May 7, 1904.
& Beninati the 5-sty tenement 352 East 13th st for five years at
an aggregate rental of $11,500.
E, V, Pescia & Co. have sublet for Prank Crovara tbe. 6-sty
tenement with stores, 206 West 41st st, for a term of five years,
at the aggregate rental of $1T,000; the same flrm has leased for
Jacob Coben the 5-sty double tenement 315 East T4th st, for a
term of flve years at the aggregate rental of $8,000; for Dr.
Michele Di Santi to Antonio Longordo, 40 and 42 Thompson st,
for a term of five years at an aggregate rental of $32,400.
Pocher & Co. report the sale of 4-sty private house, 1167 Mas¬
sachusetts av, Washington, D. C, for the estate of L. T. Robin¬
son to John H. Mosleir for occupancy.
Herbert A, Sherman has sold for James G. Cannon, represent¬
ing the Scarsdale estates, to Oliver Harriman, a tract of forty-
two acres at Rye, N. Y. Tbe property, which adjoins Mr. Harri-
man's present holdings and those of Whitelaw Reid, will be con¬
verted into a park.
Real Estate Notes.
The subway will, of course, be finished sometime.
A correspondent at McLean Heights writes that the demand
for houses in that section continues unsatisfied.
The agitation by the people of the Bronx for the Portchester
Railroad has all the aspects of unanimity and vigor, but not that
of successful effectiveness.
J. Arthur Fischer represented the owner in the sale of 246
West 37th st and 241 West SGth st, purchased by James H. Ottley
of McCall & Co., last week.
Cohen & Glauber, real estate operators and well known in-the
speculative market, have removed their offices to the Palmly
building, 165-16T Broadway.
Hagen & Slevin, real estate agents, appraisers and brokers,
have moved their offices to 231 West 116th st, where they will
be pleased to receive their many clients.
Cbarles Rubinger & Co., real estate brokers and agents, bave
removed to No, 98 2d av, where they have large and handsome
offices, well equipped, and with every facility for their large and
growing business.
■George A, Carroll, real estate broker, of Broadway and West
End av, has taken into partnership Mr. Pierre F. Clautice, and
henceforth the firm will be known as Carroll & Clautice, They
will retain their present oflices.
The flrm of L. M. Mosauer & Co., of No. 1689 Madison av, has
been dissolved, Mr. Mosauer retiring and forming a new partner¬
ship with Morris Marks and Moses Mendelson under the flrm
name of Mosauer, Marks & Mendelson. They bave opened pleas¬
ant offices at No. 337 Wiilis av, near 141st st, where they will
confine their labors mostly to Bronx Borough.
Folsom Bros, have leased for Joseph F, Solari a 5-sty building
on the northwest corner of llth st and University pl, 25x100, to
Messrs. L. A. Cuneo and John Fogliasso for a term of 21 years at
an aggregate rental of about $100,000. The lessees are to con¬
vert this old landmark, known for past 40 years as Solari's cafS
and restaurant, into a modern store and loft building.
The East Tremont Taxpayers' Association have petitioned the
Board of Estimate to take action In the matter of the city ac¬
quiring title to the land situated between East ITSth st, Boston
rd and the Southern Boulevard for the logical and symmetrical
completion of the Crotona Parkway. They say the permanent
improvement of the parkway to this extent would be a lasting"
benefit not only to the locality but to tbe city at large. Tbe
local board of improvements have approved of the appeal.
The "To Lets" and ■'For Sales" of the real estate flrm of Pocher
& Co, played a baseball game last Sunday at Long Island City,
Score: To Lets, 22; For Sales, 23; batteries, Ryan and Kirby,
and Reed, Buller and Furst. In the eighth inning Isidor J.
Pocher made a three-base iiit, with three men on the bases,
scoring the winning run. Challenges from other real estate
firms can be sent to John P. Reed or to Pocher & Co, 40 West
34th St.
Ashbel P. Fitch, who died at his home, 16 East SOth st, on Tues¬
day, was closely identified with real estate interests. He was
president of the Trust Company of America, ex-Controller of the
City of New York, and well known as a lawyer and financier.
Mr. Pitcli was a director of the American Light and Traction Co.,
the Bowling Green Trust Co., the Germania Bank, the Lion
Brewery, the Title Insurance Co, of New York, and the Trust
Company of America. As a citizen he was widely known and
influential, and bis public services were eminently valuable.
Status of New Work.
Buildings under construction, exclusive of tenements, situated
north of 2Sd st. and south of 34th st. East Side, showing the present
condition of tho various operations. A indicates excavating: B,
foundations; C, structural work half up; D. enclosed; E, complete,
or nearly so; N. S., nol started. The first name is the owner's;
"ar't" indicates architect; "h'r" builder.
24lh Et, Nos 11 to 15 E, IG-sty hrk and slone Iofl huiiding; Met¬
ropolitan Life Ins Co, 1 Madison av; ar'ls, N Le Brun & Sons, 1
Madison av.—A.
•2Glh Et, Nos 3S and 40 E. 11-sty brk apartment hotel; Wyllys Co,
IOO Williara sl; ar'ts, Howells & Stokes, 100 William sl.—B.
2Gth sl, Nos 141-143 B, 6-sty brk and stone tenemenl; Herter
Realty Co, 54 E SOth st; ar'ts. P Herter Sc Son, 54 E 59lh st.—A.
Site cleared,
27th st, Nos 3, 5 and 7 E, 12-sly brk and stone hotel; Argyle
Realty Co. SS Park row; ar't. Wm H Birkmire, 396 Broadway.—A.
Work suspended.
