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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 107, no. 26: June 25, 1921

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«ANHA1-TAN AND BKONX RECORDS SECTION •BCTIOM TW» FOUNDED 1668 AND BUILDERS rs,iii|pi DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDI|4G MANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND VICINITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyance!, Mlacellaneoua Co nveyancea. Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satlaflel Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Salsa, -Vol untary Auction Sales. Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure SultJ Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens. Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages AftectU| Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVII (2780) NEW YORK, JUNE 25, 1921 No. 26 CONVEYANCES. Mankattan. JUNE 15, 10, 17, IS, 20 & 21. Albany st, 22 (1:55-22), sws, 05.11 Be West, 18.8x5SxlS.4x5S. 3-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Bleecker Export & Trading Cn lo Rami Kil¬ patrick. 554 Jeli'ersun nv, Bklyn; AL ; June20; June21'21; .A$1S,OIIO-23,000 (R R $13). uum -Yttoniey st, 104; see Eidge, 155-01. Broad st, 43-7 (1:25-7), es, 139 n Beaver, runs e92.1lixs9.Sxel4.4 xnS.ll xe39 xuGO.S xwl2S.l tu Broad xaOS.S to beg, S-sty stn oft'ice & str bldg; Rcuuset Eealty Corpn tu Alliance Eenlty Ce, 115 Bway; B&R; mtg .1!77S,000; June7 ; June 20'21; .A.l:050.000-$------■ (R S *25). O C & 100 Broome st. 132 (2:342-03), ns, 75 w Pitt, 25x 100, 4-sty bk Int; Bella Moaes & ano to Alex Appel, 207 AV 110; I'M mlg $17,000; JunelS; Juiie21'21; A$13,000-17,000 (R S $21). nom Broome st, 507-15; see Thompson, sec AA\nlts. Cannon at, 87 (2:334-07), wa, 150 n Riving¬ ton. 25x100. S-aly bk tnt & sirs ; Saral Aufses to Hyman Rcharlalt. 178 E 7; ratg $14,000; I'M mtg $8,000; June21'21; A$10,000-26,500 (R R $12.50). O C & 100 Cathedral Pkway, 3-48; see Morningside dr, 50-53. Cherry at. 140 (l;-253-14), na, 289.10 e Calh. runa nlOS.flxw-0.exu51.3xe25xsl50.7 to sl xw24.0 lo beg, S-aty bk tnl & atrs & O-aty bk rear tut; Augustus E Kiasani & auo, lO.YRS & TRSTES AVra Aymar, to Eofrnno Brus, Inc. 0 James; Junell; June20'21; A$9,0O0-17,0OO (E S ?ie). • 16,000 Chrystie st, SO (1:302-2), es, abt 50 n Cnnal, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & stra; Errainia M Schroen to Murri8 Kuluk, 1419 Slat, Bklvu; B&S; mtg $14,000; June2; JunelC'21; A$1S,000-2S,000 (R S $14). nnra Clarke st. 30-30; aee Spring, 218-20. Clinton at. 24B (1:258-41|, es. 40.7 n Cherry. 30.1x71.11x29.10x71.11, O-aty bk tnl; Eva Dia- moudatou tn Remes Eealtv Curpn, 309 Bwny; ratg $.30,000; JunelS; June21-21; AS13,riO0-:iO.OOO (E S SOci. nora Cortlandt st, GO (1:59-35), ns, 25.9 w Green¬ wich, runs n41.10xnl3,llxwl9.4xs.S5 to st, xe21.2 tu beg, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Arrnw Hold¬ ing Curpn to Paliaade Holding Co, 55 Liberty • mlg $,50,000; JuneO; JunelS'21; A$3S,000-44,000 (E S $15). O C & 100 Cortlandt st, 60; Laura B. wife of Henry J Sehnitzer, lo same; B&S; AT&I; JuneC; June 1°-1- nora Division st, 28-30 (1:289-31), ns, abt 130 w Chrystie, -20.7x147.4x25x1.34.4, O-sty bk tnt & sirs; Solnrann Dannenberg & aim In Muritz IvaiBler, 782 8 nv; ralg ,V.e.OIIII; JunelS; June 10 21; A$43.000-75,000 (E S $.