; see Vesey, 71. Gre<-nwicb 8t, 364 (1:18311), swc Franklin (No 193), ISxIKI. 3-stv bk tut & sir; Clementine F Duff. AVashingtnii. D C. & ann. EXRS & TRSTES Jnhn J Duff, to Murray-IIalpern Cu, 109 Reade; FebU; Aprl9'21; A$18,000-24,000 (R S $361. 36,000 Ilouslon st, 297-9 E; Antoinette Singerraan to Lenpnld M Rnthman & Carrie E, his wife, tenaiit3 by entirety, 2 AV 120; Aprl2; AprlS '21. nom Houston st, 297-9 E (2:350-51), sec Clinton (Nos 2-4), runs e3exs52xelSxslSxwS4 to Clin¬ ton xn70 to beg. G aty bk tnt & atrs; Leo¬ pold M Rothman lo Antoinette Singerraan, 141 AV 127; Aprl2; Aprl3'21; A$3G,000-66,000. nom Houston st, 78 W (2:524-31), ns, 43.10 e AVesl Bway. 21.8x75, S-sty bk lofl & sir bldg; Archi¬ bald Barklie, Elizabeth, NJ, to Emanuel Goid¬ raan. 223 AV 80; y, pt; AT; B&S; CaG; Mar--'2; Aprl5'21; A$9..3()0-14,000 (R S $9). nnin Houston Rt. 78 W: Adele S Bass. TRSTE Uriah J Sraith. to Emanuel Goidraan, 223 AA' 80; AT&I; Mar22; Aprl5'21 (R S $9). 9,000 Houston st, 78 W; Francis J Oils, Bellport, NY, to Archibald IJarklie, 535 Jefferaon av, Elizabeth, NJ; B&S; Vi Pt; AT; Aprl2'17; Apr 15'21. nora Ludlow St. 182 (2:412-49), ses, abt 150 s Houston, 25x87.0. 4-sty bk tnt & atrs & 4-sly bk rear tnt; Courtlandt NicoU. REP, lo Bnw¬ ery Savgs Bank, plff; FORECLOS, AprG'21; AprlS; Aprl6'21; A$1S,S00-17,S00 (R S $18). 18,000 Marginal st, 2-4; see Weat 368-70. Morton 8t, 100-14; see Wesl sl, 368-70. Norfolk 8t, 69-71; see Broorae, 212-14. Prince st, 177 (2:517-40), ns, 100 e Sullivan, 25x9.3.6. G-sty bk lofl & sir bldg; Griffon Hold¬ ing Cnrpn tn Martin Schreiber. 801 E 5; mtg $23,300; AprS; Aprl8'21; A$16,000-24.000 (R R $10). O C & 100 Ridge 8t, 50 (2:342-37), ea, 125 n Broome, 25 xlOO. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs & 4-aty bk rear tnt; Jacob Blum. Bklyn. to Solomon Wei8inger & Joa Steiner. 19S E 3; mtg $18,700; April; Apr 19'21; A$12.000-19.000 (R S $4). O C & 100 Ridge st, 150 (2:345-39), es, 123 n Stanton. 23x100. S-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sly bk rear tnt; Nathan Bngelhardt. Bklvn. to Levhnck Co. 141 Bwav: mtg ,$------; Peb2S'20; Aprl3'21; A$15.000-22.000 (R S $1). nom Rivington st, 314 (2:329-74), ns. 100 w Goerck 18.9x100. 3-sty bk tnl & 1-sty bk rear bldg: Isaac Rapnaporl to Aaron M Morgenlander. 118 Colurabia; ratg $4,010; PM mlg $1,815; Apr 13; Apr14'21; A.$G.OOO-7.000 (R S .$4). nnm Sheriff at. 95 (2 :.3.39-G0). ws. 75 a Stanton. 25 xlOO. 0-aty bk tnt & airs; Jacub Dnbrow lo Isador Hiller. .302 Hudson. Bklvn; AT&I; Apr 7; Aprl6'21: A$ll,000-29,000 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Sheriff st, 95s same to same; QC; Apr7; Apr 16-21 (R S :30c). nom Stanton 8t. 47 (2:421-55). ss. 48.1 e Forsyth, runs elS.Cxs73xwU.6xn5x-w7xn70 to beg, 3-sly bk tnt & stra. 1-sty ext; Jos Weinstock to Ja¬ cob Mandelbaum. 