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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 108, no. 4: July 23, 1921

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- ' «Mt'l'l \.\ .AMU UKONX RECORFS SECTION ■ ICL-TIU-N -l»«l FOUNDED 1668: AND ^^ BUILDERS GUIPE DEVOTED TO REAL ESTATE, BUILDING HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IK GREATER NEW YORKAND VICINITY This section Includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages ai.d SatlsfleJ Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suit! Judgments In Foreclosure Sulfa. Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Afrectli\ Keal Estate, Building Loan Contracts, W ills and Real Ksiaie Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2784) NEW YORK, Jl'LY 2.'J, 1921 No. 1 CONVEYANCES. Manhattan. JULV IS. 14. 13, 10, 18 & 19. -Academy st. 682 (8:22.37-13). wa, 223 n Bway, .''()xl45.5x.30.7xl.'i7.0. S-stv bk tnt; AVm J AVeir, Riveredge, NJ, to Jos Preiser, 109 AV 114; mfg $4(I.(;00; July15'21; A.fl1,000-81.000 (R S $45). O C ^ 100 Bank st, 108-110 (2:034-27), as, 117 w (ire.-n- wich, runs s72.Sxe20.3xne12xiiOO to Bank xw 31.3 fo beg; also GREE.NWICH ST. 70O. ws, 99.4 s Bank, ruua iiwSlxnw22.0xiieSxw20.3xslO xae41.1(lxeS4 fo (Jreenwich iie17.0 fo beg: also CREENWICH ST. 702. ws. ,S2 s Bank, runs w SS.Ox—25.Sxs2xsl4.5xe2S.8xe.'iS.5 to sf Xlll7.0 fo beg. 1-sty bk stable; .Aletropolitau Savings Bank to Hudson Wet AVash Laundry Co. 110 Nassau: BA:S: CaO; Julyll; JulylS'21; .A$22.- 000-3.5.00:1 111 S .$15). O C & 100 Bethune st. 24 (2:040-00). na. 147 n- Oreen- wich., S-sty bk tnt: Tony Beliilowich. i;iS Brown pl. fo John Scipich or Sepich, 90 Creeuwiih; B&S; CaO; Julyl2; JhIv14-21; A .f5.,500-7,000 (R S .1.2). O C *i 100 IJicecker st, S85-S7Vi!: see I*err.v. 87. Canal st, 185-7 (1:205-.-{0), nwc Mott (No 97), ."OxIOn.S. 0-sty atn loft A.- str bldg; A.'il.37.(100- 110.000; also .AIOTT ST, 99 U:205-2!l), ws. 1(10.3 u Canal. 25xlO(;, 0-sfy bk factory; .A.$1V.()0(I- :i7.(;00: Pauline K Schrenkeiseu fo Hilda P Schrenkelseii. 723 Riverside dr ; IS part; AL ; Jnue'.i: Jnlyl9'21. iium Catherine st, 1-5; see Division, IS. Columbia sf, 50-2; see Delancey, 200. Dciancfy st. 2(18 (2:313-72). ns, .50 w Pitt. 25x75. 5-sfy lik tnt it strs: Philip Morrison & ano. E.XRS Bernaril .Applebanin. to Jos Wirk- lirh. -2(',s Delancey : .AT; mlg .$18,000; Juiic22; JiilylS'lil; .A.'(;i1.(l(;(l-20.(l(l(l (R S .fS). 12.