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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 108, no. 25: December 17, 1921

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HANUATXAN AND BBONX RECORPS SEC! ION HBCTION TWO BUILDERS riiiiipg OEVPTEO TO REAL ESTATE, BUtlDINC HANACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORKAND VIONITY This •ecclon Includes all recorded Conrayanoaa, macallanaoua ConveyaDcei, Mortrages, Aaalgrnmenta ot Mortgasea aiid Satla3»> Mortcragea and Mortgage Bxtenalona,«a, Auction Sala% -Voluntary Auction Salea, Advertiaed Legal Salea, Forecloaure 8uK, Judgmenis in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendana, Mschanica' Liens, 3atlsflnd Mechanics' Llena, Attachmenta, Chattel MortKagea AfTectli^ Raal Eatate. Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Keal lisiate .\ppralsala In tha Borougb of Manhattan. Vol. CVIII. (2805) NEW YORK, DECEMBER 17, 1921 No. 2^ C CONVEYANCES. DEC. Manhattan, 7. .s. '.I. 10. 12 & 13. Barclay st. 97-I0I; aee Oreenwich, 224-6. Baxter st, 146 (1:235-10), ws, abt 175 s Grand, 25x75, S-sty bk loft & str bldg : A$12,- 0(10-21,000; also CENTER ST, 214 (1:235-Sl. e 8. abt 175 s Oraiul. 25x71.2, except part for Ceiiire, S-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$12,000-1S,- 5(K); Jos 1' Crciivcs. Spring Valley, NY, B.\R Helen D Wiiians, lo Bide-.\-W'oe Home Assn. Inc, 410 E :i.S; ralg $:IS,000; AL; Novl; Dee7 '21. distribution of estate Broome st, 1'28 (2:.342-61l. ns, 25 w Pitt, 25 x60, 5-sty Ilk Inl & strs; Saral Jlichaliskv to Max .4briiiiis. .Ml Pitt: ratg $14,500: AL; Nov 20; Uec!l'2l ; .\.1;!I.(MII1-1.5.000. nora Canal st, 407 (2 :.-i!l4-112l, UWS, 7.S.4 nw Watts, also 07.4 sc Renwick. runs ne:i2xn.38.0xwli.llxa 24.0xsw:i0.10 (o st xsel7.1 lo beg, 3-sly bk tut & sir; Proviclentiiil Realty & Investing Co to Manning-Bcrnliiird Reallv & Consln Co, 233 Bway; ratg .1:4,000; Sept2; Dec7'21; A$5.000- 8,000. O C & 100 Center st. 214; see Baxter, 14C. Clinton st. 7i>; see Rivington, IGS. Crosby sl. 43 (2:482-21, es, 112.3 n Broorae, 24.11x100. S-aty bk warehouae; Louia .T Oi-een- berg to Donato Caatellano, 1.3.33 E 07, Bklyn; mtg .f27,(KI(l; Novl4; Decl0'21; A.$13,0flO-27.flflO (It S .fSl. 33.000 Eldridge st. 331 (2:422-041, ws, 1110.2 n Stan¬ ton, :{7X10O.\37.3XlOfl. O-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Lieberman to 231 Eldridge Sl Realtv Co; mtg J.36,400; Nov:jO; DecS'21; A$24,01X)-53,000 (R S «9). 100 Eldridge »t. 'i:t5 (2:422-62). ws. 137.2 n Stan- tor., :J7.3x11IO. 0 sly bk tnt & strs; Jos Lieber¬ man to '2:15 E'dridge St Realty Co: ratg .$:i3,- 11(10: .\L: Nov.30; DecS'21; A$24,00O-53,000 (R S ?12i. 100 Gold St. l'i-14; see Piatt. 20. Ornnd st. 441-6 (2:341-1)7). nec Ridge (Nos lfi-20i. 43.10x100, O-sty bk tnt & Strs; Borough Security Corpn to Saiul Lewis, 2 W 120; ralg J6;i,OflO; P.M ralg .1:33.000: DecO; Dec7-21; A t41,0(10-SO.OOo (R S .$3S). O C & 100 Greenwich sl. 