-i4). num Division st, ISI (1:2,SS-S3), ss, nbt 145 w Canal, 28.10x02.4. 3-sty bk tnl & stra; Thekla y Bartels, Bklyn, to Benj Hnrlea, 123 Divis- J-nn'o^Sji""'" *------• Jun<^l-1; Junel5'21; A.T23,- uuu-_4..iiHj. nora Uivision at, 131: Marie Woehrle et al to same; PM mlg $14,000; JuneC; Junel5'21 (R S *-'^- . nora Dyckman st (8:2174-pt It 4G), ws, 100 n Nagle av, lOOxlOO, vacant: Eletn Renltv Curpn to Moris Bienenstock, 1505 ,52d, Bklvn- PAI • mtg .Wl,750; .AIny25; June-20-21; A$----'-If.-—(R ^ I,-*"'- „ O C & 100 Bast Broadway, 5 (1;279-CS), sa, nbt 70 e Oli¬ ver, 2u 4x70x25.1x78, 4-sly bk loft & sir bldg: Centrnl Union Truat Co, TRSTE AVm Eerasen. A%,'?l'neJ,'',?1""'"''"' ^"- J^-'st Uway; June17-21: A$i9.ono--_' (E s .^2). r^ om Eaat ISroadway, 102 (1:282-58), ns, abt loi) w Fike, 2uxl,:i, 4-aty bk tnt & strs: Rami Muaeu- wilz In Hnrris AVulf. 102 E Bwnv. & Mnx Muscnwilz. 119 AA'aahinglun pi; mtg .1:21 l.SO- JunelS; Juiie-JO-21; A$18.COO-25,000 (R S $1). ' X. . „ , o c & ino Bast Broadway. 278 (1:2,87.34). na, abt 85 w Gnuverneur. 21x59.5x21.2x.S9.10. 3-atv bk tnt- InZn" ?'•'"''''.'■ *? Jos Stern. 115 Divisinn; mtg $•'.1X10, JuneLi; Junel7'21; A$11,000-]3.500 (R S *^^'- O C & 100 Elizabeth st. 267-69 (2 :.S0S-28), ws, 83.5 8 Huus¬ tnn. runs w4S.4&S8.3xiiO.0xw5.3xa24.7xeS.7xs24.9 xeS7,l lu Elizabeth xii50.3 lo beg, 1-5 & 1-0-sty ilk tnta & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Savoy Hulding Cu In Franceaeu Eussn, 253 Elizabeth, & Giuseppe Binanti, -237 Elizabeth; mtg $32,- 0."ill; Junel; Junel5-21; A$3O,000-45,0O0 (i: R $23). O C & 100 Forsyth at, 188 (2:421-52), ea, 75 s Stanton, 25x1011. o-stv bk tut & sirs; Harry Halfond to Eriin Ilnltuiid. ISS Fursvth; ratg $17,400; June 15; Junel7-21; A$10,000-23,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 Goerck st. 102 (2:324-7), es, 221.7 n Eiving¬ tuii. 25x98.10, 5-stv bk tnt; Eliz B Flngg, Ornnge. NJ, et al, TRRTER Fredk AV Brittaii, lu Jacub Gellrann, 110 1st; Mny27; JuuelC-21; A$8.I10II-19.IIU0 (E R $101. 16,000 Gouverneur st, 47 (1:208-10), ws, ISO 8 Madi¬ son, 10.11x04.10x17.1x04,3, 4-sty bk tnl, 1-sty exl; Belie .Alexander & ano lo Max Pszenn. 20 Suftulk; ralg $8.1100; PM mlg $2,200; June 15; JuuelC-21; A$0,000-9,000 (E S $S..50). O C & 100 Greenwich st, 739 (2:GS3-41), es, 75.7 n Perry, 18.8x77.10x20x84.10. 2-sty bk tnt; Thomns E Ryan et al to Oscar Owen, 358 AA'est End av; mtg ,$0,500; May23; Junel8-21; A$S,.500-e.0OO (K 5 $i..50). 0 C & 100 Henry st, 161 (1:284-5), ns, abt 170 e Eut¬ gera. 21.8x75, 4-sty bk tnt; AVoinan-s Union .Alissiuiiary Sue nf Araerica to Gold-Mill Eealtv Curpn. 230 Grand; PM mtg $14,000; JunelS '21; A$10,.SII0-17,.500 (E R $10.50). 16,509 IIenr.v st, 178 (l;'270-01), sec Jefferson (Nu 23). 23.10x75. C-sly bk tut & sirs: Ruse Nadler, widuw. indiv & EXTRX AVolf Nadler, lo Chaa Rabin. Tarrytuwn, NY; mlg $39.11110; JuneS: JunelS'21; A.