(100 Oilaiucy St. 2(18; Fanners Loan & Trust Co & ano. EXRS A: TRSTES Morris Morrison, to same; AT; mtg .$18,000; June22; Julv15-21 IR S *S). 12.mio Delancey st, 266 (2:3.33-771, nec Columbia (Nos 50 & .321. •25x100. 0-sfy bk tnt & strs; Sophie L Nagin. Bklvn. fo Morris Sleeker -201 Eldridge:' mtg .$29..5(1(1; pM mtg ?!8..5O0- Julv IS; Julyl9-21; A$15,(IIM)-40,000 (R S ^(9.50). ' „ nom Division St. 1-3 (l:2Sl-64), aee Cath (Nos 1- 5), 3.8.Sx70.10.\.S.S.lx71.S. .3-sfy bk tnl & strs; Central Union Trust Co, TRSTE AVm Rem¬ sen, lo Irda Realty Co. 1 Division- Julvl2- JulylS'21: A$0O.fH)0..S0.O0(l (R S .$93). 95,flO!l Division st, 15 * 15M: (l:2sl-,37), as, abt 170 e Cath. 25x1;. blk. 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Sadie Sclnanmaii. Bklyn. fo Saiilo|ili Holding Corpn. 5 Bi'iliiiian: mtg .$18.00(1: I'M mt;.- ifti; . 7.''0; Jnlyl-J: JulylI'L'l : .A.$:;s.50() 7S.i)0(i (R S *"!!,'■ O C & 100 East Broadway, 91 (1:2.82-31) ss abt "90 w Pike. 25x90x24.4x9(1: also MA MIATT.A.N BRIDCiB APPROACH. 11,.,- Henrv. runs eS.7 xna.)xw-25xsl4.5 to Manliattan Bridge .Approach xae7S.8 to beg: also IIKNRV ST. .SI ns 2:17 5 e Market. 25x85.8x25xS5.2. 7-stv bk loft >V sir bldg: Lazarua Realty Co to Lazarus Levy US AV 118; Dec-.S1'20: Julyl8'21; A.$.31.llOO-l-2.3'.- 000. „„iij Essex st, 148-50 (2;:i54-9-]0), es, abt 100 s Stanton. .SOxlcO. 1-4 >>i 1-6-sfv bk tnts & strs & .1 it 6-sty bk rear tots: Ad.i L Harris. :17 5 av. fo Meilech A: Irving Katz. 171 Tavlor. Bklvn. & Pincus Katz. .80 So 10. Bklvn; mtg .$24 000- June21; Julyl6'21; A.$10.000-.5(i,0(IO (R S .$:iM. O C & 100 Forsyth st (2:419). ws. 100.7 s old scoilli line of Delancey st. 0.11x11)0.lllxO.O to D,.|iiiicc.y (as widcnedl, XlOO.10; Allii-rf AVelcli et al lo .iacob J Lazaroc, Far Rockaway, NA'; JnlvS; Jiilv ]3'21 (R S .$,S.50). ()',■ & ,110 Fulton sf, 242: aee AVashington, 192. <;oerck st. 122 I2::i25-10), nec Stauton (Nos :'.22-4i. 70x32.2. S-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos II Man delbanm & ano. TRSTE Israel Isaacs, fo .Alor- decai Gooen, 122 Goerck, & Bessie, hia wife. teiiaiifs bv entiretv; PM mtg $211.(10(1; Jnne21; Julyl3'21; .A.$l(l.0l)(i-23.0OO (R S $21). 24.000 (ircriiwich sf, 700-2; see (ireenwich. 108-10. Huniiltou pl. 105 (7 :-207:;-:i9). ses. 10.0 s 112d. 10,4x01.3x15x51.10. S-sty & h bk dwg: Irene B Cox to .Annie 1, Rii-ker. 105 Ilainilfoii pl; B,.tS; mtg .$'.1.3110; Julyll; Julvl8'21 ; A.$5.000- 7.."CD IR S .$S). nom Henry sf, 81: see East Bway. 91. Ilriiry st. !I9-Ifll ; see Pike. 20-'24. Isham Kt (8:'224S-1|, nwc Bway, 27Sxll5x i.s;;,8x115.10. vacant: .Anu'ricau Itealf.v Corpn to Dormar Realtv Corpn. 