47 Stanton; mtg $11..300; Apr 15; AprlG'21; A$0..300-8.500 (R S $7..30). O C & 100 Stanton st, 326 (2:.325-39), ns. 32.2 e Goerck. 27.5x70. S-aty bk tnl & strs; Henrv L Sher¬ man, ref. to Geo W Carr. BXR Chas S Hal¬ sted. SO Bway. plff; FORECLOS ------; June2S '20; Aprl8-21; A$G..300-14.00O (R S .$15). 15.000 •St Nieliolas pl, 41; see St Nicholas av, 840. Vesey st, 71 (1:&3-13), swc Greenwich (Nn 204), 34.8x23.10x42.0x25. 4-3ty bk lofl bldg; Rnse A McGuigan In Isaac Harria. 2 AA' SO; mtg $20,000; MarSl; Aprl3'21; A$3S.00O-35.0OO (R S .$35..30). O C & 100 Vesey st, 72; see Greenwich, 206-10. AVusbineton st. 265 (1:131-7). ea. abt SO n Murray. 21x,S3.3x21.2x,SS.ll. 3-aty bk lofl & sir bldg; Rena G Dunn. Bx, lo Agostino & John Cnala. 40 Downing. & Frank & Chaa Coata. 4.33 lIiidBnii; ratg $20,000; .Aprl5'21; -4$I9,000-22.000 (R S .$:iO), uora AA'iiKliiiiRion Hi, 612-14; aee AVest. .368-70. WeBt Bl. 2KK-2S9 (2:593-6), ea, 84 s Canal, 4G xloo, S-sty bk wjirehnnse: Then Ficke, Jr, Bklyu. In Then Pii-ke Warehnnsea. Inc. 2SS-9 AVest; iiitp $03,000; A[ir9; Aprl6'21; A.'f:!S.OOO- 73.0(10 (It S .$131. nnm West st, 368-70 (2:602-7 & 13), sec Morton (Nus 100-14), 30x310.10 to AVashington (Nos G12-U) x50.x320.5, 4-sty bk post office, 1-36 in¬ terest; A$118,000-19S,000; alsn IOTH AV, 45-53 (2:054-31), swc Uth (No 500), runs slOS.3 to 11 av or Marginal st (Nos 2-4). xwl.OxnllO.S lo st xe41.7 lo beg, 3-stv bk hotel, 1-3G int; A$1S,- 0O0--27,000- also GRAND ST, 210 (2:470-30), n s, 47.2 e'Mott. 23.3x99.9. 2 & 3- sty bk loft & str bldg. ISO interest: A$18.000-19,000; also IOTH AA', 48-56 (2:640-5-9), sec lllh (Nos 438-60), 103.3x75. 3-sly bk office & str bldg, 1-38 interest; A$0S.O00-81,0OO; also UTH ST, 430-2 W (2:646-12-13), ss, 125 e 10 av, 50x103.3, 2-3- stv bk tnts & strs, 1-12 interest; A$48,000-52,- 000; alao 1-12 interest in land in Otsego Co, NY; also six bonds & mlgs covering land in AVestchesler Cu; alsu 3 Liberty Bunds aggre¬ gating $5,500; also $1,000 in cash; deed or trust; Marv C Ludlow Fash to Central Union Trust Co, 80 Bwav: April; Aprl.3'21. nom SD st, 189 E (2:.399-43), nea. 175 nw Av B, 24 x96.2, 6-8ty bk tnt & strs; Abr Faden, Bx, to Benj Gottfried, 1-22 Alien; mtg $28,300; Mar22; Aprl6'21; A$11,500-2,3,0(M) (R S SOc). O C & IOO 4TH 8t, 280 AV (2:G'22-50), ws, 42.0 s lllh, 21x 52.11x21x53.1. 