$21.000-4O,00O (E S $31. O C & 100 Houaton st. SOS B (2:325-171. ss, 00 w Mniigin, 20x75, S-aty bk Int & str; AVra Allen, ref, to Frnncis P Gnrvnn. ns Alien Properly Cus¬ todian, olff; FORECLOS ------; Jun«C'21; A . Sl.SOO-.'i.OOO (R S $CXiO). • 6,500 Jefferaon st, 25; aee Henry, 178. Lafayette st, 94-8; see Morningside dr, 50-53. Lafayette st, 100-4; see Morniugside dr, 50- 53. Leonard at, 11-13 (1:179-52), ns, 13S.9 e Hud¬ sun, rnns e50.-2xn91.5xw2S.Sxs—xw25.7xa—xs 02.0 tn beg, 1-sty bk gnrnge: Snrah S Shibley tu Theresa A'illaraena, 204 E llC; I'M mtg ,$.37,- 000; MaySl; June21'21; A$33,000-45,000 (E S $4| neiu Lewis st, 123 (2:330-21), ws. ,50 s Hnuslnn. 25x100, S-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear till; Mngdnlene J Nelsnn, Bklvn, te Leiser Eu- senbnuni. 502 Glenmore nv. Bklvn; B&S; June 14: JunelS-21; A$S.000-15.000 (R S .$3). nora Ludlow St. 183 (2:412-49), ses, nbt 155 s Hou- slnii, 25x87.0. 4-sly bk tnt & sirs & 4-slv bk renr tnt; Bnwery Snvings Bank In Chas Hens¬ le, 91 Fletcher av. Mt Vernnn. NY; B&S; CaG; Jniiel7-21; A$13.500-19.000 (E S $20). O C & 100 Madiaon st, 162 (1:272-44). ss. nbt 45 e Pike. 23x100. 4-sty bk bldg & sir; Alice B Fox to Cungregntinn Rons nf Mnses Analiei Yendsewn, a curpn, 240 Mnd; Juiie-20; June21-21; A$12,.300- 24.000. nora Mangin at, 103 (2 :.324-19-21), 8wc Stanlun (Nus .-5S7-41), 55.4x59.10, 4 & 5-sly bk atable 6 ahup; Jnhn Tiebnut. Bklvn, & ann, EXER & TRRTES Jnhn Tielinut. tn Scientific AVel AVash Laundry, Inc. .3:37 Slantun; Junel7; June 21-21; A$11.000-20,000 (E R .$22). 22,000 New Bower.v, 2-4: aee Pearl, 394-6. New Chambers at. 27Vi-2»; see Pearl, 4S1-3. Norfolk St. 80 (2 ;3,-.2-41). ea, abt 150 n Itruume. 25x100. 4-sly bk loft & sir bldg & 4- aly bk rear tnl: Riiunn Cohen to Annie Cohen, hia wifu. 02 AV 82; July22'14; June20'21 ; A $2ii.OilO-L'0.ono. noni Norlh Moore st. 9 (1 :190-48), na, abt OS e Vnrick. 24.1x75.3x23.8x75.2, 0-atv bk left bldg; Lebertnii Corpn lo Luuis F Rhondea. 2S0 I'rna- i"'i-t sl. Nutley, NJ, & Edgnr TI Bostock, 247' A'reelnnd nv, Nutley. NJ; mtg .$35,000; JunelS- June20-2I; .A$13,3fl0-30.000 (E S $12). O C & ion Fearl St. S19 (1:105-7). na, nbt CO e Ferrv 23.10x100x21x100, 4-sly stn Inft & sir bldg ■ Adiliiie Rpielberger lu Anselm Frankentlmlur', 203 AV 81; i'. pt; AT; Junell; Junel5-21; A $15,000-23,000 (E H $4.50). O C & 100 Pearl St. 394-96 (1:115-1-2), es, at ws New Buwery (Nus 2-4), runs nSCxeSO.S tn New Bow¬ ery, xsw45.ll to beg, S-sly bk tnt & sirs; Bliz M Cuilins, Bklyn, lo Frances Johnson, 197 Ruulh; PM ratg $0,750; JuuelO; Junel7'21; A $0.,SOO-8,.S00 (R S $13). num Pearl st, S94-96; also NEAV BOAVERY, 2-4; Frances Johiixen to Catherine Jackson, 140 Ocean Pkway, Bklyn; ratg $0,750; JunelC; Juiiel7-21. nom Pearl st, 4S1-.SS (1:119-32), ws, 41.8 n New Charabers, runs wC3.4 to New Charabers (Noa 271,4-291 xnw40.4xe98.9 lo I'earl xs2S.4 to beg, 4-sfv Ilk till & atrs; John S Freel to Eliz L & Kalh T Freel, 431 Pearl; Vj pl; Junel6-21; A $22,000-31,000. nom Pearl st, 469; See Park Eow, 148. Pike St. 25 (1:273-4S), es, abt 25 s Henry, 2ox 111.4. 