135 Bway: Bit.S; JlllvIS; Jnlvl5'21; A.$9(),000-'JO,000 |R"S .$01. O C & 100 James slip, 19 (1:110-7). sws, at nws South (No 1.V7). 21.11x30.2. 4-stv bk lilt & strs; -Adele L Colmaii. Bklyn. lo Edw B Fife, Jr. 73 Maid¬ en la; I'.Al mlg .$10,000; MarSO; Julyl4"21; A $8..50()-ll.(l(l0 (R S .$13). nom Lulayttte sf, :i84-8; see 4th. 2-20 B. Lewis st, ;i2 12 :.-{27-.SS). es, 149.3 u Broome. 2.3x100. O-sty bk tnt & strs; Bessie Blicher to Jiida Lemnart ,S: .Saml Alfinan. ;i2 Lewis: mtg .$17.7.5(1: Jul)13; JulylC'21; A$7,(I(IO-2'2,300 (R S .S'l.SO). nom Ludlow st, 82-84 (2 :100 .S5-.S01. eS. 00 n Broome, 40x05.7, 2-5-sty lik flits & strs; (Jeo Kerner et al to Morris Lapides. 28 Orcliard; mtg .$20.7.50; Julvl4; Julv1S'21; .AS20.500-:i'2.()00 iR S $10). O C & 100 Ludlow st, 1C8 (2:412-42), es. 51 n Stanton. 21.9x110. 5-slv bk tnf it sirs; AVm B Gunshor fo Barney AValler. 193 Keaii. Bklvn: mfg .$31.- o:;0: Jniie27'19: Julyl4'21; AlflS.o6o-20,000. nom Maiden la, 22 (1:04-2), sws. abt 10 w Nassau. 17x35.0x15,5x31. 5-sfy stn loft it str bldg: Chas S Crossinan to J Bhrlich & Sons. '223 0 av: mtg .$39.0110; JunelS; Julyl5'21; A$00.000-(iS.OIIO (R S $0:!..5O). O C it 100 .Aliinror st, 135 (1:271-6). ns. abt 1,50 w Jef¬ ferson. 2(1.1xVi. blk, S-sfy bk tnt it strs; Solo¬ mon Rosalsky. et al. fo Maurice AA'eingartcii. \-'x M;idisoii. .t Ros;. Chaif, 201 .Madison; mtg .•^l".."!)!): P.M mlg $2..-0ll; June22; Jnly19'21: A :flo.i)i;ii-Sii..3iio iR s .$91. O C it loo .Aloft st, 97-9; see Canal. 185-7. .■Mott St. 285-87 (2:509-29-;i0), ws. abt 115 a HoiiKioii. 40x00.0. 2-S-afv bk tnts: Central Union Trust Co. E.XR it TRSTE Michael (Jaf- iicy. to Dormioid Realtv Co. :i.s I'ark Row; Julyll; Jnlyl5'21; .A.$22.(i(IO'23,0110 (R S .$21). 21.(101 Alott st, 285-87: Dormond Realty Co to Saml AA' lliinfoon. 2.53 No AValnnt st. East Orange. NJ: mfg $16,000; PM mfg .$5,000; Julvll; Jiilv 15-21 IR S .$12). (■) C it 100 ,Moft St. 289-91 (2:.309-27-2S). ws. 70 a Hous¬ ton. 4ii.1x.'-;9. 5-sty bk fnt & strs: Batterv Park Realty Cornn to Saml AA' Hnntoon. 2.3S No Walnut at. Baaf Orange. NJ ; mfg .$17.0(K1: Jiilv 14; JuIylS'21; A.$22,500-37,000 (R S .$20i. O C it KK) Aloylan mI. 51-7. or 126X11 st. 551 AA' |7:19M- Si. lis. 150 u r.way. lOOxOO.ll. 1 & 2-s(y bk garat'c; .Abr Liiger lo Chas Gornian. 833 For¬ est av : li Pf; A i': mfg .$58,300: PM mtg .$12.- (l('0; JnlylS; Jiilyl3'21; .A.