3-sty bk dwg: AVilliaras-Dexler Co to Marion C Hawthorne. Provincetown, Mass; April; Aprl5'21; A$G,500-7,500 (R S $13.50). O C & 100 IOTH st, 165 W (2:611-33), ns, 128 w AVaver¬ ly pi, -22x43.7 to 7 av x;i7.3x74.6, except -part for 7 av, 3-sty bk tnt; Helen I Gedney, TRSTB Stephen D Gednev, Maplewood, NJ, to Bever¬ ly G Thoraas, 902 B Rio Grande, Ei Paso, I'exas, & Beverly Thoraas, Jr, 92 Grove; Apr 18; Aprl9-21- A$G,00O-8.S0O (R S $19). 17,500 UTH 8t, 248 W (2:013-11), ss, 33,3 e 4th, 16.9 X48.7, 3-sty bk dwg: Ethel T Haylhe, Center- port, LI, to Suraner Ballard. 10 E 79; ratg $11,- 000; April; AprlO-21; A$4,000-5,500 (R S $12). O C & IOO UTH St. 646 E (2:393-30), ss, 83 w Av C, 25 x94.9. 5-sty bk tnt & stra; Peter A Hendrick, ref, lo Sarah E Bruce, 33 AV 87, plff; FORE¬ CLOS ------; AprS; Aprl8'21; A$9.500-14,000 (R S $15). 15,000 UTH st, 046 E: Snrah E Bruce to Leybuek Co, 141 Bway; AprlS; AprlS'21 (R S $15). O C & 100 13TH st, 231-33 E (2:409-47), ns, 202.6 w 2 av, 40x103.3. 6-sly bk tnl; Saml November to 23L B 13th Sl Corpn. 231-3 E 13; mtg $40,000; Apr 15; AprlG'21; A$24,000-50,000 (R S $23). O C & 100' ISTH st, 408 B (2:440-12-13), SS, 99.10 e 1 av^ runs e34.2xs— lo el Stuyvesant; closed; xsw— to pl. 99.10 e 1 av, xn— to beg. 2-sly bk loft bldg: Edw AVesl. 1008 2 av. lo Lucille de Luze Foley. Pelham rd. New Rochelle, NA', & Doro¬ thea AA'ard, 32 Pennsylvania, Roseband, SI, & Hildegarde & Eben J Haskell, 880 AV 181; QC; AprG; Aprl9'21; A$G,0OO-8.0O0. nom ISTH st, 408 E; Lucille de Luze Foley, New Rochelle, NY, el al. In Fenimore Mlg Corpn, 103 Park av- B&S & CaG; AprG; Aprl9'21 (R S $2.,30). O C & 100- ISTH st, 408 E: Frank Richard, 512A Mon¬ rne, Bklvn, TRSTE Chas V T Foley, lo sarae; 1-3 pt; Apr2; Aprl9'21 (R S $2). 1.1G6.66 ISTH st, 408 E; N Y Trust Co, gdn Hilde¬ garde & Eben J Haskell, lo same; B&S & CaG- AprS; Aprl9-21 (R S $1). 833.33 IS-ifH st, 547-9 E; See Av B, 216. ISTH st, 639 E (2:;i9G-43), ns, 196.6 w Av C, 33x103.3. 5-sly bk tnl & sirs; Biltog Realty Co lo Pauline Gnldfisher, 90 Sheriff; AL; Mar 24; Aprl8'21; A$ll,000-20,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 14TH st, 450-2 W: see AVest st, 3GS-70. 14TH St. 458-00 AA'; 8ee AVest st, 368-70. 14TH st, 500 W; see AA'esl st, 368-70. 16TH 8t, 112 W (3:791-50), ss. 150 w G av. 2Sx 103.3, 3-sly bk tnl & strs & 2-sty fr rear shop: Isador Rauch, Bklyn, lo Bertha Rauch. 33 Pinch ct, Brighton Beach, Bklyn; mtg $14,000; April: Aprl9'21; A$17,000-20,000. nom 17TH 8t, 228 W (3:760-00). ss, 337 w 7 av, 25x84, 5-sty bk tnt; AVeat 190th Sl Cnrpn lo Beatrice Lew, SG AV US; mtg $18,000; -AprS: Aprl4'21; A$ll,000-18,000 (R S $1.50). O C & IOO The text of these pages is copyrighted, AH rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement -will lead to prosecutioj.