5-slv bk tnt & sirs; Isidure Gewirtz to Lnuis Jacnbs, 1842 7 av; \^ pt; AT; ralg $23,- 500; JunelO; Junel8-21; A$1C,000-32,000 (R S •$1), O C & 100 Pitt st, 21-23 (2:342-59), ws, GO n Broome, 40 x50, C-sty bk tnt & atrs; Enbt J Maeher, Bklyn & aim. tn Herman Klarsfeld, 210 B 28; Mayl2; JuiielS-21; A$13,000-27,500 (E S SOc). O C & 100 Pitt at, 21-33; same prep; Herhian Klarsfeld tn Meyer Taub, 77 Steuben, Bklyn; Mnyl7; JuiielS-21 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Pitt st, 31-23: Rubt J Maeher, Bklyn, to same; liC; Junell; Junel8-21. nom Kidge at, 79 (2:343-27), W3, 150 n Delancey, runs w73xs23xe—xnO.lxe— tn sl, xn24.9 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lnuis L Gill, Bklyn, to Hyman Lander, 107 A'ernun nv. Bklvn; B&S; Vz pt; Junel7; Juuel8-21; A$11,000-18.0IIO (E S $1.50). O C & 100 Kidge st, 155-61 (2:315-20-22), nwa, 200 ue Stanlun. 100x100, 2-S-8tv bk tnts & strs; A$G4,- 000-110,000; alsn ATTORNEY ST, 104 (2:345-7), es, 225 n Stanlun, 24.9x100, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; A.i;i2.000-lS.OOO; Oscar Owen tn Chns N Cnhen, 14 Butler pi, Bklyn; Vi Pt; B&S; mtg $110,000; -AL; Junell; June20-21 (R S SOc). nom Kidge st, 155-161 (2:315-20-22), nws, 200 ne Rtniilun, 100x100, 2-0-3tv bk tnts & airs; A$04,- 000-110.000: nIao -ATTORNEY ST, 104 (2:345-7), es, 225 n Rlnnton, 24.9x100, S-sty bk tut & atra; A$l2,000-18.000; Colurabia Trust Co. TRSTE under deed of trust, et al, to Oscar Owen, 338 AVest End av; mtg $112,000; May'JS; JunelS-21 (R S SOc). 116,500 ■ Spring at, 318-26 (2:490-13), 8ec Clarke (Nos 20-301, runa ell5xsl00xw23xs25xw90 tn Clarke, XU125 tn beg, 2-sty bk garage; Exide Battery Deputs, Inc, to Electric Storage Battery Co, Allegheny av & 19lh at, Phila, Pa ; mtg $------; AL; JunelO; Junel8'21; A$—-------$---------. nora Stanton st, SlSVi-Sl? (2:329-52), ss, 50 w Goerck. 50x75, 5-sty bk tnt & 1-sty bk & fr stable: Frank Rimon et al to Hvinnn Davido- witz. 310 Stnnlon: -:, pt; mtg .$23,750; JunelS; JunelC-21; A.$1S.OIIO-29.I)00 (R S $0). O C & 100 Stanton at, SS7-41; see Mnn gin, 103, Stuyvesant st, 2-14; see 3 av, 29. Thompson st (2:47C-02), see Walls (Nos 5- 15. ur Bruurae st (Nns 507-151. runs elOOxn-20.7 xel8.5xn20.0 te AA'atts, xwl-24.11 tn beg. O-aty bk luft & atr bldg; 225 Central Park AVest Cnrpn to Howard A Eaymond, 7.39 AA'eat End nv: .AL; Junell; Junel0'21; A$13,000-31.000 (R S SOc). . O C & 100 AValker Bt, 91-3; see Morningside dr, 50-53. Wall Kt, 6 (1:40-12), na. 92.3 e Bwnv. runs n 4S.Cxe0.7xii27.2xel9.2xs73.11 to St. xw22.3 to beg 10-sty bk office & sir bldg; Americnn Suretv Co nf N Y' to lat NntionnI Bnnk of N Y' 2 AVnII; June20; June21'21; A.$305,000-.325.flno (R S .$4,30). o C & 100 Waahington st (2;.3n3-1G). ws, CO a Cnnnl, 70 xlOO. 8-sty bk stnrage: A.');47.000-120.n00; alan '/. pt INTERIOR LOT (2:.395-9). begina CO a Can¬ al & 100 w AA'ashiugtun. runa s24xw20xn-Mxe''0 tu beg. vacniit; A.$2.0IIO-2,000; Coaatwiae Ware¬ houses. Inc, tu de Lnvnl Holding Corpn. 110 AA' 40: mtg $90,000; PM mtg $45,000; JunelS; Jnne 10-21 III S,$90l. O C &100 AV-atls at, 5-15; see Thuniiison, sec AA'ntts. The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement wUl lead to pro»ecutlo»