$41.000-73,000 (R S $2ii). nom Pcrr.v st, 85: see Perrv, 87. Perry st. 87 (2 :(i22-thi's & Bleecker .S.87 it ",yTV:. lot 701. nec Bleecker (No 383). runs u 21.11xr27.8xii3.2xe0.Sxs27.1 to Perry, xwSI to beg. S-sfy fr tnt it sirs; also BLEECREU ST. .",.';7 (2:022), es. 21.11 u Perry, runs e27.8 Xii5.2xe5.4xnl2xw.-',:', fo St. xslO.S fo beg. S-sty fr tnt it strs; also BLEECKER ST. :i.87r.'. 12': 022). es. 38.4 ii Perry. 18.7x:iSx17,10x:',:f, 4- sly bk tnf it strs: .A.$l 0..5(10-21.000 - also PER¬ RV ST. ,85 12:0-22-001. ns. 34 e Bleecki-r. runs c 21.1\li20.2xw0.7xoS0.8xw2l.(;xs29.10 xeO.11 s-27.1 111 beg. S-stv fr lot: .\$7..3(IO 9.000: Wm C 'I'inini. EXR ('.•ithariiie M Timiii, to Williams- Ilex lio- Co. isr, Ri.iiiseii. Bklyn; mfg .$1.3.0ii(i: .lillyl.S: Jlllyl9'21 iR S $201. 35,000 Prrrv ft. 87: also BLEECKER ST. 387- a'so BLEFCKI-;R ST. :iS7i'. ; also PERRY ST. sr,: Wm C Timio 111 same; mlg .$15,000 ■ Jiilv IS; JulylO-.'l. „,„■„ I'ikc sf. -20-24 (1:'282-15), nwc Henrv (Nos 09-1011, 07.0.\,S5.4, 1-0 & 1-S-sfy bk tnts it atrs ; Jatisiin Constn Co to Barnet Breitman. lo.i Eldridge; BitS ; JulylS; Julyl0'21: . A$e.Otlo- lOl'i.oo;) iR S $29). O C it 100 Sf .Marks pl. 12 (2:40S-1V5), ss, 178 e 3 av, •20x 12(1, 5-sly bk till it sirs; National Surety Co lo Anna' M Brindell, 1.890 Daly av. Bronx; Bits: mtg $18,000; Julyll; Julyl3'21; A$20,- 000-50,000. '^ova South st, 187: aee Jamea al, 19. stantou St. .-122-4; see (Joerck. 122. Sutton pl. 5, or ,\v A. 1(158 (5:1:5721, eS, 40.O n .57th 20x70.;'.. 4-stv stn tut; Geo M Osborn to Carol W Ericksou, 2K Charlton; B&S; July IS- JnlvlS-21; A$0.000-1S,000 IR S .$35). o c & 100 Washington pl, 76 (2:5.32-15). awa. 189.8 86 6 av 22.4x90.2. S-atv it b bk dwg; Henry C Picrcy. 2d. et al. EXRS Zaehary T Piercy, to I'asoualc .Alargarella. 115 AVash pl; Julyll; Jnl\15'21: A.$13.0(IO-22.000. 25,(100 AVashingfon st, 192 (1:82-19). awe Pulton (No 242). S4.10x24.SxS4.3x20, 4-sty bk tut ic sirs: Henry Leminermann, Youkers. NY, to Bessie, wife of Daniel Pascale, 242 Pillion; mtg .$11,000; July7; Julyl8'21; A$2G.000-30.- fOO (R S $-23). nom AVest sf, 70 l1:.33-9), es. 1.SS aw Carlisle, runs e87.10xs5.3xel.0xs19.7xw.S7.1i to at xii25 to beg, 3-stv bk storage; Edw C Cammann. EXR & TRSTE Daniel it Newliold Edgar, to Barrett Bldg Co. 17 Batterv ol; Julvl2; Julyl5'21; -A .$12.i:0l)-1,s.0l:0 IR S $52,3(ll. .52,500 21) St. 21-25 E i2:1.57-20-'22), sa. 235 e Bow¬ ery. 0IIXS2.8x01.3x70.2. vacant: Fredk Johnson it'aiio. TRSTES uiiiler ih-.