27th st, Nos 11 to 15 E I 12-sty and deck house brk and stone hotel;
2btb st, Nos 10 lo 14 E 1 C F Rogers, 49 W STth sl; ar't, A N Al¬
len. 567 Sth av.-N. S. Old buildings standing.
2Sth sl, Nos 4 to S E. 12-sty and basement brk and stone hotel;
L George Forgotston, 206 W 124th sl; ar't, Augustus N Allen, 571
Sth av.-A.
28lh st, Nos 10 to 14 B, 12-sty and pent house brk and stone hotel-
ow'r and ar'l, C F Rogers, 260 W 57lh st.—Demolishing.
31sl st, s s, 100 w 3d av, G-sty brk and concrete stable- William
H Seaich, 48 E 32d st; ar'ts, Radcliffe & Kelley, 3 W 29th st.-B.
Slst st, n s, 200 e 1st av, 2 and 3-sty brk and concrete stable and
storage; Guy B Waite, 352 W 115th st; ar't, Frederick C Browne
143 W 125th St.—N. S. Plot vacant.
Slst st, n s, 150 e 1st av, 4-sty stable and loft building; Morich
Bros, 430 e 2Gth sl; ar't, John Wingle. 109 W 42d st,—E, Occupied.
32d st, Nos 404 to 408 B, 5-sty brk and stone bakery; Fest Biscuit
Co, 1817 Venango st, Philadelphia, Pa; ar't, John W Ingle, 109 W
42d St.-C,
32d St. Nos 34 and 36 E, 9-sty brk and stone hotel; George L Felt,
24G W lOUth st; ar't, F C Browne, 143 W 125th st,—C.
.S2d st, Nos 15T and ISO E, 5-sty brk stahie; S Mount, 4 W 21st sl;
ar't, John H Friend, 14S Alexander av.—E.
34th Et, Nos 11 and 13 E. G-sty hrk and stone stores and lofts;
Arthur Astor Carey. 50 Stale st. Boston, Mass; ar'ts, Trowbridge Se
Livingston, 424 Sth av,—N, S, Plot vacanl.
34lh st, Nos S2T and 329 E, 5-sty hrk loft huiiding; S Lenning &
Sons^ 32" E 34lh st; ar'ts, B W Berger & Sons, 121 Bihie House.-C.
Madison av, n e cor 24th st, 1-sty and dome and 3-sty marble, brk
and terra nolta church and parish house; Madison Square Presby¬
terian Church, cor Madison av and 24th sl; ar'ts, McKim. Mead Se
While. lliO Sth av.-A.
(For plans filed see pages 107S and 1107.)
Madison av, e s, 40,-! s 2nth st. 10-sf
100 William st; ar'ts, Howells & Stokes,
Eon-Starrett Co, 51 Wall st.-B.
Park av I e s, 33d to 34th st, 5-sty basement and mezzanine brk
SSd st I and granite armory; City of New York; ar'ts, Clinton &
34th st I Russell, 32 Nassau sl; h'r, Fleischmaun Realty and Con
Co. T E 42d St.-1st tier in place. Walls building,
Lexington av. n w cor 25lh st. 4-Ety and wing and basement hrk.
marble and stone armory; City of New York; ar'ls. Hunt & Hunt, 28
E 21st st.-B.
Lexinglon av. n e cor SOth st, 12-sty hrk and stone hotel; Gilbert
B Orcutt, GO Liberiy sl; ar't. C Steinmetz, 00 Liberty st.—C.
2d av. s w cor 24th st, 10-sty brk and concrete store and Ioft build¬
ing; George E McQuaid, 2S0 E 24lh sl; ar'ts, Neville & Bagge, 217
W 125th St.-N. S. Old building standing.
1st av, e s, 50 n Slsl sl, 6-sty brk lofts and S-sty brk stahie; Paul
L Bryant, 358 Av A; ar't. Clarence True, 729 Oth av.—E. Occupied.
1st av. n e cor Slst st, 6-sty and basement brk factory; E B
Meyrowitz, 322 W SOth st; ar'ts, Comstock & Meeks, 1133 Broad¬
way; h'r, Johnson-Kahn Co, 500 Slh av.—A.
Building Operations.
Hotel Addition.
STH AV.—Joseph Wolff, No. 1 West S4tb st, is the architect for
the addition to Reisenweber's Hotel at tbe southwest corner of
SSth st and Sth av. Details have not been fully settled. The plot
is 50x100 and now occupied by old 2-sty buildings, and is known
as 981-5 Eighth av. The neiv structure will be 13 stories high.
Hauiuierstein's Theatre Plans Approved.
42D ST.—Plans which have been prepared by Albert E. West-
over, of Philadelphia, Pa,, were passed and approved upon by the
Building Department this week, for tbe new theatre to be built
on 42d st, near Sth av, for Oscar Hammerstein. The structure
wdll be fireproof, wilh a front of limestone, terra cotta, and brick.
66.8x98.9 feet. It will have a parquet and two balconies, and
will seat 995 people, Tbe interior will be flnished in tile, marble
and cherry. No contracts have been issued.
Trinity Building Contracts,
BROADWAY,-The following contracts have thus far been is¬
sued for the new Trinity building: Cut stone, Wm. Bradley &
Son. 277 Broadway; elevators. Standard Plunger Elevator Co.,
1 Broadway; iron work, Carnegie Steel Co., 71 Broadway. The
New York Foundation & Contracting Co., 35 Nassau st, Is now
engaged in laying the caissons. Prancis H. Kimball, Tl Broad¬
way, is the architect; tbe United States Realty & Construction