'ZZl-d (1:12S-1 & 22), nwc Bar¬ clay (Nos 07-1011. runs wOlxnOI.SxelS.I xs42.5x e40.7 to Oreioiwicb xa.3n.ll to beg, 4-sty bk loft & sir blilg: Wra Jlinder to Redmin Realty Corpn. 07 liiircliiyj. llltg^ i:------; Jul.v2S; Dec7 '21; A$.")4.(100-04.(1(1(1 (R s .Hlft). nora Greenwich st, S'.iS (2 :.S07-3,S), es, abt 25 Van¬ dam, — X—. 4-Bty bk tnt & stra & S-aty bk rear tnt: A.1!11..-flfl-14.0(X); alao OREENWICH ST. .SOI-IIS (2:(;ofl-!il It 43). ea, —a Clarkson, —X—. pt 5-siy bk loft bldg; Alf-------If------; Caroline H Weeks. 20 Hamilton ter, widow, to Ralph T \\-cika, 20 Ilamiltou ter; CeciUa L Grout. 20 Ilaioillon ter. & Annie JI Fink, .502 W 144. Iicira Carylslc H Weeks; QC; AT; Nov 5; DcclO-i'l (R s .111. gift Grrenwirli st. XtS (2:.5!17); also OREEN- WICII ST. .-,!ll OS (2:1100); .Matilda H Bridge. 245 St.Milien. Bklyn. to same; QC; AT; Nov22- Dec10'21 (R S ?4|. 4,000 Greenwich st. 59l-5i see Greenwich. .535. Henry sl. IKI) (I :'.'.S5.0I, ns, abt 120 e Jef¬ ferson, 2Sx.'!7.«, Osty bk tnl & strs: Harry Glickraan to Siivillc & Hvinan Levin, .SL'S East¬ ern I'kway. Bklyn: nitg .1(21.(100 & PM mtg »0.(KI(I: Ilcci: l>ec7'21: A.i;i3..SflO-31.fllKi (R s »l. 100 Hcsler st. BS (1:310.35). ns, 42.10 w Easex, 22.10xl(Ki, 1-aly bk atr; Fredk Tomkina, South Orange, NJ. to EdWh F Erwin, St Augustine, Fla: PJI mlg .i;ii,.s!iLV.I4 & transfer tax lien of $'2,fl!PS.43; Nov.'iO; DccI2'21 ; A5:22,.500-2S,000 (R S .f20). nom Jane sl, IS (2:025-331. ss. OS.O w S nv, 22.0x 60.2x27x:!.-i.:!. :; sly & O bk ilwg; Isabel Wens ley, 2.'<.s I'iirk av. .N.-wiirk. S.I. legatee Julia F Lemke. lo John S Madhews, :!01 W 12- ratg *fi.flfl(i: DecS: Dcc7'21 : AJ5.0IKI-8,000 (R S .f3). O C & 100 La Salle st. «8. lat* I25TH st, RU W (7:- 10711 401, ss. 175 w .4raa av, 2SxlOO.ll, S-sty bk tnt & atrs; Bertha Kahn to Bernhard Jlayer, 41 V. 72; B&S; ■•. pt; AL; July30'lS; Decl2'21; .\.i;i:i.(l(Ki-22,OflO. nora Lu Salle st, 6H. late 125TH st, 514 W; sarae 10 Sural Weil, 222 Leuox av; Benj J Weil, 21 E .X2; & Louis V Weil, 52 B 75. E.\RS Jonas Weil: y. pl; Julv30'18; Decl2'21. uora Lispeiiiu-d st. 8 (1:102-24), ss, rifl.2 e West Bwiiv. 2fl.0xO0x20.GxC0, O-sty bk lofl bldg; Jliirioii Young lo Walter F Sykes, G2fi 2d st, Bklyn: mtg .$-22,000; May3'20; Dec0'21; A$0,- .-10(1-23,(100. nora Lispenard st. 46-S (1:104-21!), ss, 152,G e Church, 47.11x03.8x48.2x03.8, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Edw Iiowling, ref, lo Norlin Realty Corpn, 27 Williani; P.\RT1TI0N ; Decl2; Dee 13-21: .\$32.000-.50,000 (R S .$.51). 51.0OI» Mercer st, 117 12:400-20), ws, 200 n Spring, 2.-1x1011. S-stv bk loft & sir bldg; A$l.S,(IOO-32,- (:(K1; also JIERCBR ST, 110 (2:400-28), ws, 223 11 Spring, 25x100. 5-sty bk loft & str hldg; A $1S,00(1-32,(H!0; Albion Realty Co lo JIalhilda I.owv. -2SSS Grand Concourse; nilg .$.57,500: DecS; Dec7'21; A$lij.lK)fl-32.0flfl (R S $17.i"i0). O C & 100 .Mercer st, 119; see Jlercer, 117. Jlercer st. 263-8; see 4th, 0-11 W. Minetta st, 4 (2:542-23), nwa, 130.4 ne Bleeck¬ er, 22.1x75, 2-sty bk & fr dwg; Win Lnstgart- cii & Co, IS I'ark Row, lo Vincent C Pepe, 1(1 So Wash 8(1; B&S; DecO; Decl(r21; A$4,- (100-4..500 (R S S4). O C & 100 Jlonroe st. 26-26>/. (1:253-04). ss, 225.2 w Jlar- kc(. •21l.lOx.S2x:iO.Ix40.5, O-sty bk tnl & strs; .Iacob Pick to .Tennie Levine; Mt pt; mtg .$27,- 000; AL; .\prl'10; DecS'21; A.$l 1.000-2.3,000. O C & 100 .tlonroe st, 364 (1 :201-42), ss, 12S.S w Jack¬ son. 25x85.8x25x87.6, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt; Philip Flesi-hler to Jlorris S Nelson, 240'/^ B Houston. & Danl Williara, 108 Williams "av, Kklyii; mlg .$5,700; NovlS; Dec8'21; A$!l.0flO- 0..S00 (R S .$2,501. nora .Mott St. 1110 (1:204-4), es, 175 s Hester, 2Sx 04. S-sty bk tnl & strs & S-sty bk rear tnt; Donato Boffa et al to Carme'a Polisena. 1414 Sllh. Bklyn; ratg $18,000; Nov2a; Dec7'21; A .$I(l.;-.flO-20.(K10 (R S $41. O C & 100 .Mulberry st. 114-16 (1:205-8-0), es, 150 8 Ilcaler. 50x100, 2-S-sty bk tnts & strs & 2-5- sly Ilk rear lofl bldgs; Douato Boffa et al to Carraela Polisena, 1414 ,54th. Bklvn; mlg .$30,- O.-iO; Nov20; Dec7'21; A$34,00fl-54,l)00 (R S $81. O C & 100 Pitt st, 49 (2:343-00), ws, 75 n Delancey, 25 x75. I sly bk Int & strs; Sophie Gecker, Bklyu, to Siiiol Ruiles, 235 Amstel Blvd, Arverne, LI; mlg $10,00(1: AL; Dec2; Deel2'21; A$10,000-13,- 00(1 (R S .$2..-(ll. nora Piatt st, 14-18; sec Piatt, 20. Phitl St. 20 (1:00-23). sws at ses Gold (No UI. runs swG7.!lxsel8.8xne3.6xnwfl.fixiie01.4 to I'liill xiiw23.Il to beg. 4-sty bk lott & str bldg; A.$30,0(K» :!G.Oflfl; also PLATT ST, 18 (1 :- (10-2II, sws, 23.11 sc Gold, runa sw01.4xseO.Cxsw 3xsc- xnelll.4 lo Pliitt xuw20 to beg, 4-aty bk lofl & sir bldg; A$10,000-2C,ono; also PLATT ST. 10 (1:C0-'25I, ws. 43.11 s Gold, runs wC1.4x slS.Ixe:!xs0.llxe.S0.2xn20.1 to beg, 4-aty bk loft & sir blilg; A$18.0IMI 21,000;' mso PLATT ST, II (I :(lii-'20), ws, 04 s Gold, runs w.Sli.2xiiO.Cxw 2S.SxslS.lIxe.S3.1 to Piatt xn20 to beg, 4-sty bk lofl & sir bldg; A.$-2O.O00-24.OflO; also GOLD ST. l-J (1:00 221, aes, 23.1x43.2x2.5.5x48.4, 4-sty Ilk loft & atr bldg; A$10,000-21,000; Harry •\i.....son. Inc. to Gold & Piatt Co. .38 Park Row: mlg $2I5,0(HI: AL; Decl; I)ecS-21 (R S ■$871. o C & Iflfl Renwick st. 44 (2;S94-pt It 74), es, 53.0 s Spring. 21.11x20, 2-sty bk tnt; Thos W JliUer, .Mien Properly Ciislmlian, to Reyvan Realty C'o, 32 Nassau; I'M mtg J2,'250; DecS; Decl'2 '21 ; A.$------.$-----(It S .$:i..'-|Oi. s,26i> Renwick sl, 11: Reyviin Really Co to Isidore Ciiliii. .-|() Moriiiiigsiile av; inlg $2,250; PM nilg .$.-,0(1; Di.i'.l; DecI2-2I IR S'.$2). nom Renwick Nt. •!« (2:5il4-pt It 74), es, 40 a Spring, 13.0x20, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Thos W .Miller, Alien Property Custodian, to Reyvan Reallv Co, .-12 Nassau; PJI ratg $2,250; DecS; lic(-12'2l; A.$------$------ (R S $3,501. 3,250 Renwick st, 46; Reyvan Realty Co to Isi- iloi-c Calm, iSO Morningside av; mlg $2,2.50; PM mlg .$50(1: DecO; Decl2'21 (R S .$2). uom Renwick st, 48; see Spring, 300. Kidgc St. 16-30; see Grand. 444-6. i