-d of trust, et al, to M E F Corpn. SO E 42; June22; Julyl9'21; A $23.0;;0-2.5.(l(!O IR S $2()..30). O C it 100 3D st, 73 E (2:445-.50), na. 3.30 e 2 av, 25x96.2, G-stv bk tnf & stra: A.$1S,OOII-S5.000; also SOTH ST. 2;iO-S B (5:1.3-23-31). as. 147.1 w 2 av. runs w10xs79.2xse—xe5.0xlll02.2 fo beg. 6-sfy bk tnt & strs: .A$8.30fl-14.()0O; Harry J Berliant to Maria Berliant. 970 Pox, Bronx (R S SOc). gift 4TH St. 2-20 E (2:.3Sl-fl). SWC Lafayette (Nos S81-S). runs s7S.llxw98xn27.7xwl77.2 to Bway iNos (-,92-11. xlilS.S to 4fh. xe27.5.S fo beg, 12- sty Ilk loft it str li'dg: AViiiter it AVilkcs, Inc, it ano. to Saml K Jacobs. AViiodmcre. LI; mtg $1.0(1.-.(IIIO: JulvIS; Julv10'21; A$300.000-1.125,- 000 IR S $105). O C & 100 4Tlf st, 177-9 E; see Av A. .39. f.TH st, :184 E (2:377-24), ss, .377.10 e Av C, 24.7x97.0. 4-sfv bk tnf: A$10.000-1S.OOO; also STll ST. .'',,80 'b (2:377-251. as. 402.5 e Av C. 24.7x97.0. 4-sty bk tut: A$10.0()0-1S.OOO; R & O Realty Co to Hyman AA'einsfock. 900 Jeunii-cs, Bronx, it .Tennie. his wife, tenants by entirety: mtg .$14..500; JulylS; Julyl4'21 (R S $5..30). O C & 100 8TH at, 386 E: see Sth, 384 B. 9TH sf, S5(l-2 E; see 1 av. 14.3. !TII M. 64S E (2:392-41). lis. ISS w .Av C. 23 v;i2S. 5-stv bk fnt ct strs: Lillie Keller it ano. E.XTRXS it TRSTES Thei.dore KcMit to Mor¬ ris Levine .3:i2 E 0; June2S; Jnlv19'21 : .A$13- OOII--20.000 IR S $17..50). 17.500 9TH St. 723 E (2:.-579-.3S). nea. 283 ae Av C, 20x92.3. 4-sfy bk fnt & tars: Max Kipperman, 182 E Iloualon, to Beckie Kipiierinan. 182 E Houston ; JulvO; Julyl4-21; A.$G.OI)()-8.000 IR S $9). O C it 100 CTII St. 72S E: Beckie Kipperman lo Selig GiMlJiiskv. 4120 12th. Bklvn; Mav Kipperman, 182 E Houston: Alir Yalkut, 1480 43d, Bklvn, * Harrv BliimeMfe'd. 019 Eagle av: Julv 0: Jiilyl4'21 (R S $9i. O C & 100 lOTH st, 29 W 12:571.59). lis. 410.0 w 5 aV. 25.1x!l4.9. 4-sty it b bk dwg; Ernest Ilarvier, E.XR ('■celia F Ilarvier. to Julian 1) Tren- holni. 27 W 10; JulylS; Julvl3'21 ; A$21,()00-2<).- 0(!i) IR ■■, $:!8). nom IITH Bf, 515 E 12:105.51). ns. 195.0 e Av A, 25x103.3. 5-sty Ilk till it strs: Sam Rachelson to Ida Siilkeii. 2301 .S3(l. Bklvn: Sept-29'20: Julv 13'2I : A$l().0(;0-17.000 IR S $17..50). O C it 100 I4TH St. 132-36 W (2:009-20), aa, 425.6 w 0 av. 71.0x103.3. 7sly bk loft it str bldg; Wm Prager to Royco Realtv Corpn. 100 Worth; >/o part: AT: mtg $125,000; July12; Julvl4'21; .A?,8I).(',<)I)-L'()(I.0II0 (R S $:!5